Oct 5, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Splendid Rolo and thanks for explaining the significance of Ivan Ilyin. Just one comment on the following sentence:

"I worry that the prefix “neo” might become labeled an antisemitic slur soon by the SPLC or ADL. At that point, we will have to scramble to think of another euphemism"

I hope this was sarcasm (so hard to tell in the written word). You must surely know that since the term antisemitic became a label applied to all anti-Zionists it has become a badge of honor and something to be proud of. Embrace it, set your neo-antisemitic award next to your ethno-nationalist award. This is the only way we will retain sovereignty over our language and thus in turn our thoughts. If we lose that, all other forms of sovereignty (and everything else) will be indefensible.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You bring up some good points. I didn’t understand your comment about the greens.

Putin is a product of his time, just like everyone. All things considered Russia got very lucky with him. Clearly there wasn’t enough spiritual yearning for a Zhirinovsky.

My issue with Putin is he’s a little too pragmatic, I don’t think he’s religious minded enough for this kind of rhetoric and unfortunately I desire a little more state interventionism into youth culture and some rearrangement of institutions. As far as purging liberals I believe under the right conditions they purge themselves. They’re fighting for their survival because they can’t live in a right wing world. Similar to my views on Jews. Extermination is the definition of wishful thinking. We need to create conditions where they nor anyone can thrive on usury and degeneracy.

The problem with ethnicities is that the current world status quo is creating a highly competitive dog eat dog monoculture that exacerbates racial strife. So it’s a huge gamble to lean on these other groups of people. Not too mention that I have my doubts if anyone is truly thinking big and are mere opportunists. So these constant appeals to them are nerve inducing.

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Oct 5, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

An excellent speech and cogent analysis. It does hearten me to see the leader of a world power speak about the reality of Western Power. Youre very right in that Pres. Putin does not go far enough in pointing fingers. Hopefully as the Liberals self-immolate, nationalist Russian voices will become louder. It would appear Russia has the same urban/rural divide as the US. Western nationalists have far more in common with our Russian brethren than many of our fellow "countrymen." Beating up Heritage Americans over our past "sins" is not a winning formula.

I do take some exception to the statement about Anglo-Saxons being generalized as the problem. The British monarchy and Cabinet are not Anglo-Saxon. How much of the current US Gov and "elites" are actually Anglo-Saxon? This is where the speech really falls short, as Rolo noted. I guess we still are not at the point where we can talk about an overrepresented minority and ethnostate that are awfully eager to push the Ukies and war. Guess that Pale still stings. For an interesting ancient history tidbit, look up the origin of the last name Kagan. Grudges really can last millennia.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

How is it that when Euro governments follow US orders, Putin blames the Euro elites, but when the US government acts abominably, Putin blames the "Anglo-Saxons"?

I am as Anglo-Saxon as it gets and neither I nor my family support US government policy. Indeed, we feel our interests are more closely aligned with Russia's.

So if Putin wants to blame the ethnicity of US elites for their actions, we might wish him luck, but that ethnicity demonstrably isn't "Anglo-Saxon."

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Excellent piece Rolo. Many people that write here seem to believe Putin is just a shill for the WEF AKA World Economic Fleecing. What's your take on this?

Irrespective the speech was great needed to be made and said it all and then some. This might not sit well with some people but in many ways Putin's speech reminded me of the speech Hitler gave on December 11th 1941 his declaration of war on the USA. You must listen to the entire speech not the cut and edited hatchet jobs that were done. Hitler doesn't talk about Satanism but he speak about the fraudulence of liberal democracy, and equates western liberal democracy with racketeering and world wide plunder. And when an authoritarian nationalist state pushes back against this, it's labeled evil and a "dictatorship" and of course Hitler has the balls to call out the Rothchild's, Churchill, Eden and the war cabinet and FDR and his regime (loaded we now know with Soviet spies like harry Dexter White AKA Harry Weiss and numerous fellow travelers) and of course he tells off world Jewry big time. In fact some of the speech will make you laugh as you can hear in the audience. Hitler actually has a sense of humor.

Now I'm not comparing Hitler to Putin, What I am saying is that both men in their speeches, pointed out obvious similarities in western liberal democracies back in the mid 20th Century and the early 21st Century obviously much hasn't changed in 81 years. I'm not a "coincidence theorist" we can see patterns this oligarchic liberal democratic assault has been going on for a long time. I encourage you and everyone reading this to read, "World Corporation" written in 1910 by King Camp Gillette (yes that Gillette) the book lays out the entire western oligarchic WEF globalist agenda. the only world leader to push back against this has been Putin and to a lesser extent Orban in Hungary. If Russia falters she will be gutted and carved into tiny states and the world in particular the white European (wherever they live) will be subjected to a barbarism and horror unlike any that's been seen in world history. Keep up the good work Rolo. Stay healthy safe and strong.

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Oct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Excellent review of the speach.

Russians and Chinese seem to have a clear big picture of what is going on in the US but are befuddled by the details. Just like the Serbian thinking that the democrats are more friendly to them, Russians and Chinese have a hard time understanding how deep American (really Jewish) propaganda goes in the US. So you come across these denunciations of American racism, praise of BLM and condemnations of American treatment of women rather than their realizing America is a gynocracy and that the press is trying to start a racial war against Whites and doing a good job of it.

I find that Eastern Asians, for example, understand that their own press is untrustworthy and the US press coverage of their own countries is filled with lies but then they assume that the domestic coverage of the US is accurate because American has a "free press." Shows that Crichton's Gell Mann amnesia is worldwide.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

mein gott...

"Western elites not only deny national sovereignty and international law. Their hegemony has pronounced features of apartheid."

***[achtually, no. At contrary, they promote a strong evil anti-apartheid policiy. At least for peasants, while they stay in their all-white towns]***

"They brazenly divide the world into their vassals – the so-called civilised countries – and (bla blab bla) "Western racists" (bla bla bla) stigmatise (bla bla bla) the same colonisers (bla bla bla) discriminate"

***[TOTALLY FALSE. WRONG, as could saiy Trump. They divide world between elites (them), token gods (gays, trans, black, jews, women) and "fascists" (white people, and especially working class white people). This stalker rethoric is so annoying. COME ON VLAD !]***

"nationalism bad, racism bad, muh russophobia, muh neoliberal, repentance for their own historical crimes, colonial conquests (bla bla bla)"

***[I would just says some colonizations were good, australia, canada, america, all empty lands or lands full of evil savages), some were useless (africa was shit before, during and after), some were a neccesity for few time (arabic), some were unfair (Burma, India), some were evil. But faking to ignore than RUSSIA colonized half of damn great ASIA is a joke. I can't believe even russian believe in this farce. And what about Finland, Lituania, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Georgia , Armenia ?)

And "neoliberal" is so tankist. Just a fancy universitarian word to say globalism and plutocracy...]***

"It is worth reminding the West that it began its colonial policy back in the Middle Ages,"

***[God, I HATE so much russians for this trope. FU all of anti-crusaders. Litterally : F.U.]***

"followed by the worldwide slave trade"

***[Oh, really ? Just us ? No Mongols, Arabs, Blacks, Indians, Aztecs ? Give me a break...

(and we were the first to even thinking about abolizing it, for God's sake!]***

"the genocide of Indian tribes in America"

***[So ? Wanna cry about barbaric people which had the national pass-time to torture people ? Even other redskin tribes ? Those guys ? Really ?]***

"the plunder of India and Africa, the wars of England and France against China, as a result of which it was forced to open its ports to the opium trade."

***[OK with that. But that's still not a reason to give excuses. Have we asked, us french people, Italians for excuses ? (5 centuries of colonization, 1 million death, 1 million in slavery, a cultural genocide, 3 centuries of demographic decline, awful fiscal level, endless wars, psychopats emperors, etc.)]***

"hunting people like animals."

***[I smell here the mephitic odor of communist propaganda. There is a move about this theme of capitalist pigs hunting working class peoples.]***


Ultimatly, we, western pro-Russian, are saints and gods of patience to endure AND the covidic stupidity of pro-Ukrainian herd and leftoïd rethoric of so much Russian people, even our beloved leader Vladimir the third.

(I even know a gorgeous Georgian girl, quite antisemitic, very proud of her country -and she was right, Georgia have a glorious millenial history_ but she whined about "west colonizations", and "you deserve immigration as punishment for your CRIMES". Even uncolonial Finland, I asked ? "come on, that's not an argue', she answered (I still not understand why this is not an argue but well...)

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I appreciate you going through the whole speech and giving your reactions.

For the most part, I agree with your comments.

However, your reaction to this part jumped out at me:

"As I have already said, we have many like-minded people in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. An essentially emancipatory, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is taking shape in the most diverse countries and societies. Its power will only grow with time. It is this force that will determine our future geopolitical reality."

"Is Putin saying that the Greens are going to end the war with Russia? Strange, seeing as it is the populists that likes Russia. The diverse, anti-colonial people are literally Satanists Putin mentioned earlier.

Did the Bernie Bros over at the FSB advice him to add this part?"

Nah. I don't think Putin is referring to the woke crowd.

I believe Putin is referring to those people who are on the anti-woke side, such as Steve Turley [whose message focuses on the central importance of a nation's country, customs, and culture] who is a vocal supporter of Putin's efforts to resist the Satan-worshipping elites' efforts to subsitute Russia's customs and culture with the horrors we see in the West.

Check this out: https://speakingofwealth.com/intellectual-dark-web-the-new-nationalism-with-dr-steve-turley/

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"So, even though in one breath Putin says that Western citizens are being forced to confess for crimes that they didn’t commit, he then reminds the world of the crimes of Westerners."

I think he is referring to past crimes of Western Elites blamed on current Western Citizens and other peoples - so there's two degrees of separation. You can interpret it a couple different ways, but I see no contradiction.

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I thought the speech was great. I only wish he said "Iran refers to US as the great Satan, I refer to US as the gay Satan "

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This is an English transcript of Putin's latest speech to the Duma? I would NEVER have access to such a thorough rendition of what Putin said if it were not for sources such as yourself.

We have no real idea (do we?) of how much any present or past world leader (or behind the scenes influencer for that matter) knows about how the world really works. But anyone who plays at being the leader of a country, especially a superpower, has to walk a fine line between what they know and what they say to the people. Did JFK cross that line?

The idea that "Putin knows" has been a part of alternative community narratives for many years. Many in these communities have been waiting impatiently for the time when Putin will start to expose the secrets of the West. But how can he fully expose those secrets without leaving his own people very confused, as such an exposure would do across this globe?

I follow elements of that community who I feel are a bit more level headed, or have good track records of digging deep without getting too dogmatic. Most of them tell stories of "bad guys" and "good guys" though these terms mean slightly different things to different people. Most of those I follow are interested in the "truth," learning what it is, and exposing, or "disclosing" it. If they got in as UFO enthusiasts, they want the truth about UFOs disclosed. If they got in as Secret Society enthusiasts, they want the truth about Secret Societies disclosed. If they got in as ET enthusiasts they want the truth about ETs exposed. If they got in as paranormal researchers....

Some in the community laugh at all the talk of Trump, Putin and Xi being connected in some way to the "good guys." It is also asserted that large sectors of the U.S. military are aligned with the "good guys." Some laugh at this too. And it is quite possible that this whole "good guys" narrative is in place mainly to keep the more inquisitive from digging deeper.

A few are aware that Earth is a prison planet. This is no joke and has been verified in several different ways. No world leader, of course, wants to tell their people that they are being held here in perpetuity and there's nothing the leader can do about it. So they invent more hopeful stories about freedom and cultural sovereignty.

What is ironic about all of this is that it appears that the "West" really is driven by an insatiable appetite for power and hegemony over Earth. Of course, it is the leaders of the West that are captivated by this idea, not everyone. That the United States "land of the free and home of the brave" now leads a sinister plot to enslave the entire planet is the ultimate joke. Yet it could, basically, be true.

To the extent that other nations around the planet became aware of this insane drive for world domination, it only makes sense that they would react in various ways calculated to defend themselves from it, if only to preserve some semblance of control over their own people.

I personally believe quite thoroughly that the planet is being used as a prison and that many in the West, at this point, are working for the prison wardens. Whether there really exists any sort of armed and organized resistance to this prison system, beyond the small groups that are publicly vocal about it, remains to be seen. But all else, as dire and disturbing as it may be, is only drama when compared to this major struggle. We have spent thousands of years battling each other in the hope of finding greater freedom. I suppose it is too much to ask those involved to put all that behind them and start dealing with the actual situation that exists here. But that is what I ask.

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I thank Slavland very much for publishing this speech and the accompanying comments. It is a truly remarkable speech . For people who want to consider the sickness of the Western leadership one could frefer to crippled Biden's 1930's like Reichstag speech from the red room in Philadelphia last month.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

> and I want everyone to remember this: the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in KHERSON and Zaporozhye have become OUR citizens, FOREVER.


a couple of days afterwards:


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Thanks for this translation of this speech…..you start off by quoting King (I have a dream … that one day … Nationalists will no longer have to suffer under the yoke of Liberalism!). Please correct me if I am wrong, but King didn’t say in this speech“ … Nationalists will no longer have to suffer under the yoke of Liberalism!” If he did I can’t find it anywhere in his speech and perhaps you can direct me to where you found this quote if I am wrong…..That said (again I really thank you for the translation of Putins speech) ……it makes me wonder and perhaps you can clear up for me…..is the translation you present here of Putins speech Putins words ? Have you embellished It any?

….thank you for this blog….my wife is Russian and we have a hard time finding sources of such current stuff that’s going on there politically….we enjoy it,,,,thx

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Very compelling, but deeply disappointing for one reason - the big pink elephant in the room - GLOBALISM . Putin is speaking like it's 1974 and there is no Davos or WEF or Herr Schwab (close friend of Putin's some say) or The Great Rest - etc. The closest I see is almost a charge that the US is standing in the way of the globalist project: "their attempts to undermine international and integration processes,...."

And that's why the vax/pandemic compliance issue is so crucial - that IS the tip of the spear in the globalist project and Russia, as of now, is the most vigorous nation in compliance with that project - developing mRNA vax (Denmark is close to shutting down their vax effort) and vaxing the 300K draftees - (USA has quietly dropped the military mandate) - Covid "restrictions" at an end in even captured nations like New Zealand.

I say to Putin/Russia - at a minimum - shut down the vax program - use the word "Globalism" - tell us where you stand ... and for extra credit tell us just a bit - just some hints - about what your intelligence agencies REALLY think about Sept 11 2001 - who really did it, why and how.

Lacking that - I say 4/10 - just boilerplate.

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