May 25, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I like Moon of Alabama, Saker, Reminiscence of the Future (Andrei Martyanov), anything with Pepe Escobar and Larry Johnson. You are my new favorite Substack. I also enjoy Niccolo F'd by Foucault, Eugypius and Russians with Attitude on Twitter and Patreon.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You were my first Substacker but I picked up some blogs by your colleagues that I liked: Winston Smith, Theophilius Chilton, and John Carter. Haven't read much of Chilton but the other two have me hooked.

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Jun 28, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Congratulations on breaking 600! Whenever I get a digital account, I'll be sending you a little.

There are so many good blogs generally, that I don't so much follow, as chase, whatever reporting circumvents propaganda and censorship.

On substack, I (try to) follow classic journalists like Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Aaron Mate, and other bannned ones like Bari Weiss and Alex Berenson. But I do follow MANY COVID analysts: Malone, eugippius, Jessica Rose, Igor Chudov, Digger, Steve Kirsch, Byron Bridle, Pierre Kory and too many others to list offhand.

Off substack, for investigators, I follow Whitney Webb, James Corbett, and Judicial Watch. News aggregator: zerohedge; freests speech: unz.com.

This is why I'm a month behind.

I used to read and comment on NC=nakedcapitalism, which is a pretty good site, especially for financial issues. But I got banned.

I find most alarmism некультурный, so when NC linked a story that the planet had warmed 3x faster than the "models" predicted, it seemed like a good time to point out, that instead of panicking over the planet being in the process of self-ignition, maybe the sensible reaction would be to take a closer look at models whose predictions were 3x smaller than what was actually observed. Boy did THAT create a s**tstorm. I wasn't surprised that there were a lot of intemperate replies, but I was a bit miffed when I found mysellf blocked from the site.

Too bad: it's a pretty good blog, knee-jerk climate alarmism notwithstanding.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Linh Dinh’s Post cards from the End;

Mark Hackard’s translations of Ivan Ilyin and other Russian philosophers/intellectuals etc. at Soul of the East.

I’m hoping others post some good places to read Russian philosophical works translated into English or perhaps some books by Russian philosophers translated into English. One can hope...

Oh and I found you at the Unz Review. Fortunately, you mentioned you had a subtack in the comments section, good move, as at that point I was visiting the Unz Review mainly looking for your articles. For what it’s worth, you are my favorite blogger right now.

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May 25, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I forward your blogs all the time....

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It's worth remembering that not every opportunity is one worth taking.

As you say, the Russian government etc may well have been able to prevent Ukraine slipping into NATO in 2014, however, it's probable they wouldn't have been able to escalate a direct NATO conflict all the way to success, at that time

I suspect they just weren't well enough prepared back then and the time was not right.

Since, however, they have greatly modernised their equipment & much of it is without peer. They've also hardened their personal & systems from their experiences in Syria.

Today they act with the confidence of worthy opponent who, no doubt, is improving every day, despite the hard lessons.

When one 'goes for broke', puts everything on the line and failure isn't an option, one would want to be well prepared and have high confidence in the probability of success.

Luck matters too of course.

Re blogs, if you don't know him already, you may appreciate Ron Unz especially his 'American Pravda' series.


Thanks for your work, it's much appreciated.

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thanks rolo! moon of alabama....

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Thank you for writing this substack. You write very well and your posts are always very informative and often very funny too! I appreciate you sharing your knowlege about the politics of Russia, Ukraine and eastern Europe in general.

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Another Substacker that I can recommend w/ much more acquaintance is Morgoth's Review. Followed his podcasts on YT for a couple of years. His English is accented by Tyneside Northern and his delivery a little hicup-pish, but his writings are clear, based and sardonically humorous. Look at the latest one on Schwab and the WEC technocrats flaunting their evil like James Bond villains.

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Tom Luongo.

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