Aug 30, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

American conservatives are great about drawing red lines. The left advances. The right buys guns and tells the left not to push them any further. The left advances again. The right buys more guns and warns them again. Repeat.

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Aug 29, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

But they do periodically hit Ukrainian command centers and ammo depots with missile strikes. Verifiable with a quick search on Google https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=ukrainian+command+center+hit

-The Dniepr bridges still intact are a bit of a mystery though. Probably even with the bridges destroyed, it would still be easy for Ukrainians to bring supplies by ferry instead. This also assumes that Eastern bank Ukraine is completely dependent on provisions from the Western bank and Nato. There may still be hidden ammo manufacturing facilities in the East so to speak.

Also, blowing up the bridges would allow the western media to run all kind of sob stories about how evil Putin has separated people in the East fro their loved and dear in the West.

-Allowing the broadcasting of Ukrainian propaganda provides proof at home that they are engaging in disinformation.

At the end of the day it's all about answering the perennial question: are the Russians playing 4D chess supercleverly and beyond our understanding, or are they fundamentally clueless and are in fact just winging it?

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Rolo, have you tried to get on some YouTube streams, like Gonzalo Lira's or others?

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The stabbing story appears to be false

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