Jan 16, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

You know, I have no idea about Putin and whether he genuinely fears covid or just doesn't like to be around people anymore, but I did sense a rising universal misanthropy here in the Republic of Canuckistan that led a large number of people to seize upon masked social distancing with a tremendous sense of relief along the lines of "thank God I can finally act like my fellow humans are made of toxic waste instead of just holding the thought in my head". i.e. people disliked each other so much that if there was no covid they'd have to invent it.

For some of those people, being allowed to indulge this fantasy has led to permanent psychological damage. For others, it served as therapy to realize that other people do serve a valuable psychological function no matter how annoying they are. For the latter it's like an alcoholic reaching rock bottom and deciding 'you know as hateful as the idea of constantly fighting my worst impulses for the rest of my life might seem to me, maybe it's worth the effort'.

For people who didn't share this sense of accumulated misanthropy, the masked social distancing probably felt like an outbreak of deranged psychosis, because it was.

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Very Good podcast.

Still waiting for another round of The Worst of All Worlds with Marko also

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Rolo mentioned an example of putting money into road building to produce prosperity, as an instance of fiat currency policires.

Economist Richard Werner examined the post-WWII Japanese economy, and wrote a book, and gave a documentary, both called Princes of the Yen, on when this idea works, and how it can be subverted.

Immediately post WWII, the Ministry of Finance ran Japan on a war footing, but instead of the government investing into armaments, it made masssive loans to heavy domestic industry, cars and washing machines. These fiat currency policies caused so much growth that Japan had to turn outwards to find markets to purchase its goods. The success of the socialist economic policies relied on investing in sectors where there were actual needs, and where there would be a return the investment.

This was very successful until "modernization" put the internationally-backed central bankers in control This was done by means of a treasonous betrayal of economic policies that put blame for a deliberately-induced financial collapse on the Ministry. By invoking the TINA principle (There Is No Alternative), the Central Bank was able to override and destroy the Ministry, thus placing control of the banking system in the hands of the globalists.

The story gets moderately technical, but it's massively informative. Watch the documentary, and get the book if you can afford it. It's priced quite high, as if somebody is trying to price it out of circulation.

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Enjoyed the discussion guys.

Just on Putin´s hypocondria, I think he is typical of his generation that grew up in the heyday of the USSR ,where there was a profound faith and pride (rightly) in the soviet medical system and particularly the purported success of their vaccine programmes.

Prophlactic medicine was the order of the day, rightly so , undisputably the best approach to health generally, with doctors everywhere, at the pool, the kindergarten, regular checkups and health screenings etc.

Now of course, with a little probing research, one can learn that the ´´official ´´world history of vaccines is not such an easily provable success story. Much disease reduction (polio or TB for instance) was already happening because of improvements in living standards and nutrition etc and most vaccines, conveniently arriving during an already precipitous downward curve of the graph, took credit where they could. A great primer IMO for this subject is the book VIRUS MANIA by Torsten Engelbrecht which comprehensively challenges the official Virus and vaccine narrative. The level of psychological deception in this whole area is mind-blowing.

It´s worth noting too that the Rockefeller Foundation while not funding the government, sought influence in Soviet Medical Education by providing direct grants to Medical Institutions. So the unproven and lucrative viral theory was given wings in Russia just as everywhere else.

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Check out the work of Sasha Latypova (substack). She has considerable expertise in the field of pharmacutical law and the preparation of medicines for market in the USA. She has meticulously mapped the trail of necessary legal ammendments (from Regan to Trump) whereby the US DOD (by the time of covid) was perfectly positioned to legally bypass all the usual checks and balances and take full control of ´´Warp Speed´´ vaccine rollout in the US and further afield. Covid could now be interpreted as a ´´military threat´´and the vaccines a ´´dual use´´ bioweapon response commissioned by then DOD. The big pharma companies received mountains of helicopter money just to put their brand on products which were hastily and poorly manufactured at many sub-contracted outlets throughout US and Europe (maybe Ukraine too). Since this was conceived by the core elites as a worldwide ´´military operation´´, a multiuse bioweapon, it appears that Russia´s Sputnik (so closely linked with A. Zeneca) is right up there with the other dangerous DNA mRNA brews.

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As for Putin, what ever he once had he seems to have lost. He increasingly seems a sad, lonely, and pathetic figure who has found himself in a situation he hasn't the faintest comprehension of how to handle, so spends his time cloistered in seclusion poring over irrelevant bureaucratic details and documents, or anything to distract him from a reality he is unable to confront. He makes me think of someone like say Pete Buttigieg and a few of his little backboneless pansy friends who in their private life to their horror find they have somehow unthinkingly caused the biggest, toughest, most violent, most well armed Mexican drug cartel to declare war on them with the intent of utterly destroying them.

Effectively this is pretty much the situation Putin has created, and if Russia is to survive this it needs a real leader - Maybe they should try to reanimate Lenin or resurrect Stalin or Trotsky. For all that was wrong with them, they were real men and knew how to fight and win. This pathetic creature can't.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

Interesting question posed - why did they push these vaxes - they don't work, they cause harm, so what was the ulterior motive? I'd suggest probably nothing more than (1) The horrifically unprecedented power big Pharma has acquired over regulatory and governmental agencies. There have been worse vaccines and medications pushed that did and are doing far more harm (most but not all get abandoned eventually). These guys can literally get away with anything in the pursuit of profit. (2) Once the job of the pandemic had been done, i.e. Knocking the shit out of the people and putting them back in their lowly place (after they dared to get stroppy with Brexit and Trump nonsense) and creating conditions to steal the next and all subsequent US elections, they needed an excuse to bring it all to an end. Couldn't just abandon lockdowns, masks, testing and all that crap by admitting well oops turns out they don't work - no couldn't say that, so the vaccine provided the perfect excuse to now end all that - now we've now got a vaccine, safe and effective, so don't need all that lockdown, mask, testing stuff. (3) And as an added plus forcing everyone to take the vaccine also served the purpose of once again knocking the peasants into obedient submission -- once everyone had been masked, locked in their homes, tested, and vaxed, not once but twice, and then boosted, there wouldn't (they thought) be much fight left in those damn plebs.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

If you control the key positions of an institution you effectively run it, so it's not sensible to say that Russia's central bank is separate or independent from the Russian govt while saying the govt determines its leadership. Only officially, is it an independent entity.

It may indeed act as an independent entity but a lot more work has to be done to show that.

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Полтора часа отборного нахрюка 👍👍👍

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Would you agree that Belarus would be a better place to move to at this point?

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