Tim Kirby certainly punctured the Rolo- Riley -Marco FBI blackpill operation beautifully. He did it too with grace and aplomb. I often admired your writing skills, intelligence and wit, but I also balked at some of your extreme mysogonistic content. In this chat you actually boasted of having a tally of 100 women fucked and possible progeny that you may not even know about ( let alone support as any responsible man must) I knew you were a loser when you referred to women as " front holes" in one of your posts. This is just so pathetic and makes me think that probably you have never been with any woman anywhere. It shows that you are an irresponsible and untrustworthy person. I don't believe you are doing this blog as a broke idealist. You are more likely abottom rank disinformation actor/asset in the pay of Russia's enemies.

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No sex with women = incel.

Sex with lots of women = incel.

That is why I say that we are all incels now. The only winning move is to step out of the vaginal paradigm.

Your moralizing and pearl clutching about me putting my penis inside wahmenz front holes falls flat in a world that advocates genital mutilation, child kidnapping (gay adoption), and white genocide.

Your bullying won’t work on me.

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Typical boomer, also the 'everyone is a fed' meme was literally created by feds...

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I disagree with his male slut antics, I consider this vagina enabling aka giving the hoes what they want. Letting down the /b/rotherhood, bros before hoes and all that. A paki gang has more dignity, at least they get to use and abuse their kuffir hoes... Zeus' beautiful evil get what they deserve. Yes I am feeling edgy

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There is no such thing anymore as a brotherhood. If you don’t get many women, other men don’t respect you, because their self-worth is built on women’s approval. There is No honor among incels. This is because not getting sex doesn’t make someone redefine his system of values necessarily. Most men, whether they get sex, status and money or not don’t ever break from the values of the system - they just seethe with jealousy at those who the system rewards. The vast majority of loser men will be the first to condemn you should you point out that the system is rigged. They are mental prisoners.

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You point out that the peasants are scum... yet you join them at the trough. Especially from the standpoint of being a gnostic truth warrior, don't those guys reject sex (a standard monastic practice I suppose) because Marcion said that reproduction is evil? Atomizing the peasantry and encouraging their worst behaviors is an excellent strategy by the demiurges of this world, total control is guaranteed. But as an alleged rebel you have to set the bar... the aristocracy is not coming to save us. YOU are the aristocracy

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My brother in Christ, please understand that I am not a monk. I drink, I swear, and I womanize. The only monkish part of me is that I meditate for 2 hours a day. I am just barely beginning my internal journey of self-development. Furthermore, sex is looked down on because you use up your sperm in the act and because it is a huge time-waster and headache (dealing with the woman). Not because of moral considerations but because it hampers chakra development or w/e term they used back then.

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and because it is a huge time-waster and headache (dealing with the woman).

Well there's always hookers aka honest women

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Not on a writer’s budget

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Hi Rolo, please know, just know that I am completely on your “wavelenght” about the Slavic soul, the traditional values, “our” people and most of your “analysis” of the situation now and what to expect… quite amusing…the “American” immigrant ranting

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I don''t know, about 25 mins in, Mr Tim sounds to me like a typical American "I know it all".

Do Russians really wait for an American to tell them "the world is violent" after the 1990ies?

He sounds to me a bit like 5D "there is no race, just individuals". I simply have a hard time to trust these msm guys, and I count Rt as msm. I dunno, my gut feeling tells me something smells with Tim.

Will still listen to the end though.

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Has anyone ever seen the mythical 'individual'?

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Tim might have to lay off the semi pro football league in Russia, a few times in the chat he demonstrated early onset CTE. Best part was the last twenty minutes, you shredded him on the chicken swingers, but why the fuck did you apologize if it made him uncomfortable?

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Because I thought the interview would be kosher and focused more on specifics of immigration and the Russian media. We all know what happens when someone touches the JQ. It’s common curtesy I think to ask beforehand if the other guy is brave enough to go there which I didn’t do. My goal isn’t to ruin Tim’s career, but I got a bit too pulled into the back and forth and went there.

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Exactly, got to try and break the programming

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Tim essentially goes on and on over the entire interview with a gaslighting nonsense.

He essentially says, "Make more slaves, hypocrites! Don't you dare to think about if you could make free sons and daughters, not sold into debt slavery!"

I found this guy very annoying.

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Better to have offspring than none at all. Who is easier to mold into your worldview and further your cause, strangers, or your own children? It's not like you have to helicopter them either, unlike what the majority of histrionic schoolmarms think. You don't need to give up your comfy middle-class lifestyle for any of this.

Yes, the issue is systemic. This doesn't mean you throw your hands up and consign yourself to a life of empty, cynical indulgence.

Speaking of which, your hypothetical children are in a better position to take advantage of 'the system' when it begins to crumble under it's own weight. Why? They won't be 50 years old like you when the time comes, on death's doorstep.

Whatever, at least there'll be more for me and my own.

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The problems are systemic, and require fixing. Tim be all like: ''yes you are in a concentration camp but make the best of it''

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Yes, real nationalists have babies!!

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Not enough, the anti-natal system must be dismantled.

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Only in your woman)) Other women are other men’s problem.

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The problem is systemic, a few nationalists pumping out kids is irrelevant in the face of mass migration and the majority not reproducing...

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It doesn't refute my position that (a) real nationalists have babies and (b) other women (aka "the majority") are other men's problem.

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Women are the property of their fathers then their husbands and so by extension the property of the tribe.

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Apart from when you are penis dancing at da club

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Yeah, so I have listened to this conversation after reading the comments.

I might be getting too old for this, having heard all the arguments pro and contra, but it did not get my blood up much. It would have been more fruitful, if Mr Kirby had not been so disrupty and binary about christianity(let`s not get into the weeds), but on the whole it was an informative discussion. Enjoyable even. Almost civilized...😘

In my eyes, the lines in the sand are drawn against the globo-homo-pedo-schlomo against any alternative and as such, christianity is not a feasable alternative. It is way infiltrated and compromised from within, not to mention that it had - some time back - almost universal control over the lands of the "caucasian" peoples and - undeniably - lost it almost completely. I do not say this with glee or point this out with righteousness, it is a simple fact.

It is fragile and designed with unlockable back-doors. Observe the efforts of the Inquisition ferinstance.

Anyhoo, gotta run, thanx for the show, a good one!

Have Tim back please, he is a nice fella, I wish him well.

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Imagine allowing a grug brained yankeedoodle into Russia...

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Brainless boomer sissy can't name the nose.

I'm interested in a blog post about moving to Russia - I'm an electrician, are there any skill-based visa/paths to permanent residency? Is that the way you'd recommend?

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There are for IT. But you should ask Tim or Father Gleason about it. I’ll have a detailed post up in a week. Also Tim’s gen x I think.

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genocide x, think 30% of them got aborted? They were born into an unfortunate place, wedged in by boomers and millenilols.

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The holycost is a highly effective founding myth, the year of Our Ford PW (post-war)

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This was quite the dynamic conversation. Heated, even, at times. Kudos to Rolo for maintaining his composure in the face of this American blowhard's constant aggression.

Some points of order in no particular linear train of thought:

-So many people are bemoaning the low birthrates of the citizenry in a vast number of countries. The quaking panic which ensues the parsing of these statistics suggest that once a population falls below a certain density that its denizens of optimal reproductive age will simply stop screwing in order to have kids and the entire society will fade into oblivion. I'm pretty sure you can get all the way down to one couple within 100 miles of anyone else, as long as they have a couple of kids which survive to reproductive age themselves, and also as long as those children then set off to secure appropriate mates for themselves, the human experiment upon this planet will continue to replicate itself. The issue is really a classist one: today's ruling elites are terrified at the prospect of no succeeding generations being available to wipe their crusty assess and feed them their scrambled eggs when they can no longer provide for themselves. There is also a financial component to the malaise surrounding this issue: Elites need tax slaves. The less of us born, the less guaranteed effortless income for them. This is actually a factor which lends itself to suggesting perhaps it is the more rebellious tact to take at the moment, that of not bringing more tax slaves onto Massa'a plantation. Also, being a parent will restrict one's movements and actions once things start to get really testy vis-a-vis the impending blood-letting about to be visited upon us all. Big talkers such as Mr. Kirby will grovel and beg before his persecutors and sell out his closest of confidents if the stazi so much as threaten to spank The Kirby's little crumb snatchers as punishment for The Kirby's holding anti-social opinions. Men of sterner stuff who don't fear death will go down swinging for the bleachers.

-Working within the existing framework of this venal and despicable system in an effort to carve out some disparate pockets of decency and humanity is a fool's errand. Jew Inc. will not leave any of these communities to its own devices, not so long as Jew Inc. has one piece of blood shekel left at its disposal with which to hire a goon to sow some chaos and mayhem within said community. Jew Inc. has to be disincorporated thoroughly, for good, once and for all time in order for any future iteration of humanity to stand a chance of actually being left in peace to try and achieve its highest aspirations, which I believe to be truly cosmic in scope and nature.

-We need to allow our fellow citizens to hold opposing viewpoints without our feeling compelled to chastise them for WrongThink and sigh in exasperation by the very effort of having to hear such blasphemy. Mr. Kirby, if you are intuiting my constructive criticism of your callow comportment throughout the majority of this conversation with Rurik, it is thus: calm down, stop reacting so emotionally to viewpoints antithetical to your own and welcome the opportunity to have your own opinions refined and enriched by their exposure to scrutiny and debate.

-Women aren't what they used to be. Not in America, anyways. Not that they were all virtuous maidens of sweetest disposition and unassailable character in my lifetime. Alas, however, so very many of them were in the 80s and early 90s. Sluts were universally shunned in the communities I grew up in. Sleeping around wasn't anything to brag about. Sure, the old double standard did exist wherein boys with lots of notches on their bedpost were somewhat lionized, but only somewhat. They were still considered kind of gross for all of their sexual exploits, and the really high quality girls, the very nicest and prettiest and most charming of the lot wouldn't take a boy seriously as a candidate for a steady relationship. All that seems to have changed, and it is a wise man these days who doesn't assume the risk of pairing up with a member of what is an increasingly unhinged and untrustworthy population of modern American females. They have become brutish and uncouth. They...I don't even feel like going into it. They are far from nurturing and gentle, these days.

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I think this guy is correct in saying that most often nationalists don't walk the walk in terms of living the trad way. Obviously you are not coherent when you are alarmed by the decline of the family, low fertility, replacement immigration, and yet when it comes down to it you refuse to have kids, or you even allow yourself to get skittish about women because they are spoiled, brainwashed and demand for nonsense. After all, atm there is no social stigma attached to not having kids, so unattached nationalists can squeak by, having only to have to deal with our own sense of guilt.

On the other hand, Rolo justly argues most nationalists are disgruntled middle class (Matthew Heimbach was not though, he lived (lives?) in a trailer park), and given that men innately form hierarchical societies, living the trad way would basically equate shooting oneself on the foot, self-flagellation in order to gain righteousness... Then again it could be argued "this failure of living the trad standards, it's individualism naturally winning over fabricated notions of "collectivism", you see?".

Can't blame either point of view, but you'd really have to be either low IQ or a magnificent Stoic, in our position, to follow Tim's advice to self-sacrifice for the good of the group. So I am following the Veblerian/Pikettyian/Turchinesque discourse of Rolo here.

Changing subject, Tim made quite an outlandish remark early on when he essentially argued that "society is innately violent, so these immigrant gangs beating up on Russian native kids, with the latter organising and striking back afterwards, it's all just ordinary business. There is no inter-ethnic animus, nothing to see here". Almost instantly I thought about the counterfactual: " what if these immigrants weren't there, would there be so severe episodes of violence among all-Russian gangs?" Obviously not. Rolo wasn't so quick minded, and instead reverted back to his natural Ivy League snarkiness and browbeating the humbler man, which by all means in the end caused Tim to relent.

Tim anyway made a good impression on me, I think he manages to be both self-serving and cautious not to jeopardise his own ambitions and careers, while at the same time being refreshingly straightforward, and making it clear -between the lines- that his heart and mind are in the right place on the sensitive issues of our times.

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Tim "I do not support bombing people in the soviet union to save them from suffering" Kirby

Tim "how is this war a disaster?" Kirby

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Your guest has exposed all that is wrong with the self described incel/nationalist ideology.

To be a nationalist male and engage in behaviors that are society destroying ( being a fucking ho ) yet somehow find room to pick at the issues with our female sex is pretty rich. One could understand if indeed you couldn’t find a female who would give herself to you but that’s not your case. You’re the problem. You and men like you use women like they’re disposable and cry foul when we mimic the same behaviors of our men. If men are truly our betters why do they fail time and time again to set the example and be the standard?

He’s right to call it small sick nationalism.

Grow up and good luck on your mystical journey, prick. I won’t be paying for it.

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>You and men like you use women like they’re disposable and cry foul when we mimic the same behaviors of our men.

I don’t cry foul. A certain percentage of women have always been predisposed to be prostitutes. It is the world’s oldest profession. It’s not a problem really.

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Giving women rights has been a civilizational disaster, just as intended.

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Annoying guest, but it was interesting to hear you go back and forth with someone who’s not on the same page

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The but where he harangues men for not getting married and says basically “who cares if you get divorce raped and have to pay alimony, it’s not like you people make any money” thing was especially egregious

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Incredibly small-minded and unempathetic from him.

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Rolo, why did you call this phony? He sounds like an FBI member of the Proud Boys currently vacationing at RT. You complain about Margarita, and then call one of her minions? Isn't RT just Putin's CNN - against Russia, Orthodox Church, etc?

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Look, he's considered a very pro-Russian guy.

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I see. Now we know that he's not!

Next time, as a check, what I'd suggest is just email couple of questions they need to answer prior to the interview, and if they refuse or try to dodge them, you will know. IMO, I do not think you'll find any true pro-Russ at RT - i.e. pro Russian OC, conservative, for monarchy, against invaders aka "immigrants", etc. Wouldn't you and Riley be there if I was wrong?

For example, one of the Qs could be about Lukashenko - if they repeat NATO propaganda about him, dictator, etc. you'll know that you have a phony.

P.S. BTW, are you planning to write something about Luka successfully defending his country against NATO for 28+ years!

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Tim is pro-Russia in his own way.

If you pay attention to the interview, he seems to care about all the things that I care about. I mean he says that he literally wants Russians to band together and kill Uzbeks. He admits that he knows who the Bolsheviks were and he didn't even push back when I brought up the ethnic neocons in the West.

I didn't really see any disagreement on fundamental points, I think Tim has a lot of redpill potential but he wants to continue making a living. Its a reasonable position for a man with a family. I do not have kids (that I know of) to take care of, and I am not putting my face out there, so I have far more freedom to speak the truth.

If anything, Tim and I ought to be on the same team.

And again, he didn't even condemn me for my views.

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Be very careful - that Uzbek line sounded like an entrapment - similar to the ones used by the spooks on the patriots in the West. As you most likely know, treason is omnipresent in Russia and patriots are seen as the enemy to be disposed of!

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I have no doubt that Tim has contact with Russian spooks, they keep tabs on all media figures. But I also think he, like all red-blooded White men, does not care for Uzbeks.

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Sorry, I pushed the wrong button…I continue: the American Immigrant ranting, not let explaining you your side of the equation, interfering with a loud voice, blashpeming all the time; it was disgusting and showed the non-education an non-respect of that guy…even worse, he is hiding behind the Orthodox religion to justify his endeavours…a lot of blablabla…still unconvincing for an aware and awake Slavic…although I understand your position to podcast with him still you, me and lot of other Slavics know what really is going on and who the real ennemies are…Anyway , even if your broke, try to keep going because every little bit helps save to keep the faith and hope…Nadjezda ostatnsje oemeraitj… your Slavic fellow and comrade AND you were right: Belorus is THE Golden Standard in all aspec

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