[Chakra/Chi/Ki/Vril, Mad Russian Scientists and Their Machines, Loosh Farmers, Blavatsky v Steiner, The Age of Iron, Cancer-Causing Ukrainian Meditation, GATE Program, and SO MUCH MORE!]
Mr. Montalk is obviously a careful student of occult and mystic teachings, and the science that has tried to explain some of these phenomena.
I prefer Hubbard's theories, as they led to real therapies and other practices, not just a lot of bloviating papers or books. (Sorry, but I can't make time to read all this stuff if it doesn't lead to some real-world applications.)
By Hubbard's research, the body actually has two spiritual beings connected with it. One is a "lower" being that grows and operates the body and supplies a large range of unconscious reactions. Every being has a "mind" associated with it where all the details of body structure and behaviors are stored. The mind could be considered to be a field of "subtle" energy. The other being connected to a body is the "higher" being which usually arrives around the time of birth and has to engage in a short struggle to "steal" the body away from the lower being (genetic entity). The higher being has maintained a higher level of spiritual ability, which includes the ability (however stunted it might be) to connect telepathically with other beings and also with the larger environment to obtain information and knowledge.
I see here, though, Montalk being somewhat dismissive of Hubbard's work. I doubt he has studied it carefully and probably doesn't care that much about its practical applications.
However, many of Hubbard's more esoteric findings have been validated by other researchers. Reincarnation (past lives) has been widely validated by many different methods. The existence of ET societies has been validated by many researchers. The fact of spiritual imprisonment on Earth has been validated by Courtney Brown and his group of remote viewers.
My point is that Hubbard's work should not be dismissed simply because it was brought directly to the general public rather than using an academic via. The discovery of past lives, and the development of tools to discover important past life of experiences, is extremely important to all of us and our future survival.
The real world applications include a variety of therapies, inclucing assists for injuries; an entire organizing and management method; a justice system; and a new technology of study. They are used in criminal reform work, drug addict rehabilitation and in school classrooms.
Thank you for another very interesting, and potentially useful talk, Rolo. I was not aware of Tom Montalk, but his site expresses some intriguing ideas.
I see he has some interest in runes. You may be interested in the runic mysticism of this Icelandic (and presumably pseudonymous author), Frank A. Runaldrar. https://highgaldr.com/
Unlike all the other writers about runes, he has a system to develop and integrate all the physical, energetic and spiritual aspects of the self, to allegedly eventually enable one to express and use the runes powerfully. It's not just mental and out of body stuff. If you are concerned about attracting parasites, he tells you that everybody already has one - along the lines described by Casteneda - but he describes how to get rid of this Mind Thief. He deals with how to set Odin's Ravens to flight. He has a whole system in several books, the foundation title for which is The Breath of Odin Awakens.
It's not a rapid system for becoming Superman by the end of the month, but one book opens another as they used to say, so various ideas and practices from here and there may prove useful in assisting one to make some progress.
I'm not knocking this guy, but I simply don't understand where to put his work logically in my amateur understanding of occult principles. So far, literally all the research I have done appears to point at the stuff that Tom and I talk about. But I don't know where runes fit into this. Until I at least understand the theory behind the concept, idk how to engage with the idea.
It's rather like the kabbalistic concept that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are equivalent to the forces of creation, but with more Nordic influence on developing by inter-relating the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the self before zooming off on astral tourism.
For occult theory you might consider looking at the numerous works of the 'Archdruid' John Michael Greer, who not only has a deep understanding of the Hermetic and Neoplatonic 'occult philosophy' of the Renaissance , but has written on modern do-it-yourself Druidic 'magic'. (He might actually talk to you if you don't come across a 'far-right-extremist'.)
I'm down to talk with anybody. But if he is so political, he's probably a faker. Left-Right political divides and morality have nothing to do with esotericism.
Check Pat Zalewiski or Kushi's newsletters or Play the game Persona5 to get a good idea Peter Carrol - PsyberMagick explains it all quite well. So only 1/4 of religions or ideologies play even semi fair hoarding power wealth knowledge is so common. I had no idea almost everyone was in a group or sect except me haha! Should of finished Karate Lessons as a kid.
I have studied Blavatsky and I was hoping that you might begin with the Stanzas of Dzyan but that is a tough nut to crack ;)
I have a slightly different understanding of the Constitution of Man and the evolutionary process. You can only really grasp this by engaging in Occult Meditation. I made this 2 min video that I used to teach Occult Meditation to people in the past. I would deliver a 40-50 min narrrative and slowly step through this. https://youtu.be/JVzhznAQZf8
The works of Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich are the other two parts of what is referred to as the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.
I find it difficult to concur with all of Tom's understanding, paticularly with that of Blavatsky. Steiner is nowhere near as evolved as her and the other writers that I have mentioned.
The Black Lodge (The Lords of Materiality) are behind what we see in Ukraine. They have three centres on the physical plane that they work through. Washington (Pentagon/State Dept), Tel Aviv and Kiev. The key people working there are their disciples. These centres are unravelling and will soon be defeated but they will not give up without a serious fight.
Van Morrison is/was a student of Bailey's work. His album Astral Weeks deals with some of the concepts. The Astral plane is the plane of illusion, very little can be trusted on that plane. The third eye does not exist until the disciple has become adept and builds it himself.
It is important to remember that this is a hypothesis. It needs to be proven or disproven :)
I have been interested in Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy for decades. Can you recommend a good "starter book" for understanding and learning more? Thanks.
I suppose a good place to start is Alice Bailey's "From Intellect to Intuition". https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/from_intellect_intuition but it is a very difficult area of study to engage with. That is why is should be accompanied by Occult Meditation. Much of a person's understanding will come via intuition and meditation is the Royal road to achieving that.
Rolo, these podcasts have been just amazing. From Guyenot to explaining the higher realms in a way that makes complete sense, I am thoroughly grateful for these talks.
I got chills when you talked about the GATE program; I went through the tests in the mid-80s. They were...weird as time went on. The system definitely seems to seek out the sensitive. My family suffers from prescience. My grandmother and mother would have waking dreams of the future. I've only experienced deja vu dreams. You've given me the courage to consider reaching out for more. It's hard to shake that fundamentalist upbringing that I'm consorting with demons or embracing heresy.
I'm not certain that Alice Bailey's book provides the answers I am looking for. I have been meditating since 1970. I simply remain ignorant of Blavatsky's teachings and how her writing influenced (created?) the theosophical movement.
That was an interesting article (though I read fast & saw nothing about Blawatsky being a double agent). It gave me a newfound respect for theosophy and Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the next book in my reading list.
I found it intriguing to see that Gandhi had the same opinion of blacks that Andrew Jackson had.
The problem with Blavatsky, Bailey, and Pike is that these people have informed the thoughts of the dark occultists that are part of why the world is such a mess now. It's not just ethnic neocons screwing it all up. Freemasonry is not used as a positive force in the world. I suggest you read "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" with a mind towards the esoteric. People are reduced to little more than cattle. With great power comes great responsibility.
From my POV the Ageless Wisdom teachings are contained within the three bodies of work from the authors that I mentioned. They relate and inform each other. There are a variety of commentaries on Blavatsky's work produced by the Theosphocal Socety and perhaps one of them may be of help.
Bailey's treatise on the Seven Rays provides an understanding of the seven stanzas of Dzyan. The five volumes are Esoteric Psychology 1 and 2, Esoteric Healing. Esoteric Astroloogy and the Rays and the Initiations.
It should be noted that Blavatsky herself was not happy with Isis Unveiled, she felt that she had failed with it. None of these works are complete in themselves and the next revealment/addition is said to be coming in 2025. From where I have no idea. The writings of Aart Jurriaanse are also useful in helping to clarify. Bridges and Ponder On This.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment. I visited the Theosophical Society in the late seventies. I'll be revisiting their store via the Internet, today.
I do not approach the subject from a dogmatic position. The particular model of life that is proposed by these bodies of work is largely tied into the Constitution of Man existing on multiple planes all at once. Man has bodies that interact with each plane.
I appreciate that other belief systems have a different model. This hypothesis is the one that resonated with myself. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and as such my experience of this particular approach is one that has answered the questions I had and opened the door to a greater understanding and life experience
Great stuff...food for thought and more. Tom's parting words about taking back the matrix were inspiring. In the meantime sign me up for the program of initiation for the psychically ungifted and mediocre. Ha!
Tom has a lot of good Intel but he tries to hard to put it all together and ends up skewing the reality of some of these things leading to misinformed speculation. Please take his info with lots of salt.
As with all podcasts, I found this to be sidelined with much too much preamble. I listened to 20 minutes before finding myself exhausted and thinking of coffee. As a lifelong (53 years) meditator, I find it easiest to slip into Delta using guided meditation CD's from Hemi-Sync (search for Mind Food on their website), by listening to Stehen Halpern's hypnotic music (he used to play the background music for LILIAS, YOGA & YOU back in the early 70's), by listening to Tangerine Dream's QUANTUM GATE album, or Brian Eno's ambient music.
Once ensconced in Delta, my Astral Body is freed. Maybe it's my imagination - but it sure is fun.
Fun-seeking or thrill-seeking is not necessarily pro-survival and always seemed a bit irresponsible to me. Sorry if that steps on toes. But life consists of more than having fun, unless you are very high on the scale and see even difficult work as fun.
It must be the nefarious telepathic communication between the etheric souls of unusually vicious rats that's causing all of Earth's problems.🤔
Cue skyrim Intro music
Mr. Montalk is obviously a careful student of occult and mystic teachings, and the science that has tried to explain some of these phenomena.
I prefer Hubbard's theories, as they led to real therapies and other practices, not just a lot of bloviating papers or books. (Sorry, but I can't make time to read all this stuff if it doesn't lead to some real-world applications.)
By Hubbard's research, the body actually has two spiritual beings connected with it. One is a "lower" being that grows and operates the body and supplies a large range of unconscious reactions. Every being has a "mind" associated with it where all the details of body structure and behaviors are stored. The mind could be considered to be a field of "subtle" energy. The other being connected to a body is the "higher" being which usually arrives around the time of birth and has to engage in a short struggle to "steal" the body away from the lower being (genetic entity). The higher being has maintained a higher level of spiritual ability, which includes the ability (however stunted it might be) to connect telepathically with other beings and also with the larger environment to obtain information and knowledge.
I see here, though, Montalk being somewhat dismissive of Hubbard's work. I doubt he has studied it carefully and probably doesn't care that much about its practical applications.
However, many of Hubbard's more esoteric findings have been validated by other researchers. Reincarnation (past lives) has been widely validated by many different methods. The existence of ET societies has been validated by many researchers. The fact of spiritual imprisonment on Earth has been validated by Courtney Brown and his group of remote viewers.
My point is that Hubbard's work should not be dismissed simply because it was brought directly to the general public rather than using an academic via. The discovery of past lives, and the development of tools to discover important past life of experiences, is extremely important to all of us and our future survival.
What are the real world applications that you speak of?
I apply everything that we talked about in the podcast to my daily meditation. Non-metaphorically. Concretely. Literally.
The real world applications include a variety of therapies, inclucing assists for injuries; an entire organizing and management method; a justice system; and a new technology of study. They are used in criminal reform work, drug addict rehabilitation and in school classrooms.
Hello Mr Hubbards Wife.. Would you like me to buy a book? Veil Fiction ???
Too dizzy to confront the truth?
Thank you for another very interesting, and potentially useful talk, Rolo. I was not aware of Tom Montalk, but his site expresses some intriguing ideas.
I see he has some interest in runes. You may be interested in the runic mysticism of this Icelandic (and presumably pseudonymous author), Frank A. Runaldrar. https://highgaldr.com/
Unlike all the other writers about runes, he has a system to develop and integrate all the physical, energetic and spiritual aspects of the self, to allegedly eventually enable one to express and use the runes powerfully. It's not just mental and out of body stuff. If you are concerned about attracting parasites, he tells you that everybody already has one - along the lines described by Casteneda - but he describes how to get rid of this Mind Thief. He deals with how to set Odin's Ravens to flight. He has a whole system in several books, the foundation title for which is The Breath of Odin Awakens.
It's not a rapid system for becoming Superman by the end of the month, but one book opens another as they used to say, so various ideas and practices from here and there may prove useful in assisting one to make some progress.
I'm not knocking this guy, but I simply don't understand where to put his work logically in my amateur understanding of occult principles. So far, literally all the research I have done appears to point at the stuff that Tom and I talk about. But I don't know where runes fit into this. Until I at least understand the theory behind the concept, idk how to engage with the idea.
It's rather like the kabbalistic concept that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are equivalent to the forces of creation, but with more Nordic influence on developing by inter-relating the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the self before zooming off on astral tourism.
For occult theory you might consider looking at the numerous works of the 'Archdruid' John Michael Greer, who not only has a deep understanding of the Hermetic and Neoplatonic 'occult philosophy' of the Renaissance , but has written on modern do-it-yourself Druidic 'magic'. (He might actually talk to you if you don't come across a 'far-right-extremist'.)
I'm down to talk with anybody. But if he is so political, he's probably a faker. Left-Right political divides and morality have nothing to do with esotericism.
Check Pat Zalewiski or Kushi's newsletters or Play the game Persona5 to get a good idea Peter Carrol - PsyberMagick explains it all quite well. So only 1/4 of religions or ideologies play even semi fair hoarding power wealth knowledge is so common. I had no idea almost everyone was in a group or sect except me haha! Should of finished Karate Lessons as a kid.
I have studied Blavatsky and I was hoping that you might begin with the Stanzas of Dzyan but that is a tough nut to crack ;)
I have a slightly different understanding of the Constitution of Man and the evolutionary process. You can only really grasp this by engaging in Occult Meditation. I made this 2 min video that I used to teach Occult Meditation to people in the past. I would deliver a 40-50 min narrrative and slowly step through this. https://youtu.be/JVzhznAQZf8
The works of Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich are the other two parts of what is referred to as the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.
I find it difficult to concur with all of Tom's understanding, paticularly with that of Blavatsky. Steiner is nowhere near as evolved as her and the other writers that I have mentioned.
The Black Lodge (The Lords of Materiality) are behind what we see in Ukraine. They have three centres on the physical plane that they work through. Washington (Pentagon/State Dept), Tel Aviv and Kiev. The key people working there are their disciples. These centres are unravelling and will soon be defeated but they will not give up without a serious fight.
Van Morrison is/was a student of Bailey's work. His album Astral Weeks deals with some of the concepts. The Astral plane is the plane of illusion, very little can be trusted on that plane. The third eye does not exist until the disciple has become adept and builds it himself.
It is important to remember that this is a hypothesis. It needs to be proven or disproven :)
I have been interested in Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy for decades. Can you recommend a good "starter book" for understanding and learning more? Thanks.
I suppose a good place to start is Alice Bailey's "From Intellect to Intuition". https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/from_intellect_intuition but it is a very difficult area of study to engage with. That is why is should be accompanied by Occult Meditation. Much of a person's understanding will come via intuition and meditation is the Royal road to achieving that.
Rolo, these podcasts have been just amazing. From Guyenot to explaining the higher realms in a way that makes complete sense, I am thoroughly grateful for these talks.
I got chills when you talked about the GATE program; I went through the tests in the mid-80s. They were...weird as time went on. The system definitely seems to seek out the sensitive. My family suffers from prescience. My grandmother and mother would have waking dreams of the future. I've only experienced deja vu dreams. You've given me the courage to consider reaching out for more. It's hard to shake that fundamentalist upbringing that I'm consorting with demons or embracing heresy.
I'm not certain that Alice Bailey's book provides the answers I am looking for. I have been meditating since 1970. I simply remain ignorant of Blavatsky's teachings and how her writing influenced (created?) the theosophical movement.
Blawatsky is a double British-Russian agent. See https://ordoabchao.ca/articles/untold-story-of-gandhi-and-theosophy and https://ordoabchao.ca/articles/untold-story-of-gandhi-and-theosophy
That was an interesting article (though I read fast & saw nothing about Blawatsky being a double agent). It gave me a newfound respect for theosophy and Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the next book in my reading list.
I found it intriguing to see that Gandhi had the same opinion of blacks that Andrew Jackson had.
The problem with Blavatsky, Bailey, and Pike is that these people have informed the thoughts of the dark occultists that are part of why the world is such a mess now. It's not just ethnic neocons screwing it all up. Freemasonry is not used as a positive force in the world. I suggest you read "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" with a mind towards the esoteric. People are reduced to little more than cattle. With great power comes great responsibility.
From my POV the Ageless Wisdom teachings are contained within the three bodies of work from the authors that I mentioned. They relate and inform each other. There are a variety of commentaries on Blavatsky's work produced by the Theosphocal Socety and perhaps one of them may be of help.
Bailey's treatise on the Seven Rays provides an understanding of the seven stanzas of Dzyan. The five volumes are Esoteric Psychology 1 and 2, Esoteric Healing. Esoteric Astroloogy and the Rays and the Initiations.
It should be noted that Blavatsky herself was not happy with Isis Unveiled, she felt that she had failed with it. None of these works are complete in themselves and the next revealment/addition is said to be coming in 2025. From where I have no idea. The writings of Aart Jurriaanse are also useful in helping to clarify. Bridges and Ponder On This.
Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment. I visited the Theosophical Society in the late seventies. I'll be revisiting their store via the Internet, today.
Go to -> http://laurency.com
Download "The Explanation" from the drop-down menu on the left (BOOKS ON THE LINE)
Thank you, Rose.
I do not approach the subject from a dogmatic position. The particular model of life that is proposed by these bodies of work is largely tied into the Constitution of Man existing on multiple planes all at once. Man has bodies that interact with each plane.
I appreciate that other belief systems have a different model. This hypothesis is the one that resonated with myself. The proof of the pudding is in the eating and as such my experience of this particular approach is one that has answered the questions I had and opened the door to a greater understanding and life experience
Good luck in your own journey.
To some of these subjects we are beginning to attain a scientific understanding. It's still amazing though.
Great stuff...food for thought and more. Tom's parting words about taking back the matrix were inspiring. In the meantime sign me up for the program of initiation for the psychically ungifted and mediocre. Ha!
1:28 min
Regarding the Spanish conquest of South America :
The Incas expected it because of a prophacy, thus "programming" their victory
Tom has a lot of good Intel but he tries to hard to put it all together and ends up skewing the reality of some of these things leading to misinformed speculation. Please take his info with lots of salt.
IMO the looche is that cells remember stuff, MEMORY aka DeMenTia is a horrible reminder IMO.
Almost all animals have NDMA NDA cells and a Vagus Nerve. Thats why they allways talk about Nueroplsticity and being young is coveted
Google Whare Ra for your Rosicrucian Anthroposophy Theosophy questions. Check out Pat Zalewiski recent tell all.
Participate in a study and think about this
Also perhaps look into CPT
I think this vid might help you explain how to think about the definitions of the etheral.
Now we have Ukranian spooks openly stating that they are trying to kill Putin... whilst he sits in his chastity cage.
As with all podcasts, I found this to be sidelined with much too much preamble. I listened to 20 minutes before finding myself exhausted and thinking of coffee. As a lifelong (53 years) meditator, I find it easiest to slip into Delta using guided meditation CD's from Hemi-Sync (search for Mind Food on their website), by listening to Stehen Halpern's hypnotic music (he used to play the background music for LILIAS, YOGA & YOU back in the early 70's), by listening to Tangerine Dream's QUANTUM GATE album, or Brian Eno's ambient music.
Once ensconced in Delta, my Astral Body is freed. Maybe it's my imagination - but it sure is fun.
If you ever want to devalue the "fun" of being a free being a bit and pick up on some of its responsibilities, come on back .
Fun-seeking or thrill-seeking is not necessarily pro-survival and always seemed a bit irresponsible to me. Sorry if that steps on toes. But life consists of more than having fun, unless you are very high on the scale and see even difficult work as fun.