Thank you Mr.Rosca and Rolo for a great talk.

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Thanks a lot .

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You are right about Christians Rolo . Not only Christians but any person who is a religious believer has put aside their logic and curiosity for dogma , closed minds. When I was a kid in Sunday school us kids were trained to cheer on the Jews as they slaughtered the gentiles in the Old Testament stories , most Christians , all Christians , still cheer on the Jews as they murder Goyim , how amazing , the power of religious belief.

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In order for multipolarity to exist each pole should consciously resist the temptation to act in its self interest as soon as this involves one of the other poles. Which is to say that this will be an unstable configuration that cannot last long.

In addition, assume that it were possible to achieve multi-polarity, then you will be open to a subverting force that works in all of the poles, coordinates its actions, and will end up controlling (from behind the scene) the supposedly multipolar world.

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I disagree with you. The different poles of a multipolar world need not be exemplars of tolerance or even freedom themselves. It is the existence of different alternatives that gives smaller countries and even individuals more space than they would otherwise have. For example, Edward Snowden was able to expose the US government spying on its own citizens and take refuge in Russia, which is not a model country of freedom itself. So, the existence of alternative superpowers allows more wriggle room for freedom or even nationalism.

Also, your argument is that even with different super-powers, there will be a unifying force bringing them under one rule. There will be powerful forces attempting to do so, but no autocrat wants to subordinate himself. Hence, autocrats in positions of power will resist the attempts of autocrats in Brussels or wherever to bring them to heel.

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I thought it was a very productive and informative discussion. I had to listen to it twice. Lurie has a balanced view towards Jews, which is that the organized Jewish groups such as the Chabad organization are influential (and dangerous?) but that individual Jews are not necessarily connected to the gangsters and political influencers, but are much more ordinary. Although Jews support leftists and globalists in very high proportions.

My own view is that its more productive to focus on positive objectives rather than how many Jews are in a government cabinet. In other words, positive ethnocentrism (supporting your own tribe) is more productive than negative ethnocentrism (oppose and fight other tribes). Negative ethnocentrism does have its place, though. But it's more productive to define and push, say, Russian nationalism. Or, in my case, American nationalism. The central tenet of Cultural Marxism is the dissolution of native cultures and societies to make way for Marxism. Trying to suppress or criticize every manifestation of perversion and counter-culture is like trying to play whack-a-mole. Define your objective.

Just for interest, the discussion motivated me to look up in-depth articles on Gnosticism, Noahide laws, and the orthodox Jewish teachings on slavery.

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Any person who thinks and analyses shit independently and comes to understand the Holohoax blackmail finds themselves in a very lonely place.

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Just as I have suspected for some time now , the war is a war between Russian , Ukrainian , European and American Jews for power and money and destruction of goyim.

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Your comment that "the enemy can always print more money" caught my attention. The reason the Russian government is trying so hard to implement all covid measures is to be able to create CBDC. It seems that implementing covid measures is a prerequisite.

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Trump was elected to drain the swamp , then he moved the swamp into his Whitehouse and swam in it , LOL!, Bolton ? Really?

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Wow, you just added another layer of dept to my rabbit hole. How deep is the f*g thing anyway?

No doubt you are correct, from power theory I already knew that there will always be a power hierarchy. And now you just made me realize the full depth of this truth. Well, at least the dept up until now. (You'll have to invoke aliens to get any deeper though)

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Gnostics did not say the god of the bible is evil. There is no ultimate cosmic good or evil like in Zoroastrianism. Yahweh (which is the off-planet father god) or Yaldabaoth as the gnostics called him is more comparable to ammonia, its toxic to most life forms and if you get it in your eyes they burn like hell. But ammonia is not evi. However the yahwified jews and non-racial accomplices who align with this mindlessly destructive anti-human mind of yhwh, are evil. They have responsibilities, which they dont adhere to. Evil is human, not supernatural. I think this is a liberating perspective - dont feel sorry for wanting the jews deported to Madagascar or whatever. There are no condemning god who will throw you in a pit of fire for it. And also, there is not Jesus that will come to save you from the sin They gave you.

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Race first. Religion and theology we can discuss later.

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Thanks for sharing this discussion. I very much enjoyed it, even though it’s rather depressing to understand how truly screwed we all are.

Since y’all disagree on whether or not Christianity is useful or just a psyop, it would be interesting to hear y’all hash it out.

Mr. Rosca, your English was understandable and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us.

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In this interview, and as an explanation of the war in Ukraine you wondered if it was not a war between two clans of the same tribe.. Covid was an interesting example because it showed all the so-called  "enemies/competitors" applied the same plan. 

IMO, there are not two clans (even if sometimes the "bosses" of historical families want the goyim to believe that they are divided) but only one and what is happening at the moment (covid,  smo, so-called tensions between china and the usa) aims to manipulate the masses in order to make them accept and even ask for a new organization of the world in which the tribe will have even more power and the masses even less..

What must be  understood is that these families think in terms of generations and have a project of global and total domination. This is their strength. 

A little historical reminder, the Yom Kippur War and the oil shocks that followed were totally organized by Rockefeller!

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Thank you. You may know by now that I don't agree with all the jewish-communist-trotsky-marxist-women-feminist-mafia-bolshevik-women-are-happy to send-their-chidlren-to-death propaganda and I don't agree even with the existance of a satanic ritual murder of the Romanovs who were freemasons anyway. But this was still a great conversation. But lets face it. Putin is jewish. His mother is Maria Ivanovna Shelomova and "Shelomova" is a jewish name. His ex-wife Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Ocheretnaya "born to Alexander Abramovich Shkrebnev" was jewish. So his children are jewish. Abramovich is a jewish name. They say Putin was not jewish but in fact "Putyatin" from "The House of Putyatin, a Russian family with princely and noble lines." Here is again one Abramovich - Nikolai Abramowitsch Fürst Putjatin.

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Great discussion. Re: causes of the non-war, any chance there's anything to the "Denazification" narrative, but at the behest of the Jewish elites in both countries, and at the cost of hundreds of thousands of (non-Nazi) Russian and Ukrainian lives? The Neo-Nazi contingent of Ukraine is over-represented in the military rank and file, and thus dying disproportionately - no?

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I honestly would be surprised if there were even 10k of these neo Nazis. Most of the soldiers probably believe the same mix of things as their Russian counterparts in terms of ideology.

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I am sure you are right with the 10k. But what makes me thinking is the kind of parallelism of pravji sector and the Nazis getting to power in Germany. At the elections in 1928 they just had 2,8% following by 1940 around 14%. With terror on the streets and (massive) pressure on the politicians of the other parties, the rise of Hitler was extreme fast. (beneath all elite support) Do you see this parallelism in Kiew too? (That the term denazification is used by russian propaganda is clear)

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It has been 10 years at this point of them claiming that they would turn on their oligarch partners. Maybe in 10 years more.

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