I look forward to listening - 2 of my fav writers in one room! btw: KNOWLES' LAW ON UFOS: The probability that a UFO story is a deliberate hoax is correlative to the amount of mainstream media coverage it receives.

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The beginning of belief is the end of truth.

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Two of the most interesting heterodox thinkers on Substack on the same podcast! Great discussion!

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Thanks a lot for fulfilling my request.

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Thanks RS for another good discussion with an interesting guest. It clarified some topics which have been creeping up on me for several decades. Your site is becoming a resource for serious people, a haven from the general chaos.

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thanks, i enjoy a wide variety of topics and find that there are very few people that can take an interest in more than several things. many think its discrediting to take an interest in Russia, sacred geometry, aliens, historical revisionism, etc all at once.

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I would like to begin studying the folklore of various cultures, but as I prefer books over screens I am concerned I'll get my hands on unfaithful translations, designed to prejudice the reader against forming strictly logical extrapolations concerning what the chroniclers were actually chronicling. Is there a certain publishing house whose compendium of ancient myths and fables you recommend?

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I think the discussion was very interesting. I'm certainly not going to cancel my paid subscription, but I am skeptical on the supposed evidence for aliens. I thought the last part of the discussion provided an excellent exposition of the argument that cults and priesthoods originated from the advantages they conferred on human societies.

On the panspermia theory, if life on Earth originated from space, then where did life originate? It had to develop from scratch somewhere. Why not here?

Similarly, on getting technologies like stealth from reverse engineering crashed alien spacecraft, the same question applies. Someone (or something) had to develop it from scratch, so why not us?

My question would also be, if aliens did have the technology to travel space while humans were in the Bronze Age, why would they care in the least how humans developed? It's equivalent to developing mind-control techniques to influence some Polynesian tribe on an isolated island where the travel of the Polynesians is limited to canoe range. Who cares how they develop?

Kim Iverson did have an interview with an "expert" on the US governments knowledge of aliens, such as it is. You can look up the interview. He said the US gov't actually extracted the knowledge of pulling limitless energy from the ether, but suppressed it to protect current industry. By the way, a slightly rogue physicist, Mike McCullough claims to have developed a similar approach through quantum discrepancies. I can't evaluate those claims. You can search for him on Rumble or YouTube. He claimed all would be revealed during the Congressional hearings which would have occurred by now. Was anything revealed? I haven't heard much about it.

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The evidence is inherently murky. How convincing it is, is to a large degree a function of one's priors, namely how probable an interstellar civilization is. This is always the case on scientific frontiers. Is the evidence valid? What is its interpretation? Debates rage on these matters even on much more mundane subjects.

Panspermia definitely just kicks the can down the road. The most interesting hypothesis is that during the very early universe, there was a brief period during which the ambient temperature was between 0 and 100 deg C, such that liquid water could exist. Possibly life started during this era, and the seeds saturated the universe. But then the other possibility is that physics makes life quite easily under the right conditions. One must account for the rapid emergence of life on Earth somehow.

Reverse engineering: obviously yes, someone must develop it first, and maybe it was us. Then again if someone has already developed it, it's often easier to steal it.

Alien interest in humans: that is the question. My working hypothesis is that it isn't us as we are now that interests them - we're quite irrelevant. But in a cosmic eyeblink we might become players on the Galactic stage. In that case, influencing our development would be a logical diplomatic strategy.

Never heard of this Iverson fellow. The congressional hearing didn't mention anything about zero point energy or whatever as far as I recall; at any rate nothing actionable. I'd be surprised if they had such a technology. If they did, and haven't deployed it, my guess would be that it doesn't work very well yet, or is unfeasibly expensive (e.g. relies on elements that are especially scarce on Earth), rather than that they're bent on protecting Big Oil. Then again our current ruling class seems quite intent on slowing technological progress as much as they can.

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I appreciate your comment very much, just as I appreciate your participation in the most stimulating discussion.

I apologize for not including the link to Kim Iverson's interview. It was somewhat more difficult to find than I thought, and I should have included it since I referenced it.


By the way, this is where I heard the description of Mccollough's theory of energy creation. I don't believe his theory has been validated by any lab evidence: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MFcZ4WCBeKdR/

As far as the alternate theories on the creation of life and extraterrestrial actions, I can only say that Occam's Razor holds until it doesn't. That is, the simplest explanation that accounts for all the evidence, or which explains as much of the evidence as any other explanation, is the best. The evidence most unaccounted for is the many sightings of unexplained phenomena by pilots and other people. That's a joker. I once heard a video where the guest claimed that the spook government had developed a holograph technology allowing absolutely convincing visuals. So, it would be possible to make an ordinary aircraft appear as a menacing, super-huge flying saucer. If you manipulated the holograph image, you could make the object seemingly violate the laws of physics. I absolutely will not be able to find this video again, so it should be taken with a mountain of salt.

So, I choose to believe (emphasis on belief rather than solid knowledge) that the laws of physics bring about life very commonly in habitable conditions and that the human psyche develops tales and embellishes on real events such as to turn them into allegorical memories. If the Congressional hearings had produced anything concrete concerning an alien technology that did something like create free and boundless energy, I would, of course, change my belief.

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Wake me up when Musk and his alien consort are being " interviewed" by Fucker ,......I ..I, I mean Tucker.

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Rurik mentions how the Greeks were metaphysical pessimist and than berates Plato..like isnt there something inevitable about the triumph Platonism when society is already skeptical towards the gods? Thats why I sort of view Plato as like a Hume figure. Society was already prepared to dump metaphysics and Hume just finished them off. Same with Plato and the Greeks isn't it, skeptical/pessimist view of the gods leads to someone just coming along and overturning the whole system. So it's like there is sort of a catch 22 here, sure we can hate on Plato for desacrelizing the world but this is kind of an inevitable fall out from metaphysical pessimism imo and goes in cycles. I mean I see a clear lineage here from Plato to Hume and Nietzsche. Plato is dealing with the Greeks losing faith and reverence in their metaphysical presuppositions and so are Nietzsche and Hume. Nietzsche liking the pre-socratics is sort of a moot point here because he wasnt playing the role of a pre Socratic, he was personally playing the role of a Socrates. His harking back to the pre Socrates was just trying to sit on 2 stools with one ass.

When it comes to aliens or interdimensional beings seeding religion Im open to some kind of truth though I'm way more inclined to the invisible college take that it's a psychic/spiritual phenomena than like space lizards/elves, nordics in flying saucers. But yet again the stupidest assumption of all would be that whatever these things are that they are good and our friends. Like the most prudent assumption one can make is that everything sucks, everything is a psyop and the only the grim dark is real. That is always be skeptical and distrust the aliens and angels and whoever. This realization however leads to either total metaphysical pessimism which leaves people ready for a Plato/Hume/Nietzsche or perhaps even something like Christianity as the Socratics certainly helped paved the way for that, or the leftist naivety of just go along with whoever has power.

I mean where's the happy medium here? It totally seems to me like the things that aren't good, Platonism, materialism, NEETSHEE will to power are all symptoms of metaphysical pessimism which Rurik subscribes. By no means I am saying the pessimism is totally unjustified but it's like there is some sort of intractable problem here imo.

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I will talk about the triumph of platonism for sure

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I'd say, trust, but verify. People aren't universally evil, in fact the majority of people are basically good if generally retarded. A small number are truly virtuous, and a small number are corrupt to the core. I see no reason to expect it to be any different amongst entities higher up in the hierarchy, whether spirits or ayyys.

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Your audience is older for the simple reason that a vast preponderance of The Young Ones have been poisoned into intellectual lethargy. Most of my generation(X) and those whom have preceded me are also stunted. I was a fool for most of my life. Don't be so quick to dismiss people, Rurik. People can change. Information will help awakenings. Insults will only promote further alienation..

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Interesting but hard to listen to with RS being talked over all the time.

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Thanks for the conversation, I think you both did a good job on a difficult and fascinating subject. I was a bit surprised not to hear a mention about Heaven's Gate, the UFO suicide cult.

Urik, I was shocked that you've seen no Star Trek. Boomer predictive programming for sure, and I tend to obsessively sift through it for details. One of the kernels I found was the fear of a genetic "superman" rising as personified by Khan. Kahn made it into an episode of the first series and then 2 movies, the Wrath of Kahn, and Into Darkness, directed by ethnic Hollywood propagandist JJ Abrams. Kahn's power is "in the blood" so to speak.

I look forward to reading The Book of the New Sun.

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did hrvoje contact you?

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Have just fired him another email. I am nothing if not persistent.

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