Thanks for this podcast. Seeing how Russia really works is really enlightening. Good work again.

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I think it's fantastic whenever I hear someone else mention Yandex as the go-to search engine. It has opened up an entire world of worthwhile information. Broadcast it far and wide to all you know, fellow Stalkers!

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Russia: In favor of fast-moving operations in Ukraine, the new Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Belusov - "No to the war of attrition"

One can see Belusov is obviously a high IQ guy.

High IQ adapts very quickly - one tires if the old cliches that are trotted out: Bean Counter etc. Agenda driven box-ticking is one of my pet peeves.

With the emphasis given to math by the USSR, one can assume Belusov was selected on merit - to become a bean counter.

This guy is head and shoulders above Shoigu.

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A. Blinken: "It is up to Ukraine how it will use American weapons"

We all know who makes the decisions. Hint: it isn't Zelensky.

The BS is in your face now, does not bode well.

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These rambling conversations are a waste of time. All of what mattered should have been written and saved a lot of time trying to connect unconnected statements and filler noise.

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Rurik, which of your previous articles discusses the scope and nature of this illegal judo club in the 80s and 90s? I tried Yandex and have found nothing. I'm quite interested in this angle. As an aside, judo is definitely one of my favorite martial arts. As a smaller guy, I'm won't concentrate on executing powerful throws against much larger opponents. But trip 'em, get 'em on the ground and stomp them out? Judo is the shit.

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MMMMMM , it seems at this time that the big Tuva hsa only stolen too much and needs to be sidelined , as opposed to working to undermine Putin. If that happened then an open window or a plane crash would have happened already although it could still happen. How his underlings fare will probably be a pointer to how his future unfolds. Good show , thanks my lads.

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The Crimea operation seems to have played out much like the Pristina airport incident.

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This is good: Belusov and Shoigu across the table - daggers!

I've seen Putin and Shoigu in sitdown face to faces and Putin is fidgety.

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Yay, another podcast! I love those!

Have you never uploaded that Gene Wolfe podcast with pilleater? Or am I blind? Found it on YouTube.

What's your take on César Tort? In some matters you seem as tame as Sofa Legion Strategist^^ (who has recently voiced the idea that he's coming to view the Nordic race as evil - we're losing him to the Dark Side, oh noes.)


At least, NeoFeudalism rejects Chechar because he considers Christcuckoldry to be preferable to a Graeco-Roman transvaluation. But what about you? From what I understand, you're all about the common man - which may be viewed through the lens of Christian mercy towards retards, OR a haughty hawkish overman in the clouds?

...Why the fuck can we confuse these ideas as the opposite? A somewhat confusing wording, but the clearest case - Hitler can be seen as the most rabid Aryan, but also as the most effective champion of Zionism. Marxism considers itself [economically] materialistic, but I would view it as idealistic - because it rejects the reality of biological races.

Why can the opposite views be so easily mistaken for one another? Why is it so easy to misconstrue utterly opposite views? It's like how femboys organise in a hierarchy, and how the hierarchical structures corrode and rot - the yin and the yang? Germination in destruction?

Light is the left hand of darkness,

and darkness the right hand of light.

P.S. I hope my off-topic rants are not too unwelcome, I've only bought a one-month sub before my slaveowner blocks my credit card, G-d bless the Ukraine. I love you sarge.

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If Russia tolerates the overt entry of NATO/US without bringing out the Big Stick, we can assume the fix is indeed in.

The suicidal Ukie coutneroffensive supports the fix.

One would think that to manage a prolomged conventional war against NATO/US would be fraught with unmanageable risk. Sooner or later somebody would let a nuke go and all simulations lead to a full exchange within days if not hours.

Even if it it has been managed up to a point, it can still go wild weasel at any time.

How to protect against the old doublecross? The destruction of one of Russia's early warning over-the horizon radars led to a Russian sub moving to nearly 30k of the US East Coast soon afterwards. Any closer would enable a successful first strike.

Seems to ne there are too many moving parts to totally orchestrate.

Currently, all actions are escalatory.

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Kiev can decide ‘for itself’ how to use US weapons – Blinken

It is getting past absurd. Why do they bother with such transparent doubletalk?

Russia has said what it will do, are they serious this time? We will find out.

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