Prose style is intimately related to the goals of the authors. Academic postmodernists adopted an overly complex, impenetrable style so as to conceal their vapidity and appear intelligent. The coded language of intellectual dissidents is meant to enable their conversation to proceed unimpeded by censorship. The leaden bureaucratese of the managerial class is intended to lull the reader into careless inattention through boredom. All three are forms of camouflage.

The cold precision of dispassionate analysis is the voice of the left brain, meant to silence the sentimental emotionalism of the right. The allusions and metaphors of poetry serve the opposite purpose.

And indeed, the direct, clear, and emotional language of the demagogue is intended to stir the passions, and to make plain to the common man that which is obvious to the rebel elite, who hope to use the dissatisfied masses as a battering ram with which to force entry to the halls of power.

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Jun 1, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Well I don’t have anything deep to add, but I will say that the reason I follow you is because I like the way you write in a more conversational, raw kind of way. AND that your thoughts are original and seem genuine.

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Left brain contribution: Hard to be a populist when the popular idiom is not your birthright. "You'll" won't cut it. Try the phonetic Yawl or the slightly more grammatical Ya'll.

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I wonder why you think that good and evil is a veil, and not among "the priordial truths that govern the world." Moral sense is not only compatible with strength, but is an essential guide. Even machiavelli would agree. It separates the competent from the ruthless.

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"Learn to see past the ideological smokescreens, brush aside the veil of good and evil, and let your eyes come to rest, finally, on the primordial truths that govern our world."

What "primordial truths"?

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the reason i am reading you is because i am trying to understand you.. it isn't easy.. and maybe i will learn something.. we all learn from others if we're receptive..

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