Putin's goal from day one: eliminate the Nazis, bio-labs, child exploitation and USA/NATO-provisioned/trained Ukrainian war-machine? Perhaps a line of tac-nukes midway between the Dniper and the current active engagement line would minimize re-supply of both bodies and ordinance. Same for the remaining coastal area between Odessa and Moldova. Would be interesting to see how many CONgressional legisTRAITORS would support a retaliation in kind! United SNAKES CORP, D[e]C[eit] Turd-Pond "Sludgers" desperate to keep the bigger-than-ever multi-billion dollar/"Big Guy 10%" grift going/unexposed. USA populace getting increasingly restless/pissed about 100's of BILLIONS NOT being used to repair Nation's failing infrastructure and begin remediation of the spreading OH/PA toxin disaster.

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Russia has won. The globalist in the Ukraine have been defeated. The world is a safer place. Thank you president Putin.

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Russia will defeat the Ukraine . In a war of attrition Russia cannot lose. NATO and the west will tire of the expense and lack of effort from the Ukraine. The Ukraine will not be another Israel managed by the globalist in Davos.

If the ChiCom sponsor a peace settlement with a ceasefire at the present combat positions both Russia and Ukraine will accept.

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There is talk that Transnistria is about to be invaded, while Medvedev (again) implies use of nukes. The background of this is the Russian Security Council refuses to take mild steps such as set up a p/t reserve. Remember the crazed mad rush of the last mobilization? Is nothing learned? Is Putin's 1/2 measures a self-fulfilling prophesy of his own removal? Putin does not seem to act like there is an emergency, which suggests dementia.

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Medvedev is fun to read, but he has literally no say.

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Riddle me this: Why does Putin refuse to take a mild step and set up a large p/t reserve, which should of been done 15 years ago? I mean, NATO members are screaming that they will do to Putin what they did to Milosevic, and Putin does not crank up shell production? The theory is "liberals" are blocking this, but that would make them open enemies of Putin. Is Putin zombified like Theoden that let Orcs ravage Rohan?

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It's a good question.

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The only answer I can speculate is Putin (Theoden?) is in the early stages of dementia.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

The dementia is Biden's. Please don't confuse the two.

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doing war without doing war, stopping war without stopping war,

Putin got played and accepts reality postfactum, he is tired and thinks about retirement without sudden suicide or just waits for a lucky star's alignment,

he is too old to go out with a gun threatening mob like in Berlin,

the only thing worse than a long lasting leader getting old is when country looses him, void filled by rule of halfbrained generals, internal war for power or placement of an foreign western imposter what's the case typical for Russian history

engines of Russia got westernised, russian capital is in hands of ppl educated on west, being a new alternative to western liberalism is just a pipe dream, local ideology for plebs to feel special sold by the person marginalised at the big round global table and resentfull of inferiority complex it creates

When nothing happens a lot of things change, lots of things need to change to offset direction of inertia

If Duginism was real you would already have russian province nationalising streets of Moscow, taking over institutions and a russian Erdogan saviour on his way to office to purge liberals everywhere

the only sure thing are 2 camps,

USA cannibalising West as their last life support, passive agressive selfish friendless contender China with grand plans not fitting actual era but trying and undecided lazy India not giving a shit about anything adding to the chaos in between

If you look at Putin as a liberal playing conservative who got rid of anyone capable to replace him in a fully rigged complacent system you will see system with strong inertia to change nothing. Curse of gas and oil export based economy again. It's an old symbiosis now. They don't push him, he doesn't push them because it's one familia, one royal court.

You can see Egypt with old Ramses (3) dying after decades of not letting any of 100 children mature and grow to a new leader or the same in Poland before death of Piłsudski that left country ruled only by his shadow only

Russians should seriously be happy living now and thanking God considering what the reshuffle of the system will be like whatever postputin thing gonna be.. if I were a Russian i would buy big piece of land on east in place with proliferating local communities avoiding cities like a plague as long as it's still possible

Moscow is Gondor, with a king replacement. Russia is Shire which forgot how to fight. Children in Taiga tents eat oranges, cornflakes & cookies DAILY, instead of meat and raw milk only, getting fat, diabetes and homo... that's the world we live in now. No Spartans left, no Scythians. Only criminals and stupid plebs that sold out old ways for a sweet Baba Jaga bait.

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Seems like Putin is counting on the Chinese peace plan and a dollar collapse. Iraq will be selling oil for yuan so there is something to it. The USA is threatening China lately in regard to supplying weapons, maybe China will use the rejection of the peace plan as an excuse to provide weapons? I would not count on it.

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"Russia hasn’t even fully divested from globalist organizations like the WTO or the WEF or the WHO."

"The neocons got their protracted war and it is bleeding the Slavic peoples dry. "

...as long as it takes...

Everything is getting weirder and weirder, making less and less sense.

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Win the war! ok but what war? The only way for the East (Russia, China, Iran.) to really win the war against the USA is to destroy the $. If they succeed, the whole American circus collapses. How to reach this goal? In winning quickly a military war in Ukraine? Think again!

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Winning the war in Ukraine quickly and absorbing it would definitely strengthen Russia's position to challenge the US, both on the economic and military level. Especially compared to losing/not decisively winning the war! "Grinding down" US monetary reserves in the Ukraine makes no sense because Russia is also losing a ton and they have far fewer resources to lose.

That goes against common sense and every military principle. Pure copium.

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But is this country capable of such effort when tiktok generation doesn't remember any real war besides playing CIA propaganda in Battle of Honor games?

Russia was never any challenge to USA. It only copies Chinese strategy which is only empty political antitesis without any new value system behind it. it's all living past that never comes back and wasn't really organically russian.

It's all pretending, wanting to be West not being West, allying with East not being East neither. Instead of actually building something own and organic in between.

This stretch without building any organic independent power can tier you up in half and for sure cause schizofrenia.

That's how politics without essence ends.

Real war can reshape country but if most of soldiers get slaughtered they won't repeat epic war stories to children. Especially if they are not Russians at all. It actually can have the opposite result. Growing malaise.

That's your point about difference between winning and loosing. It's possible to win war on battlefield and loose it in general. Like influence already lost by Russia in central Asia. it won't come back.

This war was offense and people forget that Russia is good at defence not offence. Pretending being weak and surprising the sure of winning enemy.

that's explaning what happens too.

Big difference for propaganda, big problem when offensive stalls.

Probably we live in era when population mentality and level of national currency buying power of western shit made by China is more important than war results and heroic values.

Shaking people without breaking their smartphones first .. is very unlikely

Polish first communist secretary Gomułka lost power because of being practical - scolding people why they want citruses when having own sauerkraut and sour cucumbers 😂 After him came guy who indebted nation for grand projects.

Zeitgeist is a powerful thing. And this one is like Loki not like Thor or Odyn.

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Dollar is a global good. Nobody really wants to kill it despite paying costs of it, including USA which must indebt itself to keep the scheme running.

Most of dollars are eurodollars outside USA and US supervisory. What was started by CCCP locating their dollars in European banks.

There is no commerce without free floating dollars.

the only thing that could kill dollar would be centralised CBDC replacing free dollars moving. And it won't be probably the thing people predict it to be. it will probably be something between banks, governments and companies to control commerce but not to anger people controlling their wallets directly. they never go with open slavery schemes.

If Russia will understand, it is fighting Europe now, it may rethink if it's really worth it.

It's Europe that made difference in the war. USA would not put money in a lost cause and to save Ukrainian experiment only.

It's crazy how this war promotes EU centralisation, you start asking if somebody predicted such opportunity

the only good outcome would be promotion of nuclear energy and re-evaluation of eco stupidity. but we see a crisis can also push idiocy farther instead

Russia scaring Europe caused European brains logical thinking shutdown, this time with result opposite to the one usually expected...

appears a question did it also scare own people a lot? with a similar opposite result

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Nobody want to kill it?

I believe just the opposite. Who do not want to kill it?

The US has abused his hegemony : economically, militarily, culturally. That is why many countries are in the process to set up a new mean of payment which of course will not replace the $ overnight...its a process. Do you know Sergei Glasiev?

By the way have a look to what the chinese ministry of foreign affairs has just published, also in english on his internet site : https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/wjbxw/202302/t20230220_11027664.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Regarding EUROPE let me quote Mr Kissinger : To be an enemy of the US could be dangerous but to be an ally is always fatal ! The US believe to have played very well his cards. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The EU has his main competitor is destroyed for the time being and Russia is on the surface weakened but a chain reaction has started...

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" Kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The EU has his main competitor is destroyed for the time being and Russia is on the surface weakened but a chain reaction has started... "

If the EU was a true competitor ZioAmerica couldn't make it commit " suicide " so easily. The EU was never a threat, therefore, there are other agendas.

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Russia can grease China with oil to solve the supply problem. Given the recent veiled threats from Biden and the neocons that they will spank China if they dare to supply Russia there's a better than even chance shells and more are being shirinked wrapped and triple packaged as we speak.

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They are waiting for China to partner up with them and wait for this administration to bankrupt the Fed with gift weapons-- then, Katie bar the door.

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This appeared on Unz as well. 18 comments so far, one postulating Rolo is a neo-con and Vickie's nephew.

Interesting main page on Unz today by the way, fronted by Mike Whitney and new entry GONZALO LIRA who presents as appetizer a word salad about China.. Obviously more than a hundred enthusiastic comments below that one.

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

...and lo and behold... today this one was picked as front article. Comment section is truly a shitfest now.

I can't really believe this 5D vs Doomers thing justifies insults and infighting to such an extent. Careers been made out of it. I wonder if people could get this excited about a cherry jam vs apricot jam contest, I'd like to see to what length this kind of polarization can be taken to.

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Thank you. Sharing this.

typo? >here are no large concentrations of tanks and reserve troops to throw at the enemy once Bakhmut, a key point in the Ukrainian defensive line (or so we are told), finally falls to Ukraine

finally falls to Russia

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That photo .... you don't do "viewer discretion advised" notices? - good for you - we all need a snootfull of the ugliness. Have not read closely yet - but this may be a picture-worth-a-1000-words view of things - from our neocon friends in DC - and the lovely Kateryna (https://twitter.com/KatStepanenko) - 20-something Ukrainian (I assume from the surname) sitting out the war in DC with the Kagans.


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Did you see this, Slavskiy? It may be part of the reason things are going the way they are:


He basically says that the Chabad sect has a deliberate policy of Slav extermination, and that they have enough power in both Ukraine and Russia to work towards this end.

Chabad quote from the article:

""The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us. The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, "illegally" taken away from them, and so on."

Apologies for being the bearer of bad news. Best wishes!

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I think Rolo is on this - from way back - there was a post with a video of three Chabad (presumably) guys doing this coy hip-hop routine ... suggesting they were at work in the background -

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What if this whole war is for show. I find it strange that Biden administration is at war with Putin. These democrats have been working with Putin for a long time. Remember Obama hot mic moment? What if we’re all being played?

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