Essentially, the war is a scam for oligarchs on both "sides" - https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/the-us-is-running-the-war-in-ukraine BTW, any reference to "Biden" deciding anything other than his daily flavor of ice cream should not be taken seriously - in light of this: https://streamfortyseven.substack.com/p/age-competence-and-obvious-puppet The troops on both sides should drive the Muslims out from both Russia and Ukraine, Putin and Zelenskyy should surrender to each other, admitting that both have successfully lost the war, and the troops should just say "Fuck it" and go fishing, or listen to good music - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOs5DyOs-Q4 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DECu5NaqUDY for example.

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Yes, pretty much as Orwell described it in 1984..

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It seems Trump's Jews are the Putin Jews and Biden's Jews are the Uky Jews. Rumour has it that Trump's son in law is in business with Putin's son in law.

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It wouldn't surprise me, and given the continued existence of the Gazprom pipeline across Ukraine, it wouldn't surprise me if they were all in business together. Here's something to keep in mind about all of this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BftqoZOryDo Also, Putin has a PhD in natural resource economics from StPetersburg Mining University... Finally, this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCz-DHPR1Vs

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I shudder to think of the Russians' fate in the 4 states "liberated" by Russia after they are betrayed in any "peace" settlement. Russia will be lucky to keep Crimea, It's so tragic.

And has Donetsk had a SINGLE day since 2014 when it wasn't shelled?

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>And has Donetsk had a SINGLE day since 2014 when it wasn't shelled?

This is what I wanna know.

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Unrelated to the above horrors...I will be seeing Velikii Novgorod before I leave Russia so I can see a remnant of Hyberborea.

My question though is...which version of Novgorod is truer or are they all true at different times?

Was Novgorod really a kind of heroic, pagan Slavic Republic that was annihilated by Orthodox autocrats from Muscovy? Or instead was it a scheming oligarchic cesspit ruling over what was once a noble land of Slavboreans, rightfully broken by the People's King, Tsar Ivan Grozny.

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Completely off-topic but I have been censored, limited to 3 comments per 24 hours on the Unz Review since I posted videos about the nanotech in the jab. I try to spread your message Rolo on this site but they hate you (and the moderation hate me). Ron Unz is a fucking kike fraud posing as a dissident from his tribe. Never trust them.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Do you have any contact with Karl Haemers. ?


He has been radio silent for rmonths, I liked the guy.

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DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!

As soon as the Golden Goolum is installed in the White House the war will be ended in a day, the US will withdraw from NATO and presumably all other allied defence agreements ( except Israel) the Great Satan will be defeated and the benign hegemony of China , Iran ,North Korea and Russia will be stable and complete. America will be great again and Rurik will be able to return to Russia in triumph!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-ER5---jSk&list=PL43al1j_eENoEkoIhxWFur_OFsQyaY86i&index=1 sorry off topic, but I think Rurik will love this song, it has a beautiful pagan spirit to it

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I'd be interested if you had a podcast with that guy.

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