Does it get old if I say, "Every. Damn. Time!" Thanks for sharing some more umvarnished truth, Rolo. Yet more commonality amongst us; we both have a Shapiro problem.

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This article is why your blog will always be very limited in it's spread and appeal. Very , very few folk can break the mind shackles of the great Holo-hoax narrative. It is till the strongest most binding piece of propaganda ever produced. Once it is automatically accepted the vast majority of minds can never be prised open enough to let the light of truth in. Knowing the truth about the actions of the chosen ones through history takes one into a very lonely place as you are immediately isolated within your own circles of friends and family as you have crossed the line which can never be crossed and from which you can never return. Just hearing the J word is enough o freak folk out , it is a word that cannot be uttered, you might get away with Nigger but never Jew. Look at all the big names in media globally , Carlson and Rogan for example , they are totally afraid of even thinking about the fact that the USA , The Ukraine and Russia and the entire world is firmly under the control of Jewish owned , operated and controlled media . They are also deeply embedded in the alt /media, take a look who is sub stacking , plenty of Shapiros there too. The next level are the actual policy enforcers , the Kagans the Nulands , the Krystals , those that have written and enforced the Yinon doctrine by wearing the US government like a glove.........there is an elephant in the room that is invisible to the eye of the world's population and it will never , ever be seen in my humble. Never the less , play on , spread the word , truth must out even if it falls on deaf ears.

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It's not as much a taboo in Russia among the peasantry. They don't know many details but are generally suspicious of them and won't gang up on you for saying that you think they're running the world.

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I've said this before, but I'll say it again anyway: the alternative to 5D is not 0D.

VVP had his photo taken with a rootless cosmopolitan? Big deal; I'm far more interested in what he did in 2000, which caused Berezovsky (and Patarkatsishvili) to run to London and the rest of the xenomorphs to pull in their noses.

The 90's zoligarchs helped Putin on his way to the Big Chair, and thought they had their chump bought and paid for... and about half of them are dead or in exile (and all of the '90's ones are MUCH poorer)

Shapiro might have all the plans in the world as to what he'll do when his grift runs dry: SO DID BEREZOVSKY, and he ended up so sad about his failure that he hanged himself with a shower curtain.

The day that Shapiro goes into exile, his "billion rubles" will be more like !) million rubles: that's not chump-change, but it's nowhere near "Fuck You" money. (Berezovsky found that out, too)

I don't know how to do a "Wink" emoji in the piece of shit comment system on substack, but "WINK" re the 'shower curtain'.

The gutlessness of the Orthodox hierarchy is to be expected: anyone who lives in a modern society and believes in derivative tribal nonsense has shit for brains, Old Nonsense or Paul's fanfic - same shit, different sandwich.

It's not 1480 anymore: the money-changers have their noses in the tent (HA!!) and Orthodox priests are not the guys who will help solve the issue.

History shows us that Big Nose always overplays their hand: now that 'pizzagate' has been exposed - literally this week - as yet another cohencidence theory that turned out to be true, I think the zietgeist is going to change.

I further expect that when the US dissolves later this decade, at least 2 of the 3 new countries will kick them out (#110 and #111, respectively).

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I completely missed on news relevant to pizzagate. What do you refer to ?

Otherwise I agree to your line of thinking. 5D is nonsense. Nevertheless most political and economic strategies can and should be read on several levels and from various point of views. Including the Jewish point of view to understand their position and motivation.

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The first few paragraphs of this post from "Coffee & Covid" is relevant... (I've archived it for posterity - the link below is to the archived version)


Key take-away: “Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network” ...

Twitter's GIGANTIC market for child-exploitation material - stuff that would make the creepy Podesta brothers think "Ooh, that's a bit much" - has never had any problems with censorship.

We could go all the way back though - to when a pedo-network's membership database was shown to include 5200 people whose addresses traced to the Pentagon. (I'm proud to say that I devoted some spare compute resources to the decryption effort)

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Thank you. I completely missed on the news. I confess that I am quite surprised to learn that pedophiles managed to have pages with explicit naming and description of sexual acts performed by children on large-scale open social networks such as Instagram or Twitter. I have always thought that these people operated on curated peer-to-peer networks or on hard-to-monitor Usenet. Law enforcement does not seem to bother. I contrast this with the harsh treatment given to onlyfans, and pinterest over the presence of erotic photographies and videos.

Apple announced in 2021 that they shall start scanning photos on i-anything to detect "child abuse". Their invasion of privacy and mass surveillance seems to be legal. I have not heard about the resounding success of the operation. At least not on this aspect.

I remember about the pedophile network that reached into the Pentagon and the CIA. It was a brief bump in the news. I do not remember any report on how the pedophiles were tracked and punished.

For me the main lesson of pizzagate was the existence of "erotic art" on children and that it was collected by a number of rich and powerful. That alone is a colossal indictment of the ruling class.

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Thanks Rolo, it’s the first time I have seen a commentator mention the Noahides, few mention Khazars, let alone Kabbalist’s ( Either they don’t know, don’t care or don’t dare)

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Rolo has always been on-point when it comes to the Shapiros of the world.

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Responding to your essays preamble, few Americans think of Lindsey Graham as a patriot. Many of us think of him as a war-hungry homo that has been without direction since his guru John (the songbird) McCain kicked the bucket. Many MAGAs (like myself) have grown bored with Trump's aggressiveness and are looking for options. America is as broken as Russia seems to be. Many of us are appalled at the billions of tax dollars we have given to Ukraine and believe the current conflict started when the CIA took over Kiev in 2014 and the Biden Crime Syndicate began its money laundering scheme in earnest. As a registered Republican, at this moment there are five politicians I would vote for to be POTUS 47: Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Ted Cruz, Joe Manchin, or Nikki Haley. If things don't change and none of these become the GOP candidate, I'll vote for an Independent again.

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I just learned that Nikki Haley supports giving unlimited amounts of money to Ukraine until Moscow's regime is changed and Mr. Putin is no more. So, Nikki fell off the list. I may have to write in Dead Reagan.

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Vote = Veto. I don't do it anymore.

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You like Tulsi but not RFK jnr?

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I have been without cable for several months now. I just remember how good she looks in a swimsuit and I support everything I've heard her say.

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I'd vote for RFK if Rand Paul or Ted Cruz were not his opponents.

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The fact is, Americans are divided on every question. I would hesitate to say "few Americans think of Lindsley Graham as a patriot". I just wouldn't know. Your original designation of Nikki Haley gave me the chills. She's always been a flagrant neocon/war hawk.

I brought up your exact question of Trump's aggressiveness to Robert Barnes, a fervent populist and opposer of the US support of Ukraine. Barnes replied that Trump was keeping all the Republicans in the fold for now, but would emphatically recognize Russia's red lines and interests in stopping NATO expansion. Take it or leave it.

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I'd like to hear your take on this. http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-diaspora.html

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I want to say this has largely been debunked by both genetic analysis. I was reading an article by Dr. Dalton:


He mentions a book that credibly dismisses the "Khazars are Ashkenazi" tale.

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The khazar hypothesis is advanced by Christians who are struggling to defend worshipping the Old Testament.

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About zionism..I do not understand why nobody speak about the Haavara agreement which was an agreement between nazi germany and the zionist association signed in 1933 in Germany..nazi and zionist had a very cosy relationship.. the agreement ended in 1939 only because of the war with Britain and that the nazis could not afford to be against the arab populations controlled by the British. In the same vein in the West people do not want to see that all their problems come from a theory called cultural marxism. Who has funded the theoricians of this theorie? Easy... the results are great western populations are fully divided! It was the goal.

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Cultural Marxism is a variant of Marxism that holds that all cultural ties and norms must be destroyed in order for workers to accept Marxism. Otherwise, they value their nationalism.

So Cultural Marxists try to destroy all every aspect of culture: the roles of males and females, the value of history, the value of a national culture. Racial politics is a tool used by Cultural Marxists to destroy a culture, but in fact Cultural Marxists will destroy minority politicians when it becomes convenient.

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IMO we should not dig into their bla bla bla...what is important is 1. Who financed this theory. Easy, indirectly the R family, 2. What is the goal of it. DIVIDE the society to let the ultra minority ( them ) in charge. It works perfectly because mostly of the people are stupid and a part of rhe people make a living because of it.

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Consequently, cultural Marxism should not even be discussed because it is a theory which only exists in universities and society because it has been pushed there by people who have the money and that to exclusively defend their interests. It is therefore illegitimate. This theory should therefore be sent to a place that it should never have left. the dustbin of history! Incidentally, the people who promoted it should be tried and imprisoned.

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Of course I agree with you the theory as a theory is illegitimate. Knowing about it serves as a tool for me to understand and predict the moves of those who wish to destroy the US. I suspect it holds for Russia as well. It also dictates the response: proudly push your culture, nation and people. I think it's a big advantage to understand the underlying theory explaining destructive movements.

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Very interesting Rolo and thanks.

Remember that Adam was a made man.

last two words begin with ma, so - mama. (Have I deciphered a code?)

I don't know if he was the original ebroo but he was a made man. See genesis. Murder Incorporated was Jewish. I used to eat lunch in a diner in a tiny shopping mall in Rockland county NY, ages ago, in which, two doors down, was one of their main offices. I knew real old timers, ancient men who knew all about it. Stories that aren't in any books. You'd be surprised how recent it all was and current in fact, but maybe not.

The Epstein - mossad stuff. It's the same thing. Meyer Lansky showed J Edgar Hoover photos of the fbi director (JEH) performing fellatio on a young man. And so there were no mob investigations for many decades.

You wonder why it's the gay empire? That. And the fact that the US is a naval power predominantly.

Anyway it's amusing to see all the youngsters rediscovering the wheel. Like Epstein is news.

Remember L'il Abner? Abner was the name of king David's hitman.

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Sorry, couldn't resist. Shapiro is probably a kabbalustic abbreviation for Shah Pyro or Shah Pyre. It's the deep dream of the Jewish sect who believe that everything revolves around the book of Esther. It stands for burning the Persian (Iranian) Shah (ruler) on a Pyre (rhymes with fire. p and f are dual letters in many syllabaries - visible in the ph for f thing, in Aramaic & Hebrew they are essentially the same letters just like b and v. According to that sect the messianic age begins when the prophecies of the book of Esther are fullfilled (Iran genocided). After which all the laws of morality no longer apply. The Sabbatean and Jacob Frank heresies who preached that it was virtuous to sin. There were some old time rabbis who tried to stop it, but it's become the dominant theology now for awhile.

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A Jewish friend of mine told me there are four kinds of Jews: Rich Jews, Poor Jews, Smart Jews, and Stupid Jews. Just like those of European origins, we must look at individuals' actions and judge them as individuals. Yes, the old testement is filled with stories of Jews who succeeded with trickery and lies. This is the world we live in.

There are good people and bad. Our worst trait is that we are herd animals and most follow the herd.

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I don't know, but I vonder iff So-Low Viev is Vlad I'm Here? I doubt it. He's a nasty piece of work whatever his ethnicity. Something I forgot to mention to Rolo. Using roman numerals Viev is 11e. Elevene. Even eel. Beats me. Solo is 50 So O. There's a Five-0 there. Not surprised.

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