Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Not directly related to the cultural issues you are addressing here but I feel like it's a good illustration of the absolute state of the Russian liberal elite.


On the Russian stock market its totally legal and uncontroversial to buy and sell Lockheed Martin Stock. Apparently its not even against sanctions. Vape is getting banned but you can go ahead and buy stock from the guys who make himars. The fact that's its literally only patriotic bloggers who are mad about this is strong evidence that Russia is more or less an occupied country. Not as in Putin is a robot built by Bill Gates to trick the peasants into not revolting and the war in Ukraine is globalist 5 D chess to herald in the great reset which they otherwise couldnt do even though they already control the world.

I mean its strong evidence Russia is occupied by people so myopic, whether FSB glow niggers or shitlibs that they will actually make Lenin's dictum about capitalist being hung with ropes they sold to the hangmen come true. What else can you call trading the stock of Lockheed Martin on the Moscow market? What else can you call selling the West the oil it uses to keep Ukraine in the fight? Cant we say that the bubble that the Russian elite live in is just as thick and misleading as the one the late USSRs peasants lived in? The only big difference is that the bubble Soviet peasants lived in was imposed from without whereas Russias current elite live in a self imposed one.

Strelkov said last night that Russias upper level leadership is just taking it day by day and the prospects for a big offensive are slim because a big offensive requires a level of social and military mobilization that is impossible for the current elites to conduct. Its simply structurally impossible, and that Lockheed Martin stock being traded in Russia without any controversy is proof of that imo. I mean maybe turning off the oil to Europe completely would actually shock the economy too much right now, maybe. Im not convinced of that but alright I can grant it for the sake of argument, but trading the stock of a company manufacturing the weapons killing your troops and civilians just points to the elite being in a complete parallel reality. I say this all the time but again, just imagine the USSR propping up the value of stock in Porsche, Mercedes, Junkers etc in the 40s.

Honestly Dostoyevsky was a real prophet and Demons is totally relevant today. One of the big themes in that one was shitlib parents breeding a generation of nihilist children and naturally when your parents are so amoral, so disconnected from anything beyond mammon worship its inevitable that your children will just amplify all your worst traits.

If Russia needs to be "reformed" and totally remade in the image of a caricature of the "free west" than why not actually just destroy Russia totally? Easier to just wipe it out and feed the carcass to your Western friends than rehabilitate a culture and people that are worthless anyway isnt it? I know the children of the current Russian elite dont articulate to themselves in those exact terms but that is the logic they are following and within the moral framework of their parents its more consistent.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Cheburashka 2: Submission unto the Demiurgos

''Growth since New Year has been slow and it’s because I haven’t been getting reposted anywhere anymore.''

Truth doesn't pay

The comfort blanket of lies is much nicer

Humans are monsters who have been hiding from themselves for a very long time

Make a grift stack where you pretend to be bros with deshouza and discuss the TRUE nazis aka democrats/wagner/greta thunberg (braids bro). Then some stories about how biden is awful because he does not truly respect MLK, pocs etc. Then you can apologize in front of a holocaust museum with large marge, who stated that biden is terrible because he won't give negroes repurayshuns.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Very interesting writing Rolo, found you via the podcast with Riley. Also upgraded to paid, enjoy the shekels.

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Thanks fren, much appreciated.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

''I cannot help but agree that a certain god does indeed seem to lavish his followers with material blessings the more absolutely they dedicate themselves to serving his agenda''

I do not believe in creation myths, especially the various hoodaic ones. On the other hand the individuals do seem to be inheriting the earth just as their demon god prophesized. Maybe the ethnic neocons are the demiurges prison wardens?

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That is the only explanation that makes any sense.

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Or that they believe a lie and strive to make it real... but if the lie becomes real was it ever a lie?

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Elites play for status by signalling adherence to global ideology. Right now liberalism/Americanism is high status, because that's where power is. This could change very rapidly. You worry about the next generation, and who will be running Russia in 20-30 years' time -- but following American civil war and European economic collapse, we may see a shift not only in the global economic/cultural centre away from the West, but also a rise in more traditionalist/nationalist/RW narratives, supplanting liberalism as the status-coded ideology.

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Cheburashka 2023 is the biggest box office hit in the history of Russia. The Cheburashka movie really took off. I think Rolo underestimated this movie and might want to analyze the reason it is so popular.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Landlords they are always going to abuse you in some way, no matter how gentle they seem at first. It's not, I think, that they are idle hands spoiled by living on private income, no, it's more of the fact that you tenant are occupying their turf, so you'll always even if paying be tolerated at best. There is something ancestrally territorial with owned land that's not there when lending and borrowing things and objects.

I think it's OK if you do these sweeping posts describing one broad category of people, as you did for generational divides with Sovoks, Gopniks etc, may be worth to start a new series on political cleavages: the Liberal opposition, the United Russia Loyalists, the Nationalists, etc.

Regarding Liberals in Russia, some time ago this article used to be linked a lot through dissident internet https://www.firstthings.com/article/2020/10/suicide-of-the-liberals gives staggering numbers on political terrorism at the turn of the 20th Century:

> Between 1900 and 1917, waves of unprecedented terror struck Russia. Several parties professing incompatible ideologies competed (and cooperated) in causing havoc. Between 1905 and 1907, nearly 4,500 government officials and about as many private individuals were killed or injured. Between 1908 and 1910, authorities recorded 19,957 terrorist acts and revolutionary robberies, doubtless omitting many from remote areas. As the foremost historian of Russian terrorism, Anna Geifman, observes, “Robbery, extortion, and murder became more common than traffic accidents.”

Anyone wearing a uniform was a candidate for a bullet to the head or sulfuric acid to the face. Country estates were burnt down (“rural illuminations”) and businesses were extorted or blown up. Bombs were tossed at random into railroad carriages, restaurants, and theaters. Far from regretting the death and maiming of innocent bystanders, terrorists boasted of killing as many as possible, either because the victims were likely bourgeois or because any murder helped bring down the old order. A group of anarcho-­communists threw bombs laced with nails into a café bustling with two hundred customers in order “to see how the foul bourgeois will squirm in death agony.”

The proportions of this Narodnik phenomenon were truly staggering. That statistic above says nearly 200 political homicides per month over 2 years. Liberal alienation in Russia has got roots that go very deep.

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"Shorthand translation: They would be the first to be upset if the country got richer and happier. Who would the be able to hate and spit on and mock? There is only one kind of creature that hates Russia with all of its being. - D on Liberals."

... Who would they ... .

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

It's "whose" as in possession, as in whose dog bit me? Who's (who is) that man over there? Homonyms are fun.

"To take cue from Protestantism and the Old Testament, decadence is simply proof that God loves you more."

That is not at all what God said in the Bible through his prophets and Apostles and his creation.

What happened to you?

Whatever it was, Christians, the real ones, not the mere professors, keep their eyes on Jesus, not man. You can find billions of examples of people professing to be Christian who have done everything God said not to do to other people. Whoever screwed you over was a man or woman, not Jesus. Jesus is the example to follow, the standard of life and profession. Men will always let you down, betray you, demean you, insult you, hurt you, despise you, break promises, etc. Jesus died for you. "Love your neighbor as yourself" is the second half of the law that says in the first half "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength."

The bottom line is that God created the perfect environment for Adam and Eve and they destroyed it. I like autonomy. I resent anyone claiming authority over me. It is a lifelong struggle to accept that God, who created me, is my sovereign. Christians recognize that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. We know we are a bunch of reprobates, really bad people, we are glad no one else can read our minds, etc., We know we are saved from our deserved eternal punishment for our disobedience and dishonor of true Sovereign, our Creator, by the very grace of our Creator alone. Our salvation from the eternal wrath of God is due entirely to God's grace. Whatever good we do is good only because it is what God said to do and whatever good we do is done out of gratitude, not as payment because no one buys salvation. Roman Catholicism is not Christian and neither is any other religion that teaches salvation by works. Life does not work that way.

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" The bottom line is that God created the perfect environment for Adam and Eve "

What race were Adam and Eve ?

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... you mean if some do-gooder spends his life continuously making good deeds, he may still not be given access to Heaven anyway, because his good deeds might have been undertaken just for the "selfish" sake of gaining access to Heaven in itself?

No wonder he is going to turn ungrateful while rotting in Hell, resentful he wasn't one of the few "chosen ones" for Salvation at birth.

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God alone defines good, so what is a good deed? Giving money to alcoholics, needles to drug addicts, money to undisciplined people who refuse to work or budget? Such enables people never to change. Good deeds are those God has prepared Christians to do. God also turns the works of those not elect to his own good purpose.

But, back to the point, Christianity holds that salvation is by the election of God, not man, and cannot be earned. Election seems grossly unjust only because you fail to consider that no one chooses to obey God unless they have first been regenerate no matter their family line, because all family lines originate in Adam and Eve. All people are dead in trespasses and sin against God and dead people don't choose to know, and grow to love and honor God

All false religions are works oriented, teaching that their sovereign may be leveraged, i.e., not truly sovereign.

One last point, people go not rot in hell, they burn. Their indestructible bodies are in eternal fire and they get to experience every nerve on fire forever.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

True that people burn in Hell. According to Dante's Inferno though all kinds of things happen to the damned, and rotting forever is a pretty graphic punishment.

For the rest, I don't think either the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit had in mind the stale precepts of American Conservatism ("I don't want to pay welfare for alcoholics and drug addicts") when they revealed to men the Christian Doctrine.

I mean, no one around the world would even dream to concoct such a petty example to explain what a good deed is, by describing what is not (quote: Giving money to alcoholics, needles to drug addicts, money to undisciplined people who refuse to work or budget).

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Good article, I thought, and thank you. I did forward it to a friend.

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Yeah ...

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And the anal pope has just been arrested by spetznatz

...this just in qanon has deposed JOSEPH biden and declared trump god emperor

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