Regarding the points, all of these can be recast in positive as supposed to negative directions.

1. Foster an entertaining and dynamic culture industry at home. Given the decay in Hollywood, the time has never been better. Further, this helps to project Russian cultural influence abroad, not only strengthening Russian soft power, but simultaneously weakening the soft power of the West.

2. Adopt policies to encourage high birth rates. Even getting to 2.5 children per woman would put Russia ahead of the West.

3. Achieving autarky isn't just about protecting against economic shocks. It also means an overall wealthier country. Raw resources are nice but value added manufacturing with your own resources is an unbeatable combo.

Obviously, establishing protective measures is also important; but a purely defensive posture seldom serves as anything but a delaying action in the long run.

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Just saw that Putin has been praising large families recently.


What's lebensborn in Russian?

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Recently? About fifteen years ago he was promoting large families with economic incentives such as lower taxes.

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Confining myself to point 1.

Russian ballet has always been far superior to Western European and Russian cinema has been world-leading more or less since motion pictures began. In the 21st century Andrey Petrovich Zvyagintsev, in particular, combines a very modern sensibility, deep feeling, and an anchoring in the spiritual.

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I fall asleep during ballets so I couldn't comment.

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“Russians, for the entirety of their history, have understood government to be a sacrosanct value, [and] as a repository for spiritual meaning. For centuries it was the realm of Russian Orthodox ideals, and in the 20th Century it was the global communism idea. But in all circumstances, Russia has always conceived of itself as a government endowed with higher meaning and purpose. It has a specific Russian purpose, which sets it apart from other, neighboring governments…..Only by focusing solely on the concept of eschatology, on telos, and the target, rather than on short-term benefits, can victory and success be realized.”

- Dugin

We see this in Putin’s almost superhuman endurance as he engages the degenerate West in a kind of geopolitical judo; his sponsorship of the симфония between Orthodox Church and Russian state; the praising of large families and hostility to radical feminism and homosexuality; and the patient application of Russia’s incredible military, diplomatic, and economic power to the great tasks of literally preserving the country from destruction, without losing the initiative to his enemies (internal and external). During his visit years ago to Mt. Athos, the monks gave him the traditional place of the Emperors of old, because they perceived with spiritual insight his true character and mission. Has he inspired enough men around him, especially younger men of the post-Soviet generation, to love and serve Russia like he has after he is gone? God I hope so. All of our fates are bound up with Russia’s, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not.

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Wonderful,so very well said,President Putin is the most amazing Statesman the World has ever known,his Heart and Soul are for Mother Russia and its people,God bless him and Mother Russia always and Forever.Kind Regards from Ireland.

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Maintaining a status quo might work, if possible, but the machinations of the west might make it impossible. A nation/system that's been acting against so much against its own self-interest is as dangerously unpredicable as a mad dog. Russia won't be left free to act alone, if recent developments are any guide.

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As confirmed by Professor Valentina Zharkova we have entered into the "modern" Grand Solar Minimum. Russia will need to conserve their resources to survive. They have made major improvements in the agricultural sector / this is critical looking ahead. I see Russia as one of the few countries that will grow if they do not allow immigrants into their population.

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