Jun 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

This is interesting stuff, thank you Rolo. It gives you a niche to differentiate your commentary from the usual military and political analysts.

Is Russia becoming like the late Byzantine empire, superficially strong and rich, but hollowed out by Genoese and Venetian dominance of their economy, and reliant on mercenary troops?

Could Wagner become like the Catalan Company that fended off Muslim attacks, then looted Thrace, and then wandered off to Greece and established a principality that lasted about a century until overthrown by another Spanish mercenary company? Might Donetsk region become Wagneria, with Prizoghin as their Prince?

Maybe it all depends on what Schlomo wants.

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Jun 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Very interesting Rolo. As soon as i have enough money beyond paying the rent, eat proper food and feed my children, i will suscribe (maybe in July). You are about to answer the most important questions I have been asking myself. Meanwhile, keep on the good work, stay healthy.


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More than 50 years ago the US ruling elite decided mercenaries and an all-volunteer military was the way to go as a draft was no longer politically expedient.

After the Vietnam/Cambodian debacle the cunning banksters realized it was better to pay mercenaries a good salary, ripoff recruits, and seamlessly continue a series of endless wars without getting the proles too agitated about a draft.

It's a very logical and pragmatic concept which has served the elites well.

From time to time, we've all heard the JFK quote:

"For of those to whom much is given much is required."

Well if that's the case, then if you own very little then nothing will be required of you except "apathy and ignorance."

So to put it simply, stay out of our hair, go watch Netflix, wait for your food tokens, and don't leave the confines of your designated 15 minute city.

In the end, it all comes together quite nicely for the bankster/gangsters and techno/fascists as everything is allowed to continue undisturbed as it is while a comatose misinformed censored populace has no responsibilities except remaining impaled to the metaverse or in a drugged stupor.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

All that 👆 while this is going on:


What you see above is Wagner delivering requested arms to a neighboring unit of the RF, assures them of future support, comms, coordination and training...

Are you talking about the "master sporta" doode, that punched a colonel round the time of the mobilization?

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Jun 14, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Of course, Rolo, of course. The Globalists must have all armies contained and under their control like the U.S. military forces. I'm surprised that Russians have been allowed to have paramilitary units outside of their national armed forces. I suspect your traditions are actually the source of this unusual situation rather than how useful they may be although, admittedly, they have been handy dandy. The one quite visible and outstanding characteristic of global governance is absolute control no matter the sphere. They are also consolidating as rapidly as they can into their various spheres--political, military, religious, etc.--at this point in time. Russia cannot be allowed paramilitary units...just as the current administration in Washington has vilified paramilitary units in the U.S. as white supremacist and, ergo, domestic terrorism. Any stand for individuality with an armed contingent has been ruthlessly eliminated in the U.S. Vanguard globalism must have the elimination of all individually armed male groups. A war of all against all is predicted in Steiner's work. The initial phases of that war will likely be home-grown paramilitary units fighting for their families and sustenance against global forces.

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Rolo, aren't you paying too much attention to the quarrel between the Jew Prigozhin and the half-Jew Shoigu? What is your opinion about the Committee of Angry Patriots, which includes Igor Strelkov?

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Shoigu is half?

I have written about the angry patriots before

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I would not worry about the "jew blood" that means nothing

What's important is the 'oligarch status'

Like the Greeks used to say and the Albanians "If the man is a billionaires, he's either a criminal or a cheat", so which is Putin? You don't become an Oligarch on this planet unless your are an owned trained agent.

IMHO Putin an accountant for KGB along the way got some 'good deals' ( & dachas ),

Even Prigozhin by now must be very-very rich man, must be getting at least 10% off the top, not counting what he might have sold that champagne in Bakhmut for, said to be millions of bottles;


The problem is today that all GOV on earth is an OLIGARCHY a GOV of the rich elite; All the oligarchs feed from the same pig-pen;

You don't have to be a "Jew" to belong to club neo-con or club-zionism, you just need to carry their water;

Putin has to be play both sides, as a JEW, but also not as a Jew, he was sold the SMO as a quick operation that wouldn't affect Moscow or Russian territory, somebody lied, or their INTEL was really fucked up??? Who cares?

Like Prigozhin says, why not just go in and destroy Kviv already, why wait for them to start bombing Moscow? That's a damn good question, and the answer seems to be controlled demolition , just like USA

Me thinks that Greater-Israel is everybody's "HARD-ON" and that Russia is to be their gas-station.

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Deranged schizos ranting about Jews in the comments.

You've made it Rolo!

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Here's a long list of pro-Russian telegraph channels, provided by the enemy. It gives more than I had heard of, so may be useful. Rolo is not there!


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I don’t run a channel

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I hope you don't paywall your blog or I'll lose your commentary on what's actually happening in Russia.

I never pay for information

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Do you ever buy a book, or simply refuse to read anything you can't check out of a library?

If a provider doesn't charge a fee to readers, he has to meet expenses through advertisers. Once you depend on advertiser revenue, it's sooner or later you'll say something the advertiser simply can't live with.

It seems fair to me that if someone provides me a valuable service, or valuable information, that it makes sense to pay for it. I take out lots of free subscriptions, but if I find I'm using a subscription regularly, I convert to a paid subscriber. It's just doing my part.

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It is indeed impressive that even though the Ukrainian offensive seems to have faltered, the fake & gay inner Russian strife is only growing after the success in the defensive battle. It's as if the Russian army cannot be allowed to have any victory at all. Utterly ridiculous.

P.S. Thank you for allowing the comments again! Not that I value my opinion that highly, it's just that it's your choice to remove yourself from my bipolar field of view. Attention is money, friend ^^

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They say PUTIN is a Jew they say all of MOD are jews

They say zelensky wants 'greater israel'

They say that Israel wants greater israel

They say the zog jew elite of moscow want greater israel

What is Yinon-Plan? One Israel from Poland to Iran

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

Fudge off numb-nutz, nobody ever said "JEW" who are of Judaism and Moses the old GOD of Israel

ZIONISM aka nazi-bolshevism is 100% satanism

Everybody in Israel hates the Zionists;


Also recall that ZOG are not 'real jews' they converted to Judaism in 12AD to become bankers, they were ashkeNAZI and it was the Catholic Church at the time that gave them the 'green light' to convert to Judaism and be bankers for the Catholic-Church who at that time they themselves could not charge excessive usury on the peon goyim

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Fudge LaRoche, and Fudge Uranus

So if you know this crap, then why you reaming my arsehole on your anti-semitism? ZIONISM is 100% UK Rothschild, created in 1880's by HERTZL on Rothschild commission and not shit to do with RUSSIANs; Your are MORON, leave me alone, and lastly LaRoche is a CIA cut-out not unlike Scientology L-Ron-Hubbard, just more cult crap to fill goyim minds with feces;

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deletedJun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023
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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

I have most gently asked you to leave me alone; LaRouche is like 1970's bile, are you stuck in a time-warp? Is that honey-pot even still alive?

So what's your point? First you play stupid, then you play historian;

Riddle this question, how does PUTIN extract himself from the ZIO-NAZI-Bolshy soup-bowl?

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Jun 14, 2023·edited Jun 14, 2023

When I said "Putin is said to be a Jew", its said that Putin on his mothers side, has blood lines of Jews;

That doesn't mean that Putin is a Satanic Zionist, but how are we to know?

He has spent much of his adult life with Kissinger, and earlier WEF events before they became "WEF".

Besides I'm must reference Prigozhin and his comments about the "Oligarchs" which are mainly ZOG-Jews, because its virtually impossible to become a billionaire on planet earth without sucking ZOG cock, as they control the FIAT, and the Rothschild money making machine;

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The Yinon-Plan & "Greater Israel" are both products of UK Satanic pedophile homo nazi-bolshy zionism.

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