99% of everything is shit, always has been, always will be. Music, art, scientific papers - applies everywhere. Best you can do is put out the best you can and try not to let the cacaphonous fluting of the mad idiot god Azathoth get to you.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Hi Rolo,

You have an uncanny ability to surprise. Your rant is thoughtful.

I used to read reddit; 12-15 years ago. Discussions were free although many descended in acrimony. Then in 2014-2015 the righteous started censoring ideas and many subreddits split, mostly on the progressive-reactionary fault line. Both sides censored the ideas of the opposing side. I left Reddit then.

The phenomenon prompted some thinking. Printed press used to be segmented : communist, socialist, liberal, conservative, christian, monarchist, reactionary papers flourished and appealed to their particular readership. You named the phenomenon selling mind slop. Why not. The free exchange of ideas occurred only on TV because channels were few and every faction wanted to be present, so they had to share the same broadcasts. Same thing on the internet : debating by educated people on Usenet in the 1980's and 1990's was integrated then split when computers became more powerful and the creation of newsgroups easier ; same on Digg in the 2000's and on Reddit circa 2008-2014.

Hence the scarceness of the medium drove the integration of the debate, even among the educated, not the love of free speech. It must be an inherently human proclivity. Being attached to free speech and debating is unnatural hence can be learned and sustained only by a small minority.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

There are actually people who pay money to read articles about how its bad that Biden only pretends to like MLK? No bully but this has me strongly considering making my own SS blog. I could probably crank out some posts talking about how if MLK were alive today the demoKKKrats would cancel him for loving Israel too much..and the Democrats are only pretending to cancel and hate Ye but they actually agree with him because Ye likes Hitler..and Hitler was a SOCIALIST like the democrats therefore Ye is part of a liberal media conspiracy to trick blacks into becoming White Supremacist because the Democrats want to recreate the 3rd Reich. So under no circumstances should you let some charlatans trick you into thinking that there is more to life than signalling how much you don't like Hitler.

If people will pay me to reformulate that a few times a week I could use the change. Its dangerous and edgy to express how much you love MLK in todays world but if you give me money ill let you do that on my blog.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

''I'm a sovereign citizen,I have rights!Get your hand off my penis!''

But they did not in fact get their hands off his penis.

I long ago grew tired of people talking about constitution or bill of rights or even basic laws or what have you when it's blindingly obvious these things will be ignored when convenient.Very clearly the strategy of cucking until you resemble a less extreme version of your ideological opponents doesn't work.Though for most it's as far a they're willing to go so as not to commit thought crime.But worst of all is it's boring.

Hearing the same drivel being repeated with negative results -but hey it'll be different this time- time and again has a mind numbing effect.Maybe that's why the people caught in that loop never move past it.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

A verily all-true screed it pains me to read. In a better of all possible worlds, you’d have had a surefire way to promptly get an at-fault divorce, collect your ball, wish the remainers bon voyage, and paddle in your dinghy for more verdant pastures 🙂 As it stands, no such luck 🤷

In our day and age, it’s info deluge not drought that plagues the house. That includes ill- mis- dis- mal- varieties aka ideological cravenness and intellectual cuckoldry. Them’s especially prone to definitively cross many a disgust threshold.

Sifting through becomes a major challenge. And yes, one feels sorry for the great English language, ruthlessly tortured in multiple quarters.

Yet, I’d rather not get mad systematically. Humans do humans 😉 Fuck ‘em = much better stance, certainly much more fun and lighter on heart & mind.

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Rolo, your work provides me insight into places and people I know nothing about. I generally only skim the comments because many do not add to my understanding. Thank you for what you offer.

Other Substacks I read are on topics I know at least something so as to discern validity. I learn more or gain new perspectives. The comments usually all add value to the discussion.

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If I may say so, and I can think of no real reason why anybody should take any notice of what I say, you seem a tad jaundiced, Rolo. Almost depressed. There, I have now demonstrated that I am sensitive and perceptive and have empathy pouring out every pore of my adorable body. But, (sigh) to be truthful, I am posturing. In point of fact, I am a social outcast in my own race. I live among Aborigines who, over some fifty years, have become my adoptive family. And when I hold forth, they politiely refrain from rolling their eyes, and they pretend to listen. Every now and then they release a tsk tsk. And I know I have pushed it too far when the tsk tsks are every few seconds. I say this to highlight my position as a pariah, as a loner, and as one prospective employer noted " You do not suffer fools gladly". And, of course, I did not get that job. But there are a couple of people I do listen to, avidly. And regard as a friend an ally, even though I don't know where the fuck you are. And one of these is you Rolo. My next thought is, I had hoped to cheer you up, but I may have plunged you into deeper depression. Such is life.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

To my mind, Substack was built by and for the Alex Berensons of the world: fairly normal journalists of 2007 who, through a mutant quirk, did not absorb an official memo that the state morality is now ‘murder everything as fast as possible’. Such people are perfectly content to tailor their content for a normie with his finger on the ‘subscribe/unsubscribe $5’ button. McLuhan says the medium is the message. Individual bright souls may beat that principle but that’s what it averages out to. Here the message is ‘subscribe to my substack’.

Any mad prophets are along for a ride as an accidental feature of the design. If the Berensons could agree on a set of censorship criteria that don’t immediately blow up in their own faces, the mad prophets might get kicked off. That’s probably not happening but either way the (increasingly less) implicit business case is that as CNN implodes (guaranteed), Substack will be the new CNN.

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Jan 20, 2023·edited Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

To use wisdom of Hunter S. Thompson: It's nice to let loose with a good screed from time to time. It helps to clear crud from the pipes. Taking everything you said as given, what then is the next step? How do we create a language or image that skims off the better parts of The Many and helps them to support 'the cause' (whatever that is)?

The purveyors of the linguistic equivalent of Soylent Green, know that most of 'the masses' don't want to be challenged. Change is hard. Change is often painful. Consequently, almost no one willingly undergoes change. But change is happening anyway, and the missionaries of the archons have figured out how to profit from the hogs on their way to slaughter by telling them their squeals are justified. It's an evil system, but it works for the missionaries of the archons, though not for the hogs.

What, then, is to be done? How many hogs do we think ringing a different bell will divert from the slaughterhouse? What should that bell sound like? Can we create a rhetoric that will affirm the frustrations and fear of the hogs while getting them to see the air hammer awaiting them if they don't change direction? And what direction are we going to tell them to go?

Metzger's 'leaderless' resistance allowed dissidence of various sorts to survive, but now is the time for the tiniest bit of coherence in messaging if at all possible. We're not an alternative politics if no one can figure out what our politics actually is. I think the overarching connection between Christian Nationalism and White Nationalism is separation and self-determination. What about you?

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My mom in her more aggressive days had a Christianity that became ever more arcane, that at one point I thought, if she's right, like 6 people alive today are going to make it into heaven.

Your Gab guy is about a hundred years early I think.

There is also the matter of the total surveillance state, which has a self-censoring effect far greater than most people realize. Where is your Christian compassion, man? Get ten people in a regular "room" talking about revolution at this point and odds on there'll be a spook in there.

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I estimate that somewhere between IQ 120 and IQ 130 real rational thinking begins. Sadly that means that about 90-95% of the population will never utter a truly rational thought by themselves.

However people with IQ between 105-125 know they are 'smarter' than most. So they take to the pen (or keyboard). This effect accounts imo for most of the drivel we are swamped with today.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Substack a «platform for dissenters»?

Oh, come on. Just look at the recommendations made by their staff:

https://on.substack.com/recommendations (IIRC on.substack is the one you get auto-subscribed to when you create a Substack account)


There isn't one single drop of dissent in those. Arts, culture, feminism, more feminism.

They tolerate dissent for now but who knows for how long. (Although to be frank I'm more worried about Stripe, not Substack itself)

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Президент России Владимир Путин освободил Алексея Павлова от должности помощника секретаря Совета безопасности.

РИА it is a bad sign. You wrote about this guy.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Now don’t hold back...

I enjoyed reading this. Oddly timely (are double adverbs contradictory?) for me because I woke up on Friday morning thinking along these lines. Particularly in the context of commenting on Substack posts (not being sarcastic/ironic re: it’s what I’m doing right now), I had a sudden thought it’s a less fractious version of Twitter but with phony prestige of being among the elect, an inner circle, a club for the more discerning. But in truth comments have no status, and there’s no reason they ought.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Actually, GAB's idea of setting up a Christian society somewhere in the mountains is not far fetched. The great Islamic scholar, the late Bernard Lewis, said that by the end of this century, all of Western Europe will be Islamic. This was said years before the giant waves of Muslim immigration that Obama and the leftists in the EU unleashed, so they are many years ahead of what Lewis could have foreseen. Already there are large areas of every EU city where infidel swine not only can't live, they can't even go, with special targeting or Jews, gay, lesbians, trans people (the Koran very specifically calls on the faithful to kill Jews where ever thtey find them and the others are considered as sick and evil, so they kill them to protect their own wivws and children). He studied Islam for 80 years or so and was recognized even by Muslims as the preeminent scholar of Islam, so his thoughts on this are worth weighing closely. And he thought there would still be areas with nothing but Christians, and perhaps, Hindus, Sikhs, Janes, Buddhists, and other smaller religious groups. Given that Islamcists have from time to time tolerated small non-Muslim groups to exist, the only question would be if they have to live under dhimmitude.

As far as your other observations about readers of the many Substack articles, I don't dispute that some people are dumb, ignorant, and unjustly cruel. But even among the worst of them, are they any worse than the average Davos attendee, or member of the EU Parliament, or the U.S Congress and State Department., or these NGO's who are making millions of dollars on the suffering and death of these poor people flooding ourselves, Canada, and Europe. Substack and GAB, and the many other venues people can go to and read ideas and observations that they can't find anywhere else, or to post ideas or thoughts, is a bonafide good for everyone, except for the gangsters and criminals who run all media outlets in the west.

Danny Huckabee

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Oh, the poor widdle matt Taibbis and Glenn greenwalds of the great wide world .. life is soooo unfair .. and the insufferable douchebags at the greyzone - ha! Telling the masses "how it is!!!"

Your best by far Rolo. Don't hold back.

Worried Man Blues - The Stanley Brothers and Clinch Mountain Boys:


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