Lukashenko gave sanctuary to January 6th election fraud protesters.

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Long way to go for refuge, but thanks for the gesture. I cannot afford the travel or the official documents to get through customs.

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The solution to the demographic problem ... is to pay people to have children. Require the couple to stay married and raise them, or the payments stop. That is all. Societies spend a lot of money on things that do not affect their actual survival. So, there should be money for something that does.

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This doesn't work as you think. it's good for lowering deepest poverty but it doesn't change system rigged against families.

First problem is growing division - you want to incentivise rich ppl to have more children increasing chances of them mixing with lower classes. like it worked in Singapore. that's how you keep national bonds and block constant centralisation of capital what screwed USA.

Next you need to ban coeducation or send boys a year earlier to school or you will end still with more educated women preferring more successful foreigners and not respecting men who have worse outcomes by definition in this unfair competition.

it includes also parity in sex of teachers in the second case.

You also want to bind citizens with national culture using it as a common place for folk to express their cultural talents and add own part into cherishing ethnic language and cultivate a fkg reasons to have children and be socially rewarded for it.

If you only pay for having children you end up with even dumber pathological generations wasting time on tictok and growing majority without any reasons to be productive sharing unproductive mindset from seemilar parents.

the only plus from it would be if these were religious groups. then you have a chance at creating theocracy Turkish style overrunning capital with hardcore ortodox.

But in modern atheist and not so unscientific as middle eastern or subsaharian but northern folks society it probably won't work so well.

And you still end up establishing another banana republic with annual inflation of 50% if not worse. Also one where Islamic element feels like at home....

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Recently Lukashencko showed up to the polygon in Brest where the Russians and Belarusians have their joint training center:


What's sad about it is that breaking out your old school winter hat and hanging out with the troops and officers for a day is something Putin should be doing and would have done back in the day. During the second Chechnyan war which was won thanks to Putin he did put in visits to the front. Where the hell is he now? Lukashencko is apparently more comfortable around not just his own but even Russian troops than Putin himself.

To be fair managing Russia is probably a lot harder than managing Belarus all things considered. Lukashencko has doubtless been under pressure a lot but the pressure Putin has been under his whole time as head of state has likely been much heavier. All things considered we are lucky to have had Putin but I gotta agree that Lukashencko projects the auora of a born leader more than Putin these days.

My only real gripe with Lukashencko is that these days, as in the past few months you can find a bigger selection of excellent Belarussian produce in Russia than in Belarus itself. Like in Bryansk in Russia you can find better Belarussian kolbasa and beef than in Brest. I guess Belarus makes better income selling their produce in Russia now than at home. If you skip to 1:45 in this country balls video its not too much of an exaggeration


Russia ball is saying sanctions sanctions choke on your sanctions Ill become even better doing import substitution and Belarus ball says hey russia we are making a union state let me do important substitution for you. Than Russia ball is gorging on Belarusian potato pancakes, kvas and beer and all the stores are selling Belarussian produce.

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You have a point - I have had a particular fondness for Luka ever since he was photographed in body armor and carrying an AK-47 going out after the assassination squad that the CIA had sent (? late 2020, 21?). For show perhaps; but you just can't picture Putin looking comfortable with an AK47. Luka had some steely eyes ! - as I recall, he was about to board a helicopter with similarly armed comrades.

You perhaps are being too fair? Luka also stood alone - globally, really - in defiance of the Covid operation (hence the assassination attempt?) - he may given way some later on (did Slavsquat ever discuss Belarus in this context?) - but Putin folded at the start - germ-a-phobe that he is.

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https://youtu.be/soCHRJXuKGk?t=1m44s 😉

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The solution to declining birth rates is found in the Old Testament:

Premarital fornication is met with shotgun marriage. Anyone who doesn't want a shotgun marriage gets shipped off to the monastery, or gets shotgunned.

Adulterers are punished harshly.

Divorce is banned, except for adultery.

Wives submit to their husbands, and the law does not prevent husbands from forcing their wives to submit.

Perpetual consent within marriage is once again legally recognized.

Abortion treated as murder.

I realize that the author here is a Gnostic (more technically a Marcionist), but the Old Testament is some A-Grade social technology. The Anglos conquered the world with it, and became a hollowed out rotting corpse when they strayed from it.

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If you are so for autocracy while not shilling polygamy old slavic way?

Women prefer to have children with one 11/10 Chad after all. Look at the Slovak parlimentarist officially making children to 11 women.

in case of systems that work you missed the republic and most part of ancient history including origins of Rome, Greece, Alexander's Empire and peak British Empire.

Even China was flourishing under Taoist rule too.

It's a bit idealistically unrealistic when Russia is ruled by an Old Man, and these tend to be risk averse. And Luka isn't young as well anymore so he will wish to leave a heritage, a stable throne for son.

Lithuanian is a peasant language and also the most archaic baltoslavic dialect.

Belarusians speaking own dialect is a pain for imperial Russian but a joy for any actual Slav, you know one who actually cares about well-being of one ethnic origins and respects the same in brotherly tribes.

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Great post, but strike from Belarus doesn't make any sense to me.

1. Drags Belarus potentially into the war, and problem with that is Belarus has very long borders with Ukraine and NATO countries that would be difficult to defend.

2. Any force entering from the north i.e from Belarus would have very long and increasing supply lines through potentially hostile territory

3. Be a very long way to Donbass front to link up there.

Surely much better would be multiple alternating strikes from RF just north or south of Kharkiv? Using the repeated hammer blows strategy used effectively by the Soviets in WWII, shorter supply lines, friendlier territory, and close to Donbass front to link up there when indicated. (But then one would need competent military leadership and not sure one sees that). (Also any offensive would need destruction of Dnieper bridges to ensure success, and that would require competent and resolute political leadership. I don't think I see that either).

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"Send that nuke from Moscow onto Warsaw instead.?" "Both Poland and Russia will be better off for it?" What? Say again? Can this be dark slavic humor?

Discuss and explain.

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The God-Emperor of Slavlands knows nukes are a hoax, best deployed as a bluff.

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If Luka wants to be King Emperor in Russia, he'll have to win the next election there.

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Stalin protected unborn children and discouraged sodomy.

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Just lift the tax burden on families. More children, proportionately lower taxes and I mean way lower taxes for the family than for the singles. Childless have the option of adoption and take away the exorbitant ransom price and miles of red tape required to adopt a child.

I have friends who were absolutely robbed blind over two years trying to adopt two boys from Haiti. Two trips to Haiti to be "acclimated" read shaken down for a month's expense for room and board, and about $70,000 in fees and paperwork to get through a gauntlet of bureaucrats who hate Christians to begin with. Christian family, working male father, at home mother of four other boys, just trying to do the right thing by these boys. It cost a fortune, but the boys have a good home, are part of the family - brothers to other boys in the home - and thank God for keeping the father working and prosperous.

Yet just today I read about a pair of queers who were allowed to adopt two young boys and were just arrested for using the boys for homo-erotic child porn.

Queers! Allowed to adopt children, the most helpless of victims. Sometimes I think a hunting trip to a "gay parade" would be worth it. No limit ... . But then I realize the problem is really with the sick demon-possessed who call themselves "government" and their corrupt "courts." Unfortunately those do not cluster in any publicly accessible areas.

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What would an attack from the north out of Belarus look like, in broad terms? A run down towards Donbass to complete the long-awaited encirclement? Go for Kiev? Other? Is there danger the AFRF will repeat the mistakes of the early SMO, and not give due consideration to the resistance they can expect to meet?

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Cut the supply routes out of Poland and maybe Slovakia and Romania while they are at it. Ukraine is not making tanks, artillery, ammunition, or air defense units, it's all imported. Lots of cannon-fodder, but no weapons. Those are all being supplied by NATO and the sooner NATO is cut off from Ukraine, the sooner the fighting ends, Ukraine is once again a buffer between the US and Russia and peace can resume until the MOSSAD/CIA finds somewhere else to start a war.

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Right. Come in from Belarus, drive south through the part of Ukraine where the people really do hate the Russians, over the Carpathian mountains, leaving troops along the way to garrison the entire Ukraine-NATO border. AFU stunned into paralysis; supply lines cut; victory ensues!

It’ll work because it’s always just as easy to do things in real life as to imagine them, just like last February.

“The acquisition of Canada this year, as far as the neighborhood of Quebec, will be a mere matter of marching; & will give us experience for the attack of Halifax the next, & the final expulsion of England from the American continent.”

- Thomas Jefferson, 4 August 1812

But thanks for playing!

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A bit off topic but could you please tell me what you know about Vershinin at Russia Matters. Was this guy born in Russia and emigrated to the US as a kid? Any value to his views or is it all propaganda?

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I'm never one to unduly piss-off God-Emperors of the Slavlands or anywhere else. While I wouldn't go so far as to say nukes are a hoax, I get your point. Their usefulness is limited and more defensive in nature, as a deterrent not as offensive weapons ... at least so far. Had Ukraine not willingly agreed to repatriate Soviet nukes already present in Ukraine at Independence, and renounce nuclear ambitions in the future, we might be having a completely different conversation. lol

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Why Not Actually Fix the Flagging Birthrate? At the same time when depopulation of Russia and Ukraine is taking place?

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Interesting developments regarding changing views on abortion in Russia. Those are very hopeful signs of a demographic resurgence. Russia would be leading the world in getting back to sanity. She would gain many allies in the non-western nations and also considerable sympathy from truly moral elements within the decadent and failing west seemingly hell bent on civilizational suicide.

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* hare-brained 😝 Pls don't cancel me, I'll behave 😇

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