Thanks for sharing this. As annoying as it must be for you and others, it demonstrates that Russia isn't a one man rule authoritarian state as portrayed in Western media.

If only all the WEF stooges around the world can be removed.....

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

As an aside, the propaganda situation between East and West is quite bungled up.

There are the western white nationalists who by and large side with Russia, while the Russian patriots despise them as adjacent to Nazi Banderites, and are sympathetic to western progressive Left causes.

As a proof there is this video uploaded by a very proRussian odysee channel, Velyaminov's pig pen, in which a merc slums it down to having an altercation with a vibrant in the New York subway:


The fisticuffs is cringe to watch and the guy clearly feels more embarrassed to having stooped so low than anything afterwards.

Now look at the comment section:

-"😂 A white atheist getting beaten up by a brown thug talking about come up to his street and get shot. That’s what happens to white atheists. They think they are god and they think being white makes them tough. They can’t figure it out that being a White Christian makes you the Holy Race. A white atheist is going into the fire."

-"The irony! Worse thing imaginable if you are a white supremacist and get taken down by a "sub human (pun intended)""

-"Q: You know the most shocking things about this? A: if the Police arrived they would bundle off the perp and let him go while laying in to the black guy - if not pinning him down with tasers or using firearms on him. And the worse thing of all: the US of A thinks it has the moral authority to preach middle class morality to poorer nations."

and so on.

Other case in point: articles by E. Zuesse on the very proRussian southfront.org:



On the other hand, Nazi Azov Banderites certainly feel part of the broader right-wing European nationalist movement, and would be outraged to discover the wide support enjoyed by Russia in those same European circuits.

To fully close the circle, progressive western Liberals massively support the Ukraine's national cause.

Strange world.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Putin is a fucking champ for putting up with this level of incompetence for so long.Imagine you give you friend a grocery list and some cash and he not only doesn't come back with the goods but you find out he is now in debt to a guy that keeps mugging you and now needs mo' money fo' dem programs.20 years of this shit.

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Too bad there isn't a Russian version of 4chan to self-generate culture jamming psywar campaigns a la Draft Our Daughters in 2016. Hostile platforms can be infiltrated to disseminate propaganda, but they're a terrible place to organize.

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Imo, the goal is not so much persuading, but to prevent dissenting thoughts. That is why they are making examples of 'dissidents'. The end goal is that people self-police and ban any non-approved thoughts before they can blossom. People must become afraid for any wrong think in their own head.

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Seems that Putin is not w/o some propaganda efforts aimed at the young Russians.


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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

«The interwebs are completely inundated with pro-Ukrainian and anti-Belarussian/Russian propaganda.»

That is amazingly innocent: but of course! The USA elites and those of its satellites are at (proxy) war with the RF, and it is an expensive war, so they must boost home-front morale. Every state at war does that.

And it so happens that virtually all the big media companies in the "Washington Consensus" internet are controlled by the USA elites or those of its satellites (see the Russia-Ukraine content al al-Jaazera for example).

The media companies of "unaligned" countries or of the PRC have a radically different tone.

«the inability of the Russian government to engage in active PR campaigns by finding and supporting pro-Russian content-creators»

Even merely neutral content creators will be expunged rapidly from "Washington Consensus" media and networks if they get any traction, never mind pro-russian, or pro-russian funded by the RF. Maybe in the few unaligned countries or in the PRC.

«All of this could be fixed by creating a sovereign Russian internet, but, as I’ve reported before, despite Putin’s repeated calls for getting serious about this, and money being allocated for it»

Putin is not a dictator, and has to accommodate many diverse interests. What I have noticed is however that most appeasers seeing how determined the USA elites are to regime change and isolate and breakup the RF, have consolidated around Putin, because their interests are at stake too, and many still remember the nasty years of "yeltsinization".

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