I suppose it was inevitable that as I got bigger, I’d have to lay down the ground rules for commenting on the blog.
Basically, we are going to keep to the same system that the monarchies of Europe used back in the glory days.
I am the absolute monarch of this blog.
I am the Autark that was promised.
This is my citadel.
And you are my honored guests.
Attacks on my person will not be tolerated
The rabble is allowed its opinions and is free to voice them so long as they treat the citadel and its autark with reverence and respect
Only the opinions of paid subscribers (my optimates) are taken seriously
I reserve the right to behave as I see fit to secure the interests of my realm and I will disregard any and all constraints on myself or my behavior that interfere with the primary mission of the blog
Bans are permanent. Change your name and create an alt account if you want a second chance
Them’s the rules.
Rolo shining the light on the rabble, who are blinded by the truth (colorized).
Kratoklastes, is a “Parkeha” a white maggot?
Marylenne, the warlords are winning the war.
Rolo the Ruler, lays down the rules, pay tribute you peers, freeloaders are fools.
New Slav Order
Thus begins the Book of the Long Poast.