There are obvious economic implications to this principle. Protective tariffs find natural justification: the nation is stronger if it has a robust industrial base, can provide its own food, etc.; whereas both liberty and equality point in the direction of free trade, offshoring, and the like. The preferred scale of economic activities is also affected: the nation is stronger if individuals are stronger; individuals are stronger if they are economically independent; therefore the preference should be for household-level industry, since this introduces robust antifragility against economic disruption, while eliminating the parasitism of a managerial class doing useless jobs.

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Jun 25, 2022·edited Jun 25, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

As usual very thought provoking essay. Most of the modern world is designed to make us weak: corporations, processed food, social media, feminism, modern Christianity, lockdowns, veganism, sportsball, and a general culture of victimhood. Even guns make us weak because instead of fighting the opposition our side simply goes shopping for guns to solve all problems in the same way many women shop for shoes.

However that weakness appeals to women because by diminishing the priority of strength and elevating to the top the priority of victimhood, women have an advantage.

It is impossible to have a society based on strength when so much of the leadership is female, homosexual and members of a tiny tribe that fears strength in the masses.

We need to expect strength in ourselves, find women who admire it in us and demand it of would-be leaders.

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Excellent essay. Strength is key in any society. A robust strong nationalist ideology that puts the culture and it's majority first is key to the success and survival of any civilization and people. If I had to create a cultural and political program (here's the short list) it would include the following:

1. Reinforce all borders, stop the mass waves with deadly force if necessary. Intern all illegal aliens subject to hearings and deportation. If they return long prison sentence. If they committed crimes while in the country the same penalty.

2. Create a 1/2 % transactional sales tax on all purchases including Wall Street. This would generate so much revenue the Federal income tax could be scraped. State's could decide if they want to keep theirs or abolish it. I would tax heavily anyone with a 100 million net worth or higher nor can they hold office or donate to political campaigns. Barter can be a preferred method of foreign trade example: You send us 1 million in semi conductors we'll send you1 million in oil, gas, or beef.

3. Resign from NATO and close 90% of all military bases abroad. I want the military home to defend the soil and folk.

4. National service all men 18+ must serve either in the military for a minimum of 2 years or in some government area parks department, clerks, schools service, community and civility must be taught and required. Women 18+ can volunteer if they desire.

5. High school curriculums will contain no sexual propaganda of any kind. Boys will be taught home skills, such as basic plumbing, electric work changing car tires and oil. Also exercise yoga and basic boxing. Girls sewing, cooking and baking, boys interested in being tailors or chefs can take those classes too. Most professions should require at most a college associates degree. Further education should be optional.

6. Banks and credit card companies may not charge interest rates over 8% max. Nor could banks file for deficiency claims. Meaning if a home is foreclosed on or sold in a short sale and the former owner losses it. The bank cannot demand more largess from the former owner. Example: A house is a short sale for 200K the mortgage was 300K the bank cannot sue the former owner for the 100K short. The banks gets it's money and the former owner parts company. The bank can write the loss off it's books which it'd do anyway. No other industry gets such a racket only banks and hard money men it must stop. First time home buyers can get interest free loans from the state as can university students with top grades only. Public education will be free if the grade point average is high no remedial classes in college!

7. Medical care overhaul. Citizens can purchase health insurance anywhere in the nation for the best and most affordable plan they can find. Currently states restrict citizens. In NYC for example you can chose from only 4 plans and if you think that's choice and they don't collude you need to change your meds. All personnel graduating in the health care field if they chose to can work in public clinics for 3 years for a small salary that will replace their residency requirements. This would include MD's, DO's, DDS, eye doctor, podiatrists, RN's, LPN's, PA's, x ray techs, lab techs, dental hygienists, massage therapists, PT and OT therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, pharmacists and dieticians. In return those that participate will have between 40-50% of their loan debts forgiven. Thus insuring access to quality care for all citizens. Illegal aliens can get treated then arrested and interned until final dispensation. No anchor babies. Free birth control, no abortions unless the mother's life's in jeopardy.

8. NPR can only broadcast pro national and cultural programs same this with PBS. Privately owned media can publish what they wish. Also no bilingual signs except at airports and on public transportation for tourists. Foreign born students must pass an English competency test to get their high school diplomas.

9. Foreign policy based only on what's good for the nation internationally.

10. Rebuilding of infrastructure roads, railways up graded subways and bullet trains, affordable public transportation.

11. No draconian sentencing the punishment should fit the crime. For example a kid caught with some weed shouldn't get 6-8 years as many did in California when the current VP AKA "cackling kurva" was AG. Felonies and repeat felons will get work incarceration for 10 years to life.

12. Finally and for me most important a total and complete overhaul of child protection and adoptive laws. All the above will be useless if we don't protect our children. Children are not property to be used and abused like a pet. They're stand alone human beings. They must be guided, taught, nurtured, disciplined when necessary, and love unconditionally. The only being on earth that deserve unconditional love are our kids. For adults all relationships of any kind have conditions. Predators that prey on kids incarcerated for life no parole. Adoptive laws must be overhauled too. Strict backgrounds check a must, and kids that already have a name or were initiated into a faith cannot have their identities erased and be required or forced to assume the adoptive parents identity. Simply stated, an Irish boy named Tom O'Reilly can not be erased and now called Tony D'Angelo or Sam Goldstein (and in the case of Goldstein forced to adhere to the theology of the "rootless cosmopolitans"). He stays Tom Reilly Irish and Roman Catholic. Once he's reached age 18 he can if he chooses to take or add the adoptive parents last name it is not required. Studies have shown this is more healthy mentally and emotionally for adoptive kids. If a couple want a certain type of kid then they adopt only from their own racial, ethnic or cultural milieu. If the parents try to force their identity on the child the child will be removed from the home the former parents fined and possible jail time and they will be banned form adopting children for 25 years. Any nation culture folk that doesn't protect it's kids isn't worth a bucket of VD infected piss and not worth saving. Let it die on the vine.

There you have it Rolo. I could go on but I think you get it. I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts and anyone else reading my comments. Keep up the good work. Loved the podcast today. Marxism, Bolshevism, Trotskyism even Maoism were used by Jews to build Jewish power never proletariat revolution like they gave a rat's ass about working class "goyim". Really? You believe that I'll sell you oil fields in Asbury Park!

Stalin was a thug a crime boss and also a committed Marxist like so many others, Genrikh Yagoda OGPU chief, Boris and Matevi Berman, Naphtaly Frenkel created the GULAG, NKVD torturers Boris Rodos and Lev Schvatzman, add Vladimir Jabotinsky, Saul Alinsky, George Soros AKA George Schwartz among others. Stalin I believe realized this and gutted them for ideological and personal reasons similar to how Michael Corleone dealt with the 5 families, Moe Greene and Hyman Roth in the Godfather parts I and II.

In China Mao was guided by Israel Epstein, Jacob Rosenfeld and Sidney Rittenberg, or Joe Slovo AKA Yossel Mashel Slovo and Helen Suzman in South Africa. The so called "Lincoln Brigade" during the Spanish civil war was also heavily populated with Jewish "Marxists" many complicit in what would today be called "war crimes" from Europe and the USA. We see the same cast of characters all cut from the same carpet and history has shown us it's a very louse weave.

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Your concept of a "new" first principle of strength isn't - and I say this respectively - new. What you're describing is fascism in its purest form - in the Etruscan/Roman sense - not the totalitarian fascism commonly associated with Mussolini or Hitler, but rather the ideal principles of fascism as described, more or less, by Julius Evola's "Fascism Viewed From The Right." Although his book is a study of the Fascist Movement in Italy under Mussolini (Italy being, after all, where Roman fascism originated), he comes close to the philosophy of "strength," you describe. Interesting, eh?

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SCIENCE! has already delivered a verdict on who is alive and who isn't. SCIENCE! discovered long ago that a woman cannot be partly pregnant.

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typo? (please feel free to delete this comment)

building society and so on, need a new first principle

building society and so on, needs a new first principle

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Excellent!!! A good way to promote the Well-Being of One's People.

minor typo?:

the principle of strength along allows one to

the principle of strength alone allows one to

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Sounds like MAGA to me. In large part anyway.

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deletedJun 23, 2022·edited Jun 23, 2022
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