Bleak analysis.

The other end of this though is events in the west. The sanctions regime is wrecking the economy of Western Europe. That isn't sustainable over an extended period of time. Even if the people there lack the ability to rise up, smaller economies have less ability to sustain war. It seems like Russia can maintain the current operational tempo for quite some time to come, by contrast.

Ultimately this looks like a war of economic attrition, and the loser will be whoever cracks first.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Get a load of this Ukrainian terrorist website: https://myrotvorets.center/

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Why do you leave out the possibility that Russia breaks through in the Donbass & more?

Btw, Putin now plans to increase full time military nearly 10-fold.

Intel Slava Z

🇷🇺⚡Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which the number of full-time servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces will be increased by 137,000 to 1,150,628 people.

There is no doubt that this increase in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is directly related to the entry into Russia of the liberated territories.



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I like the lively pulse you’ve placed your finger on, but tell me…why no mention of the Global Capitalist/ one world government schemes and designs of the major player, WEF, IMF, world bank and the similar agenda underlying all these perhaps artificial enemies; Xi, Putin, CIA or whoever is actually running the US? Is this conflict in Ukraine not actually a designer war afterall? Just more global theater in order to ultimately implement centralized global techno controll? I mean, GloboCap is the only game out there now since the fall of the USSR., is it not, and it remains unopposed Thoughts?

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I think you left out several other scenarios that are just as plausible and more likely given the economic pain that has been self-inflicted by the Western powers. Their situation could crumble as winter approaches as will their resolve under the self-inflicted pain. Enough of them are already on the brink of withdrawing from a failed American stranglehold on their economies. The military situation favours Russia despite the propaganda that is "reported" each day. I believe that the Western nations have miscalculated terribly. The rest of the world has caught on their scam, whether it be the pandemic, the climate change artists, or the digital id folks who need chaos for their purposes in bringing about a new world order that could keep them on top. 80% of humanity does not really agree with this new form of neo-colonialism. Times are a-changing. Demographics say a lot. Your scenarios are much too pessimistic given the facts on the ground.

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The scenarios did not include an outright Russian victory. I believe that scenario is also quite possible. Slow but steady progress. It's awful that this civil war between Slavic cousins if not brothers, is having such painful and tragic consequences, all because of foreign interference.

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I certainly do too but isn’t it suspicious that he and China both are in lockstep with the west on the manufactured health crisis, digital currency and the implementation of techno-cyber security and surveillance?

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"The financial austerity will no doubt remain in place regardless,.."

If I understand correctly you are implying that the West at present has financial austerity. Why? The USA is expected to record a Government Budget deficit equal to 16.70 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2021. That is not austerity.

Germany recorded a Government Budget deficit equal to 3.70 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product in 2021. Also not austerity. Didn't check data for any other Western countries, but my point is that at present there is no austerity.

Maybe there will be austerity in the future, but why are you expecting it. Please explain.

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Straying out of the main topic of the post, and on a tangent about the city/country 'cultural' cleavage, it may be observed that in Europe it doesn't come as clear cut as "generally city boys are liberal lefties, while conservatives and traditionalists predominantly dwell in the country". That may be true in the US. This blog suggests that it is like this in Russia too.

Perhaps this is because the two above are continent-sized countries, where big conurbations are far and away from each other. So country-dwellers can live their whole lives without being influenced by the traffics and commercial environment proper of cities, which someone has called "the grease that allows for civilization to exist in the first place (otherwise competing interests would make coexistence impossible)".

In Europe, distances are much shorter, so the countryside in a way belongs to the cities, as their extended suburbs and holiday resort. From Warsaw all the way west to Paris and beyond, then south to Lyon, Marseilles, Switzerland, northern Italy, Catalonia and Madrid, there really is no concept of "cultural countryside", as a Russian or American may intend it.

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The US is very unstable. No telling WHAT is going to happen here next.

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