This was a great interview, thanks.

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Thank you for this. It was obvious how the 'Khazars' were always used to shift the conversation away from the behavior of jews as they are *now* and redirect the conversation toward some obscure history.

People on the Right are generally suckers for 'secret history' narratives.

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just heard a phrase and i am sure rolo will like it " gnostics were the original conspiracy theorists"

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Well they were psychics and seers who first recognized the alien threat of abrahamism. These guys were tolerent people and had no problem with people having other gods. Except this Yaldabaoth being they identified as really bad news.

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You damn sure flew close the the sun on this one. I first heard about the Khazarians from Clif High, I like listening to Clif, he's interesting and entertaining, entertaining being the keyword. Part of Clif's insight to things came one time when he was trippin balls on mushrooms, mescaline or somethin and ran into an insect alien in hyperspace, who he calls the "Bug" and the bug is dealing with the Khazarians using telepathy or some shit. It's a helluva tale and it's interesting and entertaining, but with all due respect I wouldn't base my world view off of Clif's insights. I did take a little trip down the Khazarian rabbit hole though, here is the most objective thing I found on it, because it laid out the arguments for both sides, with sources http://www.khazaria.com/khazar-diaspora.html I do find it strange that there's no DNA linking when there was obviously some sort of conversion that took place in the 8th century, but I'm sure Mr Haemers has dug into it a lot deeper than I have. Good interview I've read some of his work on UR.

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Italy was important to Jewry. A lot went there when chased out of Spain. I think they had family based kabbalistic schools, from contact with whom Ficino, Mirandola etc. developed Christian Kabbalah, very influential in Renaissance occult and cultural circles. I think they even had a sort of King sent by the Babylonian rabbis. Banking being important to both the Jews and the Church, they became moneylenders to the Papacy, as well as involved in the trade and banking of the Italian city states. Even the Medici were rumoured to have been of Jewish origin.

Another theory is that they acquired a lot of white dna through breeding with slavegirls - not only from Ukraine, and with the successful crooks wherever they went. Infiltration of other people's organizations and turning them to their purposes is part of their modus operandi.

The Khazar theory seems another of the interminable shell games obscuring the 'real jews' while pretending to seek them.

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All the great theories I have read about the satanists, in fact there are exactly two great theories I know of is that the "jews" are the phoenicians working with the jewish diaspora. They rule over us since they took over Rome which was probably before Christ.

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Judeo-Christianity is a jewish plot to use gullible Whites to destroy White rule. Always has been. Judeo-Christians destroyed Rome, not jews. The jews are never so numerous as to be able to build anything of value, but they are very clever at using other races to destroy themselves.

Jews as a biocultural entity are everywhere and everywhen the enemies of Whites. 'Spiritualizing' this animosity and opposition by calling it 'satanic' obscures this very simple fact.

The jews win because Whites don't fight as hard or as long as jews do against Whites.

The jews will 'fix' themselves when they can no longer manipulate Whites.

Focusing on the perfidy of the jews just feeds their 'victim' narrative that modern jews require to maintain their biocultural cohesiveness.

It's a little-recognized fact that jews are terrified of jewish miscegenation and assimilation. Consequently, they create fake overt 'anti-Semitism' when no concrete 'anti-Semitism' makes itself available.

The jews need the anti-Semites.

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A great talk. I had read often about the Khazar theory and I guess I took it for granted.

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This was an exceptional conversation with Mr. Haemers, Rurik. The symbiotic fluidity of every subject, taken with perfect stride by the both of you was a real breath of fresh air- well done, gents! I've had the issue with the "Khazar" thing since I swiped that book when I was in my teens. Never could cipher it out to make full sense. Don't think of it much now, as in that whichever deep pit, or colonizing Brood/Spore/Vessel (maybe from Titan?) from whence they hatched really matters, as much as I do know that these Ethnic Predators exist, and always have, wherever there is shekels to be made; as in major port cities (always, throughout known history-around the globe); anywhere in condensed urban agglomerations where they can ply their racketeering with relative safety and secrecy; at the side of any king or emperor, as Grand Vizier and chief lender to said Hauptmann, during any age, ancient or contemporary. I read the Jew-Book "Manual for Gentiles" that they melted the mind and vitality of Our People with, twice(!), cover to cover. The Old Half is nothing more than an EXACT play-by-play of what they do, and always have done, throughout history, to any nation they get their beaks ensconced in... Why change a winning formula, if the dumb suckers keep falling for it, over and over again? The New Half is pretty much how to get rolled, and be grateful for it! To get get bitch-slapped, not once, but TWICE(!), and hand over your wallet, or you'll burn forever and ever and ever... They get control of the GATES/LEVERS of control, as individuals, then are able to Wicce anything they want (you gentlemen nearly said the word, but described it perfectly) to subtly and slowly, with great deliberation manifest their subterranean strength before the Host even realizes it's on it's deathbed. Nearly every living organism has a parasite, an invasive species specific to their nature. The collective White Race definitely has it's Bipedal Parasite. We're like a chemo patient: kill you slowly as possible, and take all your shit in the process. The spider, the vine, kudzu; "tapeworm", as Rockwell called them aptly. The Old Testament, The Protocols, surely are a play book, all manifesting successfully to this day. However, the Book Of Revelations is also; one that they are finally able to manifest through the means of technology in incredible rapidity. The fruition of many Eons of progression to the ultimate goal of total annihilation- of EVERYTHING! Even themselves(!). Omnicide, by such a malevolent monstrosity that never gives up, vengeance through generations, very long-term stratagems that, indeed, leave the masses wondering, "what just happened?!" ...never grasping the WHY of it and the perps. *Certainly the caveat of not ALL of them*, just as there are WAY too many Goy that coat-tail to get over on the peasant proletariat themselves. Methinks often that we are like The Canticle Of Liebowitz, an endless cycle of technocratic Wiccing that leads to absolute destruction, followed by a great ice age wherein only a few survivors in mountain caverns eventually emerge and begin this sojourn over and over. Mr. Haemers hit it when he spoke of the Kali Yuga-the Age Of Iron. Indeed, we are there now, the bottom of that Grand Cycle. You guys need to do a regular broadcast, y'all were right on page with one another in so many ways in perfect synchronicity. Thank you, worth every bit of cash I contribute!

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Very interesting interview. thank you.

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Hello Rolo/Rurik, your “would be” schizofrenia or “change in management” is a waste of time, everybody knows Rurik is Rolo and Rolo is Rurik and if you had enemies who wanted to get even with you, they would find you, even if you wanted to hide under the name of Finkelstein, but I am sure you are quite aware of that…just to say that I don’t understand your name switch… but I do honor and respect your Slavic courage and so do a lot of other positive people ,only the tribe doesn’t. I am just wondering how long they will tolerate your so to say "anti semitic" “annoyance”?

However this latest podcast was again for me a very shocking wake up call and especially ENLIGHTENING… even I, being lately (since the start of then SMO) quite suspicious and highly critical of any information which comes to me, was almost for 99% convinced about the Khazar narrative being the real thing (maybe because I wanted to believe it and wanted to distinguish within the tribe the bad and the good ones, like Christianity in my childhood indoctrinated me …after this fantastic podcast I have learned one very big lesson: all, historic and actual, information (= propaganda and psy ops) that is put on air must be checked, double and triple checked before making any conclusions for one self. And yes, Karl Haemers message is clear for anyone who is awake: “we all have a common enemy of all mankind and a common cause, we have an obligation and a calling to maintain our own personal and collective sparks of light because this what will reignate the golden age” … I could not agree more. Rolo, Rurik , Finkelstein or who ever you are, thank you very much for your straight to the point and very informative podcasts! Be safe and kind regards from a Slavic Slavianin.

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Another interesting guest, thank you RS.

How do you like your 'Jesus', a carpenter well crucified in the 30's A.D. or a King of Edessa (the Kingdom of Heaven) leading the Jewish revolt in the 60's A.D. and banished to Chester?

Ralph Ellis has written a lot of interesting and provocative books, incidentally illustrating the deceit with which the 'holy texts' were written - well before there were any Khazars to be blamed.


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Yeah I have heard of it

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Cool. I never really bought it because I can generally recognize both Ashenazim and Sephardim as being of the same people.

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I think there are even more ethnic divisions - Mizrahi (eastern) Falasha (Ethiopian) and at least one more subsaharan sect. Also longstanding Indian and Chinese Jewish communities. They are multiracial as well as multicultural. The religion/ideology is the glue, cultural aspects (language, food, garb) less so.

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What sub-saharan sect do you refer to?

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Hey Bugey, don't remember my source for this. Might have been a Michael Bradley book. But not wanting to disappoint, I found a few YT vids. This quick one on the Lemba of southern Africa rings a bell. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/u4PS0xMGOXg There were other longer ones on communities in West Africa, among the Igbo in Nigeria.

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Thank you billy, i learned something.

i knew about a population of Malian of Jewish origin, who have no Jewish practice since they have converted to Islam Long time ago. They are as black as their neighbours.


And that short video is amazing. Jews are converting!! and at least supporting any tribe, sub-tribe that claims Jewish ancestry:


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And what is "red" if not blood?

I suggest you a reading " Royal bloodline wetiko & The great remembering " by Dean Henderson.

By the way, until, very late the ones with power and money were the ones who had the arms. It happened many times that the kings ( France.. ) had their creditors killed and fully robbed..why not?

That should bring a little bit perspective about whom got the real power..

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Please don’t say the khazars

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An hint. Rothschild in English means "protect the blood"...which blood?

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Doesn't it mean red shield?

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In German in means Red Shield but not sure how you would translate it to english. How would that be done Philip88

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The biggest study that has been run on the Khazaria theory concluded "The khazar population left no modern decendents to enable a clear test for a contribution to ashkenazi jewish ancestry.

Another discipline rejects the theory. Onomastics is the study of proper names. When looking at forenames and surnames in a group you can tell how a group saw themselves, their language and origins.

There are No turkish names in later documents of jewish names.

Even documents by jews living in Belarus and Ukraine, there are no turkish names, which suggest no european jews came out of Khazaria.

Also: All structural elements of Yiddish are german (theres some influence of slavic languages), all words with turkish origin came into Yiddish via eastern slavic languages.

Supporters of the KT will tell you other jews and rabbis of west europe taught them yiddish but i didnt exist. Which leads to a problem with their six million claim.....................

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I meant to type "they didnt exist", meaning khazarian jews.

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I think this Qanon people are well-meaning but slightly deluded in many ways. To my mind Qanon was just a rip off of the old counterintel operation of the soviet cheka, identifying opposition and arresting real patriots.

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