[Skrbina - Partner in Crime With the Unabomber! Is Technology Demiurgic? The Greek Concept of Techne + Logos, Does Zuckerberg Think He is Yahweh? Don't Let Your Kids Become Mechanics! and Much More!]
In the 8yrs that I kept my nose in a book, "Shantaram" was my favorite, here is an excerpt that relates to one point in this interview. https://steemit.com/philosophy/@milinko/shantaram-theory-of-ultimate-complexity . As I sit here listening I can't keep from wondering what kind of lifestyle Skrbina is living, but I suspect that he can't walk the talk he's talking. One of the key aspects of my life is self-reliance, I grow or raise 90% of everything I eat and sell the surplus, it's an unbelievable amount of work, that's what I'll be doing today, first butcher 20 rabbits and then spend the day in the garden. I'd like to encourage Skrbina to take a stab at it, I'm curious how long he'd last without air conditioning or refrigeration, but I expect it'd be about three days, maybe the first day when he takes a shit and realizes there's no toilet paper in this world he envisions and he has to wipe his ass with a rock. There's was a lot of interesting aspects of this interview, but it appears to me to be another malthusian intellectual blinded by his own hubris. He can't see a genocide taking place? Has he not heard of the "not war", half a million slavs dead? People are dropping like flies, has he not seen "died suddenly" written anywhere? Has he not heard of Agenda 2030 or the Club of Rome, the depopulation agenda has been activated. I'll tell you my take on saving the planet, all you sharp young white men, like you Rurik, find you some nice, young, smart white girl with wide hips and start pumping us out some smart white babies that are born with innate problem solving abilities.
I'm not saying that we haven't gotten off track, all us should be living these sustainable, self-sufficient lives, but technology can help us get there through the flow of information. I look up a lot of shit about gardening on Youtube, I've learned a lot on there. I'm also one of those mechanics that you don't want your children to grow up to be, but before I do any job I run it by Youtube to see if someone has come up with a better way to do something. I find all this information to be more beneficial than detrimental.
Lastly, petition Chris Langan for an interview, you're a sharp kid, I think it'd be a fantastic interview.
>I’ll tell you my take on saving the planet, all you sharp young white men, like you Rurik, find you some nice, young, smart white girl with wide hips and start pumping us out some smart white babies that are born with innate problem solving abilities.
I agree, so get to it Rolo! Only you and your like can save the planet!! And no whining about how all women are vampires, crazy, will take all your stuff in a divorce, are too liberal etc. Good women are out there just like good men are...and its your task to find one. I believe in you ✨🌍
Yes this sounds like the MoD, just keep waiting for the offensive. The dragons are coming. Rurik's progeny are just around the corner... Typical 9th columnist
I was disappointed that he really didn't circle back to this- if complexity is an intrinsic property, then its insane to fight it. Literally insane, like being upset about gravity. I am not convinced that teknos is not simply an emergent phenomenon. I don't like it, I try to avoid it, but it does seem like a demonic aspect. Ancient Christianity/judaism (pace Ellul) actually attributes this as "the fall" which was briefly touched on initially. I am uneducated on other traditions.
Ellul classified it as a spiritual warfare, which is not fought in a materialist war. Kaszinski explicitly fought materially. That seems self-defeating.
Reading my reply, i realize that maybe this is my lack of understanding of the gnostic demiurge Rolo thing whereas you are allowed to be upset at gravity because its just a function of the demiurge?
Being upset with the Demiurge would be the same as being upset with gravity. The Demiurge doesn't care and neither does gravity. It's the same problem either way.
He agrees with the ruling class on population but diverges when it comes to technology
Internet population hand wringers are interesting. The absolutely refuse to see any indication that the ruling class is on board with their take on population . The exist in a world where greedy capitalists want to stick women back in the kitchen and make lots of babies
That’s just not the world we live in
Rockefeller’s THE POPULATION COUNCIL, started looking at population in the early 50s
The 70s congressional population hearings were based on Rockefeller’s study groups findings . It determined that , you guessed it, what the good professor believes
I mean many elite think tanks determined this quite some time ago .
All the population think tanks now call themselves‘sustainable development’ think tanks
An interesting conversation, but: Anyone advocating an administratively planned reduction of world population by 7 billion people should probably consider self-medicating. Absent an asteroid or comet strike, or an unimaginably destructive nuclear war, that ain't gonna happen. Hopefully Skrbina (and you) will discover the benefits of long afternoon naps.
So Monsieur Rurik Skywalker could consider a reduction of population in Africa ?!(Which has been prioritized by the actual pathocrats for decades now and properly, profitably implemented).
What's new?
Why Africa? the "dark" continent bathed by much light each days, yearlong, with a fauna that has struck all Western and Eastern youth most probably young Rurick's imagination and symbolic young age initiation (Lions, Girafs, rhinoceros, etc..., and baffling varieties of plants of all sizes and biotopes).
Why not China, bordering Russia? Or India?
Africa has actually many races ranging from white Berber to the darkest of the darkest going to the Koïsans.
All Humans are living a precarious life under a great Universe that is periodically, cyclically, cosmic shit happens, like Solar radiation of all ranges. Sometimes volcanic or earthquakes things happen. Maybe and probably link with the above. No human races, tribes, lineage, culture is immune to that fate. Famine, mass deaths, plagues, meteors, etc...
At the present moment, "the space lizzards" at the top of the pyramid have a problem with all of Humanity.
All races, "deep soul linked cultural behaviours", cultures, are in danger because of trans-humanism, the internet of everything.... All the nightmares we all know to well about here.
Anyway, some Africans have already taken the best of your Slavic souls and wisdom:
"when mind and heart are calm the body will react in an appropriate way / systema Senegal"
A thougt to my friend Natasha, who had lived for almost 50 years in mali, married with an honest African incarnated soul she had married. Her children, an absolutely beautiful Slav/negro woman and her brother had chosen to remain in Mali, while they spoke many Malian languages, Russian and French. They have three passports, have studied abroad. The son was an honest, jovial car repairer. When she died, the religious ceremony(Catholic because no Orthodoxe priests) drew so many people that some had remain outside the Church?
"A Sketch of a New Metaphysics": https://anthony8484.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/a-sketch-of-a-new-metaphysics-and-its-signifigance/ ... I formulated this back in 2013 as an explicit attempt to move beyond the metaphysics of modern technology. One of the best things I've read on the subject is Heidegger's essay, "The Question Concerning Technology." Also, his "Death of Philosophy" and general thinking on DeCartes, Newton and modernity are very penetrating imo.
Yeah, the collection, "The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays" is a good primer. And so is the essay, "Modern Science, Metaphysics and Mathematics" (in his Basic Writings anthology).
I also remember you mentioning you were drawn to the pre-Socratics (perhaps more than logos philosophy) and Heidegger is the most profound thinker on them imo - certainly since Hegel, anyway, whom I haven't put sufficient time into understanding. Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics is good, as is Early Greek Thinking.
I agree with the essential assertion of Heidegger that to move forward in thinking, the West needs to move beyond metaphysics, in part by going back to the "pre-Socratics," who were pre-metaphysical - and that only then will Western thought be able to confront eastern thought in something like Hegelian Dialectic. On the other hand, I suspect the East (specifically, some of the schools of Buddhism and Daoism) are centuries ahead of western thinkers in their understanding of Being, b/c the West has spent the last 2,500 years stumbling around the labyrinth of metaphysics, only to arrive at a center of nihilistic, all-consuming materialism. And given that this obsession has (predictably) put Western devotees of the demiurge and his exiled insurrectionists in the position to tyrannize and destroy the material world, I’ve recently decided to put more time into trying to discover/cultivate the power of spirit, and less time into trying to articulate its “logos.” The West has become best at articulating thought. But thought is often antithetical to the cultivation of spiritual power.
yeah ppl like Heidegger basically bring us up to the nexus point between west and east, the endpoint of western logic and the philosophical experiment and where it stands poised to bridge over into eastern mysticism.
in that sense, heidegger is the last philosopher. he was the capstone on the western philosopy project.
Yeah, I think you're right about the convergence of east and west. He saw Nietzsche as the last western philosopher (the completion of western metaphysics), and what he (and Husserl) were doing as "thinking." I think thinking will still have it's importance going forward, but that the most impactful "logos" on the beingness of beings will focus on higher realities and incorporating them into a holistic view of entering and exiting the quotidian. Basically, we need to make the esoteric symbolism of Daoist wizards and Llamas more conceptual and open to western minds. I think this could be an essential component of the way out of materialism. Jesus was trying to do this in a 1st century Palestine kinda way, imo, which is why I do see him as one of the greatest examples of a spiritual life. I'm of course disgusted by Pauline Christianity though.
No, I'm sympathetic to aspects of gnosticism - mainly, the identification of Yahweh as an insidious, tyrannical demiurge. By Pauline Christianity, I mean Catholicism and and all it's offshoots - all the major Christian churches insofar as I'm familiar with them. There's a good book by a biblical scholar named "Paul and Jesus," which makes a strong case that the Christianity codified in the new testament is the brainchild/interpretation of Paul and his followers - Paul, who was a murderer, a "publican" and seemingly a paranoid schizophrenic - the only "apostle" to never even see Jesus "in the flesh" - the others were just Jesus' posse - his friends and family.
And the Bible in my view is clearly a diabolical work of a new kind of Pharisees who wanted to channel a multi-pronged slave rebellion of the spirit back into the service of the empire.
I think the closest thing we have to the actual "gospel" of Jesus of Podunk Nazareth is "The Gospel of Thomas" - definitely worth reading - a book that would've definitely been destroyed by the Catholic Church if they'd gotten ahold of it. With all the other things I've learned about Jesus' repeated pilgrimages to India, it seems obvious to me he was a spiritual savant who wanted to free his hometown luddites from the spiritual darkness the Pharisees and general materialism kept them trapped in. The Gospel of Thomas outlines a quasi-Buddhistic perspective of the Kingdom of God being literally at hand - like, in front of your eyes for you to awaken into (not "at hand" in Paul's sense of "coming soon to an Apocalypse near you."). Jesus is trying to convey a process of awakening into the primacy of spirit, and make Jews leave their Judaic traditions in the dust (that's why he insists that his arrival consummates all the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible, b/c he wanted to have the authority to say "enough with all this shit") to a materialistic people with next to no conceptual or philosophical language. That's why 90% of what he says is parable and allegory (And as a highly realized human being, I think he also realized the physical world should be viewed primarily as an allegory of the spirit.).
In this sense, I do prefer Jesus' take in the Gospel of Thomas to the Gnostics. He clearly thinks the spirit is more important than the physical, but his message to return to the innocence of infancy - to Eden before the fall - means in part not to be ashamed of the body or see matter as evil. The physical world is a cornerstone and window, not a deceptive trick to be despised and condemned. Again, I think the little I know about the Gnostics is very interesting, but I'm very suspicious of any school that paints the physical and spiritual as polar opposites and views one as good and the other evil. I think the physical is most likely a specific permutation of the spiritual we're currently so stuck in that it seems to have solidity, but it's a beautiful cornerstone imo, not a veil.
We have at our fingertips the tools to fracture the cosmic egg, and go down into the great winnowing of human evolution, as opposed this death march into transhumanism - if only we reject materialism and awaken the Self.
People like Skrbina never accept that once a superior technology is invented and implemented by a group of people, other groups not using this technology will be conquered by them. Making an agreement between all groups stating that they will not use technology will not work, as there only needs to be one group not following the agreement and thus gaining an advantage over the others and conquering them.
This 'natural' life as Skrbina describes it can be found in groups like the Amish. But the only reason they are left alone as a group is because they live in the US, and are thus protected by US military might. If it weren't for that, they would be conquered by others wielding the most simple weaponry that the Amish refuse to use.
On depopulation: there is a depopulation agenda for smart whites and to a lesser extent east asians. On the contrary, our elites have no problem with another few billion 75iq africans.
Africans conquering the west because the west has grown complacent from material wealth and technology is only one part of the story. The other part is that the west, and that includes russia, is governed by a foreign and parasitic tribe that is slowly killing the host.
Actually, those at the top of the pyramid of power have been depopulating Africa for decades now. Any body who knows at least some part of Africa have noticed it. Vaccines have been the best way to degenerate the local races. Then you have food scarcity, poisoning of all kind (pesticides, herbicides, hidden dumps for Western wastes,etc...) the "raping" of local imagination like my friend Aminata draman Traoré has written, by insane TV novelas, Z serie US movies. Poverty is also very detrimental for human beings.
The so called elite have been hell bent on slaughtering Africans...
This is a cultural slaughtering obviously, can't you understand that? What food is 'offered', the junkiest of all for these migrants. Western leaders (and China in Ethiopia) have destroyed their countries in the first place, before sending them to Europe.
When we arrived in France fleeing the war, my then wife had this to say after a couple of weeks in France, "There are to many Africans in your country now". It was obvious to her that it was bad for every one.
She had never wanted to come here in the first place and only wanted me to expend my agricultural project which had already been demonstrated in her own native village.
She also was really shocked that when she offered seat in public transportation to white elders who refused because they didn't want to accept to grow old and thus obliged her to be impolite. For any Africans, elders are prioritized.
The Globalist agenda is obviously against all human stock and culture. The Invisible Rainbow of Firstenberg does destroy everybody's cells a biological process as well as plants and animals of all kinds (birds, insects, mammals...). It does even destroy the fish so that submarine transmission works.The "Starlink" project and it's deleterious outcomes concerns every human, as well as HARP and it's cousins.
The 'internet of everything' dehumanizing horizon does not exclude blacks according to my knowledge. Unless the lucky ones who will remain off-grid on the very vast continent.
Migrants are just a tool against the Whites and obviously African soul and culture is also being destroyed in the process. And what a soul! Africans, whatever flawed they had (to much inner slavery) had prospered on the largest continent, living in an open field (no-enclosure, it is only being enclosed now, thus many wars between herders and agriculture based tribes) in 'parallel' with the most amazing fauna. Nowhere in time would Africans of any walk would have slaughtered a specie out of sheer greed.
Africans defined themselves as human, thus their culture, in daily opposition/comparing process, to the Lion, the Elephant, le Monkey, the Zebra...
Think of yourself going away alone from the village for whatever necessary reason in such an environment.
Why would eradicate a specie that is part of your wealth of spiritual/psychological knowledges, food, clothing, weapon manufacturing, art?
This is not an ideological bias from my part. Africans have been killed by millions in all part of Africa by tribal wars seeded by big corporates to access resources. This is true everywhere. Then there has been the dumping of all our unwanted industrial residue in un-maped places, it has been a huge business for decades and make the people sick... All the Big Pharma wild trials... In the countries I lived in, most mature people witnessed the fact since vaccination began young generation are weaker than the people they had met before, even doctors in private conversations.
Black Africans are also committing genocide presently against Bakas and other "pigmee" tribes... truth must be said. And it hasn't been caused by Big Corporates interests but by pure racism.
The Globalist agenda is anti-Human. All human cultures, spirituality are to be destroyed even more so because merging human with machine is the culprit of the declared agenda.
Thus, for me, out of my French Village, their well being of the Slavs, the Africans
, and others who have contributed to the understanding of my being French is important and knowing that they are all infested by the same cancerous Evil saddens me.
This is a very vague position. Globalists are human as well, for starters.
Meanwhile, if you take even a cursory look at the media, you will find constant anti-White messaging coming from the corporations you mentioned above. But it is also from academics and politicians and even brainwashed peasant slaves. The anti-whiteness of the oligarchs is undeniable if you have ever been to school, had to talk to HR, watched TV, listened to a politician speak, etc.
At the end of the day, I don't mind arguing about abstractions, but most people eventually use these ideological debates to inform real world policy. So, I simply won't accept any narrative that leads to the conclusion that it is OK for Africans to be moved to live in the Slavlands. You can insist that they have colorful souls or a great culture, cuisine, respect for elders or whatever and that is fine. I strongly disagree on all those positions, but that is rather unimportant really. The relevant point is that I don't care what is said about them or what is said about the globalists, at the end of the day, Africans have no place being in our habitat, terrorizing and predating on my people OR culturally enriching us either.
So long as people accept my position on this as a valid and legitimate position to have, then we can debating and discussing with respect.
This is silly. Just because poor black migrants are being used as a cudgel against poor whites, doesn't mean the overall agenda of the people in control is "pro-black." There's so much history to show the elites - principally, elite Jewish financiers, Anglo-Saxon descendants of the robber barons, and the European royals, hate dark people and want to kill them all off along with 90% of all humanity in the long run. Of course, there are layers upon layers of perversion to this - e.g. Freemasons consider a blonde boy as the highest incarnation, so they imagine they get the most spiritual juice out of sacrificing one. These people are thoroughly twisted, but clearly misanthropic, not just anti-white.
At 28m in, Skribina says Athens was the peak of human civ with a good life for all and minimal tech. BS. The “good life” was only for elites, at the bottom creating the surplus were slaves and lower classes, hungry, poor, diseased and living stunted lives. In next door Sparta, a warrior society brutally enslaved Helots.
During 10k years of civilization, the good life at low tech was only possible for 1% parasitic elites and at best, for perhaps 10% in empires (Rome, etc) by strip mining brutalized conquered peoples. The good life for masses only became possible during the Industrial Revolution w wide harnessing of energy and modern ag.
It could be argued a “steam punk” level of tech might sustain a global population of say 2 billion humans, but pseudo intellectuals like Skribina imagine themselves in New Athens wearing the clean, white togas and having philosophical conversations. They don’t want to see the slaves.
This is false. Many people's lived happily around the world with relative egalitarianism and higher levels of spiritual realization and physical health than we generally experience in modern technological societies. Just because Skribina misconstrues ancient Athens (you do too, BTW - peasantry, slavery and womanhood in ancient Greece weren't not all penury and toil) doesn't disprove the existence of "primitives" who were much better connected to their environment and each other than today's societies are.
the more tech you have, the bigger the gap between rich and poor. the more power the top can concentrate in a few hands. the more distance they can put between themselves and their slaves. this is simply undeniable.
This is a relevant and well formulated answer. When reading about ancient Greece, I realized that in fact, the living standard there was the one I had witnessed and experienced in rural Africa. Yet I was we very complex societies even when there were almost no high tech (at best radios, flashlights).
Slaves or captives I encountered (within Tamasheks/SonghaÏ groups) were not living the life and fate of the plantations in the New World. They were living within the upper class family, they were somehow part of these families who feed them well, treat them well...
I entirely agree with you and furthermore, the "environment" implied the "cosmic informational" one...
At about 26m in, the professor lost me. Visions of sentinent, hostile AI are absurd. They’re space opera, tech bro megalomaniac fantasy based on magical science and technology. In the real world rust happens, shit breaks down. Besides, a nuclear holocaust is very likely and AI won’t survive, but pockets of lower tech humans will.
I used to think that AI going wild was absurd too, but then i watched some decent videos by a professor on the topic that explained why it wasn't only reasonable but to be expected. Can't remember it now though which is a shame because i would love to binge-watch it again!
I also have read and listen to people who were explaining how the Artifice of Intelligence could wreck havok and it makes sense. At least as long as the high tech system, the data centers are electrified... One major Carrington Event and the 'whole thing' collapses in a couple of hours and nobody would ever be able to repair it...
When you say, “I do not agree with any depopulation agenda that involves my people being reduced. If we are talking about depopulating, say, Africa, then alright, we can and probably should have that conversation,” are you serious, Rurik? That is, do you really have a “them” vs. “my people” belief, with a death-wish for Africans? Also, is Rolo and Rurik the same individual, and if not, do the two of you have the same beliefs? I’m just a bit shocked to hear it. How about Edward, if you can speak for him, did I misjudged him too? I’d be very shocked to discover he’s also a diehard racist.
I’ve never prescribed to depopulation or race-targeted extermination of any peoples, not even the evil, racist Zionists, but I do truly hate them. I honestly didn’t think Rolo or Edward were racists. But if all three of you are Zionists behind cover, that’d make sense. I get Zionists being racist, considering their history for the past couple centuries, but I’d never guessed you three were. Bloody hell, man, I’m very depressed by this revelation.
Yes, and kind of funny how racists rail on Africans for being disorganized and "primitive" (ahistorical bigotry, imo) then pontificate on how we should all move towards de-technologizing and living in smaller, less centralized groups.
god, i just hate those racist nazis ! don't they know that Africans have the right to live anywhere they want and force their presence on anyone they want? forced association, forced diversity, forced tolerance - this is the foundation of the modern world! if you don't like it, go back to Nazi Germany!
Africans, whose lands have been colonized and whose resources have been plundered for hundreds of years, are now taking any opportunity they can to move wherever they can where they expect to find better economic opportunities. Meanwhile, "western" elites, who want to sew discord and pit the underclasses against one another, are taking one out of America's playbook by letting Africans into their countries en masse.
Predictably though, the heretofore colonized Africans don't immediately want to assimilate or play nice with the citizenry of colonial powers, who are, for their part, understandably against immigration of "asylum's seeking," uneducated, functionally illiterate and unemployable masses of Africans (and in the U.S., Central Americans).
That said, I don't see how this is the fault of impoverished, uneducated Africans, any more than it's attributable to their supposedly bad African genetics or culture. Lower class culture is lower class culture. The majority of people everywhere are degenerate, and (by our estimation) stupid AF. And the people fleeing their homelands across seas in life rafts, along drug trade-routes across multiple countries, are obviously not coming from good circumstances or social strata. We can blame elites (many of whom profited off slavery and colonialism) yet again for fucking with our countries this way.
You’re right. White peasants need to be punished for the sins of their ancestors. Thank you for being honest about this because many try to say that diversity is a blessing. More and more the mask is coming off and we know that it is about destroying white people.
Only libtarded simpletons think it's okay for white peasants to be punished for the sins of their supposed ancestors (especially in the case of the Slavs) - or imagine that's actually what's going on. The working classes of the "global north" are clearly being attacked - they're being forced into conflict with people who shouldn't be entering their countries. That said, the dehumanization of desperate immigrants (supported by nouveaux-eugenicist pseudoscience) is playing right into the hands of the elites. I don't know how to bridge the divide with backwards, uneducated Muslims who ironically have grievances when in deep history their ancestors may have enslaved people of your race. But alienating all dark people is not the way. Stand up and defend the Slavic culture and achievements and values you believe in. Keep your family white if you want - there are legitimate reasons for doing that (and this is coming from a racial mutt married to a racial mutt with a double-mutt son. but personally I'd let go of the IQ pseudoscience and the dehumanization of ignorant emigrants. We need a global peasant revolution, and good luck doing that without dark people.
IQ isn't pseudoscience though, but I can see why you would feel inclined to say so given your difficult background.
I am not demonizing anyone, but these people have no place among my people. Even if the parents are decent and well-spoken, their kids often are not. Regression to the mean in terms of IQ is a real phenomenon which is why you have actual high IQ migrants having street hoodlum kids.
You need to consider the possibility that your liberal worldview on race is a spook.
Rurik, can you ask Rolo (if he is out of mandatory re-education)- at the beginning there was a discussion of a metaphysics that implied an increase in energy/mass requires an increase in complexity. Otherwise there is an increase in chaos/heat/disorganized energy. The unadressed question to me was "Is this intrinsic or is it a function of teknos used in the system adding in energy?" If it is not modifiable, there is some external force that has that maintains that as a parameter. I see the kosmos as increasing in complexity/retained energy way before teknos, that is evident from a macroevolutionary perspective.
Your guest pretty much steadfastly refused to address a mystical source, and everything was attempted to be explained in a materialist view if I am understanding his position. This is directly in opposition to Ellul, who was explicitly mystical in his interpretation, especially later in life.
yeah having a mystical source would definitely make the theory stronger in my opinion. that is why i mentioned Langan and his CTMU which is a model based on explaining Logos. Langan has no problem getting mystical from what i understand. he also doesn't think that the Logos is Yahweh, thank god.
At 58m Skribina proposes controlling tech by reversing “progress.” This is a fantasy daydream.
In what real world (except a North Korea cult of personality tyranny w total control) would this be possible? What presidential candidate would make this their platform? What congress would pass the legislation?
The podcast has become increasingly absurd. A jackoff session. Only violent revolution or a holocaust can reverse technological advances.
There is no indication that physics, biology, and chemistry have squeezed metaphysics into extinction. Professor Jim Al-Khalili has a couple wonderful documentaries about quantum physics that prove science is reaching beyond simplistic explanations. Michio Kaku is another one who combines knowledge with wonder in a manner reminiscent of Shunryu Suzuki's work.
You are brave to suggest the world would be no worse without Africa and I needn't add more to that. The tectonic plates are splitting the dumb continent and God has marvelous surprises for us.
While I despise Bill Gates and would not want to be one of the humans culled by plandemics, war, or starvation, it is widely acknowledged that between 1950 - 2000 half of all wildlife on the planet disappeared. Anyone traveling knows there are too many people in the air and on highways. To coin a couple overused phrases, we are now at a Tipping Point and the 4th Turning is overdue by a decade.
There is no evidence besides UN theoretical simulations regarding ‘half of all wildlife’
“But nobody knows whether such estimates are anywhere close to reality. They are based on computer modeling, and documented losses are tiny by comparison. Only about 800 extinctions have been documented in the past 400 years, according to data held by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Out of some 1.9 million recorded current or recent species on the planet, that represents less than a tenth of one percent.”
For a better understanding of your ‘widely acknowledged’ factors, see this
My only response, Arraya, is that I clearly remember pulling foot-long perch out of Lake Michigan in the fifties and now, when they can be found, they are half that size. When is the last time you've seen perch on a restaurant's menu or in a grocery store?
Look up the invasive species of lake michigan. I can think of two that have been devastating. The human population surrounding lake michigan is probably roughly the same since the 60s- its literally the one place in the US that is true. ASk yourself why you assume human causality? I'd propose conditioning.
I recall those Lamprey Eels and I remember reading for years about those Chinese jumping fish coming up the Mississippi. But my belief is that human predation has destroyed the perch population in Michigan. In inland lakes it's the same as in the Great Lakes.
i think there has actually been a reduction in pollution and population in many places. if you want to see environmental devastation, spend some time in the third world!
Was this friend you talked about going to live in asia Anglin? He used to write about living in the Philippines after reading Kaczinsky. If yes, what do you think about his recent turn to christianity?
i'm a big fan of judeo-christianity. if it weren't for the learning and teachings of africans and middle-easterners preaching to us, my ancestors would be savages living in caves wearing loincloths and grunting.
Some good points; some bad points. As regards the latter...
1) Viruses have never been isolated, purified or cultured: they are pseudoscience.
2) Evolution doesn't even qualify as pseudoscience: man is not principally a biological entity but an electromagnetic entity.
3) The human body has an external aura and many internal aura (notably the Chakras) all of which are toroidal electromagnetic fields.
4) Industrial biotechnology has succeeded in expressing (e.g.) human insulin in yeast and bacteria but not in human cells. This is because human DNA functions principally (and possibly solely) as electrical antennae.
5) Human/machine interfaces (attempts to hack the human aurae) have been on-going since the 1950's.
6) These attempts took a significant step forward with the creation of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) 802.15.6 in 1995.
7) You are already connected to the cloud via WBAN - they don't need to chip you (see 4).
8) Vaccination isn't so much about depopulation as graphenation which enables a step up from ghz to thz.
9) For a beginner's introduction to all this go to Non Vaxxer 24 on Rumble; for a real in-depth analysis go to Psinergy on Odysee (https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f)
2) idk what you mean about electromagnetism, but I also deny macro-evolution as a theory. DNA disproves neo-darwinianism
3) yep
4) DNA as information receptors is an interesting theory, but i can see how race-universalists might use this argument to deny basic biological reality
5) really? link?
6) ?
7) ???
8) lol well seeing as i dont have a better explanation for what the vaxes actually do, why not
9) will do
10) i think BJERKNES has an ethnic grudge against russia and that more discernment is needed on your part, frankly. but yes, Kabballah is the ideology of the elite in Russia and the West.
Thank you for your responses. For 2), 5), 6) and 7), go to 9) Psinergy. She's the expert but she's rather hard work, I'm afraid. You'll have to judge for yourself whether you think she's worth your valuable time. I concluded she was but you may not.
For 4), see 2). You are an electromagnetic entity. The basic biological reality to which you refer is basic electromagnetic reality. However, there is nothing about that electromagnetic reality which contradicts the obvious racial differences that we can all see with our own eyes.
10) My discernment lay in referring to this as 'one credible analysis' (i.e. one of potentially many analyses) rather than 'the explanation' (i.e. the definitive explanation which necessarily excludes all other explanations).
In the 8yrs that I kept my nose in a book, "Shantaram" was my favorite, here is an excerpt that relates to one point in this interview. https://steemit.com/philosophy/@milinko/shantaram-theory-of-ultimate-complexity . As I sit here listening I can't keep from wondering what kind of lifestyle Skrbina is living, but I suspect that he can't walk the talk he's talking. One of the key aspects of my life is self-reliance, I grow or raise 90% of everything I eat and sell the surplus, it's an unbelievable amount of work, that's what I'll be doing today, first butcher 20 rabbits and then spend the day in the garden. I'd like to encourage Skrbina to take a stab at it, I'm curious how long he'd last without air conditioning or refrigeration, but I expect it'd be about three days, maybe the first day when he takes a shit and realizes there's no toilet paper in this world he envisions and he has to wipe his ass with a rock. There's was a lot of interesting aspects of this interview, but it appears to me to be another malthusian intellectual blinded by his own hubris. He can't see a genocide taking place? Has he not heard of the "not war", half a million slavs dead? People are dropping like flies, has he not seen "died suddenly" written anywhere? Has he not heard of Agenda 2030 or the Club of Rome, the depopulation agenda has been activated. I'll tell you my take on saving the planet, all you sharp young white men, like you Rurik, find you some nice, young, smart white girl with wide hips and start pumping us out some smart white babies that are born with innate problem solving abilities.
I'm not saying that we haven't gotten off track, all us should be living these sustainable, self-sufficient lives, but technology can help us get there through the flow of information. I look up a lot of shit about gardening on Youtube, I've learned a lot on there. I'm also one of those mechanics that you don't want your children to grow up to be, but before I do any job I run it by Youtube to see if someone has come up with a better way to do something. I find all this information to be more beneficial than detrimental.
Lastly, petition Chris Langan for an interview, you're a sharp kid, I think it'd be a fantastic interview.
>I’ll tell you my take on saving the planet, all you sharp young white men, like you Rurik, find you some nice, young, smart white girl with wide hips and start pumping us out some smart white babies that are born with innate problem solving abilities.
I agree, so get to it Rolo! Only you and your like can save the planet!! And no whining about how all women are vampires, crazy, will take all your stuff in a divorce, are too liberal etc. Good women are out there just like good men are...and its your task to find one. I believe in you ✨🌍
Rolo was a woman-hater, but I am not.
I've had three wives already, working on a fourth! I love women!
Yes this sounds like the MoD, just keep waiting for the offensive. The dragons are coming. Rurik's progeny are just around the corner... Typical 9th columnist
And how many little white warrior kings have you given us? We need results.
Glad to hear it. Don’t stop until you’ve sired at least ten little Ruriks. I think that’s a reasonable number.
10 baby mommas and 10 kids coming right up!
I’m so excited!! I have the perfect baby shower gifts picked out. Organic washable diapers and a copy of Professor Copper’s Tactical Primer.
I was disappointed that he really didn't circle back to this- if complexity is an intrinsic property, then its insane to fight it. Literally insane, like being upset about gravity. I am not convinced that teknos is not simply an emergent phenomenon. I don't like it, I try to avoid it, but it does seem like a demonic aspect. Ancient Christianity/judaism (pace Ellul) actually attributes this as "the fall" which was briefly touched on initially. I am uneducated on other traditions.
Ellul classified it as a spiritual warfare, which is not fought in a materialist war. Kaszinski explicitly fought materially. That seems self-defeating.
Reading my reply, i realize that maybe this is my lack of understanding of the gnostic demiurge Rolo thing whereas you are allowed to be upset at gravity because its just a function of the demiurge?
Being upset with the Demiurge would be the same as being upset with gravity. The Demiurge doesn't care and neither does gravity. It's the same problem either way.
He agrees with the ruling class on population but diverges when it comes to technology
Internet population hand wringers are interesting. The absolutely refuse to see any indication that the ruling class is on board with their take on population . The exist in a world where greedy capitalists want to stick women back in the kitchen and make lots of babies
That’s just not the world we live in
Rockefeller’s THE POPULATION COUNCIL, started looking at population in the early 50s
The 70s congressional population hearings were based on Rockefeller’s study groups findings . It determined that , you guessed it, what the good professor believes
I mean many elite think tanks determined this quite some time ago .
All the population think tanks now call themselves‘sustainable development’ think tanks
most of the developed world is facing population collapse. i think this is undeniable.
Yes I agree and then the lunatics will take over the asylum.
We have to let the population hand ringers know
Hey white people got the message !
An interesting conversation, but: Anyone advocating an administratively planned reduction of world population by 7 billion people should probably consider self-medicating. Absent an asteroid or comet strike, or an unimaginably destructive nuclear war, that ain't gonna happen. Hopefully Skrbina (and you) will discover the benefits of long afternoon naps.
It was like the Fight Club movie, everything interesting and then a stupid unsatisfying ending.
"Everyone needs to get on board with my plan..." Every chucklehead on the webs has the same solution.
Hahahahahaha ...
So Monsieur Rurik Skywalker could consider a reduction of population in Africa ?!(Which has been prioritized by the actual pathocrats for decades now and properly, profitably implemented).
What's new?
Why Africa? the "dark" continent bathed by much light each days, yearlong, with a fauna that has struck all Western and Eastern youth most probably young Rurick's imagination and symbolic young age initiation (Lions, Girafs, rhinoceros, etc..., and baffling varieties of plants of all sizes and biotopes).
Why not China, bordering Russia? Or India?
Africa has actually many races ranging from white Berber to the darkest of the darkest going to the Koïsans.
All Humans are living a precarious life under a great Universe that is periodically, cyclically, cosmic shit happens, like Solar radiation of all ranges. Sometimes volcanic or earthquakes things happen. Maybe and probably link with the above. No human races, tribes, lineage, culture is immune to that fate. Famine, mass deaths, plagues, meteors, etc...
At the present moment, "the space lizzards" at the top of the pyramid have a problem with all of Humanity.
All races, "deep soul linked cultural behaviours", cultures, are in danger because of trans-humanism, the internet of everything.... All the nightmares we all know to well about here.
Anyway, some Africans have already taken the best of your Slavic souls and wisdom:
"when mind and heart are calm the body will react in an appropriate way / systema Senegal"
A thougt to my friend Natasha, who had lived for almost 50 years in mali, married with an honest African incarnated soul she had married. Her children, an absolutely beautiful Slav/negro woman and her brother had chosen to remain in Mali, while they spoke many Malian languages, Russian and French. They have three passports, have studied abroad. The son was an honest, jovial car repairer. When she died, the religious ceremony(Catholic because no Orthodoxe priests) drew so many people that some had remain outside the Church?
>an absolutely beautiful Slav/negro woman
Yes indeed... But she really is beautiful, anyway. Have you read Lucifer's technology?
no, what is it?
Christopher L. Knowles's work about the origin of high tech...
There are 14 parts...
ok ill check it out.
"A Sketch of a New Metaphysics": https://anthony8484.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/a-sketch-of-a-new-metaphysics-and-its-signifigance/ ... I formulated this back in 2013 as an explicit attempt to move beyond the metaphysics of modern technology. One of the best things I've read on the subject is Heidegger's essay, "The Question Concerning Technology." Also, his "Death of Philosophy" and general thinking on DeCartes, Newton and modernity are very penetrating imo.
skrbina also talks about heidegger in his book and is praising of him because he is one of the few who took tech seriously metaphysically.
Yeah, the collection, "The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays" is a good primer. And so is the essay, "Modern Science, Metaphysics and Mathematics" (in his Basic Writings anthology).
I also remember you mentioning you were drawn to the pre-Socratics (perhaps more than logos philosophy) and Heidegger is the most profound thinker on them imo - certainly since Hegel, anyway, whom I haven't put sufficient time into understanding. Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics is good, as is Early Greek Thinking.
I agree with the essential assertion of Heidegger that to move forward in thinking, the West needs to move beyond metaphysics, in part by going back to the "pre-Socratics," who were pre-metaphysical - and that only then will Western thought be able to confront eastern thought in something like Hegelian Dialectic. On the other hand, I suspect the East (specifically, some of the schools of Buddhism and Daoism) are centuries ahead of western thinkers in their understanding of Being, b/c the West has spent the last 2,500 years stumbling around the labyrinth of metaphysics, only to arrive at a center of nihilistic, all-consuming materialism. And given that this obsession has (predictably) put Western devotees of the demiurge and his exiled insurrectionists in the position to tyrannize and destroy the material world, I’ve recently decided to put more time into trying to discover/cultivate the power of spirit, and less time into trying to articulate its “logos.” The West has become best at articulating thought. But thought is often antithetical to the cultivation of spiritual power.
yeah ppl like Heidegger basically bring us up to the nexus point between west and east, the endpoint of western logic and the philosophical experiment and where it stands poised to bridge over into eastern mysticism.
in that sense, heidegger is the last philosopher. he was the capstone on the western philosopy project.
Yeah, I think you're right about the convergence of east and west. He saw Nietzsche as the last western philosopher (the completion of western metaphysics), and what he (and Husserl) were doing as "thinking." I think thinking will still have it's importance going forward, but that the most impactful "logos" on the beingness of beings will focus on higher realities and incorporating them into a holistic view of entering and exiting the quotidian. Basically, we need to make the esoteric symbolism of Daoist wizards and Llamas more conceptual and open to western minds. I think this could be an essential component of the way out of materialism. Jesus was trying to do this in a 1st century Palestine kinda way, imo, which is why I do see him as one of the greatest examples of a spiritual life. I'm of course disgusted by Pauline Christianity though.
Pauline Christianity being gnosticism?
No, I'm sympathetic to aspects of gnosticism - mainly, the identification of Yahweh as an insidious, tyrannical demiurge. By Pauline Christianity, I mean Catholicism and and all it's offshoots - all the major Christian churches insofar as I'm familiar with them. There's a good book by a biblical scholar named "Paul and Jesus," which makes a strong case that the Christianity codified in the new testament is the brainchild/interpretation of Paul and his followers - Paul, who was a murderer, a "publican" and seemingly a paranoid schizophrenic - the only "apostle" to never even see Jesus "in the flesh" - the others were just Jesus' posse - his friends and family.
And the Bible in my view is clearly a diabolical work of a new kind of Pharisees who wanted to channel a multi-pronged slave rebellion of the spirit back into the service of the empire.
I think the closest thing we have to the actual "gospel" of Jesus of Podunk Nazareth is "The Gospel of Thomas" - definitely worth reading - a book that would've definitely been destroyed by the Catholic Church if they'd gotten ahold of it. With all the other things I've learned about Jesus' repeated pilgrimages to India, it seems obvious to me he was a spiritual savant who wanted to free his hometown luddites from the spiritual darkness the Pharisees and general materialism kept them trapped in. The Gospel of Thomas outlines a quasi-Buddhistic perspective of the Kingdom of God being literally at hand - like, in front of your eyes for you to awaken into (not "at hand" in Paul's sense of "coming soon to an Apocalypse near you."). Jesus is trying to convey a process of awakening into the primacy of spirit, and make Jews leave their Judaic traditions in the dust (that's why he insists that his arrival consummates all the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible, b/c he wanted to have the authority to say "enough with all this shit") to a materialistic people with next to no conceptual or philosophical language. That's why 90% of what he says is parable and allegory (And as a highly realized human being, I think he also realized the physical world should be viewed primarily as an allegory of the spirit.).
In this sense, I do prefer Jesus' take in the Gospel of Thomas to the Gnostics. He clearly thinks the spirit is more important than the physical, but his message to return to the innocence of infancy - to Eden before the fall - means in part not to be ashamed of the body or see matter as evil. The physical world is a cornerstone and window, not a deceptive trick to be despised and condemned. Again, I think the little I know about the Gnostics is very interesting, but I'm very suspicious of any school that paints the physical and spiritual as polar opposites and views one as good and the other evil. I think the physical is most likely a specific permutation of the spiritual we're currently so stuck in that it seems to have solidity, but it's a beautiful cornerstone imo, not a veil.
We have at our fingertips the tools to fracture the cosmic egg, and go down into the great winnowing of human evolution, as opposed this death march into transhumanism - if only we reject materialism and awaken the Self.
People like Skrbina never accept that once a superior technology is invented and implemented by a group of people, other groups not using this technology will be conquered by them. Making an agreement between all groups stating that they will not use technology will not work, as there only needs to be one group not following the agreement and thus gaining an advantage over the others and conquering them.
This 'natural' life as Skrbina describes it can be found in groups like the Amish. But the only reason they are left alone as a group is because they live in the US, and are thus protected by US military might. If it weren't for that, they would be conquered by others wielding the most simple weaponry that the Amish refuse to use.
On depopulation: there is a depopulation agenda for smart whites and to a lesser extent east asians. On the contrary, our elites have no problem with another few billion 75iq africans.
this argument stumped me for many years and i had to accept it.
until i realized that african primitives were conquering the technologically advanced west and that made me do a big "hmmmm".
tech clearly cannibalizes the host society that adopts it. there are other ways to pursue strength such as focusing on human potential.
Africans conquering the west because the west has grown complacent from material wealth and technology is only one part of the story. The other part is that the west, and that includes russia, is governed by a foreign and parasitic tribe that is slowly killing the host.
Actually, those at the top of the pyramid of power have been depopulating Africa for decades now. Any body who knows at least some part of Africa have noticed it. Vaccines have been the best way to degenerate the local races. Then you have food scarcity, poisoning of all kind (pesticides, herbicides, hidden dumps for Western wastes,etc...) the "raping" of local imagination like my friend Aminata draman Traoré has written, by insane TV novelas, Z serie US movies. Poverty is also very detrimental for human beings.
The so called elite have been hell bent on slaughtering Africans...
slaughtering them with all that free food and tickets to Europe, yep.
It's not an either/or. You can degrade a people in its homeland, and at the same time induce it to wreak havoc in another land.
This is a cultural slaughtering obviously, can't you understand that? What food is 'offered', the junkiest of all for these migrants. Western leaders (and China in Ethiopia) have destroyed their countries in the first place, before sending them to Europe.
When we arrived in France fleeing the war, my then wife had this to say after a couple of weeks in France, "There are to many Africans in your country now". It was obvious to her that it was bad for every one.
She had never wanted to come here in the first place and only wanted me to expend my agricultural project which had already been demonstrated in her own native village.
She also was really shocked that when she offered seat in public transportation to white elders who refused because they didn't want to accept to grow old and thus obliged her to be impolite. For any Africans, elders are prioritized.
You need to wake up to the antiWhite, proBlack aspect of the globalist agenda.
The Globalist agenda is no more anti-White than it is anti-Black Africans (there are black in Asia and they don't give a damn about them since they also have been introduced to the covid religion): https://thehealthmania.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/amp_5f44adbb8749f.jpg).
The Globalist agenda is obviously against all human stock and culture. The Invisible Rainbow of Firstenberg does destroy everybody's cells a biological process as well as plants and animals of all kinds (birds, insects, mammals...). It does even destroy the fish so that submarine transmission works.The "Starlink" project and it's deleterious outcomes concerns every human, as well as HARP and it's cousins.
The 'internet of everything' dehumanizing horizon does not exclude blacks according to my knowledge. Unless the lucky ones who will remain off-grid on the very vast continent.
Migrants are just a tool against the Whites and obviously African soul and culture is also being destroyed in the process. And what a soul! Africans, whatever flawed they had (to much inner slavery) had prospered on the largest continent, living in an open field (no-enclosure, it is only being enclosed now, thus many wars between herders and agriculture based tribes) in 'parallel' with the most amazing fauna. Nowhere in time would Africans of any walk would have slaughtered a specie out of sheer greed.
Africans defined themselves as human, thus their culture, in daily opposition/comparing process, to the Lion, the Elephant, le Monkey, the Zebra...
Think of yourself going away alone from the village for whatever necessary reason in such an environment.
Why would eradicate a specie that is part of your wealth of spiritual/psychological knowledges, food, clothing, weapon manufacturing, art?
This is not an ideological bias from my part. Africans have been killed by millions in all part of Africa by tribal wars seeded by big corporates to access resources. This is true everywhere. Then there has been the dumping of all our unwanted industrial residue in un-maped places, it has been a huge business for decades and make the people sick... All the Big Pharma wild trials... In the countries I lived in, most mature people witnessed the fact since vaccination began young generation are weaker than the people they had met before, even doctors in private conversations.
Black Africans are also committing genocide presently against Bakas and other "pigmee" tribes... truth must be said. And it hasn't been caused by Big Corporates interests but by pure racism.
The Globalist agenda is anti-Human. All human cultures, spirituality are to be destroyed even more so because merging human with machine is the culprit of the declared agenda.
Thus, for me, out of my French Village, their well being of the Slavs, the Africans
, and others who have contributed to the understanding of my being French is important and knowing that they are all infested by the same cancerous Evil saddens me.
>The Globalist agenda is anti-Human
This is a very vague position. Globalists are human as well, for starters.
Meanwhile, if you take even a cursory look at the media, you will find constant anti-White messaging coming from the corporations you mentioned above. But it is also from academics and politicians and even brainwashed peasant slaves. The anti-whiteness of the oligarchs is undeniable if you have ever been to school, had to talk to HR, watched TV, listened to a politician speak, etc.
At the end of the day, I don't mind arguing about abstractions, but most people eventually use these ideological debates to inform real world policy. So, I simply won't accept any narrative that leads to the conclusion that it is OK for Africans to be moved to live in the Slavlands. You can insist that they have colorful souls or a great culture, cuisine, respect for elders or whatever and that is fine. I strongly disagree on all those positions, but that is rather unimportant really. The relevant point is that I don't care what is said about them or what is said about the globalists, at the end of the day, Africans have no place being in our habitat, terrorizing and predating on my people OR culturally enriching us either.
So long as people accept my position on this as a valid and legitimate position to have, then we can debating and discussing with respect.
This is silly. Just because poor black migrants are being used as a cudgel against poor whites, doesn't mean the overall agenda of the people in control is "pro-black." There's so much history to show the elites - principally, elite Jewish financiers, Anglo-Saxon descendants of the robber barons, and the European royals, hate dark people and want to kill them all off along with 90% of all humanity in the long run. Of course, there are layers upon layers of perversion to this - e.g. Freemasons consider a blonde boy as the highest incarnation, so they imagine they get the most spiritual juice out of sacrificing one. These people are thoroughly twisted, but clearly misanthropic, not just anti-white.
At 28m in, Skribina says Athens was the peak of human civ with a good life for all and minimal tech. BS. The “good life” was only for elites, at the bottom creating the surplus were slaves and lower classes, hungry, poor, diseased and living stunted lives. In next door Sparta, a warrior society brutally enslaved Helots.
During 10k years of civilization, the good life at low tech was only possible for 1% parasitic elites and at best, for perhaps 10% in empires (Rome, etc) by strip mining brutalized conquered peoples. The good life for masses only became possible during the Industrial Revolution w wide harnessing of energy and modern ag.
It could be argued a “steam punk” level of tech might sustain a global population of say 2 billion humans, but pseudo intellectuals like Skribina imagine themselves in New Athens wearing the clean, white togas and having philosophical conversations. They don’t want to see the slaves.
This is false. Many people's lived happily around the world with relative egalitarianism and higher levels of spiritual realization and physical health than we generally experience in modern technological societies. Just because Skribina misconstrues ancient Athens (you do too, BTW - peasantry, slavery and womanhood in ancient Greece weren't not all penury and toil) doesn't disprove the existence of "primitives" who were much better connected to their environment and each other than today's societies are.
the more tech you have, the bigger the gap between rich and poor. the more power the top can concentrate in a few hands. the more distance they can put between themselves and their slaves. this is simply undeniable.
This is a relevant and well formulated answer. When reading about ancient Greece, I realized that in fact, the living standard there was the one I had witnessed and experienced in rural Africa. Yet I was we very complex societies even when there were almost no high tech (at best radios, flashlights).
Slaves or captives I encountered (within Tamasheks/SonghaÏ groups) were not living the life and fate of the plantations in the New World. They were living within the upper class family, they were somehow part of these families who feed them well, treat them well...
I entirely agree with you and furthermore, the "environment" implied the "cosmic informational" one...
At about 26m in, the professor lost me. Visions of sentinent, hostile AI are absurd. They’re space opera, tech bro megalomaniac fantasy based on magical science and technology. In the real world rust happens, shit breaks down. Besides, a nuclear holocaust is very likely and AI won’t survive, but pockets of lower tech humans will.
I used to think that AI going wild was absurd too, but then i watched some decent videos by a professor on the topic that explained why it wasn't only reasonable but to be expected. Can't remember it now though which is a shame because i would love to binge-watch it again!
I also have read and listen to people who were explaining how the Artifice of Intelligence could wreck havok and it makes sense. At least as long as the high tech system, the data centers are electrified... One major Carrington Event and the 'whole thing' collapses in a couple of hours and nobody would ever be able to repair it...
Not just "nuclear holocaust" but most probably a mega Carrington Event from a massive CME or a pole reversal and a new Global Cooling....
When you say, “I do not agree with any depopulation agenda that involves my people being reduced. If we are talking about depopulating, say, Africa, then alright, we can and probably should have that conversation,” are you serious, Rurik? That is, do you really have a “them” vs. “my people” belief, with a death-wish for Africans? Also, is Rolo and Rurik the same individual, and if not, do the two of you have the same beliefs? I’m just a bit shocked to hear it. How about Edward, if you can speak for him, did I misjudged him too? I’d be very shocked to discover he’s also a diehard racist.
I’ve never prescribed to depopulation or race-targeted extermination of any peoples, not even the evil, racist Zionists, but I do truly hate them. I honestly didn’t think Rolo or Edward were racists. But if all three of you are Zionists behind cover, that’d make sense. I get Zionists being racist, considering their history for the past couple centuries, but I’d never guessed you three were. Bloody hell, man, I’m very depressed by this revelation.
Edward is probably the most vicious Zionist I’ve ever met!
Yes, and kind of funny how racists rail on Africans for being disorganized and "primitive" (ahistorical bigotry, imo) then pontificate on how we should all move towards de-technologizing and living in smaller, less centralized groups.
god, i just hate those racist nazis ! don't they know that Africans have the right to live anywhere they want and force their presence on anyone they want? forced association, forced diversity, forced tolerance - this is the foundation of the modern world! if you don't like it, go back to Nazi Germany!
Africans, whose lands have been colonized and whose resources have been plundered for hundreds of years, are now taking any opportunity they can to move wherever they can where they expect to find better economic opportunities. Meanwhile, "western" elites, who want to sew discord and pit the underclasses against one another, are taking one out of America's playbook by letting Africans into their countries en masse.
Predictably though, the heretofore colonized Africans don't immediately want to assimilate or play nice with the citizenry of colonial powers, who are, for their part, understandably against immigration of "asylum's seeking," uneducated, functionally illiterate and unemployable masses of Africans (and in the U.S., Central Americans).
That said, I don't see how this is the fault of impoverished, uneducated Africans, any more than it's attributable to their supposedly bad African genetics or culture. Lower class culture is lower class culture. The majority of people everywhere are degenerate, and (by our estimation) stupid AF. And the people fleeing their homelands across seas in life rafts, along drug trade-routes across multiple countries, are obviously not coming from good circumstances or social strata. We can blame elites (many of whom profited off slavery and colonialism) yet again for fucking with our countries this way.
You’re right. White peasants need to be punished for the sins of their ancestors. Thank you for being honest about this because many try to say that diversity is a blessing. More and more the mask is coming off and we know that it is about destroying white people.
Only libtarded simpletons think it's okay for white peasants to be punished for the sins of their supposed ancestors (especially in the case of the Slavs) - or imagine that's actually what's going on. The working classes of the "global north" are clearly being attacked - they're being forced into conflict with people who shouldn't be entering their countries. That said, the dehumanization of desperate immigrants (supported by nouveaux-eugenicist pseudoscience) is playing right into the hands of the elites. I don't know how to bridge the divide with backwards, uneducated Muslims who ironically have grievances when in deep history their ancestors may have enslaved people of your race. But alienating all dark people is not the way. Stand up and defend the Slavic culture and achievements and values you believe in. Keep your family white if you want - there are legitimate reasons for doing that (and this is coming from a racial mutt married to a racial mutt with a double-mutt son. but personally I'd let go of the IQ pseudoscience and the dehumanization of ignorant emigrants. We need a global peasant revolution, and good luck doing that without dark people.
IQ isn't pseudoscience though, but I can see why you would feel inclined to say so given your difficult background.
I am not demonizing anyone, but these people have no place among my people. Even if the parents are decent and well-spoken, their kids often are not. Regression to the mean in terms of IQ is a real phenomenon which is why you have actual high IQ migrants having street hoodlum kids.
You need to consider the possibility that your liberal worldview on race is a spook.
Rurik, can you ask Rolo (if he is out of mandatory re-education)- at the beginning there was a discussion of a metaphysics that implied an increase in energy/mass requires an increase in complexity. Otherwise there is an increase in chaos/heat/disorganized energy. The unadressed question to me was "Is this intrinsic or is it a function of teknos used in the system adding in energy?" If it is not modifiable, there is some external force that has that maintains that as a parameter. I see the kosmos as increasing in complexity/retained energy way before teknos, that is evident from a macroevolutionary perspective.
Your guest pretty much steadfastly refused to address a mystical source, and everything was attempted to be explained in a materialist view if I am understanding his position. This is directly in opposition to Ellul, who was explicitly mystical in his interpretation, especially later in life.
yeah having a mystical source would definitely make the theory stronger in my opinion. that is why i mentioned Langan and his CTMU which is a model based on explaining Logos. Langan has no problem getting mystical from what i understand. he also doesn't think that the Logos is Yahweh, thank god.
At 58m Skribina proposes controlling tech by reversing “progress.” This is a fantasy daydream.
In what real world (except a North Korea cult of personality tyranny w total control) would this be possible? What presidential candidate would make this their platform? What congress would pass the legislation?
The podcast has become increasingly absurd. A jackoff session. Only violent revolution or a holocaust can reverse technological advances.
Individuals and communities can opt to reject any manner of technology. Many do.
There is no indication that physics, biology, and chemistry have squeezed metaphysics into extinction. Professor Jim Al-Khalili has a couple wonderful documentaries about quantum physics that prove science is reaching beyond simplistic explanations. Michio Kaku is another one who combines knowledge with wonder in a manner reminiscent of Shunryu Suzuki's work.
You are brave to suggest the world would be no worse without Africa and I needn't add more to that. The tectonic plates are splitting the dumb continent and God has marvelous surprises for us.
I wish I still believed in tectonic theory(
Bill Gates totally said we need to reduce population in a Ted talk
That was willful blindness, this has been a priority since Club of Rome and its predecessors going back to the Fabians. Explicitly.
Going back to Malthus
While I despise Bill Gates and would not want to be one of the humans culled by plandemics, war, or starvation, it is widely acknowledged that between 1950 - 2000 half of all wildlife on the planet disappeared. Anyone traveling knows there are too many people in the air and on highways. To coin a couple overused phrases, we are now at a Tipping Point and the 4th Turning is overdue by a decade.
There is no evidence besides UN theoretical simulations regarding ‘half of all wildlife’
“But nobody knows whether such estimates are anywhere close to reality. They are based on computer modeling, and documented losses are tiny by comparison. Only about 800 extinctions have been documented in the past 400 years, according to data held by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Out of some 1.9 million recorded current or recent species on the planet, that represents less than a tenth of one percent.”
For a better understanding of your ‘widely acknowledged’ factors, see this
My only response, Arraya, is that I clearly remember pulling foot-long perch out of Lake Michigan in the fifties and now, when they can be found, they are half that size. When is the last time you've seen perch on a restaurant's menu or in a grocery store?
Look up the invasive species of lake michigan. I can think of two that have been devastating. The human population surrounding lake michigan is probably roughly the same since the 60s- its literally the one place in the US that is true. ASk yourself why you assume human causality? I'd propose conditioning.
I recall those Lamprey Eels and I remember reading for years about those Chinese jumping fish coming up the Mississippi. But my belief is that human predation has destroyed the perch population in Michigan. In inland lakes it's the same as in the Great Lakes.
i think there has actually been a reduction in pollution and population in many places. if you want to see environmental devastation, spend some time in the third world!
How do I download this as a MP3 file?
Was this friend you talked about going to live in asia Anglin? He used to write about living in the Philippines after reading Kaczinsky. If yes, what do you think about his recent turn to christianity?
i've never heard of any Anglen.
i'm a big fan of judeo-christianity. if it weren't for the learning and teachings of africans and middle-easterners preaching to us, my ancestors would be savages living in caves wearing loincloths and grunting.
[REDACTED]-Rolo-Rurik The R-names better not be some masonic code I am paranoid now.
i'm in your walls!
Some good points; some bad points. As regards the latter...
1) Viruses have never been isolated, purified or cultured: they are pseudoscience.
2) Evolution doesn't even qualify as pseudoscience: man is not principally a biological entity but an electromagnetic entity.
3) The human body has an external aura and many internal aura (notably the Chakras) all of which are toroidal electromagnetic fields.
4) Industrial biotechnology has succeeded in expressing (e.g.) human insulin in yeast and bacteria but not in human cells. This is because human DNA functions principally (and possibly solely) as electrical antennae.
5) Human/machine interfaces (attempts to hack the human aurae) have been on-going since the 1950's.
6) These attempts took a significant step forward with the creation of the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) 802.15.6 in 1995.
7) You are already connected to the cloud via WBAN - they don't need to chip you (see 4).
8) Vaccination isn't so much about depopulation as graphenation which enables a step up from ghz to thz.
9) For a beginner's introduction to all this go to Non Vaxxer 24 on Rumble; for a real in-depth analysis go to Psinergy on Odysee (https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f)
10) As to where this may all lead - including the metaphysical dimension - one credible analysis here.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lAecVyiFTD0x/.
1) yep
2) idk what you mean about electromagnetism, but I also deny macro-evolution as a theory. DNA disproves neo-darwinianism
3) yep
4) DNA as information receptors is an interesting theory, but i can see how race-universalists might use this argument to deny basic biological reality
5) really? link?
6) ?
7) ???
8) lol well seeing as i dont have a better explanation for what the vaxes actually do, why not
9) will do
10) i think BJERKNES has an ethnic grudge against russia and that more discernment is needed on your part, frankly. but yes, Kabballah is the ideology of the elite in Russia and the West.
Thank you for your responses. For 2), 5), 6) and 7), go to 9) Psinergy. She's the expert but she's rather hard work, I'm afraid. You'll have to judge for yourself whether you think she's worth your valuable time. I concluded she was but you may not.
For 4), see 2). You are an electromagnetic entity. The basic biological reality to which you refer is basic electromagnetic reality. However, there is nothing about that electromagnetic reality which contradicts the obvious racial differences that we can all see with our own eyes.
10) My discernment lay in referring to this as 'one credible analysis' (i.e. one of potentially many analyses) rather than 'the explanation' (i.e. the definitive explanation which necessarily excludes all other explanations).
All there is in final analysis are waves frequencies of all kind and emptiness, so yes we are indeed somehow electromagnetic entities.