I liked the article, and your other articles on this conflict in which the US has zero business being involved. A simple comparison of articles from the same news source pre- and post-invasion shows the duplicity of this ridiculous war pushed by the West and NATO. Keep up the terrific writing, and pay no attention to the bot-detractors.

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You are making a mistake in saying the 'US has zero business being involved'. The US business is to maintain and expand its global empire. This is very much in line with that business. What we need to do is change the 'business'. I should also say that what matters is what the American elite think. Americans, like all people, are led around by the nose, by the people with power. Unless there is huge level of misery, the 'people' rarely rise up.

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I agree with your assessment, even though the use of sarcasm initially confused me. Until there is a dramatic event that affects and wakes the “normies”, this country will continue in The Matrix mode.

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I think you could make a few extra rubles or $ giving speech lessons. Put me on the list.

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I’m now a paid subscriber as well. I would appreciate it if you have time to read and comment on any of my writings here on Substack, Quest for Perspective. I’m not soliciting subscriptions but I could use some journalistic opinions, especially from other writers/investigative journalists I like.


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Sure, I'll take a look.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Your speech does the Soviets and Baghdad Bob justice, Rolo. Too bad the Faker is no lobger around to produce just such content but there are other grifters around.

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1. Usually, the normal way of thinking goes from the macro to the micro,

2. what are the "macro" problems of the world at least since 2008? TOO MUCH DEBT and an energy problem!

3. How to solve the debt problem that mostly of the countries of the world are facing ( but not Russia ). Every educated person know that the debt cannot be paid back so the politicians need to find a definitive solution : a/ the hard way would be to default on the debt but it is not very palatable to a lot of influential people ( unless if the politicians could blame something/someone else ) , b/ or to inflate it away in running inflation rates above the real interest rates. It seems that that has been the solution choosen,

4. We must remember that till 2019 the world was in deflation mode : interest rates to zero ( thanks to QE ) and very low inflation rates.

5. In Oct 2019 we got "EVENT 201" ( if you do not know about it just google it ) and around the same time a nearly collapse of the western financial system through "repo" problems...

6. Fortunately the world elites are very resourcefull and we quickly got : a/ covid that has allowed the central banks to re liquify the system with trillions of $ of fiat created out of thin air and a destruction of the supply chains.. b/ a smo /war which amplified the effects of covid-covid,

7. From now on it seems that the world will have to live with an inflation rate far higher than before. But the politicians could also use covid/war as an excuse to default on the debt,

8. I believe ( but I can change my views quickly if the facts change ) that no decision has been taken yet, there are possibilities..

9. Finally , who is in charge? In the US the foreign policy is in the hands of the ethnic neo cons ( the Straussians ) but is it really different in Russia? It seems that mostly of the Ukrainians and Russian oligarchs come from the same tribe. Russia playing just his part to "save the world". IMO to ask who will win ( what?) is not a good question a better one would be to ask who will lose. Here the answer is easy, the losers will be, as usual, the poors and the goyim!

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Ron DeSantis is negative about helping Ukraine. He said he is against a proxy war over Crimea. He took on Disney and BlackRock, now DeSantis is taking on the war party.

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Is DeSantis only saying that because he is planning to run for president, and he knows that the Republican base is against sending billions of tax dollars to Ukraine to defend its (artificial) borders while the US infrastructure crumbles? If elected, I'm concerned that he will revert to the same-old neocon he used to be.

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Right, the same DeSantis on the front line of the coverup of the brutal torture operation at Guantanamo, and then on the front line of the coverup of the mass murder of civilians during the annihilation of Fallujah. But he said he might question the money going to Ukraine, so he's an American hero, because we know slimy politicians never lie to get votes.

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You again? Gitmo and Fallujah all you got? Its 2023 loser, try to keep up.

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Wow, such a brave response.

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Ever since Medvedev had his eyes opened, and realized the West was laughing at him, he has been very angry. I would still think he is the leading candidate to succeed Putin, but I really know zero about Kremlin politics.

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Medvedev still seems to be a power player but the obvious conclusion he draws does not appear to match Russian policy.

This makes me wonder if most Russian government officials, even Putin, are simply actors, like Brandon, put in place by the true rulers to entertain the masses and give them a false sense of having a voice.

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Medvedev is simply the face of a Russian information operation to dissuade the West from supplying Ukraine with arms.

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"Destroy[ing] neo-Nazism to the ground": https://topwar.ru/202189-v-seti-obsuzhdaetsja-obmen-rossijskih-plennyh-na-inostrannyh-naemnikov-chlenov-azova-i-medvedchuka.html.

And Medvedev on 22 February: "If the United States wants to defeat Russia, then we have the right to defend ourselves with any weapon, including nuclear." (https://t.me/medvedev_telegram/272)

5D chess is, well, interesting...

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

Something to ponder

What if we are so close to the subject we have yet to stand outside the circle to get a better understanding of the conflict in Ukraine. I have thought about an equation that may or may not be accurate.

My thoughts: Russia, China and Iran by now realize that they will never have peace in their country. No matter what, they will always be sanctioned and threatened. There are three countries that have stood at the forefront of almost all wars in the modern century.

1. United States

2. Great Briton

3. Israel

Lets say Russia, China and Iran have been in talks and now have decided that, while Biden is president, it is the best time to end it for once and all. What would you do, looking at the supply of weapons and ammunition, I would make them continue to send them and destroy. Kinda like dancing, two steps forward and one step backwards. We know that the EU is running low and the US is running low as commanders in both have stated we are running low. It was also stated by Biden that he refused to even look at China's proposal on peace, he would never stop until Russia was no more a country. What does that tell China and Iran, no peace.

Now, how would you end the endless wars. I would stretch it out all summer with Wagner taking gains until winter. Russia, China and Iran could hit on three fronts. Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel. This game has been played out and the US was defeated. Israel would be no more and Great Briton would be desert landscape. We know without the US all of NATO and the EU would fall silent. This is just a thought...appreciate all comments.

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«“Push the threats to our country as far back as possible, even if these are the borders of Poland. Destroy neo-Nazism to the ground. In order not to waste time later on catching the remnants of Bandera gangs in the Little Russian forests.”»

Medvedev is making a big mistake here: the OUN/UPA fascists will certainly continue to do an insurgency, with terrorist attacks inside Ukraine and the RF, whether the "SMO" pushes to the polish border or not.

The only difference will be whether their *forward* CIA-DOD financed and operated bases will be inside Romania and Poland, and will be untouchable because those are NATO countries, or will be inside what remains of Ukraine, where they will be targetable (the rear bases will be like today in any case inside Poland and Romania).

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

«“The nationalists will continue to control the powerful camarilla, because none of them have any other ideology than Bandera's neo-Nazism.”»

My usual point: it is not really “neo-Nazism”, it is standard central/east european murderous and racist fascism, of the Pilsudki in Poland or Horthy in Hungary variety. The nazis would be ashamed to be linked to vulgar fascists like the followers of Dontsov/Stsyborsky and Bandera/Shukhevych.

But I understand that the russian habit is to call "nazis" all the various groups, whether the nazis or the fascists, that participated in the invasion of the USSR in the 1940s.

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You missed the part where the FSB tapped Mr Ed the Talking Horse’s phone immediately after US Secretary of State Colin Powell displayed a test tube at the UN before the Iraq War invasion and discovered that he had called the receptionists at condom factories on three continents.



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