Not sure why you think attacks on the electrical grid will have no effect. You can keep repairing things ... until you can't. And, the Winter has not even arrived yet. The US completely destroyed the electrical grid in Iraq, which is one reason resistance collapsed, and it did not take 8 months.
Sorry for the length, but here is a 'Western Expert' on what can happen.
By the way, the precedent for the Russian General Staff and Kremlin for destroying a country’s electrical grid was set during the NATO bombing of Serbia and then by the US air bombing of Iraq.”
Shutting off the power in the rump Ukrainian state will do just that to the Ukrainians. If they then start to flee for refuge to Poland and Germany, this will be a disaster unparalleled in recent European history. Just the attendant collapse in telecommunications will make the place a madhouse. You can well imagine the rest. Already there are queues for water in Nikolaev, and who knows where else. How does queueing for water, if there is any, in temperatures of minus-20C to minus-40C sound? This won’t be like the blackouts from US sanctions and attacks in Cuba or Venezuela – there they didn’t have to worry about freezing to death, the pipes bursting, or irreparable damage being done to billions of dollars’ worth of pumping, electrical, and other equipment due to freezing.”
“How many people realize that a sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breaker, commonly used in electrical substations, requires an electric heating blanket to be functional in sub-zero weather? Most westerners don’t. They are common in high voltage substations which ultimately feed the grid lines with power. In the Ukrainian case, I suspect there is a mixture of those and older style oil circuit breakers (OCB), along with oil-filled large power transformers (LPT), which are essential to electrical distribution. And guess where most of the oil comes from to fill these devices?”
“I suspect that most of Zelensky’s officials and officials in the supporting EU governments have persuaded themselves with their own propaganda. They aren’t daring to think through these questions, any more than they care to understand that the housing of the pumps delivering their water and treating their sewage will freeze and split apart if they are not heated via electrical means. Even if the gas is on — and it won’t be — electricity is needed to ignite, then control, furnaces. How many of these officials understand the long lead times, compounded by manufacturing shutdowns due to high energy costs, which you must have to replace and restore everything?”
Reading the grid maps of the Ukraine, the source says “it is obvious that the real vulnerability, in my estimation, lies in the approximately 88 substations for 330 kV distribution and 33 substations for 220 kV distribution. Note the nodes or junctions. Those are substations connecting the distribution lines which crisscross the Ukraine. These substations contain large power transformers, switchgear, DCS equipment [Distributed Control System] and other power quality and control equipment, spares etc. Widespread coordinated strikes on these substations will quickly overwhelm the Ukrainian ability to effect repairs and re-balance the loads on the generation stations. This will create a cascade effect whereby overloaded power plants, and distribution gear will ‘trip out’ over wide swathes of the country
“Any repair efforts will also be severely hampered, if not crippled, if utility yards where spare cables and other gear, as well as vehicles (bucket and line trucks, cranes etc.) are stored and parked are struck. Personnel losses among the finite number of utility crew members due to follow-up attacks and the inevitable mishaps that come with interacting with damaged or compromised high voltage electrical equipment, will quickly mount. If the attacks are launched during the hard winter months, the impact will be exponential, increasingly unmanageable and catastrophic as the hours go by.”
Continuing repeated attacks on Ukraine's electrical grid, fuel, and water supplies will eventually wear them down. Winter is coming and that is to Russia's advantage. Ukraine's recent attacks inside Russia are to provoke a response and to re-energize NATO.
Meanwhile in the USA, the Biden administration is anxious for a world war. They know they have failed miserably on every front and believe the voters will support the administration if a World War breaks out.
Victoria Nuland is the prime motivator behind the Ukraine War and a false flag operation might be the October Surprise everyone in the USA is expecting.
If the strikes on infrastructure had been maintained they definitely would have had a positive effect in a few weeks, Strelkov said as much in one of his last Telegram posts. If NATO/the Ukraine isnt allowed to move their forces around the country like its still peacetime like they can at present it will be a legitimate "game changer" only for real this time. Even if Russia cant muster enough troops for a decisive offensive in the foreseeable future every last inconvenience that NATO/the Ukrainians have due to damaged transportation infrastructure and lack of electricity will aid the guys holding the line.
Theres tons of footage of the Ukrainians loading up tanks, artillery etc etc on their railways so if Moscow could be bothered to keep hitting their railhubs and terminals and at least force consistent delays in getting all that junk to the front that will help quite a bit in slowing down the enemy operational tempo. Force the Ukrainians to have to run their locomotives on diesel or whatever instead of electricity. Changing all that over will buy the guys at the front even more time to dig in and prepare a good defense. Literally every day Moscow can buy will pay off for the guys who need to hold the line in the meantime.
Thats whats so infuriating about Moscows abject apathy here. Sure the FSB are likely more concerned with harassing volunteers headed to the front than stopping terrorism but even if they were doing their job they still wouldnt be able to stop every terrorist attack. Sure Russia really cant stop every artillery barrage sent into Donetsk, they cant stop every last drone and missile attack on Russia proper but they can actually buy they guys at the front time and save some lives buy inconveniencing the enemy's logistics work by keeping heavy pressure on the enemy's transportation and electricity infrastructure. But like always apparently Moscow cant be bothered with that either.
And the Ukrainian Golems thrive off their tic tok/telegram gore porn. TURN THAT SHIT OFF or at least make the internet spotty AF. That absolutely will be a heavy blow to public morale. To me thats psych war 101 but maybe im missing something. Imagine if the Ukrainian public no longer has their gore porn peremoga BS and they no longer see the Zog west supporting them online due to no internet. Make them feel isolated and cut them off from the globohomo community, turning off their internet will pump the breaks on Ukranian society consolidating and rallying. The current younger demographic of Ukraine are just as much internet generation as anyone else and losing that will hurt.
So yeah even if theres no general offensive on the horizon on Russias end keeping pressure on the enemy's infrastructure is well worth it imo and its one thing they could do. Unfortunately like 99% of good things Russia could do they wont.
Putin has always desperately wished that he could be accepted by Western - i.e., globalist - leaders at the top table.
Whatever people care to believe that his motives were for invading Ukraine, I don't think that his heart is in it. He and his Foeign Minister have been politely pleading in the most respectful tones, the US and NATO to stop moving closer and closer to Russia's borders for years on end, always calling them 'our partners' and so on - and it's no wonder that after that endless respectful pleading for years on end resulted in no action by Russia against the West, that the globalist criminals running the West are not remotely bothered by Putin eventually having come around to making threats.
Putin only did the mobilization because if he hadn't done so, Russian patriotic forces might finally have started firguring out that Putin is in no universe an anti-globalist. He just wants to be accepted by the globalists as one of their own.
And so, Putin does the minimum that is necessary over the Ukraine war. Russia could have taken the whole of Ukraine in a heart beat if they had committed the required forces to achieve that - but instead, Putin very reluctantly did the absolute minimum that he could which would keep Russian patriotic forces supporting him.
If Putin was just a globalist he could have just maintained things in Russia as they were under Yeltsin. No need to trick people on obscure internet forums or news letter circles in the pre internet days. I agree that Zog foisted this mess on Putin and nobody worked harder to smother the Russian spring in 2014 than Moscows elite and the secret police.
Putin has been juggling knives and grenades on the countdown for his whole time in power and he hasnt done a bad job all things considered. He isnt actually Ivan Grozny or Stalin and unfortunately he can't just kill everyone who opposes him. Personally I tend to agree he isn't 100% based and red pilled but yet again if he was just a secret hybrid clone of Soros , Bill Gates and Schwab created to trick powerless people on the margins of the internet than it really begs the question of why not just dispense with charade now and do the unipolar great reset with none of this unnecessary BS? Or you know, just having empty suites in charge in the Kremlin like they do in literally ever other vassal state?
I don't claim to have any expertise about Russia - but it seems to me that if Putin wanted to impose the Great Reset on the Russian people, he might find that despite having a 100% globalist puppet government and strong 'liberal' / globalist support in Moscow, he might find that attempt triggered powerful opposition among the military and among the Russian patriotic / 'nationalist' forces in the wider population - perhaps enough to overthrow Putin.
It seems to me that Putin's widespread support among the Russian people depends on people of many different political persuasions believing that Putin is 'with them'. Any move by Putin in a clear particular direction would be likely to unleash powerful forces against him.
Thus, he tries to cast himself as a nationalist and traditionalist - while at the same time satisfying globalist forces that he is actually with them..
I'm not sure what 'unfalsifiable' means - but with far less understanding of the Russia / Ukraine situation than you, I suspect that the theatre is being laid on for two main audiences:
1. In Russia, it is primarily aimed at normal Russian citizens, rather than particularly at Russians monitoring events on the internet;
2. In the West, the piece of theatre that I believe that the Ukraine war is (no matter how nasty it is for the participants) is laid on for European and American audiences, to try to keep (particularly) Europeans on-board with having their living standards and economies be ravaged for the massively corrupt US puppet failed State that Ukraine is.
I think Putin has been shocked along with the rest of us how depraved NATO is. A lot of European ally govts are equally shocked and they are all reassessing their association and their true stomach for NATO’s endless wars.
why, such naïve I am, I thought Russia would easily won :
-I thought its aircraft would bomb the roads where western send arms, near Poland
-I thought Russia had more troops than Ukraine
-I thought Russia would bomb bridges, powerplants, railways, official ukroTV
Yes, they did a great job, taking all those lands in inferiority of troops, and yes, I'm even not close to a couch general, but I don't understand why they fought an arm on the back.
What bullshit. You strike to kill the enemy leadership. You strike to explode their logistics expenses. You strike to reduce their access to food, ammunition, fuel and water. Do I have to go on? Fuck occupation. Grind the enemy to dust where its sallies are launched from. You should have nobody in the DMZ or no-mans-land.
Putin & his government work for the globalist cabal.
The invasion of Ukraine was ordered by Putin's WEF masters to provide the 'justification' for Western sancations which are actually against the West, not Russia - to drive oil and gas prices through the roof, to decimate (particularly) Europan economies to prepare the way for the Great Reset.
Putin & Co. are under orders to keep the Ukraine war going - but not to make any progress with it.
How so few people can see what is so glaringly obvious just bewilders me. Putin & Co. did exactly the same, and said exactly the same, with the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and the pathogenic 'Covid vaccines' as every Western government - yet somehow people think that them obediently carrying out that globalist and WEF operation does not demonstrate who they work for!
Protracting the war benefits the Western ghoul bankers who can extract more wealth from the middle-class and advance their technocratic repressive nightmare.
It's a totally legitimate point that you make - but in my opinion, it is all part of a theatrical performance to keep various different political factions among the population on-side.
In my opinion, if something looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... then it is a duck. Putin's entire government slavishly supports the Bill Gates-controlled WHO, who have been supervising the global push of the Covid clot shots, and who are in effect already a Global Government operating in the shadows, together with the WEF and UN
If Putin was even remotely anti-globalist in reality, he would have denounced the WHO, the WEF and the Covid clot shots - but he has slavishly supported and praised both of them.
Yes, your argument about “failure to denounce” being a key indicator or “tell” seems very convincing. Same applies to Trump failing to press the point that Ivermectin is effective an therefore there was absolutely ZERO grounds for an “emergency use authorization” which was the pretext for the jab rollout. He could have stopped the whole thing right there by holding that ground and educating the muppets on that point, repeating it over and over until he educated them to the point of “getting it.” Why did he not do that? The point needs to be clearly and exhaustively hashed and “war gamed” because that is really the crux of understanding our situation as muppets or tigers. Clearly we are played as muppets , but the “show’s” purpose, I think, is to prevent the wake-up of the tigers. I have heard numbers like 3% tigers can tip the situation to power transfer. So I would love to read more about what is really known about the science of “show management” and tipping point management. From where does the confidence come that “they” can control the situation with control of the money power which in turn is applied to control media and more violent types of mercenaries? So Putin fails to open his mouth and denounce. Trump fails to open his mouth and denounce. Is it because of fear of the jackals? Or is it that they are already on the team that would send the jackals? This needs to be very well-illustrated to decide these points. JFK, Allende, Arbenz, the recent deceased African leaders—it is not as though some have not been daring enough to defy the jackals to the point of assassination. So, their stories with the recorded threats would be good to know and publicize, so muppet-tigers have a clearer picture of what they are up against. Or was Marie Antoinette able to sneer at will with impunity because the people were hopelessly controlled?
I have tried this 'failure to denounce' accusation against supporters of both Trump and Putin - e.g., re Trump, his failure to denounce the imprisonment of the 'insurrection' political prisoners or the globalist cabal running the US and the West - or the fact that Trump appointed globalist Swamp creatures to virtually every top post in his government...
- and always got absolutely nowhere.
It seems that people are desperate to believe in someone, or something - and once they've made that commitment, it is almost impossible to get them to realize that they have been totally conned.
It is clear that the Jews running the war for the Ukraine and the US don't care about the lives of the Ukrainian goys. If Putin really wanted to hurt the Ukrainian government he would target cities with the most Jews starting with Kyiv and lviv. He would also have the military in Syria start shooting down Israeli planes
This is really the effect of a lack of mobilization for war. Russia doesn't want a bloody war. I'm assuming someone was under the impression they could do what Americans do and only lose 1000 troops a year while annihilating the competition, this is no longer the case and plans have changed. Russia can't push Ukrainians back because then they have to go conquer a lot territory. Russia obviously doesn't wish to commit to a campaign to conquer Kharkov right now. All these MLRSs and artillery are highly mobile.
A lot of early problems seemed to have been direct stalling from above and as we clearly see now the Russian army doesn't really have technological superiority, forcing this war to be an war of attrition. Again someone might have thought differently on day one.
As for the grid, it had a massive effect. Its fair to assume the electric grid is just redundancy onto more redundancies. Anyone who works for a living know that there isn't a single place on earth that can rebuild even a small substation in a day.
Fortunately the news seem to be looking good, looks like a lot morons on top are starting to realize that whether they want to or not the war will continue. I'm guessing they're building up for a proper rolling offensive at the moment.
I guess it’s a case of a sports team thinking they’re going to have an easy win and getting their asses kicked. I guess that’s what it is. I know I can’t believe how depraved the US govt and NATO have become. All the developments in the US by the day are shocking. The FBI is literally the gestapo now. The Justice Dept is arresting mild dissenters. The US military is run by openly tranny faggots. They’re pumping children with drugs and hormones and performing irreversible sex change surgery on them. They’re monitoring all our speech. I could go on and on. They’re probably going to confiscate all our money and begin tracking everyone’s commerce. Who saw all this coming? I didn’t, not to this extent. Putin was probably surprised along with a lot of western European govts at how NATO would react. It’s not like Putin rushed into this since the fall of the USSR, he spent all those years warning NATO. I think Europeans and Americans have had about enough of this and they don’t care about the Zelensky regime or eastern Ukraine. The Kiev govt will die on the vine as their support dries up.
Seems like NATO is in a position similar to the IJN in 1941: surprise attacks have won them a brief window of opportunity to run riot. But whereas Yamamoto had months between Pearl Harbor and Midway, NATO’s free reign is measured in weeks. They will do their best to inflict as much damage and disruption as possible before Russian momentum takes back the initiative. At least, that is how I am betting.
If they’re saying they have to train people, it means they’re buying time by disrupting from the air. If Russia has air superiority, Kiev cannot organize. Guerrilla attacks won’t accomplish much. I think Putin is letting the civilian population know they have little to fear if they stay away from Kiev forces and do not help them. Everyone knows Russia cannot back down. That’s pretty persuasive when u compare it to the disgusting, illegitimate Kiev/NATO regime. Everyone is now questioning the legitimacy of NATO, even their own members.
Not sure why you think attacks on the electrical grid will have no effect. You can keep repairing things ... until you can't. And, the Winter has not even arrived yet. The US completely destroyed the electrical grid in Iraq, which is one reason resistance collapsed, and it did not take 8 months.
Sorry for the length, but here is a 'Western Expert' on what can happen.
By the way, the precedent for the Russian General Staff and Kremlin for destroying a country’s electrical grid was set during the NATO bombing of Serbia and then by the US air bombing of Iraq.”
Shutting off the power in the rump Ukrainian state will do just that to the Ukrainians. If they then start to flee for refuge to Poland and Germany, this will be a disaster unparalleled in recent European history. Just the attendant collapse in telecommunications will make the place a madhouse. You can well imagine the rest. Already there are queues for water in Nikolaev, and who knows where else. How does queueing for water, if there is any, in temperatures of minus-20C to minus-40C sound? This won’t be like the blackouts from US sanctions and attacks in Cuba or Venezuela – there they didn’t have to worry about freezing to death, the pipes bursting, or irreparable damage being done to billions of dollars’ worth of pumping, electrical, and other equipment due to freezing.”
“How many people realize that a sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breaker, commonly used in electrical substations, requires an electric heating blanket to be functional in sub-zero weather? Most westerners don’t. They are common in high voltage substations which ultimately feed the grid lines with power. In the Ukrainian case, I suspect there is a mixture of those and older style oil circuit breakers (OCB), along with oil-filled large power transformers (LPT), which are essential to electrical distribution. And guess where most of the oil comes from to fill these devices?”
“I suspect that most of Zelensky’s officials and officials in the supporting EU governments have persuaded themselves with their own propaganda. They aren’t daring to think through these questions, any more than they care to understand that the housing of the pumps delivering their water and treating their sewage will freeze and split apart if they are not heated via electrical means. Even if the gas is on — and it won’t be — electricity is needed to ignite, then control, furnaces. How many of these officials understand the long lead times, compounded by manufacturing shutdowns due to high energy costs, which you must have to replace and restore everything?”
Reading the grid maps of the Ukraine, the source says “it is obvious that the real vulnerability, in my estimation, lies in the approximately 88 substations for 330 kV distribution and 33 substations for 220 kV distribution. Note the nodes or junctions. Those are substations connecting the distribution lines which crisscross the Ukraine. These substations contain large power transformers, switchgear, DCS equipment [Distributed Control System] and other power quality and control equipment, spares etc. Widespread coordinated strikes on these substations will quickly overwhelm the Ukrainian ability to effect repairs and re-balance the loads on the generation stations. This will create a cascade effect whereby overloaded power plants, and distribution gear will ‘trip out’ over wide swathes of the country
“Any repair efforts will also be severely hampered, if not crippled, if utility yards where spare cables and other gear, as well as vehicles (bucket and line trucks, cranes etc.) are stored and parked are struck. Personnel losses among the finite number of utility crew members due to follow-up attacks and the inevitable mishaps that come with interacting with damaged or compromised high voltage electrical equipment, will quickly mount. If the attacks are launched during the hard winter months, the impact will be exponential, increasingly unmanageable and catastrophic as the hours go by.”
Continuing repeated attacks on Ukraine's electrical grid, fuel, and water supplies will eventually wear them down. Winter is coming and that is to Russia's advantage. Ukraine's recent attacks inside Russia are to provoke a response and to re-energize NATO.
Meanwhile in the USA, the Biden administration is anxious for a world war. They know they have failed miserably on every front and believe the voters will support the administration if a World War breaks out.
Victoria Nuland is the prime motivator behind the Ukraine War and a false flag operation might be the October Surprise everyone in the USA is expecting.
If the strikes on infrastructure had been maintained they definitely would have had a positive effect in a few weeks, Strelkov said as much in one of his last Telegram posts. If NATO/the Ukraine isnt allowed to move their forces around the country like its still peacetime like they can at present it will be a legitimate "game changer" only for real this time. Even if Russia cant muster enough troops for a decisive offensive in the foreseeable future every last inconvenience that NATO/the Ukrainians have due to damaged transportation infrastructure and lack of electricity will aid the guys holding the line.
Theres tons of footage of the Ukrainians loading up tanks, artillery etc etc on their railways so if Moscow could be bothered to keep hitting their railhubs and terminals and at least force consistent delays in getting all that junk to the front that will help quite a bit in slowing down the enemy operational tempo. Force the Ukrainians to have to run their locomotives on diesel or whatever instead of electricity. Changing all that over will buy the guys at the front even more time to dig in and prepare a good defense. Literally every day Moscow can buy will pay off for the guys who need to hold the line in the meantime.
Thats whats so infuriating about Moscows abject apathy here. Sure the FSB are likely more concerned with harassing volunteers headed to the front than stopping terrorism but even if they were doing their job they still wouldnt be able to stop every terrorist attack. Sure Russia really cant stop every artillery barrage sent into Donetsk, they cant stop every last drone and missile attack on Russia proper but they can actually buy they guys at the front time and save some lives buy inconveniencing the enemy's logistics work by keeping heavy pressure on the enemy's transportation and electricity infrastructure. But like always apparently Moscow cant be bothered with that either.
And the Ukrainian Golems thrive off their tic tok/telegram gore porn. TURN THAT SHIT OFF or at least make the internet spotty AF. That absolutely will be a heavy blow to public morale. To me thats psych war 101 but maybe im missing something. Imagine if the Ukrainian public no longer has their gore porn peremoga BS and they no longer see the Zog west supporting them online due to no internet. Make them feel isolated and cut them off from the globohomo community, turning off their internet will pump the breaks on Ukranian society consolidating and rallying. The current younger demographic of Ukraine are just as much internet generation as anyone else and losing that will hurt.
So yeah even if theres no general offensive on the horizon on Russias end keeping pressure on the enemy's infrastructure is well worth it imo and its one thing they could do. Unfortunately like 99% of good things Russia could do they wont.
Putin has always desperately wished that he could be accepted by Western - i.e., globalist - leaders at the top table.
Whatever people care to believe that his motives were for invading Ukraine, I don't think that his heart is in it. He and his Foeign Minister have been politely pleading in the most respectful tones, the US and NATO to stop moving closer and closer to Russia's borders for years on end, always calling them 'our partners' and so on - and it's no wonder that after that endless respectful pleading for years on end resulted in no action by Russia against the West, that the globalist criminals running the West are not remotely bothered by Putin eventually having come around to making threats.
Putin only did the mobilization because if he hadn't done so, Russian patriotic forces might finally have started firguring out that Putin is in no universe an anti-globalist. He just wants to be accepted by the globalists as one of their own.
And so, Putin does the minimum that is necessary over the Ukraine war. Russia could have taken the whole of Ukraine in a heart beat if they had committed the required forces to achieve that - but instead, Putin very reluctantly did the absolute minimum that he could which would keep Russian patriotic forces supporting him.
If Putin was just a globalist he could have just maintained things in Russia as they were under Yeltsin. No need to trick people on obscure internet forums or news letter circles in the pre internet days. I agree that Zog foisted this mess on Putin and nobody worked harder to smother the Russian spring in 2014 than Moscows elite and the secret police.
Putin has been juggling knives and grenades on the countdown for his whole time in power and he hasnt done a bad job all things considered. He isnt actually Ivan Grozny or Stalin and unfortunately he can't just kill everyone who opposes him. Personally I tend to agree he isn't 100% based and red pilled but yet again if he was just a secret hybrid clone of Soros , Bill Gates and Schwab created to trick powerless people on the margins of the internet than it really begs the question of why not just dispense with charade now and do the unipolar great reset with none of this unnecessary BS? Or you know, just having empty suites in charge in the Kremlin like they do in literally ever other vassal state?
I don't claim to have any expertise about Russia - but it seems to me that if Putin wanted to impose the Great Reset on the Russian people, he might find that despite having a 100% globalist puppet government and strong 'liberal' / globalist support in Moscow, he might find that attempt triggered powerful opposition among the military and among the Russian patriotic / 'nationalist' forces in the wider population - perhaps enough to overthrow Putin.
It seems to me that Putin's widespread support among the Russian people depends on people of many different political persuasions believing that Putin is 'with them'. Any move by Putin in a clear particular direction would be likely to unleash powerful forces against him.
Thus, he tries to cast himself as a nationalist and traditionalist - while at the same time satisfying globalist forces that he is actually with them..
Your "everything is staged theater of the elites who do it to mess with people on the internet" thesis is unfalsifiable.
I'm not sure what 'unfalsifiable' means - but with far less understanding of the Russia / Ukraine situation than you, I suspect that the theatre is being laid on for two main audiences:
1. In Russia, it is primarily aimed at normal Russian citizens, rather than particularly at Russians monitoring events on the internet;
2. In the West, the piece of theatre that I believe that the Ukraine war is (no matter how nasty it is for the participants) is laid on for European and American audiences, to try to keep (particularly) Europeans on-board with having their living standards and economies be ravaged for the massively corrupt US puppet failed State that Ukraine is.
I think Putin has been shocked along with the rest of us how depraved NATO is. A lot of European ally govts are equally shocked and they are all reassessing their association and their true stomach for NATO’s endless wars.
why, such naïve I am, I thought Russia would easily won :
-I thought its aircraft would bomb the roads where western send arms, near Poland
-I thought Russia had more troops than Ukraine
-I thought Russia would bomb bridges, powerplants, railways, official ukroTV
Yes, they did a great job, taking all those lands in inferiority of troops, and yes, I'm even not close to a couch general, but I don't understand why they fought an arm on the back.
What bullshit. You strike to kill the enemy leadership. You strike to explode their logistics expenses. You strike to reduce their access to food, ammunition, fuel and water. Do I have to go on? Fuck occupation. Grind the enemy to dust where its sallies are launched from. You should have nobody in the DMZ or no-mans-land.
Putin & his government work for the globalist cabal.
The invasion of Ukraine was ordered by Putin's WEF masters to provide the 'justification' for Western sancations which are actually against the West, not Russia - to drive oil and gas prices through the roof, to decimate (particularly) Europan economies to prepare the way for the Great Reset.
Putin & Co. are under orders to keep the Ukraine war going - but not to make any progress with it.
How so few people can see what is so glaringly obvious just bewilders me. Putin & Co. did exactly the same, and said exactly the same, with the long-planned 'Covid crisis' and the pathogenic 'Covid vaccines' as every Western government - yet somehow people think that them obediently carrying out that globalist and WEF operation does not demonstrate who they work for!
Protracting the war benefits the Western ghoul bankers who can extract more wealth from the middle-class and advance their technocratic repressive nightmare.
And yet Putin wanted peace talks on several occasions, that were blocked by the UK and US.
It's a totally legitimate point that you make - but in my opinion, it is all part of a theatrical performance to keep various different political factions among the population on-side.
In my opinion, if something looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... then it is a duck. Putin's entire government slavishly supports the Bill Gates-controlled WHO, who have been supervising the global push of the Covid clot shots, and who are in effect already a Global Government operating in the shadows, together with the WEF and UN
If Putin was even remotely anti-globalist in reality, he would have denounced the WHO, the WEF and the Covid clot shots - but he has slavishly supported and praised both of them.
Nuff said, in my opinion.
>it is all part of a theatrical performance to keep various different political factions among the population on-side.
I don't get that.
There's no point in the kabuki theater at this point. The peasants have never been more hapless and powerless.
Yes, your argument about “failure to denounce” being a key indicator or “tell” seems very convincing. Same applies to Trump failing to press the point that Ivermectin is effective an therefore there was absolutely ZERO grounds for an “emergency use authorization” which was the pretext for the jab rollout. He could have stopped the whole thing right there by holding that ground and educating the muppets on that point, repeating it over and over until he educated them to the point of “getting it.” Why did he not do that? The point needs to be clearly and exhaustively hashed and “war gamed” because that is really the crux of understanding our situation as muppets or tigers. Clearly we are played as muppets , but the “show’s” purpose, I think, is to prevent the wake-up of the tigers. I have heard numbers like 3% tigers can tip the situation to power transfer. So I would love to read more about what is really known about the science of “show management” and tipping point management. From where does the confidence come that “they” can control the situation with control of the money power which in turn is applied to control media and more violent types of mercenaries? So Putin fails to open his mouth and denounce. Trump fails to open his mouth and denounce. Is it because of fear of the jackals? Or is it that they are already on the team that would send the jackals? This needs to be very well-illustrated to decide these points. JFK, Allende, Arbenz, the recent deceased African leaders—it is not as though some have not been daring enough to defy the jackals to the point of assassination. So, their stories with the recorded threats would be good to know and publicize, so muppet-tigers have a clearer picture of what they are up against. Or was Marie Antoinette able to sneer at will with impunity because the people were hopelessly controlled?
Very well said.
I have tried this 'failure to denounce' accusation against supporters of both Trump and Putin - e.g., re Trump, his failure to denounce the imprisonment of the 'insurrection' political prisoners or the globalist cabal running the US and the West - or the fact that Trump appointed globalist Swamp creatures to virtually every top post in his government...
- and always got absolutely nowhere.
It seems that people are desperate to believe in someone, or something - and once they've made that commitment, it is almost impossible to get them to realize that they have been totally conned.
It is clear that the Jews running the war for the Ukraine and the US don't care about the lives of the Ukrainian goys. If Putin really wanted to hurt the Ukrainian government he would target cities with the most Jews starting with Kyiv and lviv. He would also have the military in Syria start shooting down Israeli planes
This is really the effect of a lack of mobilization for war. Russia doesn't want a bloody war. I'm assuming someone was under the impression they could do what Americans do and only lose 1000 troops a year while annihilating the competition, this is no longer the case and plans have changed. Russia can't push Ukrainians back because then they have to go conquer a lot territory. Russia obviously doesn't wish to commit to a campaign to conquer Kharkov right now. All these MLRSs and artillery are highly mobile.
A lot of early problems seemed to have been direct stalling from above and as we clearly see now the Russian army doesn't really have technological superiority, forcing this war to be an war of attrition. Again someone might have thought differently on day one.
As for the grid, it had a massive effect. Its fair to assume the electric grid is just redundancy onto more redundancies. Anyone who works for a living know that there isn't a single place on earth that can rebuild even a small substation in a day.
Fortunately the news seem to be looking good, looks like a lot morons on top are starting to realize that whether they want to or not the war will continue. I'm guessing they're building up for a proper rolling offensive at the moment.
I guess it’s a case of a sports team thinking they’re going to have an easy win and getting their asses kicked. I guess that’s what it is. I know I can’t believe how depraved the US govt and NATO have become. All the developments in the US by the day are shocking. The FBI is literally the gestapo now. The Justice Dept is arresting mild dissenters. The US military is run by openly tranny faggots. They’re pumping children with drugs and hormones and performing irreversible sex change surgery on them. They’re monitoring all our speech. I could go on and on. They’re probably going to confiscate all our money and begin tracking everyone’s commerce. Who saw all this coming? I didn’t, not to this extent. Putin was probably surprised along with a lot of western European govts at how NATO would react. It’s not like Putin rushed into this since the fall of the USSR, he spent all those years warning NATO. I think Europeans and Americans have had about enough of this and they don’t care about the Zelensky regime or eastern Ukraine. The Kiev govt will die on the vine as their support dries up.
Seems like NATO is in a position similar to the IJN in 1941: surprise attacks have won them a brief window of opportunity to run riot. But whereas Yamamoto had months between Pearl Harbor and Midway, NATO’s free reign is measured in weeks. They will do their best to inflict as much damage and disruption as possible before Russian momentum takes back the initiative. At least, that is how I am betting.
List of 7,108 Russian military vehicles "destroyed, damaged, abandoned, captured" - with photos, etc.
"momentum" with what?
If they’re saying they have to train people, it means they’re buying time by disrupting from the air. If Russia has air superiority, Kiev cannot organize. Guerrilla attacks won’t accomplish much. I think Putin is letting the civilian population know they have little to fear if they stay away from Kiev forces and do not help them. Everyone knows Russia cannot back down. That’s pretty persuasive when u compare it to the disgusting, illegitimate Kiev/NATO regime. Everyone is now questioning the legitimacy of NATO, even their own members.