May 14, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

''out of pure, selfless love for my readers, who do not even pay me enough for me to break even each month''

The Path of the Mighty is fraught with hardship and ingratitude

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Clearly, Strelkov is about as good as it gets. Unfortunately, nobody ever cares, till the house is on fire. Demographix is a bitch.

A heart-warming start-up.

...and yet the problem persists: how the fuck to divorce Russia from the idiotic "nazi" narrative, that Putin has opened up with??? I do not know, and even if I could - this narrative might be the single strongest cohesion force sans any sort of an unifying ideology holding Russia together at the moment.

All the while it being false. The irony...

As a WN, a partial Ru-Slav, naturally, I hate every minute of this new fratricide.

I have had a run-in with Your friend Texas over the same shit on Tg. He banned me for essentially illustrating the above problematix. I mean, I wouldn`t care - if his solutions wouldn`t lead us back to this exact point with a slight delay. Davaj...Oh, well..

War is the harvest for the jews.

Seen kyle?

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I don't understand how this man Yurich can assert that patriotic Russians are fighting against world Fascism which wants to destroy Jews, Gypsies and Catholics

It is global Communism (of which Globalism is just the new name) what is determined to destroy Catholics and all nations, but specially Russia.

Fascism was completely defeated after the Second World War and it is completely misguiding to use that term now. The supposedly fascist Latin American dictatorships were led by Freemasons, not by fascists, and the same can be said of the communist dictatorships in the eastern countries. Fascism was fiercely nationalist (that is to say: anti-globalist) and anti-Freemasonry. Currently, the resistance to globalism is led by organizations that could be described as pagan nationalists (actually a very minority) or Christian nationalists. Hatred of Judaism is what has pushed these neo-pagan nationalist groups to reject the supposed sacred books of the Jews: that is, the Old Testament and, by extension, Christianity. And I say supposed because the true sacred books of the Jews are the Talmud and the cabalistic treatises.

The problem with Russia is that it has not yet fully rejected or condemned its horrible Soviet past which amounted to nothing more than subjecting the Russian empire to the foreign domination of the Khazarian bankers who continue to rule the Russian Federation secretly. The communists murdered millions of Russians. With the Victory Day parade, Russians celebrate the defeat of the true Russia: white Russia, patriotic Russia, Christian and nationalist Russia against the communists who now are called globalists, hundreds of thousands of Russians fought against Stalin and were handed over by the allied Freemasonic armies to the Khazarian Soviets who mercilessly murdered them. Both liberalism, socialism or communism were conceived in the Masonic lodges to put an end to Christianity and impose the Gnostic tyranny of the Khazarian mafia throughout the world. Do I have to remind you of the millions of Russians exterminated in the communist Gulag after the "supposed" victory of Russia in the Second World War? It is communism and not fascism that no longer exists what is destroying Russia and the rest of the nations

According to some sources both Marx and Engels were members of the Masonic lodge Unity for Truth. Such a revelation, if true, could place his figure in a completely different perspective. Marx would actually be a hypocrite, and all his doctrine would consist of a crude stratagem to condition his "faithful" and prohibit them from reflecting on the supernatural dimension of the world in which he would believe indeed. Marx would therefore not be a Marxist, but a simple satanist disguised as a materialist or rationalist.

JF Bullón

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''Yes, I love them, but, sadly, the love is unrequited and uncompensated.''

The price of Fatherhood, a shepherd who is not false

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May 14, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Hello Rolo, as you did not open it, please check your Substack email for an email from holistic-connector with the titel "Written Food for Thought" Caitlin, Rolo, ....mailed to you this Friday and yesterday where you and your chronicles are featuring so subscribers could check you out. Just for your info. Hope this helps spread your writings a bit and maybe some subscriptions. You deserve it. Sincere regards

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"Despite the fact that many people could, in theory, support them, most of these people watch TV and therefore will not believe their dire warnings and won’t ever even hear about them. Strelkov himself admits that the older generation in Russia is almost entirely tech-illiterate and distrusts the internet, trusting only the TV."

In the US the audience Strelkov is referring to watches FOX TV. Conversely, older Liberals cling to MSNBC. Pundits say most Americans no longer believe mainstream media news, however, it appears that wasn't quite the case during the scamdemic as well as during all other manufactured crises. If state-run MSM wasn't effective, political consciousness would be considerably higher.

In any event, there seems to be a lot of similarities between the brainwashed viewers in Russia and those in the US as both are being subjected to the same mess.

That being said,

"if a tree falls in the forest with no ears to hear does it make a sound." Maybe, it doesn't matter whether it was heard as it crashes to the ground.

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''Their political prospects? Literally less than zero, and they themselves admit that they have no support from anyone with money or power and, no media spotlight even.''

The joys of being alt-right

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Thanks so much for this, Rolo.

Strelkov: "China is not our ally and will not help us defeat NATO."

Amen to that. They will watch on the sidelines as the USA/Europe and Russia go to war and destroy each other. After the radiation settles, they will be the lone world superpower left standing and will resume building the "multi-polar" technocratic/transhumanist dystopian new world order through the supra-national organizations like the UN, WHO, BIS, etc.

Looking forward to hearing more from Rolo about his take on China after the frantic pace of events slows down some.

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"Secondly, we are acting legally. We do not fear the law."

Here in the west, those would be "famous last words".

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When Russia starts indicting NATO citizens for crimes, like how NATO indicts Russians, then I will start taking the Kremlin seriously. Here is a link to Prigozhin's wanted poster.


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Rolo wants his 1000$ to go eat out Crabs with Riley and Marko. Time to bring back to life The Worst Of All Worlds.

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Rolo, I don't have credit cards, and don't do/know how to do online payments, sh*it like that, but I know how to fight. How can I help?

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Rolo, I don't know your age or generation, i suppose you're Russian. What generation in your opinion f*cked Rússia? Are the new generations better than the olders in your opinion?Were1985 Soviet Union's elites better than today?

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Yeah these guys don't come off too great which makes me like them all the more. I do appreciate you bringing us this press conference. Reading it was a bit painful at times; I cant imagine your torture. Strelkov's obvious disdain for Prigozhin really validates both of their positions on the Not-War.

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"... includes two heavy brigades with several tank battalions. The rest are mechanized, but also fully equipped with both Western armor and Western artillery, including modern self-propelled artillery ..." -

Anyone remember hearing the 5D guys saying that much/most of this stuff would be destroyed before it reached AFU? - Didn't happen - did MOD even try?

Just about to get interesting. (Can I change my "no offensive" vote/prediction?!)

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> "we need social justice in Russia, which means that we need to dedicate our efforts to winning the war"

Social Justice Warrior? 'Orange Man Bad' is the kind of sloganeering needed to steel Russia for winning this war, I see.

Next: "And the AFU suddenly routed all over the front..."

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