You do sound ever more Marxist, Rolo^^ But then again, isn't Tucker the same? This is so good.
24:00 > It's always seen as a low-status thing to be against the whatever destructive thing the élite are pushing on the country. Because the implicit implication is that you are somehow affected by these policies, and if you're affected, that m…
You do sound ever more Marxist, Rolo^^ But then again, isn't Tucker the same? This is so good.
24:00 > It's always seen as a low-status thing to be against the whatever destructive thing the élite are pushing on the country. Because the implicit implication is that you are somehow affected by these policies, and if you're affected, that means you're not élite. And if you're not élite, that means you're not cool.
"Hidden taxes" - I would call it a society-wide shit-test? The Ukraine is apparently being Americanised, with some elect being barred from mobilisation, and the poor fucks getting their feet blown off.
From what I've heard, the English society seems more cognisant of such class warfare? But they're still as fucked? The Anglo world is indeed a slave society, in a way. Asians tsars are still closer to the people. But in the West, the ultimate ruler is the ineffable Matrix.
You do sound ever more Marxist, Rolo^^ But then again, isn't Tucker the same? This is so good.
24:00 > It's always seen as a low-status thing to be against the whatever destructive thing the élite are pushing on the country. Because the implicit implication is that you are somehow affected by these policies, and if you're affected, that means you're not élite. And if you're not élite, that means you're not cool.
"Hidden taxes" - I would call it a society-wide shit-test? The Ukraine is apparently being Americanised, with some elect being barred from mobilisation, and the poor fucks getting their feet blown off.
From what I've heard, the English society seems more cognisant of such class warfare? But they're still as fucked? The Anglo world is indeed a slave society, in a way. Asians tsars are still closer to the people. But in the West, the ultimate ruler is the ineffable Matrix.