Clowns, traitors as you prefer.. ..but beside that I was amused to notice that the land that Russia(?) Is fighting and dying for is approx the old kazharia...strange..isn'it? I am sure that the tribes will relocate there because it has been their ancestor's homeland so it belong to them.right?

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You're late to the party. Everything belongs to them as the book they wrote clearly states that.

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Weakness invites aggression in geopolitics, and 30+ years since the dissolution of the once vaunted Red Army is now reaping bitter fruit for the Russian people whose lives have been upended by this tragic & senseless fratricide--er, "Special Military Operation"--now approaching its third year, and with no end in sight. Pity that Prigozhin's abortive putsch last year didn't succeed, since it was perhaps the last, best opportunity to avert a direct clash of arms between an expanded & emboldened NATO vs. the RF.

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Rurik poses a very interesting question: why does the globalist spook Deep State of the West depose its most effective servants like Ghaddafi, Hussein, Noriega and the Shah of Iran? And, according to Rurik, Putin.

I thought about it, taking a lot of ideas from Matt Ehret, and here are my thoughts. The Deep State is interested in a globalist world government. Countries will, at the most, be dependent provinces with local administration always under the control and supervision of the central Deep State.

The leaders who were stabbed in the back after being put into power were exactly those leaders who began developing their own identity and their own base of power in their countries. They were bringing out the idea of being a coherent country to their own nations. Even though they paid homage to the Deep State, they were developing the potential to strike out on their own. The Deep State would prefer to have a failed, flailing country than a coherent nation. So, any leader making a name for himself on the basis of his personality had to go. Saddam Hussein was deposed. Iraq is now a weak region dominated by Iran. Can you name the Iraqi leader now? Similarly, strongman Ghaddafi of Libya was deposed; Libya is now a faceless collection of bandit states led by no one in particular. Assad of Syria was a popular, effective leader bringing Syria together: he had to go.

If my hypothesis is correct, Zalinsky may or may not be able to hold onto power during the war, but 100% certain he will be deposed when the war ends. He's got too much personality and charisma for the Deep State to allow him to stay on as Ukraine's leader.

So in sum, it's much more important to the globalist Deep State to dissolve national identity than it is to be served effectively. This is why it stabs its more effective servants in the back. Trump drives the globalists mad not because he's a revolutionary; he's not. He's a reformer. But, he bases his appeal on the concept of the US as a nation with it's own interests. This idea is a direct threat to the globalist Deep State.

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>The Deep State would prefer to have a failed, flailing country than a coherent nation.


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Sep 22Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Same in my country, Ceaușescu was the West's darling for his anti-Soviet maverick stance in the late 60s and 70s, but when it went to his head and he paid off his external debt in the 80s (finished paying in April 1989, Romania being probably the only debt-free country, aside from the Vatican or whatnot, and had bright ideas of establishing an alternate bank to the World Bank that would service third world and non-aligned countries, he was put to the wall and executed on Christmas Day in a ritual killing, the only Eastern bloc leader to be killed in 1989). We are now way over 100 billion euros in foreign debt, by the way, with pretty much next to nothing to show for.

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I had no idea this why they killed Ceausescu. Makes sense. I wonder if this is why they did away with Ferdinand Marcos

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If you go against the bankers, you are a dead man. Only North Korea,Iran and Russia are not part of the Rothschild banking empire by the looks of it.

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Sep 22Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Russia is definitely part of it, though

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Oh, Iran too, don't get fooled by those motherfuckers, the ayatollahs are in on it

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How did the people actually feel about Ceaușescu? I understood that Ceaușescu 's Romania was a very sad, desperate and impoverished place towards the end, and that the Timișoara massacre just triggered the end game.

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A lot of people regret him now, but then 101% of the population hated him. Paying off external debts meant extreme austerity, blackouts, no heat in winter, nothing good in the stores as all production was geared toward export etc. etc. Plus the cult of personality was getting off the charts, as in we got no more bread, maximize the circus.

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I see. So presumably the economy would have taken off again after the debt was settled and subsequently people would have loved him again. It's unfortunate for him the USSR fell apart at exactly his weakest moment.

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Well, this had little to do with the fall of the USSR, Bush Sr. and Gorbachev had a famous meeting off the coast of Malta on December 2nd, when they sealed Ceaușescu's fate among other things, as well as the dismantling of the Socialist bloc that was already tearing at the seams (all of this, incidentally, during the 200th anniversary year of the French revolution, which I don't think was coincidental). As an aside joke, during Ceaușescu's last visit to the USSR at the CPSU congress on the anniversary of the October revolution in November 1989, he had a big row with Gorbachev and threatened that he would raise the issues of the Molotov-Ribbentrop act (basically Northern Bukovina, then and now part of Ukraine, and Bessarabia aka Moldavian SSR) plus the Romanian treasury moved to Russia during WW1 and confiscated by the Bolsheviks, at the upcoming reunion of Socialist bloc Communist parties of February 1990, to which Gorbachev allegedly (but with reliable witness testimony) replied: let us live till then, comrade Nicolae :D.

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It is a pity he didn't raise the issue of Bessarabia & Bukovina prior to the Timosoara Massacre. If he was seen as pushing back against a floundering USSR, it could have rallied the Romanian people and perhaps extended his writ.

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Zelensky won't be deposed. He's one of the tribe and there are plenty of post war changes that he'll be useful in bringing in.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Rurik Skywalker

How Jewish is Boris Johnson? He is rabidly anti-Russian for no apparent reason, but has Jewish ancestors from Moscow.


'Boris feels Jewish (sometimes).

Johnson’s maternal great-grandfather, Elias Avery Lowe, was a Moscow-born Jew born to a textile merchant. Johnson confirmed this in a 2007 interview for the Jewish Chronicle.'

In the maternal line. Would he qualify as an Israeli? Any information on Jews who were Moscow textile merchants? Presumably more sympathetic to Bolsheviks than to peasants.

“I feel Jewish when I feel the Jewish people are threatened or under attack, that’s when it sort of comes out,” Johnson said. “When I suddenly get a whiff of anti-Semitism, it’s then that you feel angry and protective.”

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23 hrs agoLiked by Rurik Skywalker

This is really got to be the best source of info for geopolitics, metaphysics, etc. Because even though I consider myself extremely informed on such matters 90 percent of the articles and even comments I read leave me like that very badly drawn cartoon meme where the gag is some guy is nonplussed and just says "holy fucking shit" and thats it, thats the comic.

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Nice map isn't it? Every day it's in the news, but this aspect isn't mentioned.


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that guy calls me a putin shill just fyi

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You do keep writing a lot about Putin!

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Holy fucking shit!

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We have big plans for the new rebuild of Ukraine. Space needle minarets, 15 minute cities, a digital Utopia, net zero infrastructure, inclusive diverse tolerant repopulation with equity for all the approved interests & cultural restoration for the sustainable future governance of ethnically invested stakeholders. Damn we may even launch our own crypto @kazarcoin Totally based totally owned total victory.

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Gorbachev was a Rockefeller globalist as is Putin. This is the New World Order in the End Game. At Least 140 years in the making.

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Dear Rurick , I think you have an exaggerated expectation about Russia's military capability.

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Everybody has an exaggerated expectation of Australia’s military capabilities Taz

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Both sides are using low-yield mini-nukes. This is why Russia can't cry foul.

Their usage indicates a certain level of commitment, so there is always the risk of criticality for escalation.

I bought and read the Kindle edition of "The Secret of the Three Bullets: How New Nuclear Weapons Are Back on Battlefields". I don't think it is possible to fully understand the situation without this background.

It is serious.

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We won't see video as there is a ban from Ukraine. The Rooskies don't appear to be quitting.

Looks like escalation not capitulation.


The ministry also said Russian forces conducted strikes using high-precision weapons and drones on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure linked to Kiev’s defense industrial complex as well as UAV workshops, and military deployment areas. “The objectives of the strike have been achieved. All designated targets have been hit,” it added.

While Ukrainian officials have not commented on Moscow’s claim that it hit a dry cargo ship, local media overnight reported explosions in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Sumy, Krivoy Rog, and several other cities.

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Sam ☦️


When the British supplied depleted uranium shells, the Russians said every clearly that would respond to it. Which they did by launching a tactical nuke on the bunker/ammo depot. There was a spike in gamma rays in the region after the strike.

10:10 PM · Sep 22, 2024


Korobochka (コロボ) 🇦🇺✝️





akaniva 🇳🇿☯️




I thought that the DU was just a cover story for the Russian tac nuke use.

Sam ☦️




Nope, they did locate and destroy it. Using a tactical nuclear weapon was a measure to guarantee complete destruction.

This is it:


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Tactical nuke?

Do you have solid evidence, or are you shitposting?

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Kiev, March 3rd, 2022.


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Nuclear weapons leave radioactivity, conventional weapons do not.

Where's the radioactivity?

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Pay attention. It won't be on CNN

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Special Report: In modernizing nuclear arsenal, U.S. stokes new arms race

By Scot Paltrow

November 22, 20173:02 AM GMT+13Updated 7 years ago


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10 flights per day.


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Nice catch.

Netanyahu must have told Putin to tell the Iranians to forego their revenge fantasies or forget help from Russia. That's probably the message Shoigu delivered.

I wonder if the Israelis will nuke Hezbollah, and the Iranians will just gnash their teeth.

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Most likely. Putin also told the Iraqis not to act, the Syrians, the Iranians, Ukraine in 2014, Hamas, Hezbollah and so forth. So based on that pattern, I'm going to wager that Putin is doing the " good cop" portion of the act as his guidance always says its never the right time to respond.

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- Did Chabad Jews Orchestrate Ukraine War To Establish Their ‘Third Khazaria’ Kingdom? -


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Interesting. Its not just CJ Bjerknes who points out these things, or the Fitzgerald Informer which reports some of them. Normies love their masters too much to pay attention though.

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Normies dont understand that the plans at play have nothing to do with money, oil, resources or other distractions. Also, I'm still on the fence on the Khazarian revival although I find it plausible if just for one reason. The Khazarian empire just happened to spring up in the middle of the greatest crossroads / choke point of the original silk road.

Easter Ukraine and Crimea are located in the exact same spot and will be a crossroads / chokepoint for the new " silk road". Once enough Ukrainians have bee liquidated or forced to leave all the "warring" sides will suddenly have a change of heart and will become lovey dovie again. This will also coincide with the destruction of all resistance in Palestine and Lebanon. Once "peace" has returned, the eastern half of depopulated Ukraine will need to be re-populated and what better people to do that with then the " orginal" inhabitants. It will be " a land without people, for a people without a land" all over again. Mazel tov !!!

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They infiltrated and destroyed Europe, but it took them a couple of millennia; they consumed America in only a couple of centuries. How long will it take them to subvert China?

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- Putin’s Chosen People

What’s behind the Russian president’s close relationship with an Orthodox Jewish sect? -


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There's two interesting points here:

' There are fewer than 200,000 self-identified Jews in Russia today—less than the number of pagans'...

It's amazing that the Jews are in control, and also that the most traditional Russians are not even a recognised religious group, and are probably persecuted by all the others and the state!

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To be fair it was his Rothschild entwined , central bank chief, happy merchant deluxe Elvira Nabiullina who left the money there, although Putin refused her resignation after the deed was done. What I find really amusing is that the US / EU is loaning the money to Ukraine which it stole from Russia. So either they plan on paying Russia back ( not likely) or the clown show proceeds in full force.

Loaning stolen money with compound interest is a specialty of a certain merchant group. They are a happy bunch.

"European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a loan of up to 35 billion euros ($39 billion) for Ukraine during a visit to Kyiv on Friday, saying it was needed to defend the country against Russian attacks and help it get through the winter. "

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NEW - Iran president seeks talks with West on Russian ‘aggression’

Now you know why Shoigu was sent.

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You answered the question in my head, "Does Putin work for the Kissinger Group like I have heard somewhere?

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