Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

This is why I'm anti-voting:

1. The same shit happens regardless

2. Nothing good will happen until we all reject purposely decisive partisan politics and realize we are all prisoners and need as many people as possible to change the current situation.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Fantastic blog man, and I have decided to become a paid sub (hit me harder daddy!) due to your e-begging!

Right when I get a job.

Another redpill I've red back in the golden days of basket weaving forums is:

"You're being occupied by a foreign government, this explains why your governments consistently attack the nation, through methods such as non-white immigrant imports, and propaganda."

This is paraphrased, but applies here.

Under these circumstances, we must adopt non-foreign-sponsored guerrilla efforts to undermine the system.

Understanding that memes travel far and wide despite being censored and suppressed means we must support and amplify the writers who understand and critique the regime. (for example: people understand now that the US CIA was in control of the southern american continent and used the drug trade for financing, despite them doing this secretly at the time because dissident writers spread such memes)

Your memes have wormed their way into the mainstream a couple of times, and I will be sure to bankroll your operations, when I do get back on the corporate plantation.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

The Kanye thing is both funny and sad.It's funny on an obvious level -the immediate kvetching and calls for his blood and all that- but sad because the most high profile guy to call em out in years is a bipolar negro with a god complex and apparently THAT is what what was needed to bring it into public conversation.Christ.

If Murdoch Murdoch were still making videos they'd have a field day.

BTW which meditative techniques are you using?

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

))) Good sense of humor, Rolo!

For the prisoner dilemma, if taking the East Slavic, but even more so Russian Starover Orthodox (Starover - more Orthodox than regular Orthodox, literally means "Old Faith") approach - there is no dilemma dependent on the calculation how your partner in crime, or more likely partner in misfortune, is going to behave. You either have an internal moral compass and don't rat on your partner or you don't. But please note, same moral compass can nudge such individual to tell the authorities all as it was regardless of personal interests or the interests of his/her partner. This is not to say that among Russians there aren't calculating SoBs - there are plenty, but there is also a higher percentage of the people with mentality as I described above than in a typical Western society. The good news from the last 3 years of COVID madness is the fact that there are plenty of people with unbreakable moral compass in Western societies as well. I'd say at least 10%.

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Excellent essay says it all and more. It's only through strength and a determined unflinching will that we will triumph and rebuild our folk and civilization.

The jailers can be defeated. Just one meme spread like wild fire can rekindle those intuitive enough to understand it.

The jailers are not in our league. They have $$$ it's true but it's paper and fiat, we have our knowledge and our blood, our DNA.

Plus last counted they suffer from at least 35 inherited degenerative mostly neurological disorders that are often fatal. As a dear friend of my a great lady wrote to me, "Biologically it's them that are f*cked and headed for extinction. Some of their genetic disorders are hauntingly similar to what cv injections are causing non js. If they are going down, they are trying to have many of us go down with them. I don't think they will be able to keep up with their biological doom. As much as 90 % are carriers to their diseases. Not all of them get screened. Self evident. This family is Ashkenazim. They are carriers of the so-called renamed Tay-Sacks genetic disease. Sometimes they retain the HEX gene but albeit is defective. These are js that live a bit longer than those that are missing the HEX gene for proper metabolism. The human misery they bring onto themselves is staggering. Prof. Oliver mentioned he had a lawyer friend who was Sephardim and he mentioned to Oliver that he did his part by not having any children." She sent me this. https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/ste-justine-hospital-unveils-lab-for-disorder-that-acts-like-child-alzheimers

We need to stay united, safe, healthy and strong. It will be an uphill battle. Nonetheless we can and will triumph. Keep writing Rolo. Subscribe to my page and I'll do you the same courtesy.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

People will be vicious and act maliciously towards anyone trying to self-improve, even in the absence of incentives from wardens. Everyone thinks he's the best ever, it's a psychological necessity. Obviously incentives from wardens make things in this world far worse and slimier.

Rather optimistic and Dunning Krueger to hope anything out of CodeAcademy, see https://teachyourselfcs.com/ I'd stick to get that few further subscriptions but again what do I know, you could be a natural.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I can see why you tweaked the prisoners dilemma, but it was not realistic. The authorities will invariably be able to stack the deck in their favour, even if its only a little. So if neither prisoner confesses they may get off on that charge, but the authorities will be able to cook up minor charges that can stick just to punish them and ensure that the incentives are always stacked in their favour.

On a totally different tack, the US midterm results - earthshaking but no one seems to be commenting. Why, because the Dems have been able to institutionalize rigging (i.e. without a pandemic) and make it routine. But no one (well, except Kari Lake) is saying or doing anything - almost nothing in the conservative alternative media. Most interesting is that this time the Republican party was in it too, either actively (as in Georgia) or passively. The deal between the two parties was to crush the populists and it worked almost completely (only except JD Vance, who may not even be a real populist). And of course part of the deal was Dems get Senate, and no incumbent loses (though they gave Lauren Bobert a very hard time) which is what happened.

And no one is saying anything - even the populists are keeping quiet. Why? The implications are enormous. One, Trump will have no chance in 2024, both parties will be rigging it against him. And two, populism has no future in the Republican party.

My hypothesis is it's because the populists have not yet accepted that their only possible future will to get out of the Republican party and create a new party. And one can see why - it would be a very hard and very long road.

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Not quite correct on prisoner's dilemma: "if they both keep their mouth shuts, they both walk free" - in the classic formulation when both refuse to rat on each other, they both get minimal sentences. The "walk free" outcome is only available to one of them, the one who rats on the other while that other one remains silent. The worst outcome is when both rat on each other. So the cooperation in play also involves complex trust calculations or betrayal calculations - "that other guy is a sap! - he won't betray me - so I win by betraying him"

I don't think it changes anything here - you are correct: "cooperation among the prisoners is the optimal strategy" - it is optimal but it is NOT cost-free (that's your mistake) - so I might rephrase that human relations, ideally conceived, maximize co-operation but (evil) society attempts to disrupt co-operations by offering incentives to betrayal. I think that is entirely to your point: an eden of human co-operation distorted and sabotaged by powerful and evil coalitions pursuing secret agendas and imposing harms on those inclined to co-operate. So, having cleared that up - I will actually read it closely in full.

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"ideologoyim" - Brought a smile to my face. Though I suspect using our victimizers names for us strengthens their prison. We need to be the heroes in Our Own Story.

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I can understand where you come from. USSA never experience yet what Alexander Solzhenitsyn suffering, which he described in the Archipelago Gulag. I am interested to read it but it seems that I am experience it now and it is not necessary.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

Kudos on the Dune clip! Oddly enough, I really liked the newest Dune iteration. Hollywood usually sucks and this didn't. The scene with the Sardukar on Secunda is so visceral.

Excellent column, Rolo. It largely is a Prison Planet. Anyone with a cell phone is easily tracked and monitored. People will sell you out or cancel one in heartbeat if it means their life is easier or they'll get ahead or just having the "right" opinion. The US and Europe were once high trust societies and this allowed easy group cohesion but people were harder to control. Now tribalism, a low trust society, is the ruling mindset. People will act against their own self-interest just to fit in.

On a side note, what are your thoughts on the recent shakeup at the Russian Foreign Ministry?


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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

"I can postpone having to sign up for CodeAcademy and a fulfilling career automizing other prisoners’ jobs away forever."

It's funny you say this, Rolo. How do you feel about the whole 'coding' thing? It's all the rage these days. The internet's chock full of people in the singing its praises, tons of YouTubers talking about how much money can be made as a software developer/ programmer/ coder / IT person. But knowing the big tech companies have been advancing the globalist agenda and with the big pay incentives for this kind of work, what could the end result possibly be? Building the walls of a prison in a future technocratic state? I'm a little suspicious about it all to be quite honest. There's the connection to to AI and then Joe Biden advising people to "learn to code". Why?🤨 Whatever the gov't says to do, it's a good rule of thumb to do the opposite in my book.

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