Thank you for this, I couldn't take all that ZAnon winning over the weekend, so I was waiting patiently for Stalker reality to strike

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The Duran just posted a convo titled Russia-China partnership remains TOP priority :))) (all that was missing was bozo escobar's super secret hush hush insider info from his sherpas around Glazyev and shit)

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🇷🇺🇮🇱⚡- "The Russian comeback is good for Israel. Trump believes that Russia is an asset at the global level whereas Ukraine is now a liability, and Russia wants to dissolve old alliances in favor of a new world order with a clearly defined sphere of influence for each superpower. Israel can renew cooperation with Moscow," - Ynet, Israeli media.

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followed by: "fooled again! help us north korea, help!"

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Any credence to rumors they'll replace him with the gas princess Yulia?

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that would truly be something.

yeah, she fits the profile perfectly. a hebrew baroness from east ukraine who pretends to be a galician nationalist while secretly collecting bribes from Moscow and Washington both.

i sure wouldn't bet against her.

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Chabad-approved, then

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The view from this American's lying eyes is thus: none of the "leaders" of any U.N. recognized country acts in a manner which bears any consideration for the effects their policy objectives have on the citizenry, infrastructure or "global standing" of their supposed home country. All of these scoundrels behave in a way which suggests strongly that they consider themselves "global citizens", full stop. They are socio/psychopathic, they are murderous, and they are unmoved by our indignation toward them. Only a severe, all-encompassing bloodletting which strikes most disproportionally this coeval of miscreants stands any chance whatsoever of future generations forging their own in-group dynasties, a al roving bands of clans, which I believe is the pinnacle of human endeavors, upon this hellscape of a planet, anyways. My country is destroying rapidly the very fabric of civic administration of its municipalities and townships. As an example, in Vermont the smaller towns are finding it near to impossible to field viable candidates to fill the largely volunteer positions which are essential to the maintenance and governance of the day-to-day affairs of the town. Positions such as Town Manager, Town Treasurer, Roads Commissioner and the like are no longer sought after by life-long town residents who are retired or semi-retired and thus have the time and financial resiliency to perform these vital functions, which require substantial investments of one's time and rarely if ever pay anything in the way of a stipend.. Everyone is either too busy working full -time up until the day they die or they otherwise don't give a crap and seek to seclude themselves in their own hedonistic life experience, leaving the community to founder. This will lead inevitably to private consultancy agencies offering these services(at a hefty fee) be performed by AI. And the townspeople will let it happen. They may grumble at first about their misgivings, slippery slope and Sword of Damocles and all that, but in the end they will merely sit idly and allow the phenomenon to wash right over them. Because we are a defeated thoroughly people, at this point.

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Trump on a fox news interview.. That guy is clear as a foggy rainy night

"Trump reacts with bewilderment when it's suggested that he said he wanted to cut defense spending. Clarifies that defense spending cannot be cut because of China and Russia"

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Profile photo for Dima Vorobiev

Dima Vorobiev



Former Propaganda Executive at RussiaUpdated 1y

What's bad about Putin?

“What's bad about Putin?”

From the point of view of a Russian commoner, on the morning of Feb 24, 2022, our President locked us in two possible outcomes of the Ukraine war.

Either of them is worse than the other.

1. Russia wins the war

This case means the perpetuation of the current state-oligarchical system for decades to come. “Putinism forever!” will have two major repercussions.

Another war against Europe after a period of re-arming. “We can do that again!” was a popular patriotic rally cry over the last 10–15 years, meaning defeating some other Russophobic country the way we did to Nazi Germany. Remember, our President’s ultimatum to NATO still stands, and Ukraine is just a minor part of the plan.

The giant rift between a tiny privileged minority around the Kremlin and the tens of millions of impoverished commoners in the provinces will only get bigger. The demographic collapse will be increasingly compensated by a flood of Muslim guest workers from Central Asia. Together, this promises to be an epic binary explosive on a day our police state falls asleep at the wheel.

2. Russia loses the war

If we lose the war, Putin is set for the fall. He may last for another year or two, but the end will be the same: the Great Redistribution.

This is the price we’ve got to pay for extreme inequality: too many hungry eyes and adventurous minds willing to take the risk and claim the immense fortunes amassed by our state-oligarchical clans. Revolution or not, such turmoil never meant anything good for the man in the street. As a saying from the era of serfdom goes, “While the masters punch each other, the servants’ heads get split up.”

Below, a map of Europe showing the degree of inequality. Russia soars high above anyone else. The last time we saw such a degree of inequality, this blew up Imperial Russia in 1917. A war plus mega inequality can’t possibly end up well.

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Goddamnit, when are Shoigu, Gerasymov and Glazyev finally gonna invent that darn anti-falling debris shield???

Vanya Mileva


checkmate globalists


Sprinter Observer



27 m

Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow

Moscow has repelled a major multi-wave Ukrainian drone attack, with at least one residential building in the capital damaged by falling debris, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said. Outside the Russian capital, at least one person was killed and several buildings were damaged, Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov confirmed.

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Tonight’s Ukrainian drone attack against Moscow is the first attack by Ukraine against the Russian capital in 2025, and likely the largest since the large-scale drone attack against the city in September of 2024, which consisted of well over 140 drones targeting Moscow.

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Michael Tracey


"The United States will immediately lift the pause on intelligence sharing and resume security assistance to Ukraine." That was quick. The usual screeching Think Tankers told us the sky was falling because their cherished arms shipments were immobilized for approximately one week

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Are you off your meds again? Get back on here , take your medicine and finally cave in to the fact that Trump is Krasnov the Kremlin asset. Trump has always been a Kremlin asset since his first visit to Moscow. He has stopped weapons to Ukraine there by supporting Moscow directly , he is fighting against Ukraine! he has done Putin's bidding by humiliating Zelensky , spouted all of Putin's propaganda points , has realigned totally with Putin against the West and you still dribble on as though he is an enemy of the Kremlin and "has Putin over a barrel". Come on !You know I was right , I said Trump would give Putin everything he wanted and he has and more, much more! The humble pie is getting cold, your credibility is crumbling so finally fall on your sword and stop this foolishness.

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