There is No Proof That Putin is a Russian Patriot
Let us examine a timeline of his greatest accomplishments.
Few people know or care that Washington used to subsidize Putin’s “United Russia” party to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. But Victoria Nuland spilled the beans on this 10 years ago. Here:
United Russia received grants from the US Agency for International Development USAID, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland said. According to her, the party participated in “some” programs of the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI).
It should be noted that on September 18, official Moscow announced the termination of USAID in Russia, later the Russian Foreign Ministry noted that "the nature of the organization’s work did not always meet the stated goals." In particular, it was an attempt to influence political processes in the country through the distribution of grants.
Victoria Nuland did not name the specific unicross programs that were supported by funding from the United States, but noted that it was about training for young leaders, supporting civil society and healthcare.
“We regret this decision,” US Ambassador to the Russian Federation Michael McFaul commented on this decision on Twitter. Recall, on the eve, extend the working life of USAID in Russia until May 2013. asked US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a letter to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
In Russia, USAID has funded programs for the development of civil society, democracy and human rights for over 20 years. It should be noted that the Golos association, which carries out independent election monitoring, also received grants. The latter, commenting on the decision of the Russian authorities, said that it would probably be forced to close its projects.
Kommersant, however, said that the withdrawal of USAID from Russia does not mean the complete deprivation of American support for local NGOs. At least three organizations closely associated with the US government continue to work here - the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the National Democratic Institute (NDA) and the International Republican Institute (IRI).
So we have a minimum date to work with up to which we know for a fact that Putin and his party were literally Western-funded. I have written a lot about the early Putin and explained that he was put into power by Washington in coordination with the pro-Western KGB, to cement their victory over the USSR. This was framed however, as Putin being a secret patriot fighting a shadow war against the forces of evil even in the early days.
Most of these Z-propagandists claim that Putin went on to turn on his handlers (or that he never had any handlers in some extreme cases!) and that he had become a patriot within the very first years of his presidency. What proof do they furnish for this? Well, he “jailed the oligarchs”, apparently. And well, yes, Putin did jail SOME of the oligarchs who had funded and fueled his rise to power. But other oligarchs got richer and closer to Putin still. I’ve written a lot about Putin’s oligarchs and I’ve shown concrete statistical data on the topic. The short of it is that they haven’t gone anywhere.
Furthermore, Putin was openly courting NATO right up until 2007 and arguably beyond that date, trying to secure a place for Russia in it. The idea that he was standing up to the Globalist world order in his first or second term doesn’t make sense with even a cursory glance at the facts. Putin at the time was also publicly supporting Bush’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and offering Russia’s support. At home, he was arresting hundreds of Russian patriots and doing his own equivalent campaign of false flags and Patriot Acts to shore up the total power of the FSB.
In other words, there is simply no way to make the case that Putin was a Russian patriot in those early years and the fact that he was being funded by Washington up to 2013 gives us concrete proof and a concrete date up to which we can definitively say that he was clearly not doing patriotic things or considered a Russian patriot by Washington.
Make sense?
OK, but what happens after 2013?
At the time, I interpreted the events of Crimea, Georgia before that, Syria, the Donbass rebellion and finally the SMO as proof that Putin had cut ties with his Western backers who had put him and his people into power in the first place.
That was when I started paying attention to Russia and to writers like The Saker who claimed that Putin was a secret patriot. I began writing pro-Putin content around this time as well. But, as I learned more about Russia and Putin, I was able to go down the list and realize that I had misinterpreted the events on the list and that hopeful optimism and propaganda had done the rest to mislead me. I try to cover each and every point on the checklist of the “Putin is a patriot” narrative on this blog and to investigate it further.
The SMO/Not-War
Veteran readers will know that I was very optimistic about the SMO initially because I viewed it as the definitive step taken by Putin to cut himself off from his handlers in Langley. However, as the Not-War progressed, I realized that I had misinterpreted the SMO as well. There is no one article I can link here to highlight the fraud that is the SMO or when I realized it to be so. It was a process of gradual and painful realization as the archives of this blog will attest to.
However, I may as well touch on the other points on the list.
I’ve written about how Crimea was pulled off without Shoigu’s knowledge and that when he got wind of the GRU operation, he tried to squash it. But, the military men moved quickly and had friends on the ground in Crimea who helped coordinate the operation. It was a fete accompli and the Kremlin couldn’t just hand Crimea back over to Kiev outright. They did do a lot of nasty stuff like refusing to provide aid or even basic banking services to Crimea for years afterwards.
In conclusion, the inside story of how Crimea was won could no longer be tallied up as proof of Putin and his government being patriots. The Kremlin was FORCED to accept it, despite trying to sabotage it.
As it turns out, Moscow didn’t “save” Syria and there is no more arguing about that uncomfortable fact. I wrote several articles trying to explain that Putin actually demanded that Assad step down and put the rebel opposition into power as far back as 2017.
Prior to that, I reported that the Russian MoD had coordinated with the Pentagon to bomb Russian and SAA soldiers.
It has since been revealed that Moscow was coordinating with Tel-Aviv this whole time. Oh well. And now the Russian MFA is promising to provide funds to rebuild Syria and support the new government. Will they start arming them as well? Time will tell.
Obviously, this is no longer a W for the “Putin secret patriot” narrative camp.
The Donbass Rebellion
I used to think that Putin had funded, supported and protected the Donbass uprising and that he wanted to save Russians in Ukraine. Since then, I learned that the Kremlin had fought tooth and nail against the militia commanders and had, in some cases, probably had them assassinated.
I was also disturbed to learn that Putin had been offered Donbass many times by the Kiev government, but that he had refused to take it. This was confirmed by one of his closest oligarch friends.
And both Minsk I and II and the Istanbul Accords were attempts to shove Donbass back into Ukraine. To this day, Putin calls for a return to the Istanbul terms.
Long story short, Putin did and does everything in his power to stifle the Novorussian cause. Another proof for his patriotedness struck down.
We are left with one data point from 2007/8 when Putin wasn’t even in power. I haven’t covered this yet and was saving the topic to include in a larger piece about Dmitriy Medvedev, who was the president at the time. But let’s mention the military intervention in Georgia now. Didn’t this prove that Putin/Medvedev were willing to stand up to the West and support pro-Russians in the near abroad? Well, not so fast, actually.
As it turns out, it was done AGAINST the express wishes of the Kremlin.
Once again, Russian military men took the matter into their own hands and handed a fete accompli to a resentful Kremlin. It wasn’t Putin or Medvedev that saved the Ossetians and Abkhazians, who had been getting bombed by NATO-backed Tbilisi while Moscow twiddled its thumbs. It was Commander Khrulev who intervened, almost entirely on his own. Yandex has instituted a new, draconian purge of all conspiracy-related blogs over the last two years and information about this older stuff is becoming increasingly harder to find. Luckily, I still remember where to look in some cases. If you want to learn about the story of the 5 day war which saved Ossetia, I’ve time-stamped the following video, which explains the intervention:
Basically, Commander Khrulev knew that if he took the Gori tunnel quickly and positioned his troops in favorable positions, he could end the Tbilisi cleansing campaign. Now, Putin was in Beijing at the time for the Olympics just like he was at the Sochi Olympics when the Euromaidan took power in Kiev. The entire Russian GCHQ was also on holiday because of interestingly timed renovations. Kremlin media was anti-Ossetian and tried to cover up the massacres of civilians perpetrated by Tbilisi, meaning that no one knew what was going on. There were no orders to move out and begin the operation from the Kremlin. This is confirmed by investigations into the affair. It was decided on quickly on the ground. Medvedev only issued an order three days (3) into the five day special military operation in Ossetia.
Luckily, I found this article in the Internet Archive, thank God, confirming many details. It chronicles how Commander Khrulev was punished by the Kremlin for his heroic and swift and decisive actions to prevent a massacre. He literally got on top of the tanks that were rolling into Georgia and commanded from the front. This is at least partially explained because the Russian army had no operational communications thanks to Putin’s reforms:
August 9, 2008 commander of the 58th Army of the SKVO Lieutenant General Anatoly Khrulev received a shrapnel wound, but, as noted by the media, he continued to lead the faithful forces even with a hospital bed.
After treatment, he was declared unfit for service. After that, Khrulev became one of the most active critics of military reform, in particular sweeping in the officer corps, the dismissal of Sergey Makarov and the commander of the ground forces Vladimir Boldyrev. In 2011, a criminal case was opened against him, accusing him of illegally obtaining an apartment. In the same year, the court sentenced him to two years in prison, but by presidential decree of December 31, the war hero was pardoned.
He never got an award for his SMO. Ironically, Medvedev however got a big popularity boost and was labeled “Iron Dima” and contrasted as the hard-edged Russian patriot as opposed to the more lenient Putin.
And so, we are forced to conclude that the Georgia operation is not proof of Putin and his cabal’s secret patriot status.
COVID Lockdowns and Forced Vaccination
I don’t write about this topic, but my colleague Edward Slavsquat does and at great length. Basically, Putin did everything that you would expect from a crony of the 2030 Agenda and the global technocratic mafia.
Having brought my new readers up to speed on all of this, what other proofs are there that Putin is actually a Russia patriot?
One last data point that I haven’t written about are the Chechen Wars, which used to be brought up as proof of Putin being a Russian patriot. But you don’t hear much about it these days because the Chechens are never criticized anymore. But I intend to open up that whole can of worms when I finally start covering Boris Yeltsin and the 90s.
Here is a shortlist of topics that I intend to do deep dives on in 2025.
Boris Yeltsin’s regime
The rise of Chabad and their takeover of the Kremlin via Putin
The Chechen “Wars” I and II
Lukashenko’s murky background
The Transnistria situation
Medvedev’s curious career
The Solzhenitsyn conspiracy
The fate of the Russian volunteers fighting for Serbia
The KGB op to create the modern Bandera movement in Ukraine
On the Balts and Their Lies II and III (I covered Lithuania before)
China and the Russian Far East
The Creation of the Mongol Myth
I also plan to write a lot more about metaphysics in the second half of the year, which is my pet project, and to finish my book on the topic.
If you look in the archives, you will find that I’ve really covered a lot of material already and that I’m basically creating a database explaining each and every conspiracy theory related to the Slavlands that I can reasonably research and explain. This takes time and effort.
I do hope that you will support my efforts financially.
It is one thing for me to paywall my work and then have people sign up to read it. That’s my main money-making method. It would be really helpful to have people sign up ahead of time though. It motivates me and reassures me that my work is wanted. Sometimes I write a larger effort-piece and get no support. Other times, I write something that I think will just be a one off article and it becomes a top performer. Usually, stuff related to Christianity and the End Times does well because most of my readers are Christians, unfortunately.
Please also share this piece with your Z-friends because I prepared it to be a primer for people who still uncritically believe in the Putin propaganda.
Fait accompli.
"Une fête" is a party in French. "Un fait" is a fact.
I'm looking forward for the metaphysics articles, the not war became boring in its predictability.
Re Lukashenko’s murky background as a topic
Why are you planning to trash the only patriot there? Belarus is the only country that has not been occupied and completely looted. He's the only leader that resisted pandemic closures even though he was offered 950 million as a bribe. There are no Muslim "migrants" there raping local women, unlike in Russia and EU. I've heard that even Putin's oligarchs financed some of those color revolution attempts. Why not write about that?
Can you write about how, for 30 years, he managed to protect his country from being colonized and occupied by Putin's Western Partners (TM)? How many assassination attempts did he survive? How many oligarchs did he arrest? How many NGOs did he close? All those topics would be far more interesting for learning some history.
For some reason, you want to trash him. Why? Isn't that s exactly what Putin/Kremlin/MSM would like to see produced?
If you agree, please write about that asap in 2025. I'd like to learn how he did it. Thanks in advance.