I have been stumping for Shoigu’s dismissal from his position for two years now. The worst response I got was from FSB asset Aussie Uzbek, who told me that I’d face consequences for desecrating the sacredness of the Shoigu during my interview with him. That was … that was really something, let me tell you.
And just FYI, I thanked him for being forthright with me. I wish more people were honest at least like him.
There has also been just nonstop wall-to-wall apologia for Shoigu’s poor performance from literally every single “independent” ZAnon analyst over these last two years. In stark contrast, I asserted that Shoigu:
was extremely corrupt
looted the military
“westernized” the military by copying the American colonial mercenary model
passed information on to NATO as revealed by the Texeira leaks
coordinated the killing of Russians in Syria with NATO help
had nothing to do with the successful Crimean Spring operation
has blood on his hands from his Moscow mafia days
is anti-Russian on account of his ethnic animosity
only got his career because of his ethnicity in the first place
deliberately starved Wagner (and not only) of much-needed supplies for political reasons leading to the deaths of thousands
generally pursued a disastrous and suicidal strategy in prosecuting this war
is deliberately shooting down Russian planes over the Azov sea
intentionally misses with the missile strikes or avoids critical targets all-together
has no military background or skills whatsoever
And I have written about each and every one of these points in detail over these two years. Bizarrely, one of these points got further confirmation within the last 24 hours by none other than Putin himself. PLEASE: pay attention to this latest revelation. In an interview, he stated that Shoigu had tried to halt the operation to take over Crimea. Here:
Here Putin recalls how Shoigu ordered back the deployed troops to disrupt the operation to return Crimea. Putin did not explain why Shoigu was not fired for this.
To be fair, it is worth noting that Belousov is the only one from the economic bloc [he means Western-aligned faction] who supported the return of the peninsula.
Let that sink in.
Shoigu essentially tried to SABOTAGE the operation to return Crimea. This isn’t me saying it, this is Putin saying it. In other words, the thesis that I advanced on this blog about what happened with the Crimean Spring was wrong. My explanation was as follows: that it was Dyumin who co-ordinated a special GRU operation to send over spetznaz troops to save Crimea. Shoigu simply took credit for it afterwards, is what I alleged. I got this from closely following and translating all of Prigozhin’s video rants.
But what actually happened was far, far worse.
Shoigu actively interfered with the operation to return Crimea to Russia!
And Putin knew this and covered it up for a decade!
People, I know a lot of you are on the fence about me and my blog, but like, c’mon already. This is jaw-dropping stuff. And it not only confirms what I’m saying, but actually reveals me to be a native optimist, if anything!
In contrast, ZAnon has been telling people that Shoigu is literally the greatest commander in military history. Because if someone is achieving 17:1 K/D ratios against a peer enemy while attacking their fortified strong-points head on with inferior numbers and a pronounced technological disadvantage then that man is nothing short of a strategic genius. Maybe even a kind of war-wizard of sorts.
So how could you even fire a man capable of such feats?
What is more, we were told by big ZAnon names with inside sources!!! that Putin was planning a purge of non-patriots and Western assets with this reshuffle. Ritter, Macgregor and the others too, I am sure, were hyping us up for the big changes. This was the big moment that all of us Z-patriots were supposed to be waiting for! Putin was going to finally drain the swamp!! After more than two decades in power!!!
So, were these the traitors that Ritter was referencing? Uh-oh!
Looks like he spoke too soon! Time to backpedal and deploy narrative damage-control! But if Shoigu and Patrushev were the “Westernizers” who we were promised would be purged, it begs the question: how is it that Putin didn’t notice that his top general and top spook were actually secretly Anal-Saxon agents until now???
I’m sure they will let us know shortly.
Meanwhile, according to Complicatus, this shuffle is apparently simply proof of how strong Putin’s government is and how bigly he is winning against the Anal-Saxons. Also, Shoigu may have actually gotten promoted not fired.
And this really is the core problem of all ZAnon theology exemplified brilliantly.
Note: the chef is Swedish, not Ukrainian
See, literally nothing can’t be spun as a brilliant Putin maneuver.
Said another way, literally everything Putin does is a brilliant victory for the forces of Jesus. He and his government do not make mistakes. Period. To explain how this is possible though, the explanations get very “5D” which just means that they become convoluted and require blind faith in evidence that is never produced, but taken as a given. In contrast, the visible evidence that we do have to work with points to the complete opposite conclusion. But this is simply hand-waved away as either media sabotage or deliberate misdirection by the “good guys” to confuse the enemy and to obscure the patriots’ plans. These secret plans are then broadcast across the entire internet, of course, and no one asks why they are being given access to these plans in violation of all rules concerning opsec and, well, common sense. Thus, Shoigu was actually promoted, but it was made to seem like he was demoted to confuse the Anal-Saxons. And Complicatus then immediately spoiled the ruse, for some reason. All of this is supposed to make sense, of course.
To be fair, Duplicitus did actually mention the corruption angle in his article.
That is, he mentioned that Shoigu’s deputy got nabbed with his hand in the cookie jar, and then sort of said, “who knows, maybe Shoigu was corrupt lol idk”.
This is disingenuous and so clearly an example of what the new Kremlin-approved talking points for this media moment are. First of all, there is no “if” or “maybe” or “idk” about Shoigu. The proof that he is extremely corrupt is well-known within Russia. I have written about this extensively. Pretending to not know is a smaller ploy within a larger narrative strategy.
The goal is just to cause a lot of confusion and shum, as usual.
Thus the narrative goes something like this:
Shoigu may have been fired or he may have been promoted. He may have been a bit corrupt, or it might have just been his ministers. Either way Shoigu’s firing is proof of how robust the Kremlin is in fighting corruption and now Shoigu will be of great use in his new positions as *squints at notes* some sort of foreign liaison with FSU banana republics.
The worst tactic though, is when a bad thing is presented as a good thing. Like the fact that all of Russia’s Ministers of Defense have been non-military men who can be characterized as “liberal” in their worldviews or even “ethnically liberal” if you get my drift, and the “bloc” that they belong to in internal Russian mafia politics is pro-Western too.
This is a travesty, not a cause for celebration.
No mention is made in the article that this replacement might have something to do with poor battlefield results. Instead, it is portrayed as an economic decision. Russia is now spending 6% of the budget on the war, and so Putin needs responsible bean-counters to take the helm now, to make sure that the money is allocated more efficiently now that the war is wrapped up and the Anal-Saxons’ Nazi-proxies in Ukraine all but defeated.
That is the narrative. Neat and non-offensive. Corporate style, have you noticed? Very “Russia LLC” if you will.
To be fair, I do think that Shoigu was stealing too much and that this was indeed the primary reason for Putin yanking his snout out of the feeding trough. As we have seen for ourselves, the Kremlin’s priorities have very little to do with winning the Not-War or saving the lives of Russians or anything of that nature.
Just the other day, Kiev dropped a bomb on Belgorod and blew a giant hole in a residential commieblock.
This is yet another brazen escalation that, in theory, Putin warned would be punished severely. But, well … we have heard that one before, haven’t we?
But let’s stay on track here, I’ll cover the mini-offensive in Kharkov tomorrow. Nothing of any particular note happened there, don’t worry, the headlines are lying, as usual.
As boring as it sounds, Putin’s circles’ main concern does appear to just be to make and steal as much money as possible in Russia and Shoigu was no doubt going too far and taking too much from others. They have activated all their assets to cheer for the new appointment while making light of the shuffle by basically just not saying anything about it at all
Case-in-point: here is what the “Hebrews With Platitudes” podcast people had to say about the new appointment:
“Cybernetic Excel Machine God”? Wow, the spooks are really getting their money’s worth with the PR coming from these guys.
WARNING: Quick Digression in Progress
So much for staying on track.
Funny enough and tangentially related to everything that we’ve been talking about so far, to commemorate May 9th, the RWA gang went on a social media posting-spree. They decided to bravely attack their fan base, which is largely comprised of a community that really does need to be taken down a peg or two in the West. They let White people who criticize a particular tribe who may or may not run their governments really have it!
The bigoted bastids! *tfu*.
Yes, if you are a White person in the West and a nationalist, the spook-run Z-propaganda department wants you to know just how much contempt they have for you:
And this is the guy who runs the podcast project from Germany, just FYI. I think the picture says more than I ever could:
Like all things related to the “Russian” government it has only a very tenuous relationship to the Russian people.
Let’s finish up with Absurdicus’ analysis.
Just in case you weren’t sure whether you were about to get conned, he gives the game away by dragging religion into the discussion. Here:
There is a fun saying in Russia that I’ll butcher now: “when someone reminds you of how Christian they are, check to see if your wallet is still in your pants”.
Boy, the Kremlin just loves to talk about how Christian and moral they are, don’t they?
Hell, the RWA guy is an Orthodox as well, but for some reason his faith doesn’t prevent him from garbling his “r”s, which is usually a tell-tale give-away of “Anal-Saxon” heritage from the “Bathhouse of Settlement”. Shoigu was formally an Orthodox as well, by the way. I mean, I hope he was because they put him in charge of the War Cathedral for Yeshua’s sake! Putin is an Orthodox as well, and yet for some reason, Moscow’s famous Chabad rabbi, Beryl Lazar, decided to tell an Israeli newspaper once that Putin was actually an “Anal-Saxon” on his mother’s side and therefore could be trusted which … I … I don’t even want to go there in today’s article.
Let’s forget Putin for today though.
Meet the New Boss, WORSE Than the Old Boss
The new guy, Andrei Belousov, might actually be worse in some ways to Shoigu.
First of all, like Shoigu, his background is murky. But this is a given in Putin’s government and should not surprise anyone. Worth mentioning is the fact that his father was supposed to be named “Ram”. Now, Ram is not a Russian name, and it sounds quite a bit like an abbreviation of “Abraham” which would be said as “Avram” in Russian or “Avraham”.
I guess you could say that my “intelligentsia” is “stumped” about him because I don’t have enough information yet on crucial information, like, for example, his mother’s maiden surname. Even without that though, I regret to inform you that what is left of patriotic Russian samizdat on Telegram is as appalled by the new appointment as they are thrilled about Shoigu’s demotion.
This guy is there to CUT COSTS first and foremost.
That should tell you everything about Putin’s priorities.
Otherwise, the entire government is still in place. The only two big changes were the [former] head FSB man getting sacked and Shoigu getting demoted.
I’ve written about Patrushev many times before, by the way, and have covered many of his various schemes. He and his son were the main profiteers off the various grain deals in the Black Sea, and he was probably the man most responsible for bungling the SMO:
However, I never got around to producing a comprehensive profile on who he is/was.
If some dirt surfaces about him in the coming days like it has about Shoigu, that will give me a reason to finally do that. Although I have to warn you, the information about him is murky, as is his “Early Life”.
By the way, PM Mishustin was supposed to be one of the “Westernizers” slated to get the ax in the head canon lore of many surrounding this round of cabinet appointments. Most people in Russia of the patriotic persuasion hate him and it doesn’t seem like he is popular in the West either. Like his colleague at the MoD, Mishustin is a pro-Western, pro-Globalist bean-counter and you really, I mean really really, have to squint and hop on one foot to somehow start seeing him as some kind of a patriot or whatever. Riley has covered him many times before:
Said another way: “Cybernetic Excel Machine God”.
You know, it is funny, but I used to respect Colonel Macgregor for having the courage to say unsayable things on occasion.
Like when he did an interview with Tucker and claimed that a lot of the animus towards Russia was ethnic in nature and coming from people who had ancestors from the region. Obviously, Macgregor was referring to a group called the “Anal-Saxons” who Moscow alleges run America and its conquered colonies.
The Anal-Saxons hail from the “Bathhouse of Settlement”, which was a seedy section of town in Odessa in the 17th century.
Tucker, by the way, agreed with Macgregor’s assessment.
So, both of them clearly know the score. Why then do they seem unable to notice that the same tribe of people are in power in Moscow? Like, take Mishustin, for example.
He is from the same “Bathhouse” as it were. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone in the “Russian” government who isn’t from there as well. Worse, I actually didn’t even know that Mishustin was distantly related to Nuland until yesterday, when I went to his Wikipedia profile. In fact, I didn’t even know that Shoigu was a distant cousin of Chuck Schumer until I was researching the article that I wrote about him the other day. I just assumed that, well, somebody in the government wasn’t from the Bathhouse.
Like, maybe it really is just every single one of them at this point.
Peskov though, at least, I think, is Russian.
I mean … I think he is?
Oh boy …
Peskov's mother is unknown to anyone. This is a very interesting fact, because Putin’s spokeswoman likes to talk about his family, but she’s never mentioned. Most likely, the reason for this is the « nationality question ». Everyone knows that the nationality of the [Anal-Saxons] passes over from the mother, which means that Dmitry Sergeyevich might not have talked about her so as not to spoil his political career.
If we talk about the surname of Peskov, we will also not be able to find anything unexpected. She is completely Russian, so that’s that. Although, again, this is the name of the father’s line, and the maiden name of the mother is not revealed by the politicians.
I don’t know about you but I think he has a trustworthy face and that is enough for me!
It is remarkable, really, that the backgrounds of pretty much every single Kremlin creature is shrouded in contradictions, disinfo and absurdity.
And yes, it is the exact same situation in Ukraine.
I do cover that as well on the blog, not just Russia.
Long story short, I will have a lot to blog about in the coming days as:
more dirt is allowed to be dumped on Shoigu (possibly)
more dirt is allowed to be dumped on Patrushev (hopefully)
new dirt is unearthed about the new guy who we know absolutely nothing about
Now I’ve got to run because I have Dr. Livsci waiting to record a podcast with me about these latest developments. I’m very late already!
Why is COMMANDER Rurik Doomposting on this happy occasion I have some inside info for all of you. The Shoigu and Patrushev being fired is a result of COMMANDER Riley infiltrating the Armenian Tunnel network with the help of his Patriotic lover Magarita Simonyan. Once under the kremlin he was able to speak with the Tsar Putin in person and explain to him that The Shoigu was corrupt. Action was taken at once and patriots have once again won a great victory against the anglo saxon infiltrators in the russian government. Now we can have some sort of tech ghoul turn the war into a HOI4 spreadsheet instead of the feudal army model that The Shoigu was using. Z victory imminent Patriots rejoice!
Bathhouse of Settlement is clever and apropos. I have come up with two others: the Veil of Betterment and the Swale of Excrement.
It's pretty obvious the Jews run the show in America. They have for a very long time. I've heard it spoken by many a common working man my entire life, the first 20 years of which were before everyone got hooked on the Internet. The big question is: what, exactly, is the average white citizen willing to do about any of it. My guess is...nothing. The fighting cry of America has gone from, "Death Before Dishonor!" to, "Death Before Discomfort!
Now, where are those comets?