You are getting better and better every time. Really unbelievable, almost impossible, but here it is happening... I have nothing else to say, except - thank you, again. Bye
P.S. can someone explain to me why when I press the like button under the comments it doesn't respond? what am i doing wrong? I don't want to write any letters to this administration here, I don't have the nerve for that...thank you anyway
You mean you are unable to "like" comments ? I've seen that complaint from many commenters on the few Substack writers that I follow, I don't know if it is censorship or just some technical issue, but it seems to have been going on for quite a while, I've just "liked" your comment and for me it seems to work just fine, who really knows...
Thank you for your "like" and answer...There is no reason at all to be some kind of censorship, I think it is technical, and I mean - if somone solved this problem, then matter at all, it is the way it is....thanks again and bye
The smartest thing Putin ever did was have his picture taken lighting candles in an Orthodox Church. That alone got him legions of fanatical followers.
We're almost at the 31st anniversary of the abortive Moscow Uprising against Yeltsin/Gaidar; an insurrection brutally repressed by that Quisling with the alleged assistance of the U$@ in Moscow itself (I recall rumors at that time suggesting that OMON & Spetsnaz troops maneuvered their way to the "White House" via underground corridors inside the adjacent U.S. Embassy in Moscow).
Fast-forward to the present, and now Russia finds itself literally invaded with nary a peep from Putin, who IMHO now has surpassed his alcohol-addled predecessor for levels of criminal incompetence & ineptitude. If the CPRF had any backbone whatsoever, they'd demand a full audit of the MoD's budget, the personal finances of Shoigu, Gerasimov, et. al., and insist on accountability for the abysmal & inexcusable failures of the Russian armed forces in this war--er, "Special Military Operation".
Rolo! Pretty please, explain the bloody mystery of the Chechen wars to all and sundry. And be sure to make the articles free for all in order to alleviate my burden of paying you. I feel like an American Ortho-Bro convert the way I am forced to pay my tithe every month to some hairy Slav…
this is simply the natural order reasserting itself. the milk and honey of the nations must flow to god's chosen people (the slavs). as a convert to spiritual slavdom, you too may partake in the blessings of god ...
on a serious note itll have to be paywalled because its too spicy a topic.
Forever Wars are not meant to be won. The Most Cunning Plan is that none of the Cunning Plans will succeed. Keeping the 'domestic animals' confused angry and killing each other serves best the intent of TPTB; blood and suffering for the middle eastern demon, and wealth, power and superior status for its Chosen.
Most of those who believe the Very Moral People fail to realise that all the moral stuff only applies to 'humans' ie members of the Tribe, who view others as slaves created in human form so as to better serve whatever purposes the Tribe has for them until with the coming of Messiah the goyim can be exterminated - and even eaten as food. Delicious Long Pig will then be kosher!
Don't fuss about who is winning or losing the Not-War. It's just 'business' more intensively than usual. All the 'leaders' are no more than well-chosen Judas Goats leading their herds to be slaughtered for the amusement and profit of their owners.
Initially I was reminded of the “Blackadder” series set in W.W.1
The crazy antics of the ‘top brass’ & the madness of war. Then as I read on up pops a picture of a guy with Putin who looks remarkably like Rohan Atkinson!
Perhaps the plot is something like, Russia cannot cause a mass casualty event ( involving many civilian deaths) in Ukraine proper (Because “morality driven Russians never hurt civilians, according to RT) that would be an atrocity that the esteemed partners in the West could not countenance.
So what if these (suddenly) invading hordes of Nazi terrorists had to be Carpet Bombed on Russian territory to be halted. Humanitarian bombing leading to some “Statiscs” (Russian term) or collateral damage (Americanised version) maybe “ethnic cleansing” Will be the charge, whatever. Can they really do anything but delight their adversaries by blowing up their own country. After all they claimed Russia blew up their own Nord Stream pipeline, right? Dogwhistling what is required to show good gamesmanship in where the ever beneficent collective governments finally show their hand and leave no doubt that the name of the game has been Democide all along.
They try to become immortal, i.e. achieve several hundred years of life...adenochrome (children, torture, blood, all possible abominations). There's a lady here on substack, Elisabeth Nickson (Canada), wrote some good stuff about it. There are also recordings from Bohemian Grove, but there is also the movie Lucy (somehow I keep remembering that movie lately). I don't like to write about it, or think about it - immediately some murderous thoughts come to my mind... But, it's more than real. They are sotonists. Bye
It doesn't work very well though, does it? They extend their life by 20 years max and die in their 90s instead of chilling peacefully and dying in their 70s.
Aha! Adrenochrome *is* the source of the problem, here: "The structure of adrenochrome is chiral at the position of the hydroxyl group. Little information is available on the individual enantiomers. Adrenochrome is an unstable molecule with no practical uses. Its monosemicarbazone (carbazochrome), however, is stable; it is said to promote blood clotting and can be used to treat hemorrhaging. From the 1950s through the 1970s, ^^adrenochrome was thought to cause schizophrenia^^, but this theory was eventually debunked."
There you have it, Putin and the rest of his buddies are all on heavy doses of adrenochrome and have gone utterly mad, as in: ...
Ah, that's something that came to mind when I read the one about Putin's eyes. I have to admit that today I don't really trust anyone and I don't believe in anything anymore. I'm not a pessimist, that's just the way it is.
Oh, on croatian is Sotona; on english Satan - my mistake, combination?! That word satanist is totally nonsense, but that's what I say about everyone I don't like and who annoys me. Both in online communication, but also in real life... when I don't feel like arguing with someone - I immediately tell him that he is a Satanist. They look at me strangely, but leave me alone. So, goal achieved. I like Rolo because it combines geopolitics with real things, as well as historical and philosophical sketches. And I read his book, first part about liberalism - really great overview. With that one satirical narrative rhythm. That's it in a nutshell....Bye
Lukashenka has moved troops and mercenaries of the PMC "Wagner" to the border with Ukraine. Kyiv demands that the forces be withdrawn
This was reported by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which urged Lukashenka "not to make tragic mistakes for his own country under pressure from Moscow".
As much as I hate De Gaulle (I'm French), just imagine a European Union (not the Kalergi one obviously) from Lisbon to Vladivostok, it would be glorious and nobody could stand against us, of course it's meaningless nowadays but if it could have been achieved in let's say the 50's, you just have to kick to Jews to Israel there wasn''t much third worlders back then. The potential would have been enormous, the US and China would have to shut their filthy mouths.
I despise this war, nobody will win besides the Jews. I hate seeing Europeans killing themselves, but the footage seem like they like it, I will never understand it.
i'd love to set aside some time to studying de gaulle. washington asset? judging by his handling of algeria, possibly. on the other hand he insisted on developing independent nuclear power. need more info. Those guys have lots and lots of articles about De Gaulle and his shenanigans, it's all in French though but online translators are pretty good nowadays, especially when translating from French to English, annoyingly enough Yandex's translator just refuse to work for me on Firefox.
de Gaulle kicked NATO out of Paris and that was popular nationalism. But he stole the victory by riding first into Paris and he put the Recistance in second ( too many communists.)
Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X platform? That's right, Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Now it is absolutely obvious where Musk got such love for Russia and where the roots of “filters” due to anti-Russian publications grow from. Let me remind you who Aven and Moshkovich are.
Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, which is one of the main wallets for Putin. This man is controlled by the Kremlin as much as possible, for example, in 2018 he traveled to Washington with his colleague Fridman to lobby on behalf of the Russian government to lift international sanctions on Russia. Aven is one of Putin's oldest friends. In general, without Peter's interference, Putin would be in jail rather than becoming president. After all, Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized the illegal trade in export licenses. Aven promptly approved him as an authorized representative of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs with the right of foreign economic activity, thus saving the future dictator from prison. Aven also attended a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 to mark the start of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest, started the special military operation and silently supported Putin. By the way, he along with Friedman is trying to get sanctions lifted, just yesterday he received another rejection in this matter.
Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Denis works.
Vadim Moshkovich is a sub-sanctioned Russian agrarian billionaire who was a member of the “Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. In other words, he was officially part of Putin's closest circle. Moshkovich owns Russia's largest agricultural holding Rusagro. Naturally, he also attended the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Vadim Moshkovich (Russian: Вадим Николаевич Мошкович; born 6 April 1967) is a Russian (Jewish) billionaire businessman.[1] His business interests include major investments in agriculture and real estate development. In 2014, Forbes magazine put his net worth at $1.3bn, 81st place among Russian businesspeople.[2
We met my colleague Jack when he was a talented young man graduating from Stanford several years ago, known to people we respected as one of their brightest friends. My partner hired him and he became an analyst, and over the coming years rose through our firm quickly and is a star Principal, working as a leader at 8VC and earning the respect of our colleagues and of many founders and CEO’s. It turns out that his father is a successful agricultural leader in Russia; if you’re a businessman in Russia, and their leader says to meet, you go, regardless of your views. His father is now on "oligarch" sanction lists. I didn’t hire his father though, I hired him.
And he’s a superstar. Jack has a US green card and is a resident allowed to be in the USA, as he should be - and he’s somebody I know and trust.
Joe, the problem is not that "It turns out that his father is a successful agricultural leader in Russia"
His company, RUSAGRO, is involved in producing drones used by Russian forces to terrorize and murder Ukrainians. It is also tied to Albatroc LLC, which makes Shahed drones.
I don't really see how this information puts "Putin in a tight spot". Nor do I see where it makes a particularly damning case against Musk, Aven or Moshkovich. This is a basically pro-Russian site. Connections to Russian billionaires and even to arms manufacturers making munitions used by Russian forces don't seem to be grounds for condemnation.
"Chinas Zugang zu Russlands natürlichen Ressourcen wurde durch Moskaus eigene revisionistische Ziele in der Ukraine begünstigt. Präsident Wladimir Putin begann bereits 2012, sich nach Osten zu wenden. Diese Neuorientierung gewann nach der Annexion der Krim im Jahr 2014 an Dynamik und hat sich seit dem Einmarsch in die Ukraine im Jahr 2022 noch verstärkt – auch weil die westlichen Sanktionen Moskau dazu zwangen, seine Exportmärkte zu diversifizieren. Im vergangenen Jahr stiegen beispielsweise die russischen Ölexporte nach China um 23 Prozent auf 2,15 Millionen Fass pro Tag, was Russland zum größten Rohöllieferanten Chinas machte.
Putin hat seitdem seinen Wunsch geäußert, den Handel mit China auszuweiten. Die Ironie seiner Ansprüche auf die Ukraine besteht darin, dass sie das Land von einer Nation abhängig gemacht haben, die ähnliche Ansprüche auf Teile Russlands erhebt.
Sibirien, wir kommen
Der strategische Vorteil für Peking besteht also darin, dass es sich durch die Abhängigkeit von Moskau Zeit verschafft. China kann Ressourcen abbauen, russische Ländereien bewirtschaften und seinen Einfluss ausweiten, ohne offenkundige Gebietsansprüche erheben zu müssen. Doch irgendwann vor 2049 könnte Peking die Zeit für reif halten, dies zu ändern. Schließlich kann Xis Ziel der „vollständigen Wiedervereinigung“ Chinas, das nach seinen Worten „verwirklicht werden wird und verwirklicht werden kann“, nicht ohne Regionen unter russischer Kontrolle erreicht werden."
Executive Summary - China will eat Russia's lunch and steal the (formerly) Russian Far East. And VV's eyes will get squintier...
I don't understand why the dark-matter Deep State would start wars and deliberately lose them. It is absolutely in Putin's interest to not lose the war in Kurtz or to stalemate there. Losing a war this badly is definitely destabilizing for Russia and can easily lead to a coup. Once Putin loses power, he's subject to the bullshit ICC criminal charges. Is China going to protect Putin once he's no longer in a position to benefit China?
It seems to me a well-run criminal organization would function pretty much as a government: keep the economy and infrastructure productive and efficient, and then drain off the profits.
Speaking of the very-fuzzy to indistinguishable line between organized crime and government, whatever happened to Rurik's intention to engage Matt Ehrat in a discussion? Matt and his wife have drilled down intently on the merging of government and organized crime.
we had an aborted talk. my internet connection wasnt stable enough. we got 40 minutes in. we were supposed to reschedule but matt never got back. it took 3 months prior to that to set up a date so its difficult to pin him down.
The point is to keep the "war" going for as long as possible - so when it appears that Ukraine is "winning", its "allies" cut off or slow-walk supplies, and when it appears that Russia is "winning", Putin or the FSB or Gerasimov pull off some incredibly clownish incompetent stunt to keep the "war" on the right track - both sides equally tied in their contest to lose the war - while the people behind both sides are making mounds of cash and robbing the populations which support them, blind...
well, Putin is not into war, the army is. But they are real russians, nationalists, and they want to kill him and he knows. So Putins only interest is to save his own life as long as possible. No way to fight a war with soldiers who hate their leaders, even if the enemy has the same problem. The mindcontrol of soldiers has a time limit.
Putins friends are loosing money and the nationalists are loosing lives. Which of them will bury him? I am hoping for a military coup even if many of the best offisers are removed or killed. (My speculations are based on Rurics trustworthy info.)
Unfortunately for the game, the Ukrainians appear to have caught on. They said nothing to their "allies" about their Kursk invasion, having learned the hard way in their Belgorod "raid" - which they let their "allies" know about in advance - and word was speedily given to Putin... After the Kursk invasion, Germany, a major "ally", has announced it will cut off its aid - and Putin finally fired Gerasimov - but appointed his bodyguard, with no military experience, to Gerasimov's post. Putin also gave Dyumin the title of General-Major, in the hopes that words and fancy uniforms would confer wisdom generally gained in battles, over time. Incompetence never sleeps, though... With this move, and the move by Ukraine to ditch its "allies", Putin should surely succeed in his battle to lose the war, putting an abrupt end to the gravy trains on both sides.
OK, he does have some actual experience - see - he's not just a spy/bureaucrat -but he is in charge of operations in Kursk - with Bortnikov running things overall - and Bortnikov as head of the FSB is primarily a spy and not military. if Putin actually wants to win this war - and I'm not convinced that he does, just running it in collusion with (DC? NATO? oligarchs?) as just another scam, he's going to have to figure out how to get along with some of his actually very competent general staff - whether in jail like Popov or Strel'kov, or in exile, like Surovikin - and as long as he's paranoid about them being a threat to him, that's not happening. So he winds up picking people a lot less competent than himself - because they don't pose a threat - and it all comes down to a race to see who loses the war first. And with Chinese debt trap diplomacy, he could easily wind up winning this battle - and be unable to win a broader war:
It's just another game of criminals . When they start announcing in the media, everything is already ready and planned with all of them, the mafia, and so the game is passed on to the number one clown to make noise in the media as if he were the one thinking and trying to act alone for the criminal action. These people live only on criminal and inconsequential scams . They have no principles or responsibility. They are only trying to dismantle Russia, make more money from the war and obtain some wealth or profits. The clown doesn't decide anything anymore. He is just the puppet and if he doesn't obey as they dictate how he, the clown, must act, the clown will be punished and killed with his entire family. The clown is completely in their hands and doesn't decide anything alone. He is the front man, lying and playing the front man, but beforehand everything was prepared and agreed with the criminals leaders.
If President Putin is holding out for even more western / NATO aggressions on Russian territory, it may be that he has a strong response in store, one that cannot be accused as a response to a “false flag”, because what Kiev-NATO are doing on Russian territories is clearly no “false flag”, but pure provocation.
Russia has the military capacity to wipe out simultaneously western decision and military centers, as well as financial hubs, with ultra-precise, supersonic tactical nuclear weapons, keeping the loss of life to a minimum, but disabling western power structures.
The logic of nuclear use by a nuclear power on another nuclear power is that your first use of nuclear weapons is to strike a strategic knockout blow. If Russia used even a very small nuke on any NATO territory, the minimum response would be a small nuke in return. But by that logic, the next strike would be bigger. Once you're caught in the escalation of nuclear attacks, the first country to use a really strategic weapon would have an advantage. So, if you initiate the use of nuclear weapons, your best bet is to go all-out on a knockout blow. It probably won't succeed but it's the best choice you have, given nuclear use.
In other words, the use of small tactical nuclear weapons on enemy territory is not a realistic option.
You are getting better and better every time. Really unbelievable, almost impossible, but here it is happening... I have nothing else to say, except - thank you, again. Bye
P.S. can someone explain to me why when I press the like button under the comments it doesn't respond? what am i doing wrong? I don't want to write any letters to this administration here, I don't have the nerve for that...thank you anyway
You mean you are unable to "like" comments ? I've seen that complaint from many commenters on the few Substack writers that I follow, I don't know if it is censorship or just some technical issue, but it seems to have been going on for quite a while, I've just "liked" your comment and for me it seems to work just fine, who really knows...
ive had likes of my own disappear as well. i do think its technical.
Thank you for your "like" and answer...There is no reason at all to be some kind of censorship, I think it is technical, and I mean - if somone solved this problem, then matter at all, it is the way it is....thanks again and bye
The smartest thing Putin ever did was have his picture taken lighting candles in an Orthodox Church. That alone got him legions of fanatical followers.
We're almost at the 31st anniversary of the abortive Moscow Uprising against Yeltsin/Gaidar; an insurrection brutally repressed by that Quisling with the alleged assistance of the U$@ in Moscow itself (I recall rumors at that time suggesting that OMON & Spetsnaz troops maneuvered their way to the "White House" via underground corridors inside the adjacent U.S. Embassy in Moscow).
Fast-forward to the present, and now Russia finds itself literally invaded with nary a peep from Putin, who IMHO now has surpassed his alcohol-addled predecessor for levels of criminal incompetence & ineptitude. If the CPRF had any backbone whatsoever, they'd demand a full audit of the MoD's budget, the personal finances of Shoigu, Gerasimov, et. al., and insist on accountability for the abysmal & inexcusable failures of the Russian armed forces in this war--er, "Special Military Operation".
Rolo! Pretty please, explain the bloody mystery of the Chechen wars to all and sundry. And be sure to make the articles free for all in order to alleviate my burden of paying you. I feel like an American Ortho-Bro convert the way I am forced to pay my tithe every month to some hairy Slav…
this is simply the natural order reasserting itself. the milk and honey of the nations must flow to god's chosen people (the slavs). as a convert to spiritual slavdom, you too may partake in the blessings of god ...
on a serious note itll have to be paywalled because its too spicy a topic.
also im not hairy lmao.
Yes I would like to read your take on the Chechen wars too
Forever Wars are not meant to be won. The Most Cunning Plan is that none of the Cunning Plans will succeed. Keeping the 'domestic animals' confused angry and killing each other serves best the intent of TPTB; blood and suffering for the middle eastern demon, and wealth, power and superior status for its Chosen.
Most of those who believe the Very Moral People fail to realise that all the moral stuff only applies to 'humans' ie members of the Tribe, who view others as slaves created in human form so as to better serve whatever purposes the Tribe has for them until with the coming of Messiah the goyim can be exterminated - and even eaten as food. Delicious Long Pig will then be kosher!
Don't fuss about who is winning or losing the Not-War. It's just 'business' more intensively than usual. All the 'leaders' are no more than well-chosen Judas Goats leading their herds to be slaughtered for the amusement and profit of their owners.
Initially I was reminded of the “Blackadder” series set in W.W.1
The crazy antics of the ‘top brass’ & the madness of war. Then as I read on up pops a picture of a guy with Putin who looks remarkably like Rohan Atkinson!
Perhaps the plot is something like, Russia cannot cause a mass casualty event ( involving many civilian deaths) in Ukraine proper (Because “morality driven Russians never hurt civilians, according to RT) that would be an atrocity that the esteemed partners in the West could not countenance.
So what if these (suddenly) invading hordes of Nazi terrorists had to be Carpet Bombed on Russian territory to be halted. Humanitarian bombing leading to some “Statiscs” (Russian term) or collateral damage (Americanised version) maybe “ethnic cleansing” Will be the charge, whatever. Can they really do anything but delight their adversaries by blowing up their own country. After all they claimed Russia blew up their own Nord Stream pipeline, right? Dogwhistling what is required to show good gamesmanship in where the ever beneficent collective governments finally show their hand and leave no doubt that the name of the game has been Democide all along.
What's with the circles around Putin's eyes? He's starting to look like Soros.
They try to become immortal, i.e. achieve several hundred years of life...adenochrome (children, torture, blood, all possible abominations). There's a lady here on substack, Elisabeth Nickson (Canada), wrote some good stuff about it. There are also recordings from Bohemian Grove, but there is also the movie Lucy (somehow I keep remembering that movie lately). I don't like to write about it, or think about it - immediately some murderous thoughts come to my mind... But, it's more than real. They are sotonists. Bye
Sotonists.... Lol
It doesn't work very well though, does it? They extend their life by 20 years max and die in their 90s instead of chilling peacefully and dying in their 70s.
blood transfusions do indeed work though, for a time.
i dont think adrenochrome is real though.
perhaps an experienced chemist might be able to weigh in on it
Adrenochrome is a real chemical but i don't think it has much biological effect.
On the other hand, it's entirely possible that 'adrenochrome' is being used as a misnomer for some magic potion that does actually have effects.
Aha! Adrenochrome *is* the source of the problem, here: "The structure of adrenochrome is chiral at the position of the hydroxyl group. Little information is available on the individual enantiomers. Adrenochrome is an unstable molecule with no practical uses. Its monosemicarbazone (carbazochrome), however, is stable; it is said to promote blood clotting and can be used to treat hemorrhaging. From the 1950s through the 1970s, ^^adrenochrome was thought to cause schizophrenia^^, but this theory was eventually debunked."
There you have it, Putin and the rest of his buddies are all on heavy doses of adrenochrome and have gone utterly mad, as in: ...
I hope you're being sarcastic. I'm scared some people may actually take you seriously.
Ah, that's something that came to mind when I read the one about Putin's eyes. I have to admit that today I don't really trust anyone and I don't believe in anything anymore. I'm not a pessimist, that's just the way it is.
Oh, on croatian is Sotona; on english Satan - my mistake, combination?! That word satanist is totally nonsense, but that's what I say about everyone I don't like and who annoys me. Both in online communication, but also in real life... when I don't feel like arguing with someone - I immediately tell him that he is a Satanist. They look at me strangely, but leave me alone. So, goal achieved. I like Rolo because it combines geopolitics with real things, as well as historical and philosophical sketches. And I read his book, first part about liberalism - really great overview. With that one satirical narrative rhythm. That's it in a nutshell....Bye
Could be something brewing:
Lukashenka has moved troops and mercenaries of the PMC "Wagner" to the border with Ukraine. Kyiv demands that the forces be withdrawn
This was reported by the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, which urged Lukashenka "not to make tragic mistakes for his own country under pressure from Moscow".
As much as I hate De Gaulle (I'm French), just imagine a European Union (not the Kalergi one obviously) from Lisbon to Vladivostok, it would be glorious and nobody could stand against us, of course it's meaningless nowadays but if it could have been achieved in let's say the 50's, you just have to kick to Jews to Israel there wasn''t much third worlders back then. The potential would have been enormous, the US and China would have to shut their filthy mouths.
I despise this war, nobody will win besides the Jews. I hate seeing Europeans killing themselves, but the footage seem like they like it, I will never understand it.
i'd love to set aside some time to studying de gaulle. washington asset? judging by his handling of algeria, possibly. on the other hand he insisted on developing independent nuclear power. need more info. Those guys have lots and lots of articles about De Gaulle and his shenanigans, it's all in French though but online translators are pretty good nowadays, especially when translating from French to English, annoyingly enough Yandex's translator just refuse to work for me on Firefox.
It’s ok I know French
de Gaulle kicked NATO out of Paris and that was popular nationalism. But he stole the victory by riding first into Paris and he put the Recistance in second ( too many communists.)
Algeria war had a Washington hand.
This is how tangled it all is: It would appear Putin is in a tight spot indeed.
Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X platform? That's right, Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Now it is absolutely obvious where Musk got such love for Russia and where the roots of “filters” due to anti-Russian publications grow from. Let me remind you who Aven and Moshkovich are.
Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, which is one of the main wallets for Putin. This man is controlled by the Kremlin as much as possible, for example, in 2018 he traveled to Washington with his colleague Fridman to lobby on behalf of the Russian government to lift international sanctions on Russia. Aven is one of Putin's oldest friends. In general, without Peter's interference, Putin would be in jail rather than becoming president. After all, Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized the illegal trade in export licenses. Aven promptly approved him as an authorized representative of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs with the right of foreign economic activity, thus saving the future dictator from prison. Aven also attended a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 to mark the start of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest, started the special military operation and silently supported Putin. By the way, he along with Friedman is trying to get sanctions lifted, just yesterday he received another rejection in this matter.
Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Denis works.
Vadim Moshkovich is a sub-sanctioned Russian agrarian billionaire who was a member of the “Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. In other words, he was officially part of Putin's closest circle. Moshkovich owns Russia's largest agricultural holding Rusagro. Naturally, he also attended the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Vadim Moshkovich (Russian: Вадим Николаевич Мошкович; born 6 April 1967) is a Russian (Jewish) billionaire businessman.[1] His business interests include major investments in agriculture and real estate development. In 2014, Forbes magazine put his net worth at $1.3bn, 81st place among Russian businesspeople.[2
Father of Jack Moshkovich
and he was raised Jewish by his mother (maybe his mother was Jewish?, heh)
We met my colleague Jack when he was a talented young man graduating from Stanford several years ago, known to people we respected as one of their brightest friends. My partner hired him and he became an analyst, and over the coming years rose through our firm quickly and is a star Principal, working as a leader at 8VC and earning the respect of our colleagues and of many founders and CEO’s. It turns out that his father is a successful agricultural leader in Russia; if you’re a businessman in Russia, and their leader says to meet, you go, regardless of your views. His father is now on "oligarch" sanction lists. I didn’t hire his father though, I hired him.
And he’s a superstar. Jack has a US green card and is a resident allowed to be in the USA, as he should be - and he’s somebody I know and trust.
Joe, the problem is not that "It turns out that his father is a successful agricultural leader in Russia"
His company, RUSAGRO, is involved in producing drones used by Russian forces to terrorize and murder Ukrainians. It is also tied to Albatroc LLC, which makes Shahed drones.
I don't really see how this information puts "Putin in a tight spot". Nor do I see where it makes a particularly damning case against Musk, Aven or Moshkovich. This is a basically pro-Russian site. Connections to Russian billionaires and even to arms manufacturers making munitions used by Russian forces don't seem to be grounds for condemnation.
Here's VV's real plan - it's in German, to ensure plausible deniability -
"Chinas Zugang zu Russlands natürlichen Ressourcen wurde durch Moskaus eigene revisionistische Ziele in der Ukraine begünstigt. Präsident Wladimir Putin begann bereits 2012, sich nach Osten zu wenden. Diese Neuorientierung gewann nach der Annexion der Krim im Jahr 2014 an Dynamik und hat sich seit dem Einmarsch in die Ukraine im Jahr 2022 noch verstärkt – auch weil die westlichen Sanktionen Moskau dazu zwangen, seine Exportmärkte zu diversifizieren. Im vergangenen Jahr stiegen beispielsweise die russischen Ölexporte nach China um 23 Prozent auf 2,15 Millionen Fass pro Tag, was Russland zum größten Rohöllieferanten Chinas machte.
Putin hat seitdem seinen Wunsch geäußert, den Handel mit China auszuweiten. Die Ironie seiner Ansprüche auf die Ukraine besteht darin, dass sie das Land von einer Nation abhängig gemacht haben, die ähnliche Ansprüche auf Teile Russlands erhebt.
Sibirien, wir kommen
Der strategische Vorteil für Peking besteht also darin, dass es sich durch die Abhängigkeit von Moskau Zeit verschafft. China kann Ressourcen abbauen, russische Ländereien bewirtschaften und seinen Einfluss ausweiten, ohne offenkundige Gebietsansprüche erheben zu müssen. Doch irgendwann vor 2049 könnte Peking die Zeit für reif halten, dies zu ändern. Schließlich kann Xis Ziel der „vollständigen Wiedervereinigung“ Chinas, das nach seinen Worten „verwirklicht werden wird und verwirklicht werden kann“, nicht ohne Regionen unter russischer Kontrolle erreicht werden."
Executive Summary - China will eat Russia's lunch and steal the (formerly) Russian Far East. And VV's eyes will get squintier...
I'm not getting it.
I don't understand why the dark-matter Deep State would start wars and deliberately lose them. It is absolutely in Putin's interest to not lose the war in Kurtz or to stalemate there. Losing a war this badly is definitely destabilizing for Russia and can easily lead to a coup. Once Putin loses power, he's subject to the bullshit ICC criminal charges. Is China going to protect Putin once he's no longer in a position to benefit China?
It seems to me a well-run criminal organization would function pretty much as a government: keep the economy and infrastructure productive and efficient, and then drain off the profits.
Speaking of the very-fuzzy to indistinguishable line between organized crime and government, whatever happened to Rurik's intention to engage Matt Ehrat in a discussion? Matt and his wife have drilled down intently on the merging of government and organized crime.
we had an aborted talk. my internet connection wasnt stable enough. we got 40 minutes in. we were supposed to reschedule but matt never got back. it took 3 months prior to that to set up a date so its difficult to pin him down.
The point is to keep the "war" going for as long as possible - so when it appears that Ukraine is "winning", its "allies" cut off or slow-walk supplies, and when it appears that Russia is "winning", Putin or the FSB or Gerasimov pull off some incredibly clownish incompetent stunt to keep the "war" on the right track - both sides equally tied in their contest to lose the war - while the people behind both sides are making mounds of cash and robbing the populations which support them, blind...
Don't forget blood for the Blood God.
well, Putin is not into war, the army is. But they are real russians, nationalists, and they want to kill him and he knows. So Putins only interest is to save his own life as long as possible. No way to fight a war with soldiers who hate their leaders, even if the enemy has the same problem. The mindcontrol of soldiers has a time limit.
Putins friends are loosing money and the nationalists are loosing lives. Which of them will bury him? I am hoping for a military coup even if many of the best offisers are removed or killed. (My speculations are based on Rurics trustworthy info.)
Unfortunately for the game, the Ukrainians appear to have caught on. They said nothing to their "allies" about their Kursk invasion, having learned the hard way in their Belgorod "raid" - which they let their "allies" know about in advance - and word was speedily given to Putin... After the Kursk invasion, Germany, a major "ally", has announced it will cut off its aid - and Putin finally fired Gerasimov - but appointed his bodyguard, with no military experience, to Gerasimov's post. Putin also gave Dyumin the title of General-Major, in the hopes that words and fancy uniforms would confer wisdom generally gained in battles, over time. Incompetence never sleeps, though... With this move, and the move by Ukraine to ditch its "allies", Putin should surely succeed in his battle to lose the war, putting an abrupt end to the gravy trains on both sides.
the dyumin story is fake news.
OK, he does have some actual experience - see - he's not just a spy/bureaucrat -but he is in charge of operations in Kursk - with Bortnikov running things overall - and Bortnikov as head of the FSB is primarily a spy and not military. if Putin actually wants to win this war - and I'm not convinced that he does, just running it in collusion with (DC? NATO? oligarchs?) as just another scam, he's going to have to figure out how to get along with some of his actually very competent general staff - whether in jail like Popov or Strel'kov, or in exile, like Surovikin - and as long as he's paranoid about them being a threat to him, that's not happening. So he winds up picking people a lot less competent than himself - because they don't pose a threat - and it all comes down to a race to see who loses the war first. And with Chinese debt trap diplomacy, he could easily wind up winning this battle - and be unable to win a broader war:
great interview with Weezy
Not The Onion
Let us show Putin we have ability to hit targets deep inside Russia, Ukraine urges west
Kyiv wants to launch Anglo-French Storm Shadow missiles at Russia’s heartlands as ‘demonstration’ attacks
One strand of thinking in Kyiv is that by showing Russia it can strike deep inside the country, it could prompt a reassessment in the Kremlin
No doubt about that - hell-bent
Sounds about right. So it is call or fold for Russia very soon.
Putin will be thinking he has been setup for the fall (already indicted by ICC for warcrimes), rather like Saddam.
It's just another game of criminals . When they start announcing in the media, everything is already ready and planned with all of them, the mafia, and so the game is passed on to the number one clown to make noise in the media as if he were the one thinking and trying to act alone for the criminal action. These people live only on criminal and inconsequential scams . They have no principles or responsibility. They are only trying to dismantle Russia, make more money from the war and obtain some wealth or profits. The clown doesn't decide anything anymore. He is just the puppet and if he doesn't obey as they dictate how he, the clown, must act, the clown will be punished and killed with his entire family. The clown is completely in their hands and doesn't decide anything alone. He is the front man, lying and playing the front man, but beforehand everything was prepared and agreed with the criminals leaders.
1:47 AM · Aug 26, 2024
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NATO is studying No Fly Zone in Ukrainian airspace. What this can mean
Polish President Andrei Duda said that decisions on the issue would be taken immediately.
What can this mean?
Fold or call?
If President Putin is holding out for even more western / NATO aggressions on Russian territory, it may be that he has a strong response in store, one that cannot be accused as a response to a “false flag”, because what Kiev-NATO are doing on Russian territories is clearly no “false flag”, but pure provocation.
Russia has the military capacity to wipe out simultaneously western decision and military centers, as well as financial hubs, with ultra-precise, supersonic tactical nuclear weapons, keeping the loss of life to a minimum, but disabling western power structures.
The logic of nuclear use by a nuclear power on another nuclear power is that your first use of nuclear weapons is to strike a strategic knockout blow. If Russia used even a very small nuke on any NATO territory, the minimum response would be a small nuke in return. But by that logic, the next strike would be bigger. Once you're caught in the escalation of nuclear attacks, the first country to use a really strategic weapon would have an advantage. So, if you initiate the use of nuclear weapons, your best bet is to go all-out on a knockout blow. It probably won't succeed but it's the best choice you have, given nuclear use.
In other words, the use of small tactical nuclear weapons on enemy territory is not a realistic option.