Sep 5Liked by Rurik Skywalker

> Most women work for Mossad for free and most women are Mossad agents even if they themselves don’t know it.

I almost spit out my coffee at this one lol

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It is a bitter reality of what social engineering has done to the broad masses.

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A "drug, extortion, terrorism, and assassination mafia that was completely unaccountable to any state" you could easily be talking about the CIA. Seems like the KGB and subsequent FSB were built in their image.

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KGB existed in the 1920s, more likely CIA was built in its image...

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No you're wrong there and I think the most recent article by Rurik further validates my point. And your ating is way off too see the other paragraph for a history lesson. Anyway, in short the KGB drastically mutated to something else it was only the same name as his recent article further shows. That was my point as well.

And if you want to play the date game the CIA was founded in 1947 and before that you had the ONI. And the KGB was founded in 1954. Then you've got the NKVD and MVD and up until 1922 The Cheka. So please go read some books before you start throwing incorrect dates and time periods at me trying to sound smart. Sorry what was your point there to your comment? I missed it.

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Komitet vs Ministerstvo - big f*cking deal, dude.

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Still echoing:

Russia had been one of the greatest success stories of the capitalist world in the decade leading up to World War I. War and wartime inflation undermined the government's legitimacy, however, and led to power falling into the hands of increasingly radical elements, ending up with Lenin. The Bolshevik takeover led to the near paralysis of the Russian economy. In the midst of the world's largest forest, the Bolsheviks were soon running out of paper to print their decrees, propaganda, and currency. What did they have to sell to buy imported weapons to help them stay in power? In a powerful and surprising new book, HISTORY'S GREATEST HEIST: THE LOOTING OF RUSSIA BY THE BOLSHEVIKS, author Sean McMeekin makes a powerful and surprising argument that Lenin and his followers imposed a policy of looting the national treasures that Russia had amassed over the centuries. Those treasures consisted of gold, silver, and precious jewelry on a massive scale. This didn't prove as immediately successful as the Bolshevik braintrust had hoped. For example, "inventory shrinkage" proved a problem. When Lenin and Trotsky called for mobs to sack the local landowners, bourgeois households, and churches and send the loot to Moscow, the amount received wasn't as lucrative as expected. Rather a large percentage seemed to stick to the fingers of local Bolshevik operatives. The author shows in this formidably documented, morally impassioned book that the Bolsheviks could have never survived their first years in power without the cooperation of Western governments, industrialists, and financiers. That's because their first act on seizing power was to deliberately destroy Russia's economy, leaving the regime wholly dependent on foreign financing. Beyond dialectical materialism, the Bolsheviks didn't have the slightest idea how a modern economy or financial system worked. This was made even worse, when on December 27, 1917, they abolished private banks and repudiated government bonds which effectively destroyed the system for investors to invest and the workers to work. If the principal function of most governments is to cultivate law and public order, then the opposite happened under the Bolsheviks-eradicate all existing laws and institutions and encourage class war. With the nation's economy now wrecked and its banking system abolished, the Bolsheviks had nothing to encourage foreign buyers to invest. Accordingly, they acted less like a government than like a gang of thieves. They couldn't for instance open the safe-deposit boxes in most Russian banks and so they decreed that all owners of the boxes were to turn over their keys-that is, to help the government rob them. What they did manage to confiscate-from banks, churches, and private owners, most notably the Romanovs-they proceeded to fence surreptitiously and at a huge discount. McMeekin's book bristles with the names of the Soviets who went to Switzerland with suitcases full of cash and jewels. Lenin found Stockholm banker Olof Aschberg, who would purchase Russian gold ingots at a huge discount in Estonia and then ship it across the Baltic to the Swedish Royal Mint. They then worked overtime melting down the Russian ingots (stamped with the Tsarist Russian seal) that were subsequently sold in London and New York. Aschberg would then sell the Bolsheviks the weapons they needed for their civil war and subsequent war against their peasantry. And while the Allied powers officially banned such sales, they effectively looked the other way when they saw how much money could be made. On the political front, then British Prime Minister Lloyd George, tired of blockading the Baltic, had legitimized Soviet trade representatives in order to get orders for British factories. The British signed a trade agreement with the Soviets in 1921 and the German Foreign Office, which had done so much to put Lenin in charge of Russia, signed one at Rapallo in 1922. HISTORY'S GREATEST HEIST: THE LOOTING OF RUSSIA BY THE BOLSHEVIKS is filled with vivid images of theft and spoliation, of warehouses full of loot, and millions of rubles. But the real value of this book is that it shows just how well the West lived up to Lenin's cynical statement-"Comrades, don't panic, when things get very tough for us, we will give the bourgeoisie a rope, and the bourgeoisie will hang itself."

Lt. Colonel Robert A. Lynn, Florida Guard

Orlando, Florida

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Russia keeps winning bigly, no need to further mobilize

Marko Marjanović


Speaks to how thin the RU numerical advantage is and what an exhausted force this is


AMK Mapping 🇺🇦🇳🇿



3 h

Reliable reports suggest that Ukrainian forces mounted a counterattack in Selydove, pushing the Russians out of the southern part of the city.

To recap, Russian DRGs entered the city and quickly advanced to the high-rise buildings on the southern bank of the Solona river. https://x.com/marmar_ae/status/1832035428456907099

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Why did it take so long?

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The weak get beaten (Vladimir Vladimirovich, 2004 apres Beslan) https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/war-russia-ready-for-talks-with-ukraine-putin/ar-AA1q2obE

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Indeed they do. 😒

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🇬🇧🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡- The UK has given Ukraine permission to fire Storm Shadows missiles deep into Russia – The Guardian.

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Interesting: Before Ukraine invaded Kursk region, Putin agreed to Türkiye's proposal to refrain from striking energy facilities, as well as the merchant and civilian fleet, but Kyiv ultimately did not agree to such agreements, Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu says.

"Türkiye proposed to us... not to strike energy facilities, not to strike nuclear energy facilities, and not to strike the merchant civilian fleet in the Black Sea. Our president made a decision and said: "Yes, let's do it, let's make such a decision.

And it was a big surprise for us when after some time they [the Ukrainian authorities] said: "No-no-no, we will not go for this agreement." https://x.com/clashreport/status/1833414347772641465

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That usually means we can expect it to be authorized in a matter of weeks https://x.com/mtracey/status/1833556272706146616

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The weak get beaten...

Civilians killed in Moscow suburb via large scale Ukrainian drone attack https://x.com/The_Real_Fly/status/1833472826885521515/photo/1

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World War Now:

🇷🇺🇺🇦 - Moment a Russian bridge / pontoon crossing along the Seym river was destroyed by Ukrainian HIMARS strike – Kursk region, Russia. https://t.me/WorldWarNowTele/16703

🇷🇺🇺🇦🇦🇲⚡- Russian sources say Armenia has provided Ukraine with multiple air defense systems in a significant military aid package.

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All of this is shocking for the average BRICS enthusiast who’s been influenced by wishful thinking articles since the start of the special operation into imagining that this group is an anti-Western bloc. They’ve also heard countless times that “the dollar is dead” or is “about to die any day now,” that Russia and China are “allies” who are jointly resisting the West in all respects, and that a new world order has already emerged to replace the previously American-led unipolar one. None of that is true though. https://open.substack.com/pub/korybko/p/russia-and-chinas-us-provoked-payment :))))))) keep eating that multipolarity shit, escobar

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This is very impressive after sales service:

(Courtesy of a commentator on Martyanov's blog.)


'In yesterday's Russian missile strike against the Communication Training Center in Poltava, Ukraine there are many Swedish and Danish instructors among the dead. They are from the AWACS and drones company Globaleye of SAAB.

Word in Intelligence Circles is that Sweden lost the ENTIRE top management of SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems.

So ferocious was the Russian attack that 15 trucks evacuated dead foreign NATO troops + officers: 600+ dead/wounded.

Swedish Foreign Minister Billstrom has now resigned after Russian Iskander missiles hit Poltava, and Sweden suffered war dead just months after joining NATO, at the behest of the now-former, Foreign Minister.'

Somebody has to pay for Ukraine. Today it's Sweden.

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You wouldn't be able to hide that kind of news as the whole SAAB corporation would find out that all of the top management of a corporate division just disappeared. I have my doubts.

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From a trust-the-plan channel which has all but ceased to publish hundreds of triumphalist posts where Russia was winning every day:

🇷🇺🇮🇷⚡- "The behavior of Russian government officials regarding the Zangezur corridor and three islands in the Persian Gulf is unacceptable and is in clear contradiction with their declaration of friendship and strategic relations with Iran. These ambiguities should be resolved," – Mohsen Rezaee, Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council.

🇷🇺🇮🇱⚡- Russia has been making efforts to influence public opinion in Israel to support Prime Minister Netanyahu, who is considered a friend of Putin – Ynet, anti-Likud media, citing "FBI reports".

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U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated that Ukraine has its own long-range strike capabilities that exceed the range of ATACMS or Storm Shadow missiles. He noted that Russia has moved its aircraft beyond the reach of ATACMS, and the focus is on helping Ukraine defend its territory more effectively.

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Finally someone spells it out (nope, Turkey won't be kicked out of SataNato over this) https://korybko.substack.com/p/brics-membership-or-lack-thereof

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