This Post Has Been Fact-Checked By Real ZAnon-Patriots
The following has been confirmed and reconfirmed.
We still don’t understand why the UAF has not followed up on their attacks in Kursk and/or Bryansk and Belgorod. They appear to have all the numbers that they need to pull off the attack, but don’t have the green light from Washington. What’s worse, evidence continues to mount to indicate that this attack was indeed allowed to deliberately occur by General Lapin, who was put in charge of the entire sector following his “successful regrouping” in and around Kharkov which ceded this territory to the UAF. Lapin has been at the forefront of several disasters in this Not-War and he has been rewarded with promotions every single time.
In contrast, the successful generals who first took Kherson without a fight and then defended the counter-offensive of the UAF on Zaporozhye are all either dead, demoted or in jail.
An interesting tweet was brought to my attention by
by a large ZAnon account on Twitter. It claims to have insider information proving that Kursk was left wide open deliberately by the MoD.His point is that the Kursk invasion was a clever 5D trap laid by Putin and his generals. But do the proofs in his post stand up on their own?
Let’s find out.
Point 1: Yes, it was impossible NOT to see the grouping of UAF troops massing at the border ahead of time. As I reported before, Gerasimov was indeed aware of this development, but he chose to play it down and declare it inconsequential. Furthermore, he played down the attack as it was unfolding and claimed that it was small, stopped at the border and then eventually he declared that it had been totally wiped out.
Point 2: I’ve not heard this claim before and I follow a lot of channels that would be screaming bloody murder at the top of their lungs if they were aware of this fact. I asked for proofs or sources from the author and the answer was “just trust me, bro”, essentially. The poster does not live in Russia and does not appear to speak Russian either. It may very well be that this is the case though. However, more likely, the border was left undefended and so there was nothing to remove. Remember the gentleman’s agreement that RT and Washington Post covered? Yeah.
Point 3: What is the difference between “appearing” to be weak and just “being” weak. Were the 2000 prisoners taken by the UAF a clever ploy to appear weak? I thought Putin was a moralitarian superleader and that he never used Russian soldiers in vain, seeking to absolutely conserve as many soldiers as possible for the long war against NATO? This is a point that can only be proven if a trap is sprung and Russia counter-attacks. Until then, we have to assume that the Russian army appeared weak there because it was indeed weak there.
Point 4: The side that lost massive amounts of armor was the Russian army, which not only broadcast on TV where they were sending support columns, but also parked them in broad daylight so that the UAF could blow them to smithereens along the highway. I’m sure that some armor was lost by the UAF as well, and we have video footage of destroyed carriers, but no proof of any “massive” losses or of anyone being “pinned down”.
Point 5: During the Kursk invasion itself, Akhmat literally fled as soon as the enemy made contact with them. The movement out of Kursk was done before the attack began though.
In contrast to this analysis, we have a far more detailed and sourced version of events here from Sofa Legion Strategist:
I’m told that the subtitles + translation works well on his videos so give it a try.
Sofa draws parallels between the Kharkov debacle and this one. I don’t think there is any debating that Kharkov wasn’t deliberately abandoned as part of some deal between the two sides. The evidence that he presents is overwhelming. Especially when contrasted to the successful defense of Zaporozhye. The difference was that Popov defied orders and forcibly took control of crucial supplies that he distributed to the defenders. In contrast, both Kursk and Kharkov were run by Lapin.
If this is all a clever trap, when will we see the results of the trap?
In contrast to Western ZAnon “experts”, the Kremlin propagandists writing in Russian say, in contrast, that Kursk will stay in enemy hands for a long time.
Furthermore, by blowing the bridges and erecting defenses, the UAF has shown its intention to entrench in these territories. Finally, the media in Russia is not allowed to talk about Kursk other than to point out how well the refugees are being taken care of.
All these factors do not point to a swift counter-offensive being planned.
No, the Kremlin’s goal is to simply pretend nothing has happened and to rely on the public’s short attention span. Soon, it will simply be accepted that nothing happened in Kursk and that even if it did, it is irrelevant and Kursk has actually always been part of Ukraine (eventually).
Now, the only “trap” being sprung that anyone can point to is the 2 km “breakthrough” in Donbass, and we’ve already talked about why this isn’t proof of much other than the fact that 14 or more elite, mobile UAF brigades are missing in action in Donbass. Here:
For several weeks now, we have been reading in reports that the Ukrainian front in the Pokrovsk direction has been "broken through" or "collapsed." But then we learn that this is about an advance of a kilometer or two and the capture of one or two villages or a block in an urban-type settlement.
For some reason, we do not learn about a breakthrough to an operational depth of 10-20 kilometers and the encirclement of enemy groups.
Although, when a front is broken through, this is exactly what we could expect: a transition to maneuver warfare, deep raids, envelopments and encirclements.
Why is that? Or was there no real breakthrough and the Ukrainian front is not crumbling?
Or something else.
The fact is that, according to military science, when a breakthrough is accomplished, it is necessary to immediately introduce reserves for the development of the offensive, which must be at hand and ready.
So that they can then begin a maneuver war, carry out raids and envelopments, and cut off the enemy's communications, brewing cauldrons.
That is, to develop an offensive, you need to have large mobile mechanized reserves.
As the Ukrainian Armed Forces did recently in the Kursk region: some battalion would break through our thin defenses and immediately a whole brigade would enter the breach, advancing 10-20 kilometers, capturing or bypassing dozens of populated areas.
As a result, in the first week of the Ukrainian offensive, we lost 700 (?) square kilometers of territory.
What is happening in the Pokrovsky direction?
We break through the front, and then... and then nothing. Reserves are not brought in. Apparently, because there are none.
The same units that broke through are "developing the offensive."
That is, after the "breakthrough," the enemy simply retreats to the next positions, which we "break through" again.
Because we do not have sufficient reserves in the Pokrovsky direction.
And none in Kursk.
And none in Kharkov.
And none anywhere.
4 months ago I said that we need a reserve of 40 divisions to win. But it looks like we don't even have 4 divisions in reserve.
But mobilization is certainly not necessary. [sarcasm]
Some commentators have said that the second stage of the UAF offensive will be an attack on the south again. But the missing brigades appear to all be in the north, just sitting around and waiting.
We pick up with our ZAnon fanfic again:
Point 6: These numbers appear to have been pulled entirely out of thin air, or out of the deepest darkest recesses of a very large and very hairy zhopa that spends its days coping and lying on the internet for clicks and money.
Point 7: Putin has literally done the opposite and suppressed all discussion of Kursk.
What measures have been taken to escalate the war effort as a result of the invasion? Has mobilization been announced? Are NATO targets now in the crosshairs? No, the only thing that occurred was another wave of strikes targeting civilian energy infrastructure in Ukraine. Ukrainians have their power turned off in the evenings now in several major cities. I’m sure that the Analic-SS-Satanist-Space-Lizards running NATO are quaking in their boots at this display of no-holds barred red-line enforcement by Putin. [Sarcasm]
Point 8: Negotiations are literally NOT off the table. The Russian delegation said, “give us time”. Literally.
… exactly?
Point 10: Where are these partisan groups in Odessa and Kharkov? How does this Westerner know about them when there are no news reports about this and no Russians are talking about it on Telegram? Furthermore, if this were true, why is he blowing their cover? Is he like COMMANDER Rurik and capable of communicating via microwave beeps with his most devoted readers, thereby screening out Globalist sigint interference?
IMPORTANT PSA: the voices in your head are not necessarily secret anti-globalist partisan cells waiting for their kill-phrase activation orders … or that’s what the globalists would want you to believe hehe … Happy hunting!
Point 11: What reserves? Where are these reserves? Are we back to talking about Putin’s secret Antifa-Jesus-Shonen-Dream-Tonando-Zo! being assembled under the Urals? If they had all these reserves, why not use them to stop the invasion of Kursk or to actually spring this so-called trap? There are now 200K internally displaced Russian refugees from these areas and Russia’s largest reserves of strategic nukes are concentrated in these three territories. Is this not reason enough to commit the reserves?
But yeah, I know the thing by now and so do you … TICK TOCK GLOBALIST WE’RE CLEARING OUT THE TUNNELS YOU RATS!
And finally the map provided:
All this by 2024, GUARANTEED!!! or your money back!*
True patriots have fact-checked the above analysis and rated it “based as fuck”.
I also have insider sources working for me too, you know.
I didn’t want to share this information until it was absolutely necessary, so here goes.
My contacts confirm and reconfirm to me that true ALBANIAN patriots are ready to make their move. The GLOBALISTS won’t even see it coming. SKANDERBEG was ALBANIAN and he’s risen from the dead!
Why contain it?
It is already in motion.
There is no stopping it.
Tomorrow, Croatia will become Albania and the day after that, the world will too. ALBANIAN patriots are locked and loaded and standing by to execute orders. Proverbs 21:19. The LORD’s army is on the move. Tick and tock. Lock and load. Rub and tug. Code phrase: HADES. All secret ALBANIANS activate NOW NOW NOW! Inshallah!
*cope and goalpost-changing may apply
Note: Skanderbeg was NOT Albanian.
That part was a joke. Everything else was 100% fact checked by patriots - TRUE.
It's basically like Enver Hoxha said in the 1960s or thereabouts: Let's not forget that we Albanians (2 mil) together with the Chinese (800 mil) make up a quarter of the global population!