"I wonder how many years it took after WWI concluded before people were able to look at the war objectively and consider the possibility that it was an ill-advised bloodbath that only benefited the people that didn’t participate in the conflict, but simply financed it and egged it on."

I was reading some stuff a couple months ago -- can't remember who or what, of course -- that started off an account of WWII revisionism by noting that WWI revisionism started almost immediately after the Armistice. There was a flood of info on the role of bankers, arms merchants and crooked or stupid politicians. That's why there was lots in interest in pacifism, treaties to end war, "isolationism" (as the warmongers called it) etc., and why "appeasement" (again, as the warmongers call it) was so strongly supported in the run up to WWII.

After that, the Powers that Be decided they needed to be more careful, and keep the propaganda running all the time, without a return to normalcy, which is why since 1945 "revisionism" has been a dirty word. It's an early version of the "believe the consensus" trope during Covid, or "all climate scientists agree".

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I think people were also just more intelligent back then as well as being more used to enjoying freedoms that have long since been taken from us. I mean passports were considered an outrageous violation of personal rights that were supposed to be done away with after ww1.

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I came to the full realization that I had been hoodwinked by every "side" I ever thrown my support behind during the covid hysteria in 2021. I was mortified by my lack of discernment and deeply ashamed. However, it didn't crush me psychologically. It helped to have had prior experience existing as a corrupt, lying, cheating piece of crap human being for the many years that I did. If you have stalked the Earth as a vampire, feasting upon the life force of more industrious humans than yourself, then, provided you aren't a complete psychopath wholly lacking in self-awareness, when it's your turn to get bit, you can better takes things in stride. For the first few months I was dating the woman who was to become my wife, I was a profligate philanderer. I justified my behavior to myself with a low-life, pedestrian rationale. Guilt compelled me to amend my ways and I allowed myself to fall in love with her. Later, after I had neglected her emotional and physical needs in favor of smoking weed and bitching about everything all the time, she took a lover. It hurt, but I UNDERSTOOD.

The point of all that personal exposition is that I understand why we have been deceived, manipulated, and assaulted by our overlords. We are just a resource for them. Think of us regular people as individual coolies and pack animals in a long train comprising an expedition led by elite adventurers headed up to an heretofore unexplored summit. As the expedition progresses the supplies will be consumed gradually and one by one, the coolies and pack animals who are no longer carrying their weight will become useless consumers, and thus totally expendable. That's what we are to them. They have a plan for the future and it simply doesn't include us any longer. By the time they need some worker class humans to rub their tired feet or satiate their carnal desires they will have figured out how to clone them. So their thinking goes, anyways. Whether or not they are smart enough to pull it off is another matter all together.

We aren't made of the grittier stuff our forefathers were to actually, literally fight these bastards. We are sick and effeminate. I include myself in this denigrating classification. I may be on the tougher side for a modern American man, being in my late 40s and still grinding out a living doing hard physical labor, but teleport me back 300 years and I'll be a shivering like a wet puppy shitting in a snowstorm. I have been completely isolated from my ancient Irish culture and am now thoroughly ensconced within an individualist mindset. There is a Free State movement here in New Hampshire which holds regular meetings and events in my area, but do I ever deign to attend them? No. I couldn't be bothered to, after a long day of cutting limbs and dragging brush into the chipper. I need my shower and stretching and thought-provoking reading, after all. I don't genuinely enjoy the company of most of my fellow Americans, in the end. I find them to be histrionic and overly emotional. The way they bray like donkeys whenever they get excited about a particular subject( which seems to be frickin' constant!) just plain irritates me. And I'm sure people like that don't care to share space with a pensive, introspective ideas-man such as myself. Probably think I'm weak and uncommitted. So, we exist thoroughly separated from one another.

I heard Rurik exclaim in one of his conversations(I don't recall which one) that he wasn't sure that modern humans were worth fighting for and saving from the clutches of our overlords. I don't like the way this makes me feel, at all, but I agree. We should make the attempt, nonetheless, however. If for no other reason than to be the frog which wraps his digits around the neck of the stork which is swallowing him. It's a great image. It used to be pinned up on a lot of office cubicle walls.

Take care, Stalkers.

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I feel bad about not liking my fellow man tbqh.

Have you ever met a man that you genuinely looked up to and thought was worthy of emulating?

My heroes were always all fictional or historic. I think that might also be worth thinking about as a phenomenon.

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I used to think I had known a few, but I really haven't known too many men in an intimate enough of a manner to have formulated anything akin to a concrete opinion about their overall comportment. The few men I have allowed myself to be vulnerable in front of turned out to be disappointments of one variety or another. I think it is quite possible that our silly childhoods, replete with the cartoons and video games and sugary breakfasts and infantile school settings has designed us to exist as adults in a perpetually arrested stage of emotional development. I'm still held back. I can feel it. I still react to unexpected stimuli in a callow and craven manner if it interferes with my anticipated course of events for that day. I'm not sure this is the right frame of mind to be in, but largely I welcome death as an opportunity to escape the prison of this body in this realm. I'm hoping that my letting go of attachment to this world will allow me to progress to the next stage of experience, whatever that may be. I listened to your podcast "The Dark Side Of Spirituality" this past week and was particularly struck by the idea that one must prepare their soul to be assaulted by demonic forces as they transverse from one realm to a another. That shit makes sense, to me. We'll see how I do.

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My main Judo instructor was fairly solid, I believe. I trained with him for just under three years. His dad was the school's sensei and had been a life-long martial artist, so Colin, his son, grew up in that environment. I didn't spend a lot of time with Colin outside of the dojo, but we did attend a number of seminars together. He was genuine in his desire to help people develop confidence to face unexpected adversity. I can't say for sure, egos being egos and mat-talk being just a whole lot of that, but I'd guess his violence was fairly discerning, and he knew when it was appropriate to simply walk away from an antagonist as opposed to instantly demolish one which presented itself to you. To this day training people is what I'd like to do to make ends meet. The bureaucratic demands of acquiring all the requisite licenses and insurance policies is what prevents me from pursuing it. That and Americans are far too reliant upon their firearms to even consider what will happen when they eventually become disarmed and are still faced with the imminent threat of grievous bodily harm at the hands of their enemy.

You have trained, correct?

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funny enough yeah come to think of it, my jiu-jitsu teacher was worthy of respect. so were some of my other martial arts instructors. as a kid i looked up to them.

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Thoroughly enjoyed the interview/rant on G&E. Seems it's basically you and one other person telling the truth at the moment. This blog deserves a much larger audience, but I selfishly hope you're able to publish some more podcast content soon.

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Your work is great! Could you please write somethig about freemasons in Russia empire/URSS/ Putin's Russia ?

Thank you very much

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sure, ill try.

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Don't try Patriot! You should make an article about this because this freemasonry stuff is dismissed as being outdated since the "working class" ascended to the ruling class. I do not think that is true I have met several "higher ups" and they were all into this gay retarded occult stuff.

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But this is a war to prevent war , a war that is killing tens of thousands to stop a war that was killing a few thousand. You know it makes sense. The word on the inter-knob is that the Shoigu is taking territory for the Fatherland.... or...person with a penis-land.

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"You could not come up with a more discrediting crew of cretins to publicly support a cause than this. It will lead to Christian and remnant-White America turning away in disgust and embracing Israel again, just in time for the election season and in time for an escalation in the next desert war."~ibid

^^I couldn't agree more with this sentiment. I'm reminded of Marx's quip about history, how it first plays out as tragedy and later as farce. The "Occupy Wall Street" protests back in September-October 2011 began auspiciously enough IMHO, only to devolve into pseudorevolutionary LARPing and herald the appearance of "identity politics" at the expense of class struggle against the very plutocrats/kleptocrats these protests were ostensibly against.

Fast-forward to the present; and while I sympathize with most of the demands articulated by these campus protests, the buffoonish behavior of many of these demonstrators leads me to suspect that they're merely teeing up these protestors--and their legitimate demands--for an ignominious fall.

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The American Christian understanding of the Middle East is a huge threat to the world. I can't see their relationship to Israel doing u turn in the future. The Trump supporters are therefore such a bigger threat than that's being acknowledge. A fair amount of them want an Armageddon. I got into it with them late last year because they think it would be a nifty idea to arm teachers. Great way to destroy the 2nd Amendment, geniuses, P.S. you had a chance to use it March 12, 2020 so you can zip it. I don't want to buy any of your anti-Covid vaccine vitamins and minerals either.

I asked a journalist on Facebook about Russell Bentley and the comment got deleted!!! Same person- Patrick Henningsen! Go figure, right? They're a part of the story now for sure.

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One measure ethnic White warriors could take would be to create a breeding program which sought to have have children born on rural homesteads who were completely invisible to the system. It would require the participation of women who accepted that their lot in life would be to birth and raise children to the exclusion of all other worldly pursuits. Good luck with that, I know. However, just imagine the emergence of a shadow army of some number of thousands 20 years from now. Literal spooks trained since infancy to wage spiritual war against the comparatively soft, privileged, convenience-compromised wannabe spooks of the system.

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You wrote "I think people reject this narrative because it doesn’t paint them in a flattering light and so their puffed up and fragile self-important egos can’t take it.

Because if you accept my view of things, then most of us are simply being manipulated and led by the nose over and over again by our theological betters."

Fine, I have no problem "accepting your view" of events, no problem. Exactly what are you doing to change anything, given that substack rants at best may rouse one or two people to shoot a politician or, best of all put a bullet through a Jew's head. How does that change the world into one in which the most evil do not have the biggest weapons and hordes of obedient indoctrinated knuckle draggers to wield them? At best you are pointing out how flawed are the working people, but we all know how these "popular movements" of a Lenin standing on a platform shouting to masses of people turn out and nobody is going to lead an experimental charge against entrenched ape-wielded machine guns.

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Not bad for a half days work. Keep em coming

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Great rant with Geopolitics thank you RS.

Here's a video from Bjerknes showing a rabbi explaining how the world really works.


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Somewhere they got the idea they all needed to wear face masks and go camping. P.S. all the tents. Someone called it “Hamas glamping” - they’d better start entertaining the idea of not returning in the Fall or else it’ll be just that.

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Rolo, what is the Dugin book you referenced in the odyssey interview on the Geopolitics and Empire channel?

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I dont remember

I usually refer to Dugin's 4th political theory book, his stuff on Platonism, occasionally his work on Heidegger, and to Templars of the Proletariat.

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Uuuuaauuu...great interview. Thank you.

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