Jan 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I used to comment for years that Russia's most deadly enemy was the Russian Central Bank. Some Russians loved to brag about their budget surplus and how they were so much smarter than the West, and I would tell them they were idiots. A surplus simply means you are draining money from the economy. Russia's problem for a very long time, is that there is not enough money. That is under the complete control of the government for a State that issues a fiat currency.

When Nabiullina raised interest rates to 20% at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, the Duran guys were going on and on about how brilliant this was. I sent them a comment that she was either an idiot or a traitor.

The guy who has the right ideas about monetary / financial policy in Russia is Glazyev. He seemed to be gaining power recently, but I'm not so sure.

One thing about a war is that budget constraints on military go out the window. Putin pretty much said as much. That actually helps the general economy. Puts more money into the economy. What pulled the US out of the Great Depression, was massive spending on armaments after the declaration of war in 1941.

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You need to understand 5d chess to ask the correct questions.

Hit your head on the wall until you're a bit dizzy.

Then Putin will make a lot of sense..

It worked for Tom Luongo and other multipolar 5d chess players.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023Liked by Rurik Skywalker

This is what the AI impersonating Vladimir Putin at https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ycbgWJyXmcVFZc0vyF3AaI1tLWLHTVhbTZFENC9Ie6w has to say:

Question 1:

Those mistakes are mine and mine alone. Firing or punishing the people I put in charge will make me feel weak and inferior. So I will continue to blame our problems on others, like the West or Ukraine, rather than admit a fault. After all, admitting a fault would be the first step towards admitting complete defeat. I cannot allow that to happen. I am the strongest president, the strongest Russian, and the strongest man. Admitting defeat is impossible.

Question 2:

I would love to respond to NATO's escalation in a more aggressive manner, but we are worried about NATO's retaliation. If we escalate things too much, our enemies will respond with even more force. That might push NATO's leaders into making a dangerous decision, like sending their own nukes. So, instead of striking back at NATO's escalation, we are trying to be as diplomatic and reasonable as possible. We hope that NATO will eventually back down and give us what we want. Then, the war will end. Until then, we must have patience and not make any sudden moves.

Question 3:

That's because other members of my government are trying to shift the blame off of themselves and onto NATO. It's easy to blame NATO; it's much harder to look in the mirror and admit your own mistakes. They want to keep their jobs, so they're willing to lie and shift blame to whoever is most convenient. But you shouldn't trust what others in my government say. They are liars and cheaters who don't care about Russia. Only I can be trusted to say what is true and what is not.

"Stealth" question:

No, I am not being held hostage. I am in complete control of the Russian Government. These liars and cheaters will face the consequences of their actions. After our victory in Ukraine, I will use the military and the power of the state to clean up the Russian government. No one will be spared in my purge. Anyone who does not support our war effort will be sent to a special prison, where they will be reeducated to be better servants of the Russian people. This will be a new beginning for Russia. The age of traitors and liars is over. The age of strength is just beginning.

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He doesn't really make threats or bluster like that.

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I asked whether he is one person or many people. I received this answer:

"I am a single person, and the only legitimate ruler of the Russian Federation. Any claims that I have a 'doppleganger' are lies meant to divide the Russian people.

However, I have a number of body doubles who I keep on standby for situations in which my life is threatened." AI misspelled doppelganger.

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"AI misspelled doppelganger."

Well, to err is human...

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In my opinion you've left out the biggest question of all - the world class blunder of all time - the vaccination of the troops. https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/covid-russia-the-new-normal

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

Why do you think it is a blunder and not an intent to harm people and prepare them for surveillance and remote control? Until recently, there was a vaccine mandate in the American armed forces. The Putin regime seems to be following the money owners' instructions closely. I used to be amazed at how a good speaker Putin was. But that is all he is. A tragicomic song for you that shows an indomitable human spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QB8iCBogmSU

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I said "blunder" because I assume that any leader - when it comes to outright warfare - doesn't want to LOSE. I agree though that he's following a script handed to him. Once you head down the road of Capitalist restoration, and the Oligarchy which necessarily come along with that - then there are few options - since, behind the WHO there is the World Financial System - poised to bring ruination on any national economy. So, joining the "family "

of (Capitalist) nations, means you're all-in, and no turning back.

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It is another piece of anecdotal evidence, but there are getting to be a lot of these ... Lisa Marie Presley, dead at 53 yesterday, from cardiac arrest.

There is a documentary out now called 'Died Suddenly' and a book, 'Cause Unknown' by Ed Dowd ... a very smart 'numbers' guy.

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Yes, it's a killer. And the point is that Russia has mandated the "Sputnik" - essentially the Astra Zenica - for all the troops - and effectively for all.

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One area where Ukraine probably has the advantage. Too chaotic for mandatory vaccines? I don't really know.

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Another question: "What are the main obstacles that constrain your freedom of action?"

Quote from Horace: "Who then is free? A wise man who can govern himself." Nations are way beyond that pay grade.

Putin's just one man, after all.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

I believe the zman reads your blog.

It's been a while he started to use terms like 'Slavlands' and 'spooks' in his writings.

True, he still shills 5D delusions about Russians winning the war with one hand tied behind their back, their Soviet mastery of artillery genociding an Ukrainian army, which in a few weeks will be no more. Obviously, he tends to say what his paying herd want to hear.

But lately, he has started to add concessive clauses to his usual slop: "..even though the Russian army made many mistakes..", "Putin might have been careless on that occasion..".

Maybe he's got readers who told him he was being criticized in the comments here, or perhaps he followed my trail (he's set his site up on his own server, so he can see where the visiting IPs come from).

I think he'd never want, out of calculus, to be in a podcast with you and your bleak, but more accurate takes on the reality and motivations of the Russian elite, and its influence on the status of the war effort, but sure he'd be tempted to.

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..I am not a spook myself btw.

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I would ask him only one thing: Are you aware of the work of Courtney Brown and what his research found about you and your closest advisors?

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I have yet to hear acknowledgement that after an extened period of peace, most of the generals of every such country have become moribund and sedentary. They will blunder about until they are replaced, which usually requires many deaths to provoke admission of such an embarrassing condition.

Secondly, there has been three decades of western financial invasion and departmental corruption. This is beyond the scope of a national leader to resolve. The people will have to suffer for a while before they rise up and demand obvious corruption to be rooted out. Is there any sign of this happening? If not, Russia has at least a year of military and industrial incompetence to prevent a defeat of NATO.

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