Jul 30Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Rurik, I like you better and better.

Your reports from the mafia in Kreml is trustworthy and important for me.

I have such a warm feeling for the hardridden real russians. They are my neighbours and friends. I like patriots and nationalists.

The setup by the chosen of white folks killing each other once again is sickening.

It seems such a long time since I was seduced by folks like the Saker and Martyanov, I hate to admit. Without admission to the russian language it is difficult.

And you are right: Nobody reports better than you in English.

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Jul 30Liked by Rurik Skywalker

My story to friends is short since they do not want any disturbances to their uninformed living lie: All three countries and Moscow, Kiev and Washington are controlled by the same chosen mafia in cooperation, and the majority true people are hated by the elite.

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In particular Chabad Lubavitch, the messianic cult that anticipates the Mosiach, the third temple and the noahide laws for the goyim. Chabad sees Trump as a modern day Cyrus (who paid for the second temple)

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Bjerknes has a lot of videos and books explaining this insane, evil and disgusting cult which seems to dominate Jewry and hence the world:


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CJB is a bit out there at times. He's got some good materials but some of his conclusions seem ludicrous. Recently he has accused Adam Green of stealing his theories. I really don't see that. I've watched Know More News and it is completely different than CJBs content.

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It's necessary to distinguish between the messenger and the message. He shows direct quotes from their holy texts, and even has a video of a rabbi explaining things in clear English. Bjerknes' personal foibles regarding Trump, Putin and whoever should not detract from the message, upon which others may also shed some light..

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Former President Trump is letting the cat out of the bag. At Turning Point USA this weekend past he took to the stage and told everyone that Christians should vote for him. That he was not a Christian, but Christians should vote for him anyway. Aaaannnd, this will be the last time they ever have to vote because he is going to fix everything perfectly.

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Jul 30Liked by Rurik Skywalker

If you ain't voting for Trump, you ain't Jewish

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Jul 30Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I looked at that tape. I think he said "I'm a Christian", but he was shaking his head from side to side like he didn't really believe it.

Also he's taken his ear patch off. There's no scar visible! His doc said the wound was 2 cm long, which is more than half an inch. So how does that heal without a trace in less than two weeks?

Meanwhile, the Democrats have put a Brandon body double on parade, who's at least six inches taller than the Brandon we know and love.

They don't even care any more, how sloppy it all is!!

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I listened to it a few times and I'm still not entirely clear what he said. The vibe I got was the same as OP - I'm not a Christian, vote for me anyway.

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if so, i respect him a little bit more.

at least he is being honest.

why do christians pretend to believe that he is christian? he never took an interest in christianity before he needed to to win elections?

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Jul 30Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Because they're addicted to copium.

This blog is like naloxone for copium addicts.

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born again suckers

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I have several points to make on why Pompoe's ideas are infeasible to say the least.

1. US spends $800 billion on defense. Zero chance another $500 billion can be given to Ukraine. US MIC won't be able to mass produce low tech equipment worth $500 billion. US won't give high tech equipment either, plus they can't produce enough of those as well. US MIC is not able to support the lend lease.

2. No way is Trump going to strengthen NATO. Biden and the Ukraine war have already pushed the European states to increase their defense budget. After hitting the 2% target, Trump will have no leverage on NATO states. Further abusing NATO countries will hurt transatlantic relationship.

3. Trump has no more tools with which to sanction Russian economy. 90% of oil is exported to China and India paid by Yuan and Rupees. If Trump pushes India too hard on Russia, India can use its ties and its rivalry with China as leverage against him. And on China, can Trump even expect China to hug the eagle and abandon the bear? (Hint 10% of China's oil comes from Iran. Yes the Iran under Trump's maximal pressure campaign.)

Some pieces written by career US politicians are so out of touch with reality the absurdity make people chuckle. Rolo you should be able to tell.

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How big of a problem are returning veterans? I have seen various clips with crimes committed, as they imply in this Jamestown Foundation article: Russian Army Degrading in Ukraine, Threatening Moscow Both There and at Home

Paul Goble

Executive Summary:

  The Russian military in Ukraine is suffering from various signs of degradation. The longer the war goes on, the more these trends are likely to intensify, threatening Moscow’s ability to conduct military operations and maintain order at home. The battlefield degradation is seeping back into Russia as veterans of the conflict return, with many behaving in a more criminal fashion than did the veterans of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s and the Russian invasions of Chechnya in the 1990s and 2000s. The Kremlin is worried. Thus far, Moscow has thought it could keep the situation in check with carrots (e.g., massive payments to soldiers) and sticks (e.g., increased repression). At least some in Russia want the war to end lest a degraded military threaten the regime as it has in the past. The Putin regime fears that the veterans who are now returning home may not become the “new elite” the Kremlin leader has promised but rather become “guns for hire” or form their own criminal enterprises.

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yeah they're not stable. chances are there will be some kind of round-up. it is important to portray them as insane and out of control to justify this. to be fair, some are.

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the antiwar peace candidate that leads MAGA..... so peaceful

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Can you suggest good Russian-language analysis of this conflict and of the elites' shenanigans? Blogs, telegrams, podcasts, whatever? Some friends of mine who don't speak English are badly in need of an antidotum to their Russian and Ukrainian state propaganda. Do you blog/pod in Russian elsewhere perhaps?

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you can just follow the links i provide in my articles. i used to pod in russian but my former partner has wiped all the recordings i think.

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Yeah, I check out most of what you link, and yet I don't think I've seen anything as consistent as this. Often the good posts drown in miscellanea of day-to-day military commentary and memes, "Holy Russia" messianism or Soviet sentimentalism.

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well yeah lol that's why you pay me the big bucks!

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see !

I told you.

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Perhaps the most important thing is can America afford two wars? Janet Yellen thinks so, but I'm not sure. Saudi broke the petrodollar agreement and Ergodan is threatening to invade Israel. I'm not sure how it'll play out but I'd advise buying shares in Conagra Brands as they are apparently the world's biggest popcorn manufacturer.

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Petrodollar don't mean that much these days, as for Erdogan, :)))), is this the same guy that forgot to turn off the Ceyhan pipeline of Azeri oil that supplies 80% of Israel's needs? :)))

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I think petrodollar is still important - overseas dollar usage reduces the impact of deficit spending. USD are a defacto national currency in lots of countries like Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Cambodia, and it stays this way because governments and big companies need USD to do international money transfers. I imagine this situation could change quite fast if international money transfers move to various fiat currencies or even to non-dollar crypto.

Did Erdogan forget, or did was he happy that Israel was supporting Azerbaijan to ethnically cleanse Armenians? That's not a rhetorical question - I genuinely have no idea.

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This guy explains that it's not so much the petrodollar these days (oil has been traded for non-USD for quite some time now), but the world reserve currency status https://x.com/peruvian_bull/status/1656769120015364104

I think Erdogan is all talk, no action, just business (and he does great business with the Israelis). Do you really think they would let him do something even as bland as touch the Israelis with a reasonably aggressive feather before they would absolutely tank the stock exchange and the lira and there would be bloody revolution on the streets of Ankara (and Istanbul)?

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Thanks for the link. The Eurodollar stuff is new to me. I thought M2 included overseas dollars, but it's separate, almost equal in size and mostly unaccountable. Scary stuff.

Erdogan might be all talk at the moment, but he's a ruthless opportunist. If Israel weakened to the point where he could secure an easy military victory, then it might offset the financial retributions (which he can blame on The Jews and justify further action).

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You sometime write very good article, that is one for sure...

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Is this an attempt to be set policy for Trump and make it difficult for him to set a different policy? I Trump said that he is not a Christian which is what I heard then he is most likely a Jew.

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there is no functional difference either way

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Marcion almost succeeded in making the differences clear. Then, of course, the Yahwist/Roman mafioso of that era rubbed out the movement. Yahwehism masquerades in many guises—Jew and Christian are just the most obvious.

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I the is Jewish he would enjoy huge advantages in the NY and interstate business and cfredit markets.

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His family and those around him are Jews. I think his father was buried in a Jewish cemetery and left money to Jewish charities. Trump flourished in the very Jewish environment of New York.

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