"So, surrounding themselves with gross art and gross people became a kind of flex for the big city types and a way to repel ordinary people from their circles."

Aside though it may be, I think this explains the entire postwar "avant garde" or "hip" or "beat" movement, the Grove Press Gang or Calder Crowd (from their US and UK publishers). The earlier "Modernists" tried to do the same thing by being "difficult" to read. Joyce combined both tropes, Ulysses being both difficult and dirty.

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Abrahamic Judoism, you say?

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Could Putin's 'godfather' be his actual father? Years ago there was a picture purporting to be his KGB identity card describing him as Jewish. Was that real?

Putin seems to be like Trump, the best sort of goy; an actual Jew pretending to be a 'front-goy'.

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Yeah I saw that card

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If his Jewish father was not married to his Christian mother, that leaves the unfortunate lad a 'mamzer'. 'Putin the Mamzer' might be the title of another article?

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This is the second time in one week I have heard the term mamzer. I only discovered the word recently. It was also applied to William the Conqueror https://mosaicmagazine.com/picks/history-ideas/2016/05/did-william-the-conqueror-have-a-jewish-mother/

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I thought it was his mom who was potentially of the Chosenite people, do you have a link about that guy ?

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It isn't his father's ethnicity that is the issue, it is his mother's (née Shelomova). The family name of the mother is a universally accepted and not controversial piece of information.

The document picture on the internet where the ethnicity of the mother is explicitly mentioned is purported to be his formal request to (re)issue a passport. That could easily be a fake. I have not found the source of the picture, but I can't say I've searched deeply either.

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"Putin is pretending to be James Bond" ... ahaha, fantastic!

Of course, James Bond has a variety of enemies, depending on the level of danger the world is currently facing. I will say a few words about his cinematic enemies.

Yesterday here in Croatia, in Dubrovnik, some kind of summit for Ukraine was held. I don't understand exactly what they were talking about, except how Bond's enemies were gathered. One of many. And the main villain (who is actually Bond's best secret friend) was present. Of course, the enemies have written 4 pages of "rule of law" in words, which I personally do not understand. But what really gave this summit a touch was the appearance of the president of our eastern neighbor. In order for the show to meet all the criteria of an excellent show, the eastern president , in answers from msm questions, told us several suggestive things into the media microphones. In fact, what he said is not so important. The important thing is that the main villain (the one who is Bond's friend) has fallen completely into the background. At the end of this play, it was not clear what it was for at all. Maybe to show how James Bond is the main character in the movie. How he always wins. And as collaborators and organizers of the play, both with Bond and with his enemies side - are always the same. I don't know who these characters are. They are always shrouded in secrecy. With some millions of dollars. But, well - I just wanted to explain how many dangers James Bond faces on a daily basis. Bye

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Putin said in 2011 that 'more than half of the population (of Israel) speaks Russian? That's total BS.

More like 15-20%

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I, for one, am glad that Russia still has time for the important things even during an existential conflict such as the, much vaunted, SMO.

- Russian National Guard signs landmark deal with Jewish leaders -


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The article, like so many others in the media, confound anti-Jewish actions with anti-Jewish sentiment. I fully support any actions designed to prevent violence against Jews (or non-Jews). But if someone wants to be anti-Jewish or anti-foreigner, or a Holocaust denier, they should have that right. The pesky 1st amendment in the US protects (so far) even anti-Jewish or Nazi speech.

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The purpose of this law is to protect Ashkenazis from the fallout from Ashkenazi behavior, and to deal with Russian resistance to invaders

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sounds like Putin is up to date with western standards

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" I fully support any actions designed to prevent violence against Jews (or non-Jews). "

Of course, the happy merchants must be protected at all costs, but there is the pesky question of priorities. How many happy merchants are in Russia as compared to other groups? Do the other groups get special laws passed to " protect " them?

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I think it's important to maintain security in any society. I do not favor laws to specifically protect Jews from violence to the exclusion of others. Ideally, a society can enforce security for all its members. There should be no occasion for the use of "hate crimes" in prosecution. If a crime of violence is committed against any member, the penalty should be sufficient to deter the violence. Why protect certain classes? All classes deserve protection. If a law is insufficient to protect people without a "hate" clause modifier, the law itself is inadequate. In short, I do not favor protecting any special class of people more than others. And nobody needs to be protected against being "offended".

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I could not agree more with your statement! 👏👏👏

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Andrew Anglin recently posted one of his patented fluff pieces on The Unz Review. This one had to do with the looting of a U.P. freight train in broad daylight this past Friday by a troop of pavement apes in Chicago. Scrolling through the comment section, amongst the usual assortment of righteous indignation leveled at "The goddamned niggras!", some particularly philosophic fellow thought to write this:

"Please do not deniggerate these Africans in Chikongo. These are the pillars of what DIE white cowards and Equity are all about. They aren’t like the gutless white Zombies terrified of being called a wacist and retreating into sucking on the Moloch Media Nipple.

In contrast, these noble savages are fearless warriors demonstrating boldness, initiative, enterprise, organizational skills and self reliance."

I read that last sentence and experienced that oh-so rare and illuminating moment of clarity which for me is one of the highlights of this human experience. As much as I have made every effort to keep as much distance between myself and their like for many years now, and view their presence in my country as being nothing less than parasitic to the point of being deadly, I have to give credit where credit is due: black folks in America know how to flip off "the system." Sure, they gladly accept any and all offerings from The Welfare State, yet never, ever do they make any sort of proclamations that it does anyone a damn bit of good. They gobble up the redirected tax revenues paid into the coffers by actual working Americans(suckers that they are), gorge themselves until they vomit, right themselves and bellow, "That shit ain't shit!" They rightly discern the utter folly of gussying yourself up and whoring yourself out for a measly paycheck for forty to sixty years of your life, preferring instead to supplement their take from The State with the illicit profits they derive from black market enterprises. When the police even bother to come knocking, the titsoons will just as soon fight the cops as surrender to them. They don't quiver in their boots at the thought of doing time in prison. They've got their punks and their posse inside so they take it all in stride. When they do make a stand, they are not averse to going out in a hail of bullets, spraying anyone and everyone who stands in their way. Misguided as it often is, they stand by their "honor" and rain furious vengeance upon any who would dare to besmirch it.

Us fading cadre of white folks have got a lot to learn and a short amount of time to learn it in. Playing by the rules is a chump's endeavor. Until we finally gang up and become real, hardcore rebels again, willing to pay the price and suffer the consequences of actual disobedience, all we'll continue to actually do is bitch and moan at a pity [party which gets faggier and faggier by the day.

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Speaking of Andrew Anglin:

"For some people, it is impossible to view the Jews as what the Christian religion says they are: a people eternally cursed for having murdered Jesus Christ, a people in communion with Satan, and therefore a plague on mankind."


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" They don't quiver in their boots at the thought of doing time in prison. "

This is due to low impulse / anger control.

No concept of delayed gratification.

Inherently violent impulses.

Inability to conceptualize and project future possibilities.

No concept of ethics , morality, and especially altruism.

There are more I'm sure.

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All that and then some. I certainly don't recommend my people attempt to emulate the personas of the seed of Cain; merely some of their characteristics as it pertains to resistance to authority, at least until such a time as we govern ourselves in a more reasoned and rational society. Unlike the boogies, white folks will have little trouble adapting their behavior to fit their environment.

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" white folks will have little trouble adapting their behavior to fit their environment. "

Which is both a blessing and a curse. Look how "nicely" they've adopted to the systems that openly hate them. Its almost as if they'll continue to " adopt" until the the final steps to the cattle cars. The other "blessing" is the White man's pathological altruism. The question remains, is it natural or was it induced in some manner ?

PS: You also give the "noble savage" too much credit as they were quite easily subjugated / controlled in the past. The situation today is unnatural as the power structures are actively cuddling / protecting the darkies. Take away said protection and the White man would solve the issue in a matter of days.

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Spot on. I didn't mean to assign them more commandability than they deserve. The quote I cropped from the post's comment section was more tongue-in-cheek than in earnest. Jim Crow worked quite well without requiring too much in the way of modifications over its many decades of operation. Sadly, I'm not certain that the current crop of white folks in The States anyways has what it takes to lay down that sort of law. The public lynchings were as brutal and public as they were for a reason. They had true deterrent value. Not only are we mostly averse to perpetrating horrific violence against other human beings(however a distant sub-species from us they may be) we are also rather weakened by our modern environment. Just the bio-accumulation of toxins in our bodies by dint of intentionally corrupted food and water systems alone has made us a pale shade of the rock-solid nut crushers we descend from. I believe there exists a possibility of a breakout community of white folks reestablishing themselves in some corner of the planet, at some date fairly far into the future. Unfortunately, however, I believe this community will be formed by a clutch of rebellious slaves, as I don't foresee us escaping the fate our overlords have designed for us. The numbers are against us. We are too incredibly insular even within our own neighborhoods. And there is much too much confidence placed in our possession of firearms as a bulwark against the coming warfare. Autonomous drones dropping incendiary devices on individual homes-cum-redoubts will snuff our rebellious posturing out in a matter of weeks.

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I've always distrusted Putin, especially considering the very likely "false flag" apartment block bombings--blamed on Chechens naturally--which presaged his abrupt ascent to power on January 1, 2000. Undoubtedly the Yeltsin criminal claque needed cover for the decade long plunder they presided over as the USSR disintegrated. While I was relieved with what I saw when I returned to Russia in 2010--economic & political stability on the surface--even then I was aware that it was a paper-thin veneer. The critiques published in "Sovyetskaya Rossia" were particularly stinging, permitted at that time to uphold the veneer of post-Soviet "democracy" whilst the plunder and de-industrialization of Russia continued apace.

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Its odd and sad, by all accounts Russia should be the new land of sweet and honey, the space,resources and possibilities offer endless possibilities and wealth. But it seems they all still live in poverty, ruled by a mafia type state that feeds on nostalgia from the past.

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Consult the prophets of the Bible: the milk and honey of the lands of the goyim will flow to Jerusalem.

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That ended in A.D.70. God destroyed Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple. The Jews have no divine mission, their purpose had been to announce the coming Redeemer promised to Eve. Then they forced the crucifixion of the Jesus the Christ, Son of God, Savior and completely lost all divine significance. Today they serve the purpose of Satan, as punishment for the apostate Christian Church who are supposed to be about the business of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth which will end so called "civil government" as all men voluntarily obey God's law and live together in peace.

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Titus did that, not Yahweh.

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Here's an interesting little account from an American who encountered the real nature of the yids years ago long before their current outbreak:


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NOTE: “lowbrow” is a euphemism for British. No, I’m not joking (although it is funny). Beyond funny (because it’s true doh!) it’s utterly appropriate

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That is one of the reasons for the dominance of the Anglo-American culture. I spent a summer in my youth reading crime novels. I prefer Georges Simenon's Inspector Maigret over Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot, but most people have never heard of him.

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Love this - and all your work here! You're generous to give this away for free. Gold in white letters on a black background!

I wonder if Putin might have been selected to be a real-life Stierlitz because of his years in East Germany, mythologized here by the BBC:


Obviously back then Putin wasn't posing as a German, much less as an SS officer from decades ago, but he certainly knew German and East Germany, and his real German connection could have sealed the deal. A different Chekist without the G card wouldn't have quite fit Stierlitz' shoes.

How big is the G factor in the Russian public's perception of Putin?

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The public is told that Putin heroically withdrew men from East Germany to prevent routs during the breakup.

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Thanks for the immediate reply!

So the Russian public reallly was programmed to see Putin as 'Our Man in Germany'.

How real is that story?

Remind me - have you read От первого лица? I haven't, though it's available in translation. I wonder how much myth is in it - and how compatible it is with the narrative today 24 years later. Our masters not only count on the peasants not reading but also count on the literate sliver not reading old books.

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I've read entire chapters of it yeah. I was skimming for the good stuff. Looking for the stuff mentioned in this article.

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Putin is a small man, especially in the west. I doubt people would see him as a real life james bond or some hero when he has to wear special made high heels for photo ops!

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"Like, don’t get me wrong, Christianity in all of its forms (except Marcionism) is just a Jewish spin-off religion."

Like, don't get me wrong, the fundamental doctrine of Christ - ianity is that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Messiah, which the Jews denied and deny. Christianity is the profession that Jesus the Christ redeemed God's elect from the eternal just wrath of God the Father. Christians express gratitude for that salvation by obeying God - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - loving the Lord God with all the heart, mind and strength and loving their neighbor as themselves. You say you know some professing Christians who do not do that? Then guess what, they are not Christians because a Christian is known by obeying God. That is the polar opposite of Judaism which is demonic opposition to all that is good and true.

Christianity is not a "Jewish spin-off religion." Jews persecuted Christians all over the Roman Empire until God destroyed national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple in A.D.70 about 37 years after the Jews forced the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ and after the Christian Church had dispersed through the Roman Empire.

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You worship the same god and the same holy books as the Jews. Christianity is Judaism for the Gentiles.

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This is really beneath you. I worship God, not any book, and the Jews as you should well know, deny the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost which is Christian doctrine, they deny the New Testament completely, do not even heed the Torah, certainly not Isaiah 53, etc. If they pay attention to anything except getting rich and powerful through deceit and graft, it's their "traditions," their Talmud. Christians and Jews have no doctrine in common

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you worship Hebrew fairytales, Platonic social engineering and a Jewish entity named Yahweh/Yeshua, yes.

and the trinity is nonsensical lmao

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The Ukrainian government has approved the sale of the United Mining and Chemical Company (OGHK), one of the largest titanium mining enterprises in the world. The plant was auctioned off for $97 million.

Interestingly, only one buyer participated in the auction—“Tsemin Ukraine,” owned by businessman Nasib Hasanov. Hasanov also owns “Vodafone Ukraine,” one of the country’s largest telecommunications operators.

What raises eyebrows is why such a strategic enterprise was sold for such a low amount, sparking questions about the true value of this deal and its broader implications for Ukraine’s economic sovereignty.

What will the West do when Russia takes BlackRock's investments in Ukraine as spoils of war? Fair retaliation for confiscation of Russian assets. It will all be dressed up in legalese of course.

Desperation could easily lead to reckless actions by the West in Ukraine. Gracious loser doesn't quite ring true.

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If Ukrainians or Russians for that matter knew what is really going on they would revolt over night.

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This fits:


You're all wrong. #Ukraine war was WON. The Ukraine war is for #Israel . 600 thousand Christians have been murdered, black water (Israeli Jewish American owner) now owns most of Ukraine's natural resources, & the land has been Judified.

It's called Heavenly Jerusalem project.

Billionaire Jew Igor here spent 35 mins in 2015 explaining the point to the Ukraine war.

https:// silview.media/2023/01/17/isr ael-2-0-in-ukraine-by-2029-openly-campained-by-ukrainian-billionaire-politician-since-2014-funded-by-soros/

If you didn't have censorship, you'd know this.

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For Putin to be safe, the real powers in Russia would have to be on side.


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Interesting juxtaposition:


Mila.Alien 🇺🇦


New Date for Ukraine Defense Contact Group Meeting Yet to Be Determined, Says Pentagon

Pentagon spokesperson Pat Ryder announced at a briefing that a new date for the Contact Group on Ukraine’s defense has not yet been set.

The meeting, originally scheduled for Saturday, October 12, was postponed due to U.S. President Joe Biden’s inability to attend. Biden canceled his trip to Germany because of Hurricane Milton, which is currently affecting Florida.

The decision on long-range missile strikes which was expected to be approved will not be made in public. it appears.


The Path to Peace


⚡Pro-#Russia 🇷🇺 telegram: "We are recording the enemy's (#Ukraine 🇺🇦) preparation for launching long-range missiles, including ballistic ones" 👀 👀 👀

9:04 AM · Oct 12, 2024


Thursday U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy arrived in Kiev to deliver new military aids.

On October 14 Nato will start its annual Steadfast Noon air exercise to practice the use of nuclear weapons, Secretary-General Rutte said

8:50 AM · Oct 12, 2024



Dagny Taggart


Putin on the formation of a new world order: The world is facing unprecedented threats generated by civilizational rifts, interethnic and interfaith conflicts, when international relations have entered an era of global fundamental changes, when a new world order is being formed that reflects the diversity of the entire planet.

And this natural process is irreversible.

New powerful centers of economic growth, financial and political influence are emerging. First of all, here, in the global East and in the global South as a whole.

These new centers strive to preserve and strengthen sovereignty and socio-cultural identity, and seek ways of harmonious development in accordance with their traditions and based on national interests.

What does he really mean? He said Iran has the right to defend itself a few days ago....hmmmmmm...... Were S400s the only deliveries?

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Bad news, really bad........

UV update:


Max Velocity




NORTHERN LIGHTS visible across virtually all of the United States right now!

This is CRAZY!



That is crazy. Our ozone must have taken a beating. My transition glasses were getting so super dark every time I went outside today. It was almost the same as when it snows. That’s when they get the darkest normally

4:11 PM · Oct 11, 2024


UV activated


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Buckle up!


Brian’s Breaking News and Intel


Israeli Defense Minister, Gallant:

The gates of heaven have opened and the time has come.

2:24 PM · Oct 11, 2024




The Alchemist




where was this said Brian

Brian’s Breaking News and Intel




Right after the war cabinet ended and during the prayer


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Has Putin transitioned from spy to pig farmer? How much kosher investment is there in this?


'...the Russian pig (lead image) who, upon turning into pork, is breaking through the enemy’s defences towards strategic victory of Russian economic power to capture a world market. This means defeat – unrecoverable loss of market share – for the hostile states led by the once powerful pork exporters, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Canada, and the US. As the most recent European Union (EU) pig and pork slaughter data show, the war is pushing up the energy and feed costs of pig farming, and drastically cutting European exports of pork to the Asian consumer market, the biggest in the world.

There, Russia’s strategic ally China has cancelled the closure of its market in effect for Russia since 2008, and simultaneously has begun pork trade restriction moves against Spain, Denmark and The Netherlands, the principal European exporters of pork to China. In trade war retaliation, China is also steadily reducing the volume and value of its pork imports from the US since 2021.'

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