Were Putin and his Kremlinoids to have been 'led by the nose' as much as he claims, his nose would be longer than Pinocchio's!
Thanks RS for clarifying that is we, the public, whose noses are the targets of these 'information operations', from both Russia and America. The international 'game of nations' is of course rigged and the House of Israel controls all the players and their narratives.
Were Putin and his Kremlinoids to have been 'led by the nose' as much as he claims, his nose would be longer than Pinocchio's!
Thanks RS for clarifying that is we, the public, whose noses are the targets of these 'information operations', from both Russia and America. The international 'game of nations' is of course rigged and the House of Israel controls all the players and their narratives.
Were Putin and his Kremlinoids to have been 'led by the nose' as much as he claims, his nose would be longer than Pinocchio's!
Thanks RS for clarifying that is we, the public, whose noses are the targets of these 'information operations', from both Russia and America. The international 'game of nations' is of course rigged and the House of Israel controls all the players and their narratives.