"The Truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself." Augustine of Hippo. This famous quotation should remind readers (myself included) and the author this blog that we have a duty to speak the truth. But that action is not without consequences as we are only now beginning to appreciate in the 'liberal' West. The 'disinformation' laws adopted by Russia have also been recently adopted in similar forms in Australa, NZ, Canada, the UK, etc., and are being enforced in seemingly eclectic ways, i.e., https://afn.net/legal-courts/2023/03/15/carlson-defends-meme-creator-on-trial-bashes-stupid-hillary-voters/

Just this week, many large YT creators were notified that *any* video content that ran counter to WHO or other local health official narratives would be removed. (https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/health-influencer-dr-eric-berg-says-youtube-censoring-his-videos-5492570). Dutchsinse, a YT channel that reports on fires, earthquakes, etc. and has discussions about government technology on D.E.W., weather-modification, etc. posted yesterday that he is blocked from commenting or replying on his own channel.

But as the consolidation of globalism continues, truth-telling will become an increasingly courageous act. Above examples are all very different types of 'disinformation' (election interference, medical misinformation and climate-change) but these topics are near and dear to the Globalists agenda and the pressure will only increase. Nobody ever said it would be easy to be on the side of Truth.

As a side note, I read Rurik's June 2022 post 'The Great Russian Restoration X..." which he links to in this post. It led me down a rabbit hole of reading about ROCOR (the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia) and its establishment in North America and a reminder that ours is an eternal struggle: the very creation of ROCOR reflects the migratory pattern of humanity which is almost always due to suppression and/or persecution of religious beliefs by evil/corrupt regimes.


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I am grateful that you touch on so many spicy issues and not afraid to have unpopular opinions. So I'd like to comment on some of the points you make. First, I think you associate too freely the cross with Saturn and the Saturn black cube. I am familiar with this symbology, but I still regard it as popular conspirology and not necessarily proving anything. The cross is a popular esoteric symbol, used in ancient cults and religions. All religions and cults use esoteric knowledge and they are not necessarily Saturnian, Saturnian is the special cult to Saturn, Cronos, Baal. So the cross is not enough I think to blame the Christian cult of being a Saturnian sect. And you know the abrahamic religions have an exoteric and occult meaning like the secret societies. The exoteric message for the masses, the occult is for those in the know. But it is still possible for a normal person to remain normal trying to be a good Christian. It is not automatically making people "saturn worshipers" or maybe it is, but we'll have to dig a lot deeper. Also, we may want to explain why these symbols are so scary, "bad" or "demonic" by themselves if we try to stay away from morality and/or psychopathic cults and explain what is a "Saturn cult". Maybe you have a different approach, I'd love to read the next article... Or these symbols are punching us in the brain with something? Secret societies are the precursors of intelligence agencies and intelligence agencies' fronts like the the modern "philanthropic foundations". Freemasons, mi6, cia, jesuits exist to guard the occult elite.

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FYI The Soviet Church joined the World Council of Churches in 1961, like 8 years after Stalins murder. That was Khrushchevs doing and Khrushchev closed a bunch of the Churches Stalin allowed to re-open. Khrushchev was much more hostile to the Orthodox Church than Stalin and having the Soviet Church join the WCC was symptomatic of that hostility imo.

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Sep 16, 2023
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ah so thats why you are constantly taking snipes at the blog. you're a MRJ fan. i was too like 6 years ago, it is a phase we all have to go through.

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Sep 16, 2023
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like i said, i was a fan of his many years ago until i realized that his political takes on russia and orthodoxy are wrong.

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Looking forward to that post about saturnism.

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Rahab, seeking protection from the coming destruction of the Israelite tribes...

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"... just most normal Christians are unaware of the occult connections because they are willing sacrificial pawns in an occult sacrifice ritual masquerading as a religion."

I could not care less about any occult connections. Christianity is empirical, not some derived instrument of oppression. The fact of creation, that the universe had a beginning about 6,000 years ago and the impossibility of an effect without a cause short circuit all the Gnostic bullshit and omens and other distractions intended to hide what is in plain sight: The universe was created and so were living things and mankind in six literal days - rotation periods of the earth before the earth was complete - some 6,000 years ago.


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Hey Rurik, thanks for the post. One of the reasons I follow Russian news is that I think Russia is still sort of the Wild East when it comes to Saturn cult Borg assimilation. I mean, yea, the same elite agenda going on, but either The Shoigu is more incompetent or the Slavs are more recalcitrant, or both.

Speaking of the Saturn cult: On 9/13/23, 2 days and 22 years after 9/11/01 (though on the third day, like Jesus), the ribbon cutting for a new glowing cube building/temple in NYC on Ground Zero called the Perelman Performing Arts Center.


The golden New Jerusalem has the dimensions of a cube. (However, it is true that Saturn’s spaceship is not described in the Revelation, only its dimensions. Could be a cube, sphere, pyramid, tetrahedron, etc.) So a shining, golden Lucifer-ish cube is born 22 years after the twin towers mega-ritual. The NYT is giddy. Me, not so much.

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I suggest you begin looking for an alternative platform. Maybe get your own site.

I find substack is apparently not tolerant, not friendly, not readily approachable, hair trigger and unreasonable.

For I got this:

"We've removed your publication from public view due a violation of Substack's Content Guidelines, Terms of Service, or Publisher Agreement. If you believe this was a mistake, you can submit an appeal to our Trust & Safety team here."

That was preceded for some weeks by a notice that I could not make posts because of a problem with my 'email list'. I responded at that time via the channel they indicated that I know nothing of any 'email list' and I awaited developments.

There were none.

Eventually I went back and tried again and I now get the above message.

I responded to that about a week ago via their channel again but hear nothing.

If it can happen to me - and I am literally nothing, no one, I post very infrequently and can't see how I post anything anyone else doesn't post - then I'd say there's always a very great danger it could happen to anyone at all.

And note: it is not the happening so much as the total situation: it has happened without proper explanation, no production or indication of what/where the transgression is/was, and no effective means of communicating with them regarding it.

I'm thinking that's as bad as any other similar thing you point at.

You may not be aware of this 'true nature' of substack.


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Talking religion I cannot find he original greek text of the 'hanna papyrus', sometimes called 'papyrus 75'. The earliest known test of the gospel apparently.

Which surprises me enormously, not being a bible scholar or anything remotely like it. I just innocently thought that when these experts discovered some such thing its text would be widely circulated. Apparently not so. Or if so I haven't found the place where they do it.

Can anyone help with this?

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Sep 16, 2023
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he's a secret patriot. just ask dr. johnson.

by the way, the WH40k edit of the war cathedral was literally me and my boys' work during the short-lived russian twitter troll army days.

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Sep 17, 2023
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you thought wrong. find it on my twitter yourself, i mention it there.

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