I think right now the hope is that one or more state governments (Florida? Texas?) will secede from the union, and then dissidents can operate more openly out of that state. The window for something like that would probably close within the next 3 years, so if it doesn't happen by then, maybe going the "government-in-exile" route would gain traction.

Another difference with the USA is how heavily armed regular people are, especially people opposed to the globalist regime. I imagine most people are taking a wait-and-see approach for now. They have their weapons and supplies and are hoping that the regime will overreach and commit tactical blunders leading to an organic mass uprising and/or state-level secession. Seeing how incompetent and absurdly full of hubris the regime's minions are, there may be something to this strategy, especially if there are real men among the elite class who hate the bitch-making ideology of the regime and who defect and join the resistance. (Maybe someone like DeSantis?) Time will tell, probably within 3 years.

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I think you are right that it is more likely, and encompassed within the Framer's intent, that one or more states should secede from the federal government either de facto or de jure.

The alternative would be some sort of federal government-in-exile. Who would dare to host it? Who would even lead it? Donald Trump? The idea is absurd.

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“Legacy” Americans are indeed hoping that the midterm elections will move things in the directions they want. And so they are largely waiting and checking their truth social and twitter and gab feeds every day, hoping….hoping….like the hobbits in the Shire. Oh, and Q is back, for whatever that’s worth , helpfully letting us all know that “It had to be this way” (sigh). But Saruman and his bad dudes are already taking control. At some point the confrontation between the Globohomo Federal Government and the “free” states (like Florida) will go kinetic. It’s close to that now in the southern border states, like Texas, where the pure evil of the agenda is now obvious to everyone. Andrei Martyanov, in his Disintegration book, contrasts Russia’s super resilient national culture with America’s lack thereof - he suggests that American nationalism never quite “gelled,” and after 1965 it’s game over. Legacy Americans are being forced to re-examine their core beliefs, and the eternal realities of blood and soil. We need our own American Bogatyrs, and we need them now.

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This is actually a very good idea. Western expat dissidents could form shadow governments for their respective nations; nothing could stop them. This would then provide just enough plausible legitimacy to offer an alternative to the failing order. Following military defeat in WWIII, which seems inevitable at this point, there would be governments ready to go.

There are of course questions about how, specifically, such shadow governments would be organized. Do they model themselves on the constitutional forms of their respective states, with elections and all the rest? If so, how is voting to be organized? If not, how is leadership to be determined?

Then, what are the primary activities to be? Do they act principally as think tanks (in which case you get a lot of intellectuals, but maybe relatively few men of action), or as diplomatic organizations aimed at securing material supportb for national liberation struggles from sympathizers in host countries?

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>There are of course questions about how, specifically, such shadow governments would be organized. Do they model themselves on the constitutional forms of their respective states, with elections and all the rest? If so, how is voting to be organized? If not, how is leadership to be determined?

It's an exciting new field of inquiry just waiting to be explored!

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For the USA, this movement would probably be led by ex-Green Berets, who seem to combine the ideals of both the intellect/artist and the man of action. They got lots of practical experience building insurgencies and acting as "force multipliers" during GWOT, so their skillsets would make them natural leaders of a resistance movement against the globalist regime.

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I’m thinking of the way Vaclav Havel described coping with the Soviet Union. Protest was useless. Parallel structures were created.

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If there is to be a collapse in the near future, it would be good to have a ready government-in-waiting.

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I agree!

I only wonder if it’s already there but unseen. TBH I’m not optimistic. Forces of suppression have unprecedented technology at hand. It’s a dangerous situation. History is replete with initial revolutions that faceplant first.

Thank you for your insights

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Very good blog post and question. I think this quote explains:

"There are a few defectors here and there, but for the most part, it appears that the people with money and power have largely decided to go along with the globalist agenda. You can count on your hand the number of influential and connected people who have spoken out...."

Nobody would care about some unknown Americans (or Germans or Brits) who would go to Russia to set up an American government in exile. People would laugh at them or even ignore them. No, it needs to be somebody with clout and gravitas. Such a figure is not on the horizon - yet.

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Yep. Now, if Trump, Flynn, et al. had relocated to, say, Mexico, and announced a GIE, we'd be getting somewhere.

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This may turn out to be one of your more important essays.

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It's a good idea, but everyone is so atomized in America that probably even the expats have lost the capacity to think in terms of collective organization. This is not just because of diversity. Other social changes (e.g. the deliberate extirpation of all-male spaces in education) have made men much more women-centric and incapable of dealing with other men. There are exceptions, e.g. gangs, but they tend to be found only among the proles.

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I suspect that the USA is defacto run by a government in exile but from within. It differs from the rest because it is currently the worlds only standing empire so it’s an inverted system.

I believe it is fascist by nature; that it first captured so-called intelligence agencies many decades ago; that it engineered monetary policy/reserve currency status to affect the pillage of most nations of the world and more recently siphon off the wealth and pensions of middle class Americans; that it has indirectly utilized the MIC to convert printed $ into hard asset wealth for itself and to enforce its agenda in every nook and cranny of the world, mirrored by a USA We The People government debt obligation; that it has achieved pharaoh like wealth for its “stakeholders” (hint hint); that its status quo M.O. has exceeded its expiration date; that it is now enacting its next plan which is either A) subjugation of Russia so as to carve it up by regional resources and to choke and subjugate China with such restricted resources, or B) failing that, creating chaos across the world via food shocks, energy shocks, health shocks, cultural shocks in order to bring their government out of exile, a digitally controlled system of neomonarchy / neofeudalism AKA the great reset; that it has fully infiltrated the DC beltway and most western governments & international media & tech companies to accomplish its goals.

I think the clown world craziness is engineered, as was/is the oddly extreme and unprecedented response to a novel respiratory virus (and likely it’s release itself), as is the blatant instigation of the Ukraine issue, as is the nato world +Switzerland Finland Sweden signing on to the war against the east (what have they been promised, assuming a big win for empire?). The incestuous DC deep state is fully in place, that’s for sure.

In this inverted state I think the government in exile is near and right now it’s popping open a giant black spring loaded umbrella of deceit over former “free world”

The inverted savior may in fact be right under our noses– the constitutional structures underpinning the USA I.e., the military, state governments & their national guards, etc.

One could hope.

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America's government in exile can be found in small red state towns. When Americans don't like what is happening, they move but only to other areas in America. Few people to the right of the divide can contemplate living in another country.

1. The American right is by nature optimistic. They see people leaving the country as quitters.

2. The right just wants to be left alone to grill and raise families in peace. Problem being is being driven to win always beats wanting to be left alone

3. I live in SE Asia but few expat men who live here are married. Married men in America tend to be submissive to their wives. Most wives won't let their husbands do much to rock the financial boat

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Fascinating questions.

As to organizing, any of us could and should be organizing simple, innocuous "study groups" at the neighborhood or local town level. These groups study anything helpful like growing food, lost skills of carpentry, butchering, etc...all valuable things in a collapsing economy. Only two items matter in this: 1. The groups are completely innocent and thus free from Regime pressure and 2. People are connecting w other like minded people whom they come to know and trust (this latter point excluding glowies).

Because at this stage patriots don't need revolutionary cadres, we need organization, connecting people locally who can later be called upon if needed.

The other important aspect of our American troubles is that the Regime is intentionally running everything into the ground. They want a collapse. They are banking on being able to use the collapse to finish the implementation of full out Oligarcho Tyranny. A bad bet id say.

People aren't going to riot or go hot until they don't have anything left to lose (or threatened w it). In a real collapse, guess what? Nothing left to lose.

Also, there just isn't enough muscle on the Regime side to do anything other than whack a mole. And people will figure out quickly how to play that game.

I do fear that no one is thinking through what will replace this failed system. I'd like to think it will be decentralized and local but humans are power mad, so... We ought to have good ideas of how we avoid another Oligarchy.

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To pull together some threads of others: a government-in-exile requires 3 conditions: a group with a strong political iissue (e.g., Constitution) that strongly feels that they've been illegitimately disenfranchised; the presence of political oppression that renders political opposition in the homeland impossible that necessitates exile; a core of charismatic leadership.

Political oppression of Trump and his supporters contains the seeds of these ingredients, and developments in 2022 and 2026 might well lead to an escalated version of the January 26 Stop the Steal Rally, with an increase in both political outrage and institutional repression. An exile movement might develop. But the big problem with a government-in-exile from a large, well-resourced country is the Trotsky effect: if and when an exile government begins to be effective, the original government will call in clandestine security or international law (Assange, e.g.) to nip the incipient threat in the bud. Interesting times.

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It appears there is an American Government in Exile. I discovered it today as I prepared this post:


Apparently currently based out of Japan. https://usprovgov.asia/

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> No system, whether it be Communist, Islamist, Shintoist, Kwanzaist or yes, even Liberal, allows dissent against the system itself. You can argue that that system isn’t living up to its stated ideology, but you cannot call for a change of the reigning ideology itself.

Yep. For example, during the Cold War it wasn't per se illegal to be a Communist in the U.S. but the government had ways of dealing with them. Gus Hall and other CPUSA members got thrown in the klink in the '50s for what, allegedly advocating the violent overthrow of the government. And before that Eugene Debs was thrown in jail for opposing the draft in WWI. But really he had a target on his back because he was famous and advocated his Socialism in opposition to the System.

Today's weird Liberalism - if you can even call it that - is just as determined to crush dissent as the System was in the early to mid 20th Century.

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