Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

The DineshDeSouza line...

If I was in a room, with my gun and 3 bullets, with a Wokist from Portland, Hillary, Greta and a LRRN random, I would shot 3 time on the LRRN random.

(LRRN=leftist are the real nazis) (and they say that with such an arrogant voice ! With such a sincere faith they did a clever 5D move to own the left! It drive me crazy. Each time. They are everywhere, in France, in the US, in Russia...Everywhere. Classic-liberalists, Conservative, "nationalists", libertarians, edgy-Evola/Junger/blabla... They are legions.)

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Modern normies wouldn't even know Hitler existed if it weren't for goblin control of media.

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Rolo this essay is brilliant. You said it all and said it very well. Ye has more balls than most men and it took a motherload of courage to say out loud, what most white and some black Americans whisper privately and quietly. True Ye may never be president. He doesn't have to be. What he's done and still is doing is spread a meme. That meme is travelling and it will germinant and resonate with people that have a reasonable IQ and are observant of the current dystopian world in which we all currently live. Even low IQ types that can at the least fog a mirror have the cognitive skills to know when they're being played.

Now on to Hitler. You hit the nail on the head. Whenever anyone of ANY political spectrum or ideology, philosophy, theology wants to demonize someone. Guess who's name they drag out? Adolf Hitler of course! All you need to say is, "Well that sound like Hitler", or "That sounds like something Hitler and the Nazis would do or believe" and now you're supposed to get an immediate anxiety/panic attack, withdraw your statement and apologize up down and sideways begging for forgiveness.

Screw that! I was done with that a long time ago. Especially after I was purged from my adjunct lecturer position in a college by a cabal of "the tribe" ( you know who) leftists and their "shygitz" puppets. Screw them I went into business, became an actor, writer, independent researcher and went back to being a chef doing mostly private dining, food, wine and spirits promotions. They can stick their fraudulent academy up their collective south-40. Trust me I could tell you plenty about "academia". But I digress. Back to my point. I'm neither a lover not hater of "Adi". Simply stated, he was a man of many accomplishments, an excellent artist. Check out his paintings and sketches, Being turned down twice by the admissions committee of the Vienna Fine Arts Academy, by a committee with a majority of "tribal members" he could wear like a badge of honor, next to his well deserved iron cross first class. What would they approve Chagall's "Judaica", Jackson Pollack's psychotic garbage, Diego Rivera's cultural Marxism or Trotsky's AKA Braunstein's lover Frida Kahlo's self-portraits, who's mustache was thicker than mine? Trust me most critics and committees are driven either by ideological agendas or commercial forces. Adi was a dog lover as am I. Does this mean I should never have a pet dog? Should vegetarians become carnivores because for the last twelve years of his life Adi was a vegetarian? Should I stop listening to Wagner because Adi love Wagner's operas and supported the Bayreuth festivals? The entire thing is insane. (When you can check out Rienzi, Flying Dutchman, Das Rheingold Overtures and Die Walkure .) It's all designed by the crowd that hates Ye and will accuse people of being Adi clones when they wander off the reservations (Or shtetls for goyim?) that they have created. Adi had his faults he was too impulsive, wanted to reverse the hated Versailles Treaty ( I would want that too) but didn't full comprehend the forces that were up against him and the traps they were laying for him. He also needed to exercise more, be a little less formal, men had to wear jackets even in the summer and he disliked to much cursing and dirty jokes, eat some meat, and he ate way too much sweets. On the other hand from 1933-1939 the German Chancellor created an excellent system that prospered and ended Weimar tyranny, degeneracy and ended the power of the "tribe" in Germany. My kind of "cancel culture". Germany was the first western nation to recover from the after shocks of the great depression.

Now let's get into some hidden history. The term "Nazi" is a propaganda term created by a leftist Jewish journalist. The party was referred to as the NSDAP it's initials in German for the National Socialist German Workers Party. NSDAP is the correct term that should be used in vernacular and academia.

"Nazi" is the equivalent of calling some on the left a "Commie", "Pinko" it's derogatory and shouldn't be used in scholarship or historical discourse. Here's another fact you'll never see in a school text book. Many on the left liked the NSDAP and saw it as an alternative to social democracy AKA "Bolshevism Light" and Marxist-Leninism "catechism". There was a Bolshevik Karl Radek AKA Sobelsohn a close friend of Lenin early party member and Comintern director, He traveled to Germany in the early 1920's and was very impressed with the NSDAP. While in Munich he even went to several NSDSAP meetings and wanted to interview Adi. Unfortunately Adi was not in town (that would've been an interview), but he learned all about the NSDAP and it it goals. Radek was so impressed that he started to develop his own ideas and ideology a combination of NSDAP ideas and Lenin's Bolshevism. He called it, Are you ready? National Bolshevism ( you can't make this up) yeah the Polish Jewish Marxist Bolshevik Leninist wanted to implement National Bolshevism in the USSR. Long story short it didn't fly in particular with Stalin. Radek would fall out of favor. Nevertheless he remained a proponent of his ideas. In an interview he said, "There are some fine lads in the SA and SS." Along with Tukhachevsky he supported and congratulated Germany on the reoccupation of the Rhineland in 1936. He was arrested by the NKVD in 1937 during the purges, imprisoned and murdered by other inmates at the behest of NKVD officer Peter Kubatin in 1939. Obviously it's not only so called "white nationalists" that admired and thought highly of the NSDAP seems many on the left were very impressed.

The LGBTQ AKA the Eye Exam Crowd is a total fraud from the get go. The Stonewall riots were supposed to be about freedom and to be left alone and be who you are. Now we see it's morphed into a group of evil monstrous degenerates that would make Magnus Hirschfeld proud! Don't know who he is? If so read up on this evil obese degenerate. Gays would do well to disassociate themselves with this crowd it will backfire on the big time.

Clowns like D'Souza (the Indian libertarian who touts his brownness but only marries white European women) is the GOP's idea of inclusiveness. Jones lacks the balls to go full throttle like you, Harry Vox and me. The rest Shapiro, Ingram, Hannity, O' Reilly are just paid shills for the oligarchy. They want the "tribes" big $$$ paychecks. It should be obvious to anyone with an IQ that can fog a mirror. Tragically most of the masses are in a fog. Rolo this was a great essay keep writing and let's shock them all and the left by saying, men like you and I will be the Dietrich Eckart's of the 21st Century. Желаю вам успехов и всего наилучшего. Будь здоров, невредим и силен, мой брат.

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Breathtaking and accurate analysis that will get many comments and much hate. I applaud you. I've always heard Ye's comment about Hitler; but never a whisper about his belief that Satan is worse. In fact, Satan, like a great ganglord, orders all evil (unless he doesn't exist). If any angry readers take the time to read the Comments, I recommend the book entitled THE BELL CURVE. It explains a lot. In closing, I hope we soon see a hero in the form of a Jungian therapist with hair like Jesus.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

"Ethnic neocon". Sounds like something an anti-ethnic neocon would say.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Another fine essay, Rolo. My own take on the once rising Yeast whose given name was an anagram for Obomber's father's birth country is that the poor man was selected and conned somehow into furthering the appalling myth that with vanishingly low probability, the races of the dark continent are somehow not in possession of supremely superior intellect. But no matter. I also heartily enjoy your takes on the sex change surgery and hormone counseling crowd, though years ago I could be overheard to opine that gay marriage had nothing to do with human rights but more to do with preserving large fortunes in the same way that banking dynasty families did particularly those who like to name themselves as Ashcans at Sea. It is a great pleasure to read your work.

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Very good analysis Rolo, you are splitting the atom, so to speak.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thought-provoking essay. I need some time to process, but appreciate the brave analysis you presented.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Hi Rolo,

I was intrigued when, in a prior column, you said you were a Marcionite. So, I checked out their website. Now, that's a religion I could believe in, especially with its opposition to male genital mutilation (aka circumcision), a pet issue of mine. I was raised a Methodist, and all we did in Sunday school was study the Old Testament. I might as well have been raised Hebrew. It's too bad that there are no Marcionite churches anywhere near me. Are there any in the US?

As for Ye, I've read that Milo Y is his campaign manager. He appeared with Ye and Nick on Tim Pool's show for fifteen minutes before they all walked out together. Ye had a private jet already waiting. The walkout was planned. Milo said (not on that show) that his support for Trump has ruined his life. So, he now wants to burn down the Republican party and take Trump with it. Milo is the brains behind Ye's candidacy. He's getting his sweet revenge.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

So Kanye is part of the "talented tenth." Its fairly noticeable. Your statement about physiognomy has great merit. Maybe Kanye will "rediscover" Booker T. Washington or Marcus Garvey. One can hope. As someone else pointed out elsewhere on the net, it took a bipolar, alcoholic black rapper to speak truth to power. Ye is right in that we should all love one another. Jesus directly commanded this and yet its funny how ethnic neocons always manage to foment a slaughter of the flower of a generation. If it's not the Dreyfus Affair, pogroms, or the Shoah, ethnic neocons find the outlier to hide behind while demanding more from the rest of us.

I'm stealing "ethnic neocons" Rolo.

Satan is still a concept that I'm rationalizing with my de-judaized Jesus (Christianity without the OT baggage). Right now I operate from the principle that Yahweh and Satan are competitors for followers but will happily work together to keep us trapped in their cage and barred from the higher planes.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Rurik Skywalker

I just wish he would set up a campaign website so that you can support him with donations/buying merch. He didn't in the 2020 elections which I was disappointed by. He needs to get people to get signatures so he can get on the ballot. That alone would be a great troll move.

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You’ve got me cracking up with the “ethnic neocons” bit

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Most people do not know what NAZI stands for. Just call naming. I think Dinesh is correct. Greta is NAZI whore for climate change hoax. Don't get me started with Trump who is AshkeNAZI whore. Alex Jones is for the better part, he helped most people to wake up including me. But again when he sided with Trump, I lost my support and faith in Alex. By the way, Biden, his NAZI administration and demonrat party supported Zelensky to kill Russians. Are you going to allow that to continue? Kanye is a distraction, get it?

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This is the biggest load of petrified bullshit I have ever read. Fuck Ye. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, his son the prime minister of Canada, and anyone else riding the totalitarian horse.


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