You don't understand the grand strategy, Comrade Chief Stalker, the hegemon either fell into a deadly trap, or relinquished control over Ukraine for Syria, or maybe even both! All hail Shoigu!
The absence of any genuine & popular opposition to the kleptocracy foisted upon the ashes of the USSR way back in 1991. What genuine popular opposition that did emerge in post-Soviet Russia was ignominiously squashed on October 3, 1993. It was replaced by a collaborationist “CPRF” concerned more with feeding at the trough than mounting any serious challenge to the kleptocratic claque that’s ruining Russia.
Former chief commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Mohsen Rezaei says that 11,000 ISIS fighters are being trained in US camps in the region to enter Iraq as soon as possible.
Speaking on Tuesday morning, Rezaei said that the US, Israel, and militant groups attacked 250 infrastructure points in Syria in the last day, completely destroying some military research centers.
Razaei added that the recent events in Lebanon and Syria may happen in Iraq in the near future, and that Israel intends to use all its efforts to undermine the independence of the countries of the region.
I think the Sultan is already eyeing Iraq as the next piece of the Ottoman Empire to be re-absorbed. Once he has that border with them things will become tense in Tehran. The Americans and Israelis probably think they can use Turkey's troops and proxy Islamists as their army to invade Iran, but Erdogan will probably emerge as the one who used them instead.
The Sultan and Bibi made a deal to conquer and split Syria between themselves. The Russians never had any teeth in Syria. Despite some airstrikes and missles strikes from off shore ships there was nothing they could do.
But there are those who are willing to believe them.
Some former Iranian spook:
"We asked the Turks and some Arab countries and received assurances that there would be no movement. Hakan Fidan in particular told us this. I wish we had not been deceived by them and had taken precautions and reinforced our forces in Syria."
One of the first questioning Putin's approach in the Ukraine was Paul Craig Roberts. Summarized, he knew from experience that "the satanic gang" (or whatever name) only respects power and couldn't care less about human lives no matter the amount of them.
So he lamented that Putin's "humanist" approach had brought WW3 closer.
But the point he doesn't address is that "the gang" has a track record of violating every law and treaty in the book so has to be completely defeated.
The good relations between Takfiris and the Zionist fiefdom are too well known to be forgotten, as ISIS members got medical care in Israel. Not once have Takfiris attacked Israel and it's unlikely that will change anytime soon.
PCR is likely to have figured it out but he too knows the consequences of writing it in the public space. He might even know it via Chinese contacts, who cracked the backdoor of a communications app, meant for FBI control of honchos. Larry Johnson was interviewed on that issue today.
Thank you for stepping up and covering the events in Syria. It is a very big loss for Russia, though it may only be a small loss for Putin.
One quibble. Assad's troops are mostly Sunni Arabs enlisted to collect a pay check not to fight. They are good for garrison duty and military parades, barely for manning check points. However Assad did have a few good divisions recruited from Alawis and Druzes. The Syrian intelligence services have been good as well. Now that Assad is gone, what happens to them? They remain a force to be reckoned with. Can they be bought ? Would they consider cutting a deal with people that want them dead and their communities annihilated ? Because this is what is at stake for them.
Bachar el Assad's problem was that he is dentist not a general. A true general would have won this civil war a long time ago or died trying. As such Bachar el Assad was not respected by anyone really. Seriously who takes orders from a guy that drills teeth ? The assistant, the receptionist, and ... that's it. Can you image the humiliation that the higher ups endured when Hafez el Assad put the power in Bachar's hands?
Thank you for correcting me. I misremembered. My point stands, albeit an ophthalmologist is better considered than a dentist because laser surgery does impress people more than drilling teeth.
I think one of the points rurik was making that deliberately weak people are selected and put into place by the PTB (US, Israel) precisely because they will never resist or fight back. He used the analogy of the school yard bully, where the bullied are so weak they pretend they are friends of the bully and try to please him. Assad is the latest example, while still covering his own skin, and letting is country be destroyed. Even Qaddafi who preached to the Arab Leagues for being cowards paid the Bully billions thinking he could escape the wrath of the Leader of the Playground.
Its like the South Vietnamese collapse, they just cared about the US aid that propped up the entire economy,paychecks and fancy weapons. Once the US pulled out it all just collapsed. Assad was just a tool, his father was a western agent living the good life in France. From what i hear nobody really liked Assad anyhow. His family also did the Hama massacre which killed thousands and then installing a brutal police state.
🇮🇱🇸🇾 The new leader, Al Juliani, refuses to confront the Israeli army, which is 19 km in front of Damascus.
Which strongly indicates that it is a deal between Israel and HTS in Syria. Israel will get a new controlled and buffer zone inside Syria for helping the HTS taking down Assad.
Ragıp Soylu
1 h
Israeli troops reached 25 km southwest of Damascus, Syrian security say — Reuters
"On October 8, 2015, Yuval Bartov, chief geologist for Genie Energy’s Israeli subsidiary, Afek Oil and Gas, told Israel’s Channel 2 TV that his company had found a major oil deposit on the Golan Heights: “We’ve found an oil stratum 350 meters thick in the southern Golan Heights. On average worldwide, strata are 20 to 30 meters thick, and this is 10 times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities.”
"With a sufficient number of Oreshnik missiles, we may not need to use nuclear weapons," Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with members of the Council on Civil Society and Human Rights.
"We are not tightening our nuclear doctrine, but improving it. And so, broadly speaking, what we need to improve now is not the nuclear doctrine, but the Oreshnik missiles," he said.
"If you look at it closely, a sufficient number of these modern weapons systems brings us to the brink of essentially not having to use nuclear weapons ," he added.
The Russian president also spoke about the invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing that "the goal is to strengthen Russia itself, to protect its future. Critical events are taking place on the front line as part of the military operation in Ukraine. But in order for the country to achieve the goals it has set, it must work effectively in all areas."
Did Russia Just Set a HUGE Trap in Syria? Alex Krainer on CapitalCosm
Cynthia Chung
Dec 10
I have just finished watching an insightful interview by Alex Krainer on his thoughts as to how Syria could have fallen in a matter of days without what appears to be any significant resistance. Alex makes some interesting points as to how things may not appear to be as they seem and that this could all very well have been a trap with the plan to attrition the enemy, a new Afghanistan scenario except this time it is the Zionist/Anglo-American forces who have walked into the sinking sand rather than the Russians et al. Only time will tell, but I think Alex’s points are important since, if he is correct, it shows that things are not as insane or incompetent as they seem to be right now, at least concerning the Shanghai Corporation Organization, and thus all of this strategizing to be free from the Zionist/Anglo-American stranglehold over decades has not been for nought.
I highly recommend people watch Alex’s interview which can be viewed below!
Oh come on, I guess when NATO occupies Russia up to the Urals Putin will have them right where he wants too, ready to strike and end the globalists and all that...
Simply an amazing stack, Rurik. Surely many of us have known for a long time Iraq Libya etc were not "failures," that we know and why. But the rest of your piece in its near entirety is stunning and I am on my third re-read. I cannot understand why your work is not read at the level it should be by hundreds even thousands of so called truth seekers. True high level stuff.
Andrei Gurulev on the air of the political talk show "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov":
Everything related to the Syrian army, it was simply incompetent. We have already prepared a training center, we equipped people, and (…) gave weapons. But no one wanted to fight. Nobody wanted to. If they themselves do not want, who should do for them?
On 4 November 1973, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev said:
We have offered them (the Arabs) a sensible way for so many years. But no, they wanted to fight. Fine! We gave them technology, the latest, the kind even Vietnam didn't have. They had double superiority in tanks and aircraft, triple in artillery, and in air defense and anti-tank weapons they had absolute supremacy. And what? Once again they were beaten. Once again they scrammed [sic]. Once again they screamed for us to come save them. Sadat woke me up in the middle of the night twice over the phone, "Save me!" He demanded to send Soviet troops, and immediately! No! We are not going to fight for them.[44
Hardware at least - a lot of the troops may have found safe harbor in Iraq. Syrian navy looks to be totally gone, as well.
As to those numerically superior "aircraft" that old fool Brezhnev talked about in 1973, nine years is a long time tech-wise and the "latest" technology got blown away over the skies of Syria in June 1982:
Not "always" US recognized Israel in 1948; but there was virtually no transfer of US military resources until after Yom Kippur - 1973 (maybe 1967). And Brezhnev had a point: in 1948 Israeli teachers, accountants, doctors and farmers went up against professional Egyptian and Jordanian armies trained and equipped by the British - and how did that work out?
Thanks for reading my note; I was merely adding some nuance re the history of US / State of Israel relations. To answer you question directly; No, my understanding is that Stalin 's role proved critical in 1948. He directed the Czechs to flood Israeli forces with arms from their armament factories which were largely intact post 1945. Mostly in order to make the British position difficult by complicating the exercise of British sovereignty in Palestine.
Tell us more! Barbie once famously said "Math is hard" so is history (sorry -boomer allusion). Stalin wanted to create trouble for the British (and succeeded); the Jewish Bolsheviks had long been neutralized ... US recognition was largely the work of a single Judeophile congressman from Washington who got Truman's ear; the US State Dept was furious and spent decades trying to undermine the relationship (they lost tho elements still try). Etc etc - history has a way of not simply falling into place.
I wonder what kind of agreements were made so that both US and Russian bases were present in the Kurdish/SDF zone, I haven't followed what was going on in Syria since a very long time and ISIS began to disappear from the news, I only followed the live map updates since that whole debacle began late November.
You don't understand the grand strategy, Comrade Chief Stalker, the hegemon either fell into a deadly trap, or relinquished control over Ukraine for Syria, or maybe even both! All hail Shoigu!
God help Russia , the elites are just so corrupt , Shoigu is such dirt bag. How does he get away with it?
The absence of any genuine & popular opposition to the kleptocracy foisted upon the ashes of the USSR way back in 1991. What genuine popular opposition that did emerge in post-Soviet Russia was ignominiously squashed on October 3, 1993. It was replaced by a collaborationist “CPRF” concerned more with feeding at the trough than mounting any serious challenge to the kleptocratic claque that’s ruining Russia.
Let me fix that for you: Putin is such a dirtbag. How does he get away with it?
For what it's worth, I just became a paid subscriber. First time I have paid for substack content.
Welcome to the dark side.
Next stop, Iraq?
The Cradle
Former chief commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Mohsen Rezaei says that 11,000 ISIS fighters are being trained in US camps in the region to enter Iraq as soon as possible.
Speaking on Tuesday morning, Rezaei said that the US, Israel, and militant groups attacked 250 infrastructure points in Syria in the last day, completely destroying some military research centers.
Razaei added that the recent events in Lebanon and Syria may happen in Iraq in the near future, and that Israel intends to use all its efforts to undermine the independence of the countries of the region.
I think the Sultan is already eyeing Iraq as the next piece of the Ottoman Empire to be re-absorbed. Once he has that border with them things will become tense in Tehran. The Americans and Israelis probably think they can use Turkey's troops and proxy Islamists as their army to invade Iran, but Erdogan will probably emerge as the one who used them instead.
The Sultan and Bibi made a deal to conquer and split Syria between themselves. The Russians never had any teeth in Syria. Despite some airstrikes and missles strikes from off shore ships there was nothing they could do.
At this point they just sound ridiculous.
But there are those who are willing to believe them.
Some former Iranian spook:
"We asked the Turks and some Arab countries and received assurances that there would be no movement. Hakan Fidan in particular told us this. I wish we had not been deceived by them and had taken precautions and reinforced our forces in Syria."
Being led by the nose, Iran edition
One of the first questioning Putin's approach in the Ukraine was Paul Craig Roberts. Summarized, he knew from experience that "the satanic gang" (or whatever name) only respects power and couldn't care less about human lives no matter the amount of them.
So he lamented that Putin's "humanist" approach had brought WW3 closer.
But the point he doesn't address is that "the gang" has a track record of violating every law and treaty in the book so has to be completely defeated.
The good relations between Takfiris and the Zionist fiefdom are too well known to be forgotten, as ISIS members got medical care in Israel. Not once have Takfiris attacked Israel and it's unlikely that will change anytime soon.
Not once did the Russian air defense prevent Israeli strikes on Syria.
Could it be that a certain former KGB agent is playing a double role?
PCR is 90% right most of the time but hasn't figured out 75% of Russian oligarchs are Jews and Putin is a ZOG agent yet. He will.
PCR is likely to have figured it out but he too knows the consequences of writing it in the public space. He might even know it via Chinese contacts, who cracked the backdoor of a communications app, meant for FBI control of honchos. Larry Johnson was interviewed on that issue today.
Hi Rurik,
Thank you for stepping up and covering the events in Syria. It is a very big loss for Russia, though it may only be a small loss for Putin.
One quibble. Assad's troops are mostly Sunni Arabs enlisted to collect a pay check not to fight. They are good for garrison duty and military parades, barely for manning check points. However Assad did have a few good divisions recruited from Alawis and Druzes. The Syrian intelligence services have been good as well. Now that Assad is gone, what happens to them? They remain a force to be reckoned with. Can they be bought ? Would they consider cutting a deal with people that want them dead and their communities annihilated ? Because this is what is at stake for them.
Bachar el Assad's problem was that he is dentist not a general. A true general would have won this civil war a long time ago or died trying. As such Bachar el Assad was not respected by anyone really. Seriously who takes orders from a guy that drills teeth ? The assistant, the receptionist, and ... that's it. Can you image the humiliation that the higher ups endured when Hafez el Assad put the power in Bachar's hands?
Assad was an ophthalmologist in London, not a dentist.
Thank you for correcting me. I misremembered. My point stands, albeit an ophthalmologist is better considered than a dentist because laser surgery does impress people more than drilling teeth.
I think one of the points rurik was making that deliberately weak people are selected and put into place by the PTB (US, Israel) precisely because they will never resist or fight back. He used the analogy of the school yard bully, where the bullied are so weak they pretend they are friends of the bully and try to please him. Assad is the latest example, while still covering his own skin, and letting is country be destroyed. Even Qaddafi who preached to the Arab Leagues for being cowards paid the Bully billions thinking he could escape the wrath of the Leader of the Playground.
Its like the South Vietnamese collapse, they just cared about the US aid that propped up the entire economy,paychecks and fancy weapons. Once the US pulled out it all just collapsed. Assad was just a tool, his father was a western agent living the good life in France. From what i hear nobody really liked Assad anyhow. His family also did the Hama massacre which killed thousands and then installing a brutal police state.
Michael Tracey
Assad comments on Trump, 2017. Says he is controlled by the "Deep State"
🇮🇱🇸🇾 The new leader, Al Juliani, refuses to confront the Israeli army, which is 19 km in front of Damascus.
Which strongly indicates that it is a deal between Israel and HTS in Syria. Israel will get a new controlled and buffer zone inside Syria for helping the HTS taking down Assad.
Ragıp Soylu
1 h
Israeli troops reached 25 km southwest of Damascus, Syrian security say — Reuters
The "buffer" zone.
"On October 8, 2015, Yuval Bartov, chief geologist for Genie Energy’s Israeli subsidiary, Afek Oil and Gas, told Israel’s Channel 2 TV that his company had found a major oil deposit on the Golan Heights: “We’ve found an oil stratum 350 meters thick in the southern Golan Heights. On average worldwide, strata are 20 to 30 meters thick, and this is 10 times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities.”
Will it be the Bidens or the Trumps who get a share of that?
The servants always get some scraps.
Putin is starting to sound pathetic - tunneling nanotubes?
"With a sufficient number of Oreshnik missiles, we may not need to use nuclear weapons," Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with members of the Council on Civil Society and Human Rights.
"We are not tightening our nuclear doctrine, but improving it. And so, broadly speaking, what we need to improve now is not the nuclear doctrine, but the Oreshnik missiles," he said.
"If you look at it closely, a sufficient number of these modern weapons systems brings us to the brink of essentially not having to use nuclear weapons ," he added.
The Russian president also spoke about the invasion of Ukraine, emphasizing that "the goal is to strengthen Russia itself, to protect its future. Critical events are taking place on the front line as part of the military operation in Ukraine. But in order for the country to achieve the goals it has set, it must work effectively in all areas."
His nucleair doctrine based on Western made parts
Yep, the cope machine is in full swing:
Did Russia Just Set a HUGE Trap in Syria? Alex Krainer on CapitalCosm
Cynthia Chung
Dec 10
I have just finished watching an insightful interview by Alex Krainer on his thoughts as to how Syria could have fallen in a matter of days without what appears to be any significant resistance. Alex makes some interesting points as to how things may not appear to be as they seem and that this could all very well have been a trap with the plan to attrition the enemy, a new Afghanistan scenario except this time it is the Zionist/Anglo-American forces who have walked into the sinking sand rather than the Russians et al. Only time will tell, but I think Alex’s points are important since, if he is correct, it shows that things are not as insane or incompetent as they seem to be right now, at least concerning the Shanghai Corporation Organization, and thus all of this strategizing to be free from the Zionist/Anglo-American stranglehold over decades has not been for nought.
I highly recommend people watch Alex’s interview which can be viewed below!
Oh come on, I guess when NATO occupies Russia up to the Urals Putin will have them right where he wants too, ready to strike and end the globalists and all that...
The ultimate “checkmate”!!! “Trust the plan!” 😒😒😒
I would like to suggest banning the phrase „not what them seem“ although it is useful as a „tell“.
That's some 12D cope right there lol... Americans will just walk away like they did Libya.
The old 5-D chess eh? Nah...Strangely things are actually much simpler than we like to imagine.
But wait a minute....
What do you think about this Rolo?
Simply an amazing stack, Rurik. Surely many of us have known for a long time Iraq Libya etc were not "failures," that we know and why. But the rest of your piece in its near entirety is stunning and I am on my third re-read. I cannot understand why your work is not read at the level it should be by hundreds even thousands of so called truth seekers. True high level stuff.
Andrei Gurulev on the air of the political talk show "Sunday Evening with Vladimir Solovyov":
Everything related to the Syrian army, it was simply incompetent. We have already prepared a training center, we equipped people, and (…) gave weapons. But no one wanted to fight. Nobody wanted to. If they themselves do not want, who should do for them?
On 4 November 1973, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev said:
We have offered them (the Arabs) a sensible way for so many years. But no, they wanted to fight. Fine! We gave them technology, the latest, the kind even Vietnam didn't have. They had double superiority in tanks and aircraft, triple in artillery, and in air defense and anti-tank weapons they had absolute supremacy. And what? Once again they were beaten. Once again they scrammed [sic]. Once again they screamed for us to come save them. Sadat woke me up in the middle of the night twice over the phone, "Save me!" He demanded to send Soviet troops, and immediately! No! We are not going to fight for them.[44
Incompetent or not - it's gone!
Hardware at least - a lot of the troops may have found safe harbor in Iraq. Syrian navy looks to be totally gone, as well.
As to those numerically superior "aircraft" that old fool Brezhnev talked about in 1973, nine years is a long time tech-wise and the "latest" technology got blown away over the skies of Syria in June 1982:
This is disingenuous. Israel ALWAYS had the support of the US with all aspects of warfare. Did the Arab side ?
Not "always" US recognized Israel in 1948; but there was virtually no transfer of US military resources until after Yom Kippur - 1973 (maybe 1967). And Brezhnev had a point: in 1948 Israeli teachers, accountants, doctors and farmers went up against professional Egyptian and Jordanian armies trained and equipped by the British - and how did that work out?
After everything you have learned about the hoppy merchants by now, do you actually believe they did that all by their lonesome selves ?
Thanks for reading my note; I was merely adding some nuance re the history of US / State of Israel relations. To answer you question directly; No, my understanding is that Stalin 's role proved critical in 1948. He directed the Czechs to flood Israeli forces with arms from their armament factories which were largely intact post 1945. Mostly in order to make the British position difficult by complicating the exercise of British sovereignty in Palestine.
" The first two nations to recognize Israel were the United States and the Soviet Union.
United States: Granted de facto recognition on May 14, 1948, just minutes after Israel's declaration of independence.
Soviet Union: Granted de jure recognition on May 17, 1948. "
Once one realizes the implications of the above everything thing else falls into place.
Tell us more! Barbie once famously said "Math is hard" so is history (sorry -boomer allusion). Stalin wanted to create trouble for the British (and succeeded); the Jewish Bolsheviks had long been neutralized ... US recognition was largely the work of a single Judeophile congressman from Washington who got Truman's ear; the US State Dept was furious and spent decades trying to undermine the relationship (they lost tho elements still try). Etc etc - history has a way of not simply falling into place.
Assad better watch what he says in Russia. This kind of rhetoric can land him in a cell with Streklov
"Syrian President Assad denies Holocaust and accuses U.S. of funding Nazis in controversial speech
Assad misrepresented the scale of the Holocaust and dismissed the specificity of the atrocities committed against the Jewish population
4 min read
December 20, 2023"
And no-one saw the Turkish threat?
I wonder what kind of agreements were made so that both US and Russian bases were present in the Kurdish/SDF zone, I haven't followed what was going on in Syria since a very long time and ISIS began to disappear from the news, I only followed the live map updates since that whole debacle began late November.
Incompetence would be the kindest interpretation one could put on the debacle.
It still raises the question of basic fitness to lead.
Though it appears something is being lined up for the Baltics.
Putin-the-Unready Is Beginning to be Held Accountable