It's literally 10 minutes to midnight where I am. Happy New Year Rurik and fellow Stalkers!

This guy is so committed to the cause he even knocks out a post on NYE, what a guy. Reward him with some paid subs. It's good to be aboard, thanks for all your work this year.

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Well done ST. Rurick of the Slavlands , another orbit of the sun successfully navigated by you my dear one. Prostations for all your output , your obsessiveness enriches us all , so pay up you stalkers that are lurking in the darkness. Remember Rurik , all your suffering and discontent is the result of your belief in the subject/object concept. Merry Syphilis and a Happy Gonorrhoea!

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" Merry Syphilis and a Happy Gonorrhoea! "

Festive chlamydia to all !!

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Pining for "female validation" visited nothing but misery upon my under-developed and fractured psyche all throughout my teens and 20s. Then I learned to behave like a doss cunt and treated the two good and decent women who lavished true affection upon me with utmost of contempt. Now I have finally learned how to be present for both myself and the wonderful little lady who is sincere in her respect for and admiration of me.

Modern sexual politics has fouled up the mating game. We inheritors of white civilization have lost sight of how these matters were meant to unfold: take your pick of the multitudinous beauties who romped throughout the halls of your high school, wed one, bed one, fill her up with babies, work your fingers to the bone to keep them safe from cold, hunger, disease and banditry, and be secure that by the time you are in your 40s you have built a kingdom worth dying for which was the work of two people and two people alone: your divine self and your divine wife.

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Fuck any need for validation , female or whatever.

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Ukraine is not running out of men. People are confused by the ages of the past and current crop of recruits and why they are in the 30s, 40s, 50s. These are only the first waves where recruitment seemed to have been focused on Russian speaking areas, and other ethnic enclaves, Hungarians i.e, to depopulate them. The first waves were also designed to destroy the knowledge, experience, and the memories the older Ukrainians held , forever crippling Ukraine.

When ready, Jewkraine will throw its 18-25 population into the fray, supplemented by Zato most likely, and Russia will have a severe issue on its hands.

Additionally, there are millions of Ukrainians in Europe, at least a million in Poland alone. Talks of a draft in Europe have been circulating for months. For instance, if Poland institutes a draft it is almost guaranteed it will include the Ukrainian men there.

Seems the last three years are only the beginning.

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" There are rumors that Russian officials flying over to Washington on a special plane for talks. "

In these types of scenarios, The stronger party never visits the weaker side.

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Exactly! It is the vanquished, begging for favors.

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Rurik your blog is like a "reality" fantasy novel. Give us some hope in the next installments. At this rate in the next 5 years the USA will have 5 new states. Although I admit I am a masochist (vulnerable to female validation).

"Good luck awaits you personally (financial success, female validation) if you pick up that paid sub now, before the clock rings out midnight! I guarantee it or your money back!*

*terms and restrictions apply."

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Happy new year! Here in Panama, Christmas is celebrated just as new year, with fireworks. But in medieval (suppressed and prosecuted) Christianity, Christmas is supposed to be a single and solemn personal (non-communicable) event that will happen when least suspecting it.

I think no one described the fate of romantic issues than and the fickle nature of them better than Henry Makow. Few realize that the pleasure seeking feedback loop requiring external input (stimuli) can be broken, resulting in "contentment without a cause", a process which starts with the event labeled "Christmas" long ago by some and "enlightenment" / Self-realization by others. May everyone realize that in (3^2*5)^2.

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Zanon drivel seems to be useful for Global West. Always I found amusing that fat moron Martyanov is located in Seattle.

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I hate that douche bag.

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Fun fact: The Knights Templar established the first "modern" banking system after which the following happened.

" Domestically, his reign was marked by struggles with the Jews and the Knights Templar. In heavy debt to both groups, Philip saw them as a "state within the state" and a recurring threat to royal power. In 1306 Philip expelled the Jews from France, followed by the total destruction of the Knights Templar in 1307. "

Two questions:

1) How did the happy merchants already have enough wealth to lend to royalty ? This dispels the " happy merchant" ghetto myths being poor and slum like.

2) Philip tried to exterminate all the Templars, but the happy merchants he just "expelled". He owed money to both , why only kill one side ?

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I don't know if Putnam included the workplace in his studies, but I remember reading that the more diversity in the workplace, the less efficient and productive the business was.

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Not just workplaces, but whole societies as intended.

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How can one tell that the H1B visa debate is not about money, talent, or education ? Very easy, look at this chart.


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Just FYI, NYE being bigger than Christmas in the Slavlands is true mainly for Russia and post-USSR territories in general, particularly those that have been Soviet in the interwar and experienced the most atheization.

In places like Slovakia or Poland, Christmas is way bigger than NYE.

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Didn’t know that!

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Both Xmas and NY have been devalued . In fact all life has been devalued since the introduction of DUI laws , there has been no real fun ever since. I am living on my boat , the wharf is right across the road from the biggest pub in town I was up at midnight watching porn and at the strike of midnight I hears.........crickets ! Celebration has been banned pretty much , safety first you know.

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" midnight watching porn "

Porn is a Happy Merchant trap for a multitude of reasons. Stay far away !! Details at 11.

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Happy New Year Rurik.....and to everyone who passing through Slavlands.

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Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year to RS and the Stalkers, or as happy as you can, if you are blighted by Slavic gloom! You should not accept only the most pessimistic assessments of the Russian military and their prospects. Remember that 'Russia is never either as strong or as weak as it appears.'

Your acquaintance 'Events in Ukraine' has even more gloomy and hair raising stories about the Ukrainian military. See his recent posts. https://eventsinukraine.substack.com/p/desertion-and-incineration.

Have a good celebration, sober up, and return refreshed for another year of duty as a keyboard warrior.

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It is fucked all-round, no good guys , no good news , Happy New Year.

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