Rubio says if Russia does not accept the ceasefire, "we'll unfortunately know what the impediment is to peace here." So while Russia is making gains, they will have to accept terms dictated by the US/Ukraine -- while US arms resume flowing -- or else they become the "impediment"
The bill about banning esoteric services is more significant than implied. Did you know that there is some recent law in Scotland against praying (even in your own home) within a certain distance of the "protected" area of an abortion clinic? That a man in England was arrested for simply praying for an aborted child within the protected zone of an abortion clinic? These laws are meant to prevent humans from using the power of our minds to understand and impact reality. The only way to properly understand this is by reading the works of Nicolai Levashov which bridge the gap between so-called esoteric world and a real science of the laws of nature. This is not about some random esoteric or religious world view nonsense. Levashov was a physicist, a healer, and much more. Levashov explained Putin in 2011/2012: ...Unfortunately, he made his final choice...unfortunately. We don't really have time anymore to NOT read his books. (By the way, the history book is banned in Russia. Don't you wonder why his book and the slavic aryan vedas are banned? This is not about religion, it is about world view, information, and knowledge.)
Sachs claims what really impelled the SMO was Russia's fear that NATO would achieve a first-strike capability if NATO missiles and anti-missiles were placed in Ukraine. Hence, any hint that NATO membership was open for Ukraine was enough to trigger a Russian attack. The scenario was that once NATO missiles were in Ukraine, there would be a 7-minute warning on launch towards Moscow. A decapitation attack could occur, whereby the Moscow leadership and land-based Russian missiles would be destroyed before Russia could launch an effective counterstrike. What missiles they could launch would be intercepted by the anti-missile emplacements in Ukraine (and other NATO bases).
Going ahead to my own view, Ukraine is already functionally a NATO member with respect to the integration of their military capabilities. So, even with a formal agreement that Ukraine will never join NATO (not a guaranteed outcome if a cease-fire is implemented) it is necessary for Russia to exert enough control over the Ukraine government that Ukraine would never be able to even covertly integrate its military with the militaries of NATO countries.
A cease-fire would make an ironclad guarantee of Ukraine neutrality less likely just as it would break up the momentum of the Russian military advance. It will only be the threat of a Russian military victory that would provide an enforceable method of preventing covert Ukraine integration with the NATO military.
Both The Duran and Jeffrey Sachs are unambiguously predicting Russian rejection of the ceasefire. Indeed, a rational analysis of Russian existential needs dictates a rejection of the ceasefire. So, in the next few weeks we'll have unambiguous proof of whether Rurik's analysis of Putin's real motives is correct.
Thank you for the sober presentation. I have questions that you may be able to answer.
1) There are stories that the Russian army is running out of armoured vehicles and soldiers have started to use Ladas instead. Are they true ? It sounds like NAFO propaganda but theft occurs on a large scale too.
2) Does the ban on esoteric practices includes herbalists and healers ? Does it include chiromancy ? What about dowsers using divining rods for finding water ?
The tea leaves tell me Vlad will find it very hard to wimp out after this display: military fatigues and all: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as it were
‼️🇷🇺 Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region are surrounded and cut off – Russian Chief of General Staff.
➖ Over 600 troops took part in the daring operation through the pipeline in Sudzha, with “Veterans,” “Akhmat,” the 11th Brigade, and the 30th Regiment playing key roles.
➖ More than 400 Ukrainian soldiers have been captured in the Kursk region.
➖ Ukrainian losses in the Kursk border area have surpassed 67,000.
➖ The Russian army’s pipeline maneuver into Sudzha took Ukrainian forces by surprise.
➖ In some sectors, Russian troops have advanced beyond the Kursk border, crossed into Ukraine, and entered the Sumy region.
➖ Russian forces have liberated over 1,100 km² of border territory in the Kursk region.
Rurik, There has always been some sense in the essays you produce, however in this one I must disagree. There will not be a ceasefire until all participants are fully satisfied with the new treaty. I cannot see Russia Falling on its back to agree, so there will be no ceasefire yet until there is satisfaction. There will be no more shipments of weapons ever, to the Ukraine from the USA.
Well, you have one clear prediction and Rurik has another. We should be able to see in the next very few weeks. If Putin agrees to a ceasefire, then your analysis in absolutely incorrect and erroneous and I'll be looking forward to seeing you admit this in the comments.
Путин је издајник као што је Вучић у Србији , крипто јевреји владју Русијом она је окупирана више од 100 година , Руски човек ће се морати суочити пре или касније са чињеницом да су нападнути и да им прети уништење како споља тако изнутра . Москва ће још горети нема никако их примирја . Долазе нови људи и нови човек из Јовановог откривења звезда Борелис ће њега најавити и обелоданити свету биће врло Суров носи ће знак Победе тај симбол ја имам . Руски народ ће звати Михајло а Прави Мудлимани Селим , промени ће слику Европе света биће проглашен за цара. ,Турску Лондон Париз њемачку и неки делови Америке биће сравњени са се њом биће милини мртвих . Са Михајло ће бити и небо и земља и небеска војска са њим . А за путина крипто јевреја ниће смењен у крви и велики део фсб издајника . Тај догађај ће се прелити на Српски народ који ће у крви ликвидирати своју елиту . И опет као у прошлости Руски народ и Српски народ деле исту судбину биће на страни победника.
You say it like it's a done deal. I think it was all a show for the media, as most of their moves lately. When Russian declines (not if), they can say "we offered peace and Russia said no"
Rubio says if Russia does not accept the ceasefire, "we'll unfortunately know what the impediment is to peace here." So while Russia is making gains, they will have to accept terms dictated by the US/Ukraine -- while US arms resume flowing -- or else they become the "impediment"
checkmate, Soros!
The bill about banning esoteric services is more significant than implied. Did you know that there is some recent law in Scotland against praying (even in your own home) within a certain distance of the "protected" area of an abortion clinic? That a man in England was arrested for simply praying for an aborted child within the protected zone of an abortion clinic? These laws are meant to prevent humans from using the power of our minds to understand and impact reality. The only way to properly understand this is by reading the works of Nicolai Levashov which bridge the gap between so-called esoteric world and a real science of the laws of nature. This is not about some random esoteric or religious world view nonsense. Levashov was a physicist, a healer, and much more. Levashov explained Putin in 2011/2012: ...Unfortunately, he made his final choice...unfortunately. We don't really have time anymore to NOT read his books. (By the way, the history book is banned in Russia. Don't you wonder why his book and the slavic aryan vedas are banned? This is not about religion, it is about world view, information, and knowledge.)
If one is serious about negotiating peace, and is currently in a position of power (ahem, Russia) WHAT THE HELL do I want with a 30 day ceasefire ?
So my foe can rest and reload? Reorganize their pieces on the board?
Such bs. Go big, or go home.
The US is the world's only nonnegotiable country and the sooner that sinks in, the better.
I find the analysis presented by Jeffrey Sachs in his address to the EU Parliament to be compelling.
Sachs claims what really impelled the SMO was Russia's fear that NATO would achieve a first-strike capability if NATO missiles and anti-missiles were placed in Ukraine. Hence, any hint that NATO membership was open for Ukraine was enough to trigger a Russian attack. The scenario was that once NATO missiles were in Ukraine, there would be a 7-minute warning on launch towards Moscow. A decapitation attack could occur, whereby the Moscow leadership and land-based Russian missiles would be destroyed before Russia could launch an effective counterstrike. What missiles they could launch would be intercepted by the anti-missile emplacements in Ukraine (and other NATO bases).
Going ahead to my own view, Ukraine is already functionally a NATO member with respect to the integration of their military capabilities. So, even with a formal agreement that Ukraine will never join NATO (not a guaranteed outcome if a cease-fire is implemented) it is necessary for Russia to exert enough control over the Ukraine government that Ukraine would never be able to even covertly integrate its military with the militaries of NATO countries.
A cease-fire would make an ironclad guarantee of Ukraine neutrality less likely just as it would break up the momentum of the Russian military advance. It will only be the threat of a Russian military victory that would provide an enforceable method of preventing covert Ukraine integration with the NATO military.
Both The Duran and Jeffrey Sachs are unambiguously predicting Russian rejection of the ceasefire. Indeed, a rational analysis of Russian existential needs dictates a rejection of the ceasefire. So, in the next few weeks we'll have unambiguous proof of whether Rurik's analysis of Putin's real motives is correct.
Hi Rurik,
Thank you for the sober presentation. I have questions that you may be able to answer.
1) There are stories that the Russian army is running out of armoured vehicles and soldiers have started to use Ladas instead. Are they true ? It sounds like NAFO propaganda but theft occurs on a large scale too.
2) Does the ban on esoteric practices includes herbalists and healers ? Does it include chiromancy ? What about dowsers using divining rods for finding water ?
Great as always...thanks for the unrivaled work, COMMANDER Skywalker!
Thanks for your perspective on this.
The tea leaves tell me Vlad will find it very hard to wimp out after this display: military fatigues and all: snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as it were
‼️🇷🇺 Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region are surrounded and cut off – Russian Chief of General Staff.
➖ Over 600 troops took part in the daring operation through the pipeline in Sudzha, with “Veterans,” “Akhmat,” the 11th Brigade, and the 30th Regiment playing key roles.
➖ More than 400 Ukrainian soldiers have been captured in the Kursk region.
➖ Ukrainian losses in the Kursk border area have surpassed 67,000.
➖ The Russian army’s pipeline maneuver into Sudzha took Ukrainian forces by surprise.
➖ In some sectors, Russian troops have advanced beyond the Kursk border, crossed into Ukraine, and entered the Sumy region.
➖ Russian forces have liberated over 1,100 km² of border territory in the Kursk region.
- RVvoenkor
12:25 PM · Mar 12, 2025
Rurik, There has always been some sense in the essays you produce, however in this one I must disagree. There will not be a ceasefire until all participants are fully satisfied with the new treaty. I cannot see Russia Falling on its back to agree, so there will be no ceasefire yet until there is satisfaction. There will be no more shipments of weapons ever, to the Ukraine from the USA.
Well, you have one clear prediction and Rurik has another. We should be able to see in the next very few weeks. If Putin agrees to a ceasefire, then your analysis in absolutely incorrect and erroneous and I'll be looking forward to seeing you admit this in the comments.
Путин је издајник као што је Вучић у Србији , крипто јевреји владју Русијом она је окупирана више од 100 година , Руски човек ће се морати суочити пре или касније са чињеницом да су нападнути и да им прети уништење како споља тако изнутра . Москва ће још горети нема никако их примирја . Долазе нови људи и нови човек из Јовановог откривења звезда Борелис ће њега најавити и обелоданити свету биће врло Суров носи ће знак Победе тај симбол ја имам . Руски народ ће звати Михајло а Прави Мудлимани Селим , промени ће слику Европе света биће проглашен за цара. ,Турску Лондон Париз њемачку и неки делови Америке биће сравњени са се њом биће милини мртвих . Са Михајло ће бити и небо и земља и небеска војска са њим . А за путина крипто јевреја ниће смењен у крви и велики део фсб издајника . Тај догађај ће се прелити на Српски народ који ће у крви ликвидирати своју елиту . И опет као у прошлости Руски народ и Српски народ деле исту судбину биће на страни победника.
You say it like it's a done deal. I think it was all a show for the media, as most of their moves lately. When Russian declines (not if), they can say "we offered peace and Russia said no"
"Putin and Trump couldn’t have defeated the Globalists..."
That was a good one.