The conflict here is that the Trump people would prefer a different gremlin in charge of the salt mines, and Zelensky wouldn’t.

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Vox Day has an interesting opinion on the argument between Trump and Vance versus Zelensky - who is a natural born loser. Trump is a natural winner and Vance is trying to overcome his loser tendencies:


It is also amusing to see that Ukraine has NO appreciable amount of 'rare earths'. This lie is just a repeat of what the CIA said about Afghanistan some years ago to justify American efforts there. After they left the Chinese quickly discovered that it was a lie.


Zelensky successfully sold the smoke from this pipe-dream to the gullible British government, who desperately need it to use as collateral to justify more borrowing to prop up their financial system.

Trying to sell it again to the Americans was not a good idea. Trump is a real-estate guy so he might check the physical and legal status of any property before he bought it. Trump surely led Zelensky into a trap to get him to expose himself to the American media. Getting situated as insulting the American President and American People in the Oval Office was about the dumbest thing Zelensky could have done. If you publicly insult two of the three most powerful men in the world (and Xi has no interest in you) your name is Zelensky...and you might be a bad life insurance risk.

This is a major success for Putin. He has talked to Trump and more or less convinced him of Russia's case and that Zelensky is a hindrance to better relations between USA and Russia, of which Ukraine forms only a part, so concessions there are possible. Notice how Putin has raised the possibility of allowing American cooperation in developing genuine Russian mineral resources, a far bigger enticement than Ukraine can offer. Trump now dislikes Zelensky and is cutting off all American aid to Ukraine and starting to investigate the frauds. It would not be surprising if Hunter Biden and his

father feature in forthcoming revelations. Trump would love to expose, if not prosecute them.

The Europeans don't have the military or industrial resources to prop up Ukraine for much longer. The Russians can continue to grind on for 'as long as it takes' or until Putin decides he can make concessions there to solidify gains elsewhere, such as the 'security architecture' he really wants with the Americans. (The slow Russian pace in squeezing the Ukrainians out of their small incursion into the Kursk region is not a bug but a feature. They are using it as a 'killing zone' which attracts a higher density of Ukrainian forces to be killed in larger numbers than are now available along most of the rest of the front.)

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not a fan of vox day.

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Dispositions and perspectives differ. I think Day identifies as INTJ on the Myers Briggs personality chart (and many others in that group would probably also disagree with him). You are probably in a different section. Interesting insights may emerge from each of them.


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Nope I’m intj and he’s a poseur. Many pretend to be intj online because of the weight it lends their takes.

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LOL! Is that you Martyanov?

The usual M.O. patterns are all there:

Re Phoenix alias - Rising out of the ashes after being banned by Rurik?

Re "This is a major success for Putin." - this is repeated constantly by Putin QAnons. Especially in cases where Putin did nothing and the events leading up to the "winning" did not involve Putin.

Re "... incursion into the Kursk region is not a bug but a feature" - making defeat appear as trap strategy.

Re "Killing Zone" - this is favorite Martyanov phrase he constantly uses in his videos. At the same time, enormous Russian KIA numbers are a "mystery" to him.

Re Vox Day - VD is yet another Putin-is-anti-globalist / Russia-is-winning peddler. No wonder that Martyanov quotes him.

Re "Notice how Putin has raised the possibility of allowing American cooperation in developing genuine Russian mineral resources, a far bigger enticement than Ukraine can offer" - Oh yes, [Putin's] American Partners and the Banana Republic of Russia | Iurie Rosca / Yuri Roshka Substack | Feb-2025: https://iurierosca.substack.com/p/american-partners-and-the-banana

See you later Martyanov! LOL!

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Martyanov is right about some things. Are you? Vox Day is a smart guy, although his judgement is not infallible; maybe he is a better judge than you.

Putin is alleged to have told Xi this war could last five years. After only three years Ukraine is no longer capable of large scale attacks, and its defences are crumbling. That's why the Europeans are so keen to push their fake cease-fire and Ukrainian 'security guarantee' nonsense. Trump obviously wants to disengage from Ukraine and shift attention to his American priorities. Your military and political analysis is puerile. Putin may well make concessions, principally not absorbing all of Ukraine, if he gets the defeat of NATO and the EU, and American acceptance of the security arrangements he wanted before he attacked Ukraine.

In another few years your laughter will be seen to be hollow.

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OK Karen.

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Notice Trump referred to ‘raw earth’ not rare earth? Clever elision.

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Yeah he repeatedly called it raw earth instead of rare earth minerals 🤣

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Because it is not a rare earth deal , it was sold to the sheeple as that but it is not that.

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Maybe a reference to the fact that Zelenski is said to have sold most of Ukraine's agricultural land to Blackrock, and Trump probably wants some assurance that they will be allowed to keep it. That might be a topic for sub-rosa discussions with Putin.

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Some have noted that Ukraine’s agricultural land is what’s really at stake. “Raw land.” The USA doesn’t really lack that though. Hm. Just doesn’t make sense for ‘MAGA’ agenda.

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Zelensky is an Israeli patriot

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...but perhaps a 'Zelenski Firster' rather than a 'Netanyahu Firster'..maybe a different sect of yid- although both Chabad.

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This war is is a massive benefit for Israel

If it wasn’t happening what would Israel hide behind?

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Without competition from Zelenski for American guns and money Israel could drink much more (actually Semitic) blood.

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Israel voted with the dictators to try and squash the latest UN criticism of Russia.

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Makes sense. Both Bibi and Now Putin are UN Outlaws

I'm sure Bibi is happy to have Putin on is side

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Notice that the entire media/world is talking about Zelensky? NOTHING Putin or Russian? Well look over here just prior to Trump's new tv reality show where Z was ambushed and asked to be the US lapdog ( apologise and say thank you) there were talks going in in a secluded , cosy no camera no reality tv situation in Turkey where the Trump boys were holding talks with the Big Dog's boys. Quite a difference in venue and style what? What message did they send back? Could it be that Big Dog told Little Dog that he wants Z humiliated because "I need my revenge on him humiliating me for three years." The most telling moment was when Trump moronically cried out whilst looking to the room in bewilderment, "He hates Putin", if he hates Trump's bro then he is definitely a bad person who started the war , kept it going for three years and refuses to submit to Trump's ego. The main points being that Trump loves Putin and that Z is damaging Trump's ego because he said he would stop the way in twenty four hours and Z is preventing him from fulfilling his hubristic promise . The longer Trump is running his new reality show the more hubristic and dishonest he gets. He said Z was a dictator one day and the day next he didn't say that! He does not see the world through the eyes of a US president he sees the world through the eyes of a NY real estate developer. When he sees Gaza he don't see a place where a people who have occupied that land for two thousand years , a people who are shedding their blood daily defending against the illegal stealing of their land , a people who have lost sixty thousand children ,Trump sees a real estate business opportunity! Yes , he sees Trump casinos all along beautiful white beaches bathed in Mediterranean sunshine , he can smell the money! S to ally with Russia and the other dictators of the world. His approval rating is already down seven points and repuclicao it looks like the Demos were right , he is an egotistical fool , he can spout popular themes and no doubt he is getting a lot of good things done , the border being one of them. However the American people did not vote for Musk to be president and reshape the US in his image and they definitely did not vote along with North Korea and Belarus to try and block a Un resolution criticising Russia. He has crossed a line there. The people had no idea they were going to ally with the world's dictators against the West. His approval rating has dropped seven points in a month and Republican elected lawmakers are getting thrashed in town hall meetings across the country. The big problem for Putin is will Vance win the next election. My prediction is no. However the new media is now the old media and Trump is being defended from all sides just like Biden was. I saw a headline yesterday, " the coming recession ( which most analysts say is given at this point) will be good for Trump! You get the idea. The new five million visa is to bring the Russian oligarchs into the American sunshine and no doubt some will be working along side Trump to strengthen the bromance alliance where America truly will enter a new "Golden Age" cough, cough. Possibly the KGB did turn Trump on his first visit in 1987 . That is when the bromance started. It was bolstered by Prigozin's pathetic troll farm that tried to boost Trump. In 2017 Trump ran to the arms of his lover and cried that you have saved me from the evil in Washington , what a display. He has also said that he and Kim Jung , " Fell in love"........ What do we know about Putin's plan for the peace deal. The last substantive thing I heard was that Putin had the same complaint about Trump's ceasefire that Z has , is will allow a pause where the Ukranian's can rearm and reorganise. Anyway the shiny thing these days is Zelensky the evil one and the attention will be kept there until the regime change takes place. Quiz/competition , What should be name of Trump's new realty tv show? The golden gullom's golden age of golden greatness maybe? Note: Israel voted with the US , Russia , North Korea , Belarus and various African genocidal dictator states to try and block the UN saying Ukraine should not have been invaded. I can't get the text to scroll within the box so no edits excuse the jumble.

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Everyone keeps forgetting that Putin invaded first, no matter what the justification. He could have waited for Ukraine to attack, if that was going to happen. Pre-emptive war is a scam used by the US, Russia, and now Israel. Ukrainian resources were stolen and will now be divided between the "great" powers , while the Ukrainian population was decimated and the Russian population severely crippled. Two White nations forever damaged.

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It seems highly likely , plausible , that Trump was converted to a KGB asset in his first trip to the Soviet Union in 1987.

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US author explains Donald Trump’s Russia, KGB connections

Craig Unger is an American journalist and writer who has written two books on Donald Trump’s connections to Russia’s security services and the Russian mafia stretching all the way back to the 1980s.

Unger says he is “absolutely certain” that the U.S. president is a Russian asset whose current actions are benefiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and destroying relationships with long-time allies.

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Live with Jeff Nyquist. Is Trump a Russian Agent. We'll tell you what we found out.

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The MSM hasn't said anything about the Russian buildup next to the Baltics. KLW World News is about the only source. And the US has been removing its forces from the Baltics.

A lot of info in the video and it is not good for the US.

If true and the US wakes up there will be a nuclear winter.

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Why don't Ursula Hairdo, Macaroni, Starmer and co broadcast the massive Russian military build-up ready to take the Baltics??

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Regime change ahoy!

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Certainly fine television, if you like WWF or vintage Reality TV. I was entertained. Next week, MTV Cribs in Z's condo in Miami, or was it Haifa?

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Interesting thread



t. Rev. Dr. Rev ⏭️☯️🏴😻


Most world leaders are juiced to hell, I think. Almost all members of the White House entourage are speedballing Provigil and Ambien to deal with jet lag, that's documented and goes back (with different drugs) to at least Bush I. We hear about a few but I think it's the norm.


ⓘ Dogs don't have thumbs




Surprised that no one is mentioning amphetamine abuse as a potential (contributory) explanation to Zelensky's behavior.

JFK took uppers even when did didn't have to.

Zelensky has been under a ton of stress for years. I bet he's chewing on quite the cocktail.

Show more

8:34 AM · Mar 2, 2025

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" Surprised that no one is mentioning amphetamine abuse as a potential (contributory) explanation to Zelensky's behavior. "

He does the Columbian marching powder.

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HELL MAN , MORE THAT HALF THE PEOLE IN THE ROOM WOULD HAVE BEEN ON SOME SUBSTANCE OR ANOTHER. Did some on find a bag of coke somewhere, where was that?

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Many politicians are. Many business " leaders" also.

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I certainly hope Zelensky gets" Diem-ed". Couldn't happen to a more deserving grifter pyschopath

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and Little Marko just sent four billion of 'aid' to Israel. is it going to be paid back?

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World War Now:

🇺🇦🇷🇺🔥 The Ufimsky refinery plant is still in flames after getting targeted by a Ukrainian drone attack.

The facility is one of the most up-to-date oil refineries in Russia.

🇺🇦🇷🇺💥 The Ufimsky refinery plant in Ufa, Russia, is located approximately 1400 km from the frontlines in Ukraine.

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It was a terrible idea for Zelensky to do it in English. He's been studying since the war started but he's a native Russian speaker and it's not easy to attain fluency so fast. It cost him a lot during the verbal sparring and then also some misunderstandings arose - saying костюм instead of suit, and people assuming сука блять was directed at JD Vance when it seems to me it was just directionless cussing at the situation.

Overall, his mistake was not realizing he was being thrown under the bus. He should have rocked up wearing a suit and said "ok, let's deal".

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This is going to end in tears:




Macron wants to 'deploy nuclear weapons to partner countries' to establish nuclear deterrence, replace Americans

The French President says that Europeans 'shouldn't be afraid' to talk about nuclear weapons

A great strategic realignment?

10:07 AM · Mar 3, 2025

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Orbán Viktor


European leaders decided in London today that they want to go on with the war instead of opting for peace. They decided that Ukraine must continue the war.

This is bad, dangerous and mistaken. Hungary remains on the side of peace. Ceterum censeo.

10:17 AM · Mar 3, 2025

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LiseLaSalle@The Trouble With Justice


By peacekeepers, they mean soldiers ready to fight after the false flags.

9:37 AM · Mar 3, 2025

Sounds about right.

The loons are presumptuously presuming Russia will agree to a ceasefire.


Lord Bebo





Trudeau was asked about the peacekeepers “coalition of the willing” and he said: “We will support with whatever it takes for as long as it takes”

He also said that Canada “invested” $20 billion into Ukraine.

And Starmer


Keir Starmer


We are at a crossroads in history.

It is time to act.

8:55 AM · Mar 3, 2025

Seems there will plenty of crosses alright.

Martin Armstrong, in his most recent interviews says EU - Russo war baked in the cake by May.


Will China and US engage in it with a full nuclear exchange? Somehow I doubt it.

If Europe goes at it with Russia it is bound to go nuclear and yet the EU and UK seem oddly confident or insane.

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🟡 My newest DDD video was suppressed by YT-algorithm for some reason:


➡️ Ramjet powered strike missiles and the 9 nations developing them

(newest member ➡️🇮🇷)

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Watch: ⬇️


0:08 / 0:54

8:15 AM · Mar 3, 2025

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