Obviously Ritter is a double agent, the sabotaged trip simply adds to his credibility with the credulous. As for ideology, Russia and the US and the rest of the WEF countries have one and the same - globalism/corporatism/oligarchism. This is what public education is for, in all of the WEF countries - "he reason given for this enormous upheaval of family life and cultural traditions was, roughly speaking, threefold:

1) To make good people. 2) To make good citizens. 3) To make each person his or her personal best. These goals are still trotted out today on a regular basis, and most of us accept them in one form or another as a decent definition of public education's mission, however short schools actually fall in achieving them. But we are dead wrong. Compounding our error is the fact that the national literature holds numerous and surprisingly consistent statements of compulsory schooling's true purpose. We have, for example, the great H. L. Mencken, who wrote in The American Mercury for April 1924 that the aim of public education is not 'to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. ... Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim ... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States... and that is its aim everywhere else.' ...

Inglis breaks down the purpose - the actual purpose - of modern schooling into six basic functions, any one of which is enough to curl the hair of those innocent enough to believe the three traditional goals listed earlier:

1) The adjustive or adaptive function. Schools are to establish fixed habits of reaction to authority. This, of course, precludes critical judgment completely. It also pretty much destroys the idea that useful or interesting material should be taught, because you can't test for reflexive obedience until you know whether you can make kids learn, and do, foolish and boring things.

2) The integrating function. This might well be called "the conformity function," because its intention is to make children as alike as possible. People who conform are predictable, and this is of great use to those who wish to harness and manipulate a large labor force.

3) The diagnostic and directive function. School is meant to determine each student's proper social role. This is done by logging evidence mathematically and anecdotally on cumulative records. As in "your permanent record." Yes, you do have one.

4) The differentiating function. Once their social role has been "diagnosed," children are to be sorted by role and trained only so far as their destination in the social machine merits - and not one step further. So much for making kids their personal best.

5) The selective function. This refers not to human choice at all but to Darwin's theory of natural selection as applied to what he called "the favored races." In short, the idea is to help things along by consciously attempting to improve the breeding stock. Schools are meant to tag the unfit - with poor grades, remedial placement, and other punishments - clearly enough that their peers will accept them as inferior and effectively bar them from the reproductive sweepstakes. That's what all those little humiliations from first grade onward were intended to do: wash the dirt down the drain.

6) The propaedeutic function. The societal system implied by these rules will require an elite group of caretakers. To that end, a small fraction of the kids will quietly be taught how to manage this continuing project, how to watch over and control a population deliberately dumbed down and declawed in order that government might proceed unchallenged and corporations might never want for obedient labor.

That, unfortunately, is the purpose of mandatory public education in this country. ... We don't need Karl Marx's conception of a grand warfare between the classes to see that it is in the interest of complex management, economic or political, to dumb people down, to demoralize them, to divide them from one another, and to discard them if they don't conform." https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/teaching/essays/Against_Schools/

Of course, in Russia, "discard" seems to be taken literally...

As for importing "brown people", they tend to have less in the IQ department than non-brown types. They tend to average around IQ of 80 - mildly retarded by Western standards of 50 years ago - "dull normals". Read Brave New World - that's what is being aimed for - that sort of class system:

"Alphas: The Alphas are the highest caste in the society, comprising about 3% of the population. They are characterized by their exceptional intelligence, physical strength, and leadership abilities. Alphas are responsible for governing, managing, and directing the society. They are the most intelligent and capable individuals in the society, with a high level of cognitive ability and problem-solving skills.

Betas: The Betas are the second-highest caste, making up around 15% of the population. They are also intelligent and capable, but slightly less so than the Alphas. Betas are responsible for managing and directing the middle-level administrative tasks, as well as working in industries such as education, science, and technology.

Gammas: The Gammas are the third caste, comprising around 20% of the population. They are average in terms of intelligence and cognitive ability, but are skilled in manual labor and technical work. Gammas work in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and maintenance.

Deltas: The Deltas are the fourth caste, making up around 30% of the population. They are less intelligent and less capable than the previous castes, but are still able to perform simple tasks and work in menial jobs. Deltas are responsible for working in industries such as agriculture, services, and manual labor.

Epsilons: The Epsilons are the lowest caste, comprising around 30% of the population. They are the least intelligent and capable, and are often used for menial and labor-intensive tasks. Epsilons are responsible for working in industries such as sanitation, waste management, and manual labor."

Combine the Alphas and the Betas into one class, no more than 3% of the entire population, and the rest a mix of the lower classes. Only the Alphas will have the capacity to think, and perhaps some obedient Betas. The rest will be conditioned to react to various stimuli as provided by social media and so forth - for those who cannot read - most of them, there's youtube...

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Jun 12·edited Jun 13

I think you're overanalyzing the educational "system". You're assuming it was carefully crafted with an intelligence like Huxley, author of "Brave New World". I assume it was hobbled together by a street-smart criminal of limited intelligence like Joe Biden. The purpose of the educational "system" is to get monopoly profits for unionized teachers and king-sized fortunes for the gangsters heading the unions.

Schools, like most mediocre institutions, are run by a particular managerial class that Ed Dutton of The Jolly Heretic calls the "Head Girl". The Head Girl is a passably bright but unimaginative female who advances through strictly obeying rules. Head Girls destroy any institution they control by getting rid of the non-conformists, that is, the creative producers. When was the last time you saw a principal of a grammar or high school who wasn't female?

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I was just going to inquire about Ritter - "friend of the blog" surprised me a bit; I would have thought more of ZAnon member in good standing.

Not sure what you mean about "national literature" but. as the term is commonly used, national literatures were a core component of the nationalism project starting late 19C.

In the context of a principle interest of this blog, leaning to read Puskin (i.e. Russian rather than Yiddish) could almost be called the enabling event that turned a certain ethnic group into ethic-Bolsheviks. And the Bolsheviks themselves (just like the Romanovs) hated everything Russian, except Puskin - he got the stay-out-of-jail card (I simplify some for effect).

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The number one enemy for globalists is nationalists - hence what happened to Navalny and Trump...

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Trump is not a nationalist and is no enemy of globalists. 😬

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His threat to abandon NATO was enough.

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Trump says a lot of stuff. He’s got quite the White House doctor- did you ever see him hugging the flagpole? He has done this a lot. 😅

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Bullshit. You're full of it. Assertion is not proof - America First is by definition nationalist.

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Nope. I pledged Allegiance to the United States of America for a decade and half, unlike Trump, and I quit because of what his administration was doing.

You’re missing a few things about schools:

Schools—-> turn children into human capital bond markets. The school closures, undertaken by the Trump administration, constituted the largest national security threat in US History.

They need kids to feed into machine learning at this point. They may call it “Lifelong Learning” for a while… eventually they won’t need many of us anyway…

Schools being models for UN smart cities with wrap around services tied to data tracking. Data is the new gold as they say and getting the kids on permanent blockchain ledger is what it’s going to take for hedge fund managers to get a return on all those school board meetings they had to sit through.

Personally, I think that up to 10,000 kids may have died because of the illegal school closures. Certainly tens of thousands were abused and certainly trafficked… The public private partnerships that closed the schools and kept the schools closed ushered in the greatest national security threat in US History.

No one has been held accountable, because that would take some bipartisan reflection. Also; we really don’t want to look at the ramifications of what happened…

Biometric payments for school lunches… who wants that anyway?

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Disipline is a thing of the past and conformity is also a thing of the past but I don't see a better result than the old authoritarian way , in fact it is much worse.

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Our Rurik is a little sarcastic at times, get it now?

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Jun 11Liked by Rurik Skywalker

Thanks, no, I did not read the sarcasm; now I get it. I have been reading Rurik from well before he was Rurik; seems to me the coyness, sarcasm, ironic scorn are typically announced in a more clever, sparkle-in-the-eye way. Not in this instance. And maybe I tripped up on the enemy of my enemy snare ; that was my baggage.

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Ach Rurik. I somehow enjoyed your silence the last days, as a holiday from your bad truths. Here we are again. But thanks anyway of putting the finger again deep into the wound...

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I don't agree with your solutions to the fertility problem. Here is the breakdown:

"Step one: banning women from the workplace/university until they are 30"

This is a bad idea. Undergraduate institutions serve to facilitate "assortative mating". That is, males and females of approximately the same intelligence, interests and class get to meet each other and form marriages more likely to be harmonious and produce children who are cared for. The workplace serves somewhat the same purpose to a lesser extent: throw males and females of approximately the same interests and class together. What you really want to do is to get rid of the draconian rules against workplace romances.

Graduate education for women is an entirely different ball of wax. Women lost much of their fertility around the age of 30. There is plenty of time for a female with an undergraduate degree to have children and raise them. But, graduate study devastates that in several ways. First, it takes the woman out of the marriage market until she's pressing the age of low fertility. Second, women are hypergamous: that is, they marry up, not down. Very few women with a graduate degree will marry a male without a graduate degree. Thus, graduate study will drastically limit the marriage market for women. Graduate education is a strong damper for child-bearing.

I'll give you another method of encouraging families: institute absolute freedom of association and get rid of all regulations of real estate brokers and mortgage lenders. In other words, let them build homogeneous neighborhoods. If you look at Jewish neighborhoods in Chicago (or Dallas), you'll see a pretty homogeneous setting with a lot of cultural identity and lots of support for parents to pass on their culture. Chicago in the 1960's instituted draconian penalties on real estate salesmen who fitted homebuyers to the character of the neighborhood. In other words, they didn't sell houses in white neighborhoods to blacks or to a lesser extent, houses in Polish neighborhood to, say, Germans. It's much more comfortable for a family to have children in a supportive environment they are comfortable in. I have nothing against blacks: they had some very nice neighborhoods in Chicago in the '60s. But you did have distinct neighborhoods.

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Hs Ritter declared as a foreign agent? Lock him up!

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It's incredible how every time peskov opens his mouth he implicitly gives the game away going against the choices he is supposed to defend? Wtf, I understand once but..

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