It's like Russian MOD takes lessons in stealing money from the US DOD, who stole at least $20 trillion between 1998 and 2015, and by now it's something like $35 trillion. They never passed a financial audit, never intent to, and in 2018 Trump approved the legislation that allows them to keep secret books (FASAB56). That's partially why I think his assassination attempt was probably staged.

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Says you: "That's partially why I think his assassination attempt was probably staged."

Says me: "Precisely."

Good show, Sasha. Good show indeed.

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I share this opinion which is unrelated to this most recent article because I wish to express this on a forum I have grown to trust. The readers of this forum have proven themselves to be some of the most open-minded men and women I have had the good fortune to associate with, however remote our colloquy is: I believe this "attempted assassination" of Trump is a load of crap. It looks and feels completely staged, from the lack of blood on his right hand to the lack of any sort of a reaction from the crowd behind him other than to pantomime Trump's duck and cover move to the absolutely ludicrous idea that a rooftop that close to The Spook State's Public Enemy #1 would be left unsecured, to the Made For Memes, Flags, And T-Shirts "defiant" image of Trump giving the Black Power fist as he is hustled away by the Secretion Service, this whole things reeks. This is political theater of the most base and crass variety, all intended to shake the masses into their respective corners to prepare to duke it out in Civil War 2: The Suckening. I feel like a buffoon for even bothering to mention it here. Somehow, I simply felt compelled to. Now then. On to bigger and better things. ladies and gents. I've got birds and squirrels to feed and a puppy to play with. Peace be unto you all, some day.

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Oh well, some trust-the-plan-ers ain't happy:

World War Now:

‼️🚨☦️🇷🇺 Russian Orthodox soldiers of the Saint Dmitriy Donskoy battalion send message to Moscow, asking for government authorities to cancel the concert of LGBTQ & Pedophilia-promoting rapper ‘Kishlak’.

‘Who’ is promoting these degenerate concerts in Russia’s capital city? 🤔💭

The Orthodox soldiers are completely right, these celebrities & musicians are polluting the minds of the youth.

Another video message to Moscow authorities inquiring into the degenerate concert.

This time, from a joint Wagner & Russian armed forces contingent.

The troops in the SMO Zone do not appreciate their nation’s morality being destroyed by certain rich & affluent minorities who run the media & entertainment industry.

Just for reference, this is Kishlak, the ‘Russian rapper’ they are speaking about.

His music is classified as ‘Emo-rap’ and almost every second song speaks about teenage suicide, weird romantic engagements & other questionable things.

I wouldn’t be surprised if his media manager’s name ends with ‘berg’ or ‘stein’. “You will know them by their fruits”.

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Listen to our One True Stalker, folks, and DO NOT allow yourself to be taken alive, when the shit goes down and the gloves come off. Having both been C.O. and a prisoner in American institutions at two very different stages of my life, I can tell you that it is easy, too easy, for the administration to see to it that you are systematically and brutally tortured, daily, without your being able to get word to your people on the outside for weeks on end until you reach the point where death is preferable. Suicide is RAMPANT within the penal system. These days, it isn't the guards who dish out the violence. They farm it out to the gangs, who are rewarded via a blind eye being turned to their various contraband smuggling schemes. Life is cheap behind the walls. Fight to the death when The War Pigs come rooting around your hovel.

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Good summary of the failed Trump assassination attempt from John Carter:


'If there is a conspiracy, it was on the other side. Many have observed that the Secret Service ignored the rooftop from which any competent sniper would have a clear shot; others have pointed out that the security detail ignored a warning from a bystander, who saw the assassin climbing up onto the roof. It begins to look like the Praetorians were ordered to stand down, especially when Trump’s request for a beefed up security detail was denied by the DHS. Then again, others have noted that the Secret Service has been yassifying and DIEversifying, with Trump’s detail being larded down with obese females who fumbled with their holsters in the aftermath of the shooting. So perhaps there is no conspiracy, but merely another manifestation of the competence crisis collapsing yet another complex system. Not that these are mutually exclusive scenarios.'

Biden demanded that Trump be put in the bullseye, but his leftists were not quite competent enough to carry off the murder. Unless the Obama clique can manage election corruption on an even vaster scale than in 2020 it looks as if those 8 bullets will re-elect Trump.

This is probably the big media event which Clif High predicted would cause huge and lasting outrage in the US, from the middle of July. It gets worse from here. Ignore the gypsies and their tealeaves - listen to techie Uncle Clif and his wonky time machine predictions!

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It looks as if the Russians don't need to visit Calcutta to learn about 'Black Holes'.

Two years defence budget stolen over how many years? Does that 600,000 man army north of Ukraine actually exist or did Shoigu steal the money for it? It looks as if Shoigu qualifies as an honorary Israeli, without even needing the small operation. When does he get the passport and retire there?

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he is from an ethnic menshevik family

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"I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!"

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The big dogs eat the little dogs, the smart dogs eat the dead dogs. How does Joel Olstein equate his philosophy with the people who got shot at his church?

I haven’t caught any of your comments on Dimitry Medvedev ( the angry vengeful one) is he just disappointed that his neo-liberal “partners “ double crossed him, or what.

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Idk I think he was abusing ambien for a bit and then when he realized it was popular he stuck to it after he sobered up

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Ambien? Don’t know what that is, sorry

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Years ago I read this book – highly recommended:


It somewhere says something akin to, “Anyone who has not been in prison in Russia does not know Russia.”

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The original Russian edition was published in 1993. Title: »Logika Koschmara«, Publishing House: »Russki Westnik«.

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Cool film, Rurik. Thanks for putting it up.

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"don’t let them take you alive."

As Turd Flinging Monkey says, I'm going for the high score.

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"In the meantime, Colonel Kvachkov reports on rumors that Shoigu’s friends are going to get off with a light slap on the wrist while General Popov is thrown into a deep dark hole for a very long time." The court released General Popov from the pre-trial detention center under house arrest https://www.nakanune.ru/news/2024/07/15/22779591/

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